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Show Volume XII THE Issue IX OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 13 June 1, 2005 Scoping Document- Snowbasin Needles to Ridge Trail The Pu is Scoping Docum: This document is to inform you that the Ogden Ranger district is initiating an environmental analysis to assess the potential impacts of a trail to be constructed in the Snowbasin area (T. 5 N., R. 1 E, SW 4). We welcome your comments, concerns, and suggestions =e this proposal. What is being propo This project is the construction of a singletrack trail, approximately 18” wide, from the top of the Needles Lift/Lodge to the ridgeline. It leaves the “Practice Loop Trail next to the Needles Lodge. The trail will be located to maintain a less than 15% grade because of the type of hikers this trail will receive. Why are we proposing this project? During 2004, the ski area began a summer operation delivering visitors to the top of the Needles Lift. From that point, the public pioneered several trails to the top of the ridge. This proposal would create one trail used only for hiking to the ridge. The trail would be hand constructed and well signed to keep the public on the trail. After reaching the top, an overlook vista site would be created using rock barrier materials from the area along with an interpretive display and several benches. The area would be signed to keep the public within the view area. Preliminary Issues? Protection of sensitive plants. What is the Decision to be made? The decision to be made is whether or not to construct the trail. Who will make the Decision? The District Ranger, Chip Sibbernsen, is the official responsible for making the decision. The decision would be implemented during the summer of 2005. When do we need your Response? Please submit your comments by June 30, 2005. Comments should be directed to: CHIP SIBBERNSEN OGDEN DISTRICT RANGER 507 25TH OGDEN UT 84401 Email comments to Scoping Document - Moun tain Green Hazardous Fuels The Purpose of this ent This document is to inform you that den Ranger District is initiating an ae analysis to assess “the potential impacts of implementing a mechanical fuel break and prescribed burning above the Mountain Green Community. We welcome your comments, concerns. I What is being ure The reen hazardous fuels project area consists of: ereaiweke 1000 acres at the head of Weber Canyon that would be treated with prescribed fire. The proximity to the railroad, wildland es interface, and Interstate 84 increases the potential for a human caused fire in the area. This area is adjacent to private and/or state lands which increases the complexity of implementing a prescribedbum. Mechanical treatment itsof approximately1 4 to successfully implement the burn. aay are we proposing thiss pr ‘ojec' In recent year, the build-up of high vs of fuels in forestand shrub lands has been highlight ited across the western {fii t 1 much ae than they did historically. Nearly a hundred years of fire suppression has resulted in fuel accumulations that often far exceed what would have oc nditions. Historically, these “fire dependent” ecosystems developed in response to fairly regular, lower intensity wildfires that kept the fuel build-up in check. In current times this ly dense live vegetation, together with a long-term drought and residential development into fire-prone areas, has created a dangerous situation. Today’s wildfires burn at higher intensities, are more difficult and costly to control, and more often threaten residences and communities. In addition the potential to cause fiindamental changes to ecosysPreliminary Issues? ~Effects to the environment at this location and the surrounding area (water quality, wildlife, vegetation, soil, cultural resources, fisheries) ~ Effects to the visual qualities on the mountainside above and west of Mountain Green. ~ Maintenance of air quality. What is the Decision to be made? The decision to be made is whether or not to implement a mechanical fuel break on national forest land between forest and private property an prescribed burn above the Mountain Green Cc munity on national forest land. This project may b excludedfi tal assessment or environmental impact statement (USDA Forest Service Handbook 1909.15 Chapter 30, Section 31.2, Category 10). Who will make the Decision? The District Ranger, Chip Sibbernsen, is the official responsible for making the decision. The decision would be implemented duriing the summer of 2005 for mechanical treatment and spring of 2006 for prescribed burning. When do we need your Response? Please submit your comments by June 30, 2005. Comments should be directed to: CHIP SIBBERNSEN OGDEN DISTRICT RANGER 507 25TH g OGDEN UT 84401 Email comments to ' TWO BUCK TUESDAYS | $55 Continues in June! Buy any seczail at regular price and get one of equal or lesser value for just $2. Good for dine-in or take-out. Not available with other discount ( > Call 745-3737 LOOKING OUT OUTINGS GUIDE cont. on page 13 Amned with a digital camera and a GPS receiver, Schroeder, a Weber State University physics professor, motorized travel on ae Forest land and is currently being revised, would open the route.) The giguide isi unapologetically nonmotorized. fiom wildflowers to all-terrain vehicle use on US. Service land. The guide’s additions came out of that passion for documentation and discovery. “Usually, I was out for other reasonsand thought, “Oh, that’d be good to put in the Outings Guide,’ “ Schroeder said. One of those new ‘ outings is theBox Elder Creek up into these sa? Schroeder said. “That’s the premise of the Sierra Club: to get people out of doors and a them aa what’s there.” Larry Woolsey, an Ogden resident and Sierra Club member, said the Outings Guide was indispensable when he moved to the area. “That’s how I learned about Adams Se Woolse' a “And the first time I wei wn Bear Hollow, I had that ki in my hand all the way ‘OK, is this where I’m going?’ “ “Now, _ Woolsey i is a contributor; he helped espe- me out and join us for National Trails Day! Weber Pathways’ Seventh National Trails Day event is Saturday, June 4 at 9:00 a.m. in West Haven. We’ll be celebrating the new West Haven Pathway system and the rich history of the confluence of the Ogden and Weber Rivers. In conjunction with this year’s National Trails Day, Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. will peoclaee the weel ee Week. The M0" tes cnioe Utah’s trails; that trail activities offer opporan for physical activity, improvved hyealth and ie sate’'S economy. Al, 1 5-Smileloop, ‘F 1 Cag ee with) vistas - ss Box Elder Creek highest point, glacier ile. cee, ii by snowbanks aie ing on and near hhroeder first hiked it i to pened ATV use on r Trail descriptions are added as group members distheir local trips. Newest additions The fifth edition, which has been available since December, has 3 the version producedi in 1998. It’s the first time it has included trails from Antelope Island and the Monte Cis area. There are also new maps il des since 1988 but not marked and fenced as midi until 2003. Now, he goes back to see spring wildflowers, fall colors and any-season views. A clash of politics ut the book doesn’ t refrain from the occasional rocky Perry Peak trail, which leaves the Box Elder Wop Feek | RESORT EDEN - UTAH tural heritage that trails offer. The West Haven Pathway gives us accessto the confluence of the Weber and crea Rivers. ‘Much history surrounds th , as it iter camps St d Ute Indi: ibes, and the site of mapriels ee and a tradin; Roughly 3 miles in length ee of the West Haven Pathway was led byyy City Council Member Charles McFarland beginning in ipa. Charles 0 unfinished. After 14 years, his efforts have aiaoft On National Trails Day, we'll be eee the new section of trail, awarding prizes for the West Haven schools’Pathways Poster Contest and holding a scavenger hunt on the trail complete with rewards. You'll also have the opportunity to hear more about the history of the area. There will also be a birdhi 7:30.a.m. Come on out for free food and fun! Everyone is invi To get to the West Haven Pathway, head west on 20th Street from Wall Avenue. After crossing over the railroad viaduct and passing the 21st Street Pond on the north side of the road, take the first left (Skate Street). Take a rightat we “T” intersection. The trailhead is straight ah SPRING/SUMMER ORK SCHEDULE Ogden Valley Pathways i is fee for help to maintain ene Lan a on alley. With a sucessful first sei rail ae under our belts, we are fying. ouly some different maintenance approaches. This year we plan to work on the dyer’s woad problem along the Pineview West and Skyline trails. We have also implemented our Adopt-A-Trail expand trail pea eee efforts. Our May and i une 2005 schedule i ~ Saturday, June 11, 9 a.m. to noon—meet at site Trailhead (Windeuriee Beach) to hike Skyline South and pull dyers woad. Bring he Keloves, a snack, and water. ~ Thursday, June 30, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.—neet at North Fork Park/Centennial Trail to clear growth and pick up trash. Bring work gloves, loppers, pruners, and similar tools. We'll provide trash bags. ~ Thursday, July 14, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.—meet at North Arm Trailhead and clear summer growth along be West. Bring work gloves, we — me mowers (large), loppers, —- ad more pa about a sessions, contact Bill Allis at wallison@weber.edu or 626-6710. If you want to be added to our email list to receive a reminder (we do not lease, sell, share, or lend our mailing list to any other groups or individuals), call us at 393-2304, send us an email at wp@weberpathways.org or sign up at our web site at <www.weberpathways.org> ADOPT-A-TRAIL PR‘ This year, Ogden Valley Pathways is working to expand our trail maintenance through an Adopt -A- ral | program. Under this program, famis, businesse: portion of a trail and provide for maintenance, such as trimand collecting trash. Some groups may even want to do some simple trail construction, or add trail signs or trail head mi OVP signs at the adopted trailhead will recognize the group that has adopted the trail. And adopting groups will receive OVP guidelines and technical assistance. If you’re interested or want more information, contact Brandon Fuller, at 645-6060 or Helene Liebman at 393-2304. Ogden Valley Pathways July Meeting OVP’s next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 6, at 7:00 p.m. at the Ogden Valley Library. We will be hosting Professor Sara Ewert from the Weber State History Department. Sara will make a 30-minute nese on the National Park Service, complete with 1 photos or more information, contact Helene tichaati at 393-2304. By Helene Liebman, Executive Director Weber Oapen Vattey Carrer Creek | offers or promotions. Offer expires June 14, 2005 Reservations are always a good idea. J oin Us For National Trails Day—June 4 «at 11 : book, which retails for around a is usually asnilable at the Ogden Nature Center, Rainbow Gardens and Utah: Idaho Supply, ane with several “As you catch your breath, ponder the prospect of reconstructing this trail and legally opening it to ATVs, as the Forest Service is currently proposing.” (One of the five alternatives to the Ogden Ranger District’s travel plan, the document that governs FOR YOUR sac ar View to Sno TT locally Note: This article appeared in the “Senden” is being reprinted by permission. NEEDS! sest condos ‘view Dam. 2-story 2 bdrm,ro . bath, washer/dryer, hot tub on deck & beautiful views. Lakeside Condominiums.$353,900 - MLS#512110 Sour “Dream Come True” Home! Quality built custom horas & barn. Great Liberty location views! Views! VIEWS! 6,300(+) sq.ft., 5 bdrms, 4.5 bths, 2story entry, great room, large kitchen, sun room with plant room & hot tub. 3 car garage. Barn with stalls, tack room & 1/2 bath. 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