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Show Volume VI, Issue II THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 3 May 1, 2002 Letters to the Editor PTSA Says Thank You With her ducks in a row and her boxes packed, Mrs. Blain is leaving Snowcrest Junior High to accept a position at the Weber State University Women’s Center. April 10 was her last day at Snowcrest. When one Snowcrest student was asked, “What one idea comes to mind when you think of Mrs. Blain?” the response was, “She always tells us that everyone can succeed.” And right that student is. To quote Mrs. Blain directly, “Everyone is uniquely packaged to do something special. Not one person is of greater worth than the other, but we all have something to give. Do not ask to be the best, but do your very best at whatever you do.” Mrs. Blain we love you! We’ll miss you! Thanks for caring! Snowcrest PTSA Until We Meet Again This is to announce that I will be leaving Snowcrest as the counselor on April 10. I must apologize to everyone for leaving before the school year has ended, yet it was the best timing that could be managed. I have accepted a long dreamed for position at Weber State University as a counselor in Services for Women Students. Teaching, counseling and guiding students at this level will be a different experience, yet it is interesting to see how students of all ages have those same needs for support and assistance. The same insecurities about being able to do well seem to follow many of us through life until we prove to ourselves we really can do it. It is such a joy for me to be able to help people along, and help them discover their capabilities. I am leaving with a heavy heart because I will miss our darling students and our absolutely wonderful and supportive staff (don’t forget this includes aides, custodians and cooks!), volunteers business partners, community members, and all with whom I have had the privilege of working. These people love our kids so much and do everything in their power to help all students have a positive school experience, and to feel good about themselves. Of course, there is no way I’ll ever be able to duplicate the awesome experience of working with our Snowcrest students. They are so fun and lovable. Junior high is a difficult stage of life, and it is a privilege to be there for the students, helping them realize their worth and capabilities and to help them on their way. My greatest joy has been to see students work hard to overcome some obstacle, to hang in there, and to celebrate a success. I have the deepest love, respect and admiration for the strength and intelligence of our youth. They are already great leaders in our world. They will always make a positive difference. It has been an honor associating with them. This is only a good-bye from the counseling position, not from being available to help kids or parents (home number is 745-3087). I will be available in the evenings for consultation or follow-up with any parent or student needing some time. I will continue to do Rediscover the Joy of Learning with any students (all ages) interested in having some visual techniques in their tool box for school success. I am hoping to become trained to do Scotopic Sensitivity screening, so as to have another tool which could help people of all ages who have experienced difficulty or discomfort with reading. I’ll also continue research in how to best help students at risk of school failure and particularly how to restore or retain motivation through adolescence. The school will provide and excel- lent counselor to replace me, and I have every confidence you will not experience a gap in guidance services. Thank you for your support in working with me these past three years. Most of all, thank you for allowing me to associate with your exceptional youth. Most sincerely (and with lots of love), Roberta Blain, Snowcrest Guidance Counselor MASSAGE THERAPY Swedish Deep Tissue Sports Injury Trigger Point Richard Smyka Licensed Massage Therapist 745-0108 Conveniently Located at Harper Rocky Mountain Chiropractic (Next to Valley Market) Call for appointment. Out-call available. |