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Show KB V UINTAH BASIN ; etc'. EQUAL UJ HOUSING OMQRTUN'TV PULL-OU- T SECTION BOARD OF REALTORS Western Land Realty-Roo- s. Gold Star Realty High Country Realty Home and Land Realty Realty Edmund Burkes observation applies to us all if we let apathy override our participation in government affairs affecting our freedom. One basic American freedom is the right to private ownership and use of real property. Another is the right to VOTE. Unfortunately, rights can be eroded so quietly, you might not even notice. But you can prevent this. The NATIONAL M m m m.v. p World-Labru- m Western Land Realty-VernWestern Sun Realty ERA Vernal Real Estate Aspen Brook Realty Basin Real Estate Co. Bastlan Realty Hacking Real Estate al M jv:v;- - s REALTOR in UINTAH BASIN The Only Thing Necessary For The Triumph Of Evil Is For Good Men 1b Do Nothing? xr-- CENTURY 21 DART REALTY Century 21 Country Realty ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS urges you to participate actively in election to ensure that ours is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Uintah Basin Board of Realtors fi :SS& m 1 |