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Show OCTOBER 1996 sae en | OPENING OCT. 7 ber De) a A Private em Club for 7 00 Members APPAPORT APPIN: Ce) Only t OCT 11 & 12 Fowling the The ¢ Gamma Rays oe 0 Pfeifferhorn Entertainment Every Weekend & More! D By 1.B. Rappaport 6S8-FISH call for entertainment OK, updates Coming Soon — SAVIN’S BAGELS LET A GHIP mM Edelwiess DMM Full selection only @ La Sportiva @ Grivel and BLUE WATER | climbing guides LA SPORTIVA 10.5mm x 165 foot standard 5638 os While supply last! a IA Figure 8 Repelling Device Climbing shoes 585 99 °8.99 Reg. 109.99 942-3100 oH... Oo of scavenging T:. scraps the of Ss the Red newsletter to dedicated University Simply Zone, fill form to along with of 1 Name out the exclusively : the right $34.31 and send city Zip it to DTS-Red Zone and you'll be on the inside. if you catch Earlier this year, of Sunset Peak on afternoon, only Make check for $34.31 payable to DTS-Red Zone. Mail with form to DTS-Red P.O. Box 1386, Zone, Salt Lake City, UT 84110 PAGE nothing sacred? Is there no respect? It seems like everywhere we humoids go, we leave garbage behind. It doesn’t matter where you go, when you get there, a broken beer bottle and It is truth that we Americans pro- most part. We have become the masters of garbage and garbage has become big business. Nevertheless, it appears that we are slowly losing our my But this garbage thing is becoming summer on Mt. Everest and the Pfeifferhorn. Is duce more garbage than any other are the most prolific nation. ‘We But garbage producers in history. we've controlled our garbage, for the 1 a to be tain. to the call the Everest phenomenon. You've probably seen the pictures in Geographic and Outside National Magazine, where expeditioners up the world’s highest mountain leave behind empty food cans and empty oxygen bottles and other garbage that was athletics. | state subscription Pfeifferhorn, it would be easier than hauling all that stuff up there. What is it about these world-class climbers that they leave their garbage everywhere? Following suit, hikers in the Wasatch seem to think its all right, too. Very nice. Leaving garbage behind old cigarette butts will be there to greet you. What happened to the notion of the 60s and 70s that Every Litter Bit Hurts? This is all part of something I like a monthly Utah the Well, gee, you might say, why were flies on Sunset Peak? Because, some nimrods had left orange peels and partially eaten plums up there, that’s why! Can you imagine, orange peels on Sunset Peak? about the Utes? Now you can get 1 Address inside up enjoy the view and take a load off. The flies chased me right down the moun- T media information I come greeted by a flock of buzzing flies. That’s right, flies on Sunset Peak, They were so thick that you couldn't even UTE FANS! ired the common place. reached the top <..__ R the eagles dare. So what happens? grip on garbage. Remember the garbage barge that had nowhere to anchor and made its way slowly from New York to New Orleans only to be sent back again. Our garbage may be our des- tiny. Perhaps there are just too many of us. Or perhaps we've just been watching too much TY. Nothing seems real. Nothing is valued. A few cigarette butts? Who cares? A few beer cans? Who cares? A and some orange peels? cares? Hey, wait a minute. We've got to stop producing all this damn garbage. When you buy things, buy with an eye toward what’s going to be left over. Buy stuff that creates less gargage. And try to recycle, for cryin’ out loud. And one more thing: ifI catch anymean leaving body, I any-body garbage Mt. Everest. Of course, ly. it’s too hard to haul the bagel Who hauled up to 23,000 feet. The net effect is several sizable garbage dumps on 14 after high- est peak. But why is that? It seems like drift, like New York City, for starters. nice P down from Everest, garbage you've triumphed on the world’s the sort of flag? Hey, if I'd have wanted a bagel, there are more convenient places to go 1844 E. Fort Union S on some Reg. 14.99 than e bagel edge of the summit sweating and grunting like some old fart who has managed to drag himself up to the 11,300-foot level, only to be greeted by a damn bagel! That’s right, some other nature lover, who had come before me, left a bagel behind. Pardon me, Sir Edmund Hillary, but is that supposed to be @ Peiz!i Lowe Alpine of books the the steepest and most beautiful hikes ‘in Utah. Why? Because I wanted to have a nature experience. I wanted to get away from the madding crowds. I wanted to breath clean air up where For all your climbing needs, get hold of something solid @ Mammut left You know who you are, so you might as well come clean, you Pfeiffer Fowler! I hiked for four hours up one of Located at “Z Place” 427 Main, Park City, Downstairs H Climb High who summit of the Pfeifferhorn? This is really starting to get to me. on the Pfeifferhorn, I will throw them off the mountain — literal- I'm Fowlers! serious. @ No more Pfeiffer |