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Show MOUNTAIN TIMES As Governor Jim Bradley wii Fight for the Environment Ses ia. @ tae ale “es a re eee v e ae « = - i ‘ é ce 4 \ : ‘ Z Treasures Buried Beneath Lake Powell Page 8 Lake Powell is more popular than Yellowstone National Park. But buried beneath its waters are treasures marked by buoys on the surface. Mark Gerard takes us on a guided tour and provides some natural history on Glen Canyon before the dam. It will make you wonder. Hiking in Utah: A Movable Feast Page 6 Steve Lewis is at it again. This time he tweaks our wanderlust with visions of beautiful fall hikes along the Wasatch and in Southern Utah’s red rock country. In Utah, autumn is a many splendored thing. In the Fields of Heaven Page 11 Just when you thought it was safe to lay down your existential angst, Jack Wright brings you face-to-face with eternity. In an essay that bridges the gap between romance and science, Wright goes where the angels and the USS Enterprise fear to tread. ai As chair of the Salt Lake County Commission Jim Bradley: Yellowstone Wolves: the first year Page 12 If you think you've heard everything you need to know about the wolves transplanted to Yellowstone, think again. In her review of Gary Ferguson’s book, Kris Edwards sheds light on what the transplant program was all about — namely our relationship to nature as captured in the image of a wolf. mee Cover photo by Mark D. Maziarz LETTERS If you have comments, concerns or insights into articles appearing in The | Mountain Times, or would like to address other timely outdoor and conservation issues, write us. Send your letters to Sounding Board, at The Mountain Times, P.O. Box 1433, Park City, Utah, 84060, (801) 649-8046. Letters should be type-written and doublespaced and should not exceed 500 words (1-1/2 pages). BY BRADLEY FOR GOVERNOR CAMPAIGN « (801) 575-7042 DYN MYL) OK, who left a bagel on the Pfeifferhorn? Well, whoever it is, you’d better hide. You've incurred the wrath of Rappaport! Page 14 MU tee The weather has changed and so have your drinking habits. Our Vincent Lambrusco gives some vintage advice on best buys at State Wine Stores. Page 5 AUTHORIZED Perhaps more now than any other time of the year, aspens grace the mountainsides. But did you know that a Utah aspen clone may be the largest living being? Check it out Page 7 emt UL Letters to the editor. This month Martin and Anne Steitz question the wisdom and politics of livestock grazing on public land. Page 4 Received the Pfeifferhorn Conservation Leadership Award. Preserved foothills by limiting development. Supported preservation of Albion Basin. Preserved Dimple Dell area by establishing park. Established impact fee to fund open space. Enacted watershed improvements. PAID FOR AND SPECIES OF THE MONTH The Utah Wildlife Board has set the stage again for a record mountain lion kill-off this winter. But there is a new wrinkle, the newly formed Cougar Coalition wants to stop the madness. Can they do it? Page 2 Pe ¢ e e ¢ e e Natural Products for Skin & Hair eds Bt 2 Is the Sagebrush Rebellion illegal? Our environmental news capsules keep you informed. Page 15 PEPPERMINT FRENCH CREDITS Contributors: Rick Brough, Howie Garber, Mark Gerard, Randy Hanskat, John Hoffman, Steve Helton, Lewis, Pamela Mills Poulson, Abi Wright, Jack Wright. LAVENDAR Massage Published by: Print Works, Park City, Utah Christopher Smart: Editor Leslie Miller: Layout and Design Dick Kris Virginia Seated Massage wv. e Ne SALT GLOW GLOW Therapy Appointment Necessary § © 10 © 1S Minutes Carter, Edwards, Stephen Margaret New SALT DEAD SEA MUD TREATMENTS FACIAL MASSAGE * LAVENDAR BODY * PEPPERMINT SCRUB & HONEY * THERAPEUTIC SALT FOOT GLOW MASSAGE W. Pettis, Rainey, Wildflower ALMOND The Mountain Times is published monthly. Thirty thousand copies are distributed throughout our mountain region, including Salt Lake, Park City, Heber, Orem-Provo and Moab. The opinions expressed in this Ge publication are not necessarily td those of the publisher. PAGE 3. hh Honey * LAVENDAR Natural * LEMON Bath Gels * NATURAL Preducts SOAPY LOOFAHS *« NATURAL SEA SPONGES OATMEAL COMPLEXION SOAPS * HERBAL FOOT CREAM DEAD SEA MUD * AVOCADO SHAMPOO 531 Main St. ¢ Park City, Utah © 801-655-9342 |