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Show s i h AOS October 28, 1988 Basin NICKEL ADSAlflVSTOlXT Trietar Massey Ferauson 2675. 1978 model 103 H.P. cab and air. Excellent condition, like new $1700. Call 646-322- 2 or 646-324- 5 Bridgeland. 1C141 tor Trader: Massey Ferguson 35, Beckhee 4farwA.CJT Beglaterait Cocker Spaniel Heavy duty. Reg. 1965 model. Gas inengine. Mw7SM77,V iL1D1M Pups. 8 weeks old, buff good Far Sato 1981 sylvan out SjSJSjj ?iiiTn Cnr $359 Now $173". Singer good small tractor Seles & Service, Ben runni condition. 6463222 646-32Franklin Bridgeland 8tore, Vernal. or 1C139 Fri. Sat Vernal. 1D135 saissra aswwua: 789-547- 0, The DASIN p" Country Cottage 722-559- 8. 1C149 K, Craft Shop 722-573- 6. 25 Section 2 Sign up new for art lessons by one of Utah's noted artists by a. noted Utah artist (Beverly Meyers) will be given starting Thursday Oct. 7. 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sign up now at Paula's Arts and Crafts in Roosevelt Art Silas penen needed in direct sales in Vernal area. No experience necessary. Good work your own hours. required. Call No collect calls please, Roosevelt. 1C150 Use this handy order form to place your ad. IHitfe (Beverly Meyers), starting Thursday Oct. 7. At 1230 p.m. to4 p.m. at Paula's Arts and Crafts. Roosevelt 722- 5598. 1C148 Mills and Breed Mixers. Win Prepare your family for the future. Learn to use your stored wheat nad enjoy the benefits now. Several kinds 9 to choose from. Call 789-557- Vernal. 1A153 Opening Nov. 1st r Featuring Highest Quality Paintings Selected Items of Clothing Stuffed Toys And Other Sewing & Craft Items Quilts Selected Consignment items will be accepted. Drive by and "see the cottage. THE FREE' WEEKLY How to place your ad: PHONE the nearest location listed beside or MAIL this torn to our offlci or COME M te one of our emcee during regular busltwn hours. DEADLINE: adi must be ki our Vernal Office by Monday Neon to appear that week. Cluck One: 987 So Vernal Ave. - Vernal 2 Contact Sylvia Jones Tanks Before The Cold Breezes Catch You Our Locations: Vtmal Am - Otfics 7184740 642 Wist Main. Vsmil Rotssvttt Frontitr Motsl 0 75 So. Main, feosevstt Ouctmns Am - Stwri Burdick or KoN'i Mvtat Main St.. Ductmns Rangtty. Caforido Am Staff Smith. Bos 1644 6ol16( mngsiy. NswiprlntNlckal Ads DNiwiprlnt 1st 20 words $3 rto I ratcq. Jsjg -- Fill Your Propane PAPER Empty. NIckelAds Each additional word 15C Enclose Check "The Propane SpccUhts M.0. Utah-Co- 789-452- I LP Gas. Inc lo 1355 E. Htghway 40 Vamal - W. Highway 40 RoomvMK For Sale By Owner: Barbara Ann Smith Price Reduced Beautiful Older Home- - Relocated to 1 10 500 So. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, unfinished basement h roughed in plumbing, walls sheetrock-e- d W. and 2nd fireplace has been finished hardwood floors. See to Beautiful appreciate. Price Negotiable. John or Larry. Call 789-303- 3 i ft 01 District Dr. (Formerly Uteland) Candidate for Stale Board Welcomes 2 New Stores Located at 120 South Main in Roosevelt and 206 West Main in Vernal Education 789-835- 9 Cntldtr Than Priorities: Accountability Public Awareness Full Utilization of Resources i He Communication Drive to Cheap Jacks Watch For Our Weekly He He 4 K Gasoline Snacks Sandwiches He He 7 For: Beer Barbaras Qualifications Presently advertising consultant, KVB. KUIN Graduate of Louisiana State University Substitute Teacher, Duchesne County Teacher Aide, ConAmote Training Cantor Rail Editor, Uintah Basin Standard Correspondent, Deteret News Mother of Five Children David C. Peterson 75 N. 200 West Vernal Specials tf M M J J ft Sight is H a precious gilt, So Start Today By Making Good Vision A Family Concern. Call For An Appointment Today! 9 AM to 6 PM Thursday 9 AM to 5 PM, Mon.-Tues.-We- d. 75 N 200 West 789-835- 7 |