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Show Page 8 THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Volume X Issue V June 15, 2004 Two Weeks in the Valley By Drienie Hattingh O n Sunday I reminisced in church. I’m sorry Pastor Dom, but I’m sure y o u ’ l l understand because the place next to me, where Brenda sat the previous two Sundays was empty. My daughter is back in New York. Her visit with us was gone in a flash. The day before Brenda arrived I was reminded that I was in charge of the center pieces for the OVBA-sponsored-premarathon-dinner at Red Rock Ranch. I sort Brenda gathering wild flowers. of forgot about that but nothing could spoil my mood. Brenda was coming – I was happy. For two weeks I will have two of my children under my roof! Brenda’s list of things she wanted to do “while visiting” included horseback riding and mountain biking. Both of these she did on a previous visit but this time she “wanted to learn to ride a horse properly” and “bike up those hills that I could not manage to do the last time!” She also wanted to go hiking in our mountains and go on a road trip to Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon. Then she wanted to “give” me my belated Mother’s Day present—Crème Brulee in Park City “just like we did last year.” And, “I want to spend a lot of time with Dad and with Yolandi too.” She also planned a much dreaded root canal at Iverson Dental in Eden. Absorbing all the things on her list it was no wonder that I frowned at the last item on her list . . . relax? When I was reminded of the premarathon dinner for the Ogden Marathon, I thought that I’d be going alone. But Brenda was delighted, “What a nice welcome to the Valley! And I want to help with the flowers!” I was so inspired by her enthusiasm that I decided to make the evening at Red Rock even more special. At the last minute (Friday morning), I called OVBA members to ask for donations for small door prices at the dinner. I did not want or expect much because it was such short notice. I thought it would be a nice touch to all the hard work that Red Rock Ranch did by arranging the dinner and getting ready for an untold number of runners, guests, and OVBA members. What was my surprise when everyone I managed to get ahold of at #99 reacted positively! Jim from Alpine Pizza donated coupons for pizza. Wolf Creek gave coupons for range golf balls. Penny at Red Moose gave a coupon for a free night at their beautiful lodge. Lisa and Roger at Valley Market gave coupons for shopping at the store. Murceel at Summers End donated wood crafts. Janice at Red Rock donated horseback rides, and Jaci at Snowberry Inn gave a beautiful basket of goodies with two beautiful mugs! I was again reminded of how wonderful it was to live in this friendly, hospitable Valley of ours. We do not only coexist, we are neighbors and we are friends and we help each other and we have fun while doing it. I felt so blessed and, frankly, proud (while Brenda visited) to have her running errands with me in our Valley. So many Edenites stopped and greeted us and enquired about Brenda and her life in New York—at Well’s Fargo Bank, the Post Office, Alpine Pizza, Red Moose, Valley Market, and, of course, at Drew’s Coffee Shop! And Iverson Dental, who had the unpleasant task of performing Brenda’s root canal, worked around our busy schedule to fit in with her three appointments. And we had to call twice to reschedule appointments—once from Bryce Canyon (we stopped too many times to smell the roses) and once from Park City. After Brenda’s Root Canal on that Friday morning, we went to pick wild flowers at Red Rock for the center pieces. Brenda was in heaven! She picked arms full of yellow EDEN POSSE cont. from page 1 The following awards were also given: daisies and my daughter was already creating flower arrangements in her head as she waded through sage and daisies. She collected dried twigs to compliment the yellow, orange, blue, and purple wild flowers. It was an incredibly beautiful day. No civilization in sight and knee deep in sagebrush and yellow daisies with hills, open fields, and mountains all around under a sapphire blue Utah ski. And my city child and I were right there enjoying it all while picking wild flowers. The dinner was a huge success. We had runners from as far away as Texas and California! And the food was excellent, all accompanied by clean mountain air and wonderful western music. Some people even took to the dance floor—including Brenda and me! And Brenda met my friends and neighbors and they welcomed her; she loved visiting with them. A great time was had by all, and the Marathon on Saturday was also a success—even though it rained, hailed, and thundered. Brenda did learn to ride a horse properly (she has blue inner thighs to prove it) and even went for an hour long horseback ride with her Dad (he also had painful proof). She went golfing with Johan too. Well, but not golfing . . . exactly; he golfed and she had fun riding the little golf cart up and down the little green hills. Then she went hiking up a mountain with friends from our church—Dieter and Cindy Beger. She also went mountain biking with friend Pam Kirch and got up those incredibly difficult, narrow, steep hills while Pam cheered her on. (I am blessed with very active, crazy, masochistic friends.) And Brenda did buy me an incredibly, creamy, yummy Crème Brulee in Park City and Yolandi, Brenda and I did go to Zion and Bryce—memories I will always treasure. The two sisters also went on several hikes while I relaxed with a book in the sun. Brenda and I also managed to fit in a relaxing day at Snowberry Inn’s rejuvenating weekend. I guess by now it is plain to see that yours truly is not into all the stuff that my daughter revels in—not the heavy, self-inflictedpain stuff like mountain biking, golfing, horseback riding, hiking up a mountain, and riding down a suicidal bike trail. I had Johan, Yolandi, and my dear friends accompanying Brenda on these things. I did the other stuff with her—the relaxing, rejuvenating things like gathering wildflowers and enjoying a cup of crème brulee. So on Sunday, while I sat in church, I thanked God for Brenda’s visit and safe return to New York. ‘Till next time Brenda . . . may God keep his hand over you and bring you back soon. Queen Division 14-16 year old Queen: Ashley Schmittling 1st runner up: Ashley Bybee 2nd runner up: Emily Harris 3rd runner up: Lacey Christensen 4th runner up: Alycia Kittelson 5th runner up: Jessica Duke Appearance & Personality: Ashley Schmittling Horsemanship: Ashley Schmittling 1st Princess division 11-13 year old Princess: Tristan Van Dyke 1st runner up: Dylan O’Gorman Hoyt Appearance & Personality: Tristan Van Dyke Horsemanship: Tristan Van Dyke 2nd Princess division 7-10 year old Princess: Elli Pilkington 1st runner up: Alina Peterson nd 2 runner up: Maddie Jenkins Appearance & Personality: Elli Pilkington Horsemanship: Elli Pilkington Additional Awards #1 Wrangler: Kyle McEntire Top score horsemanship: Tristan Van Dyke Top score appearance & personality: Elli Pilkington Miss Congeniality: Tristan Van Dyke Top score test: Tristan Van Dyke & Lacey Christensen Eden Jr. Posse leaders Debi McEntire and Stephenie Van Dyke would like to thank the parents of posse members for allowing them to be a part of their children’s lives! For more information about posse, please call 745-3711. Volunteers are needed throughout the day on July 5th for the Liberty Days celebration. Booths are available. Call Mike or Stephanie 745-1176. BARBARA BEALBA INTERIORS Custom Draperies Blinds, Shutters & Shades Reupholstery Design Consultation 745-2269 E-mail: barbarab@konnections.net VOT E DI CK PAY N E FOR YOU R REALTOR FOR SALE Liberty Beauty $199,900 1.27 acres. 3bedrooms, 2 baths, unfinished basement. Huntsville Special $319,900 2 acres, 6bedrooms, 3baths Jim & Linda Simmons 791-1206 745-8800 office Dick Payne 940-4040 FREE Market Analysis on Your Home. |