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Show Volume VI, Issue II THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 13 May 1, 2002 Financial Coaching Tips “To acquire wealth is not easy, yet to keep it is even more difficult.” —Frank K. Houston The smartest strategy for reducing your debt quickly may be to put yourself on a strict credit diet. Resolve to avoid any new borrowing until you have slimmed down your debt load. Don’t put off your planning. Astudy by the Consumer Federation of America and Nations Bank revealed that house holds with financial plans accumulate twice as much wealth as households without plans. Store your tax records in a safe place. You should keep your records on hand for at least three years (six is even safer) in case your return is flagged for audit. Keep a copy of your actual tax return in a permanent file. When you begin taking required minimum distributions from your IRAs after age 70 ½, the total amount can be withdrawn from any combination of accounts, or from just one. Consider withdrawing first from accounts with lower annual returns and leaving the accounts with higher returns intact for future growth. Submitted by Chris Wright, a Financial Planner with Heritage Financial Group, 399-5409, christine.wright@heritagefinancialgroup.com Ogden Marathon The Ogden Marathon is almost here. Don’t miss this world class event running through your backyard. Come out and participate, whether you run in the marathon or cheer the runners on! 5k Run/Walk Information Start: Ogden River Parkway, near Dinosaur Park, meet at 6:30 a.m. Race begins at 7:30 a.m. Finish: 25th Street and Washington at the Ogden City Amphitheater Park. The Ogden 5K Run/Walk will be run on 3.1 miles of the Marathon course. Prices for 5K Online Registration • $ 22.00 w/ t-shirt • $ 24.00 w/ xxl Shirt • $ 29.00 w/ Long Sleeve Shirt • $ 38.00 w/Sweatshirt Off-Line Registration • $ 24.00 w/ t-shirt • $ 26.00 w/ xxl Shirt • $ 31.00 w/ Long Sleeve Shirt • $ 39.00 w/ Sweatshirt Registration To register online: www.ogdenmararthon.com To register by phone: 1-888-913-9559 To register by mail, fill out the registration form below and mail to the address listed below: Ogden Marathon 10421 South 400 West Suite 550 Salt Lake City, Utah 84095 You can register all the way up to and on the day of the marathon. Garden & Landscape Design Welcome Marathoners |