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Show Section 1 IYigc 4 Basin NICKEL ADSA'ii'VSiRlXT October 2H, 1982 Dslhrary Pin mu needed as much as $20 per hour, contact Raymond at Sleepy Hollow. Roosevelt. electro with Free Klttins cair pr 789-49- 78 Vernal. 1E143 789-478- 4. Fir Sale two wood and coal cook stoves, one is regular size, one small. Call Vernal. 1E147 789-328- 5, cai.' Thru year for sale- - old sorrel gelding orKfterSffi & gold, 8 feet long ra-2M- 6 Langs Sewer Claanlng Sarvka. anywhere in the Basin 1C167 Aicea roofs, Aluminum soffit & 353-429- 0 Neoia. 722-28- 722-376- 0, For Sal AKC registered Collie s, Lassie type. Males and 6430 after 6:00 p.m. Vernal. females S75" each. 722-46- 24 1E104 after 5:30 p.m. Roosevelt. Cauch Far Sale brown & off 1C160 white Far Sail one metalstorage sale. Phone shed about 6x10. COO. Call FordjO". Phone Roosevelt. 1C164 1C157 or Roosevelt 1C159 Pirts and Service for Kirby and Eureka vacuums, at Basin Pawn Shoo Call 722- Roosevelt. 9127or Lapoint. 247-239- 7. side double 1E138 sidejjy 722-999- 1, 1E137 iTnvF- - for siding, Phone fascia, Roosevelt 722-28- or 722-203- 8, 1C166 Short Bis 350 Chevy, 545, 400, Ford 595 needs some repairs. Asking Roose- - $500 or best offer. Phone exchange. Roosevelt 1C158 velL 1C165 722-27- 722-28- windows, doors and remodeling. No job . too 4 drives wheel 1E10& $495. small, free estimates. $395. Roosevelt Includes parts and labor Mia ham taa wi,h 0rntM- 350 engine, rebuilt, Chevy prices reduced nnhinh R00sevflt 1C161 and ready for complete Pawn rifles, Jiffy Cali insulation $845. Madilna hot AirtMRadva Wert Vernal. hop. exchange, Roosevelt. 1E109 tank, cylinder boring, glass $70". Vernal. Trans mUsImi. 789-357- 2, 2 wheel drives 722-237- 9, ---- -- 722-27- isle 2 year old registered filly out of a double bred Leo mare and by a Private Far World sire. This filly is bred 722-27- 789-439- 4, bead cleaning, to run (and can) or cow she overstocked, on' Call has it all. 7894296, Vernal. Netplwe're grinding. Pawn guns at Jiffy Sho; Roosevelt 1C162 1E148 across from Smiths. Bgaars bade 12 4394, Vernal. 1E110 2 in., excellent Lad Klttan with black white condition. Call brown mix, with bell on red Vernal. 1E151 collar. If found call Hard RaductlM Bala registered Roosevelt 1E111 789-916- 6, 722-364- milkers! MO tn 3 Grand Colorado. 1E154 iira. 303- - 20 Square Tarda Champion color, excellent, condition, $450". Also 1 set of bunk r 5 in the service factory authorized. Wilma 0 service bv wenings, 78M604 in the Phone day, Vernal. 1C171 DanKofford.Talmage.1C1Q I 789-364- 455-320- ii U U U ii hi m ti td Wd t W Wd lieci 8'.K7and20' chest freezers Arden Stewart Grad Business oppi Call Theda 789-1Vernal. 5, 1E159 Dowell 0 Saiee new and Kirby Repairs home used vacuum-i- n 434-832- SPOOK ALLEYI 1C169 valve 722-270- For Uintah County Sheriff MMMWMWMMMA Republican Incumbent Red Delicious Sponsored by Ladies Club. APPLES Saturday October 30th 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., at Kiwanis Scout House. Admission $1" benefit community. to VernaL 1E160 PER BUSHEL two high perform400 auto transmission with A.I.T., Far Sals ance turbo HALLOWEEN convert Hurst shifter (HEW) safety blankets would like to sell as package. 7890998 days; 7890480 evenings ask for Cloyd. Vernal. 1E161 PUMPKINS RAW HONEY Far Bile Gaines wheat can be Produce Log!! Wmst Htvror 40 Roosevelt deaned for storage. Pasture for rent 2 parcels near Roosevelt 1 mile west of Neoia. Call 722-345- 12 yean Uintah County Sheriff of two Law Enforcement Schools of Sponsor eight Community Awareness jGrcKtaate 723-236- 6 9, -- programs. yj evenings. Roosevelt. 1E167 I is",':, j "jj v Feel That An Incumbent Has To; Run On His Record And Here Is An Important Part Of My Opponents : 1981 Record! Bill I 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 4 ' ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 (Provides inclusion of medium income person (for housing loans through the State Housing Finance Agency.) : 4-- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4-- ' 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . Sales Tax Funding- - UTA Absent Residential Property Assessment Absent Circuit Breaker Modifications Absent Bond Issue Publicity (Sponsored by Sowards)Absent Abortion Amendments Absent DistrictRisk Management FundAbsent School of Public Redeposit Safety ContributionAbsent Public Employees Political Activities School Immunization Act Political Campaign Financial Reports Housing Authorities Inclusion SB 303 SB 234 SB 184 HB 145 ' HB 125 Housing Finance Agency Changes HB81 (Financial help for home builders, building suppliers, realtors and developers.) Will Be SB 98 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent ti nuatfon- - (Committee represents their interest (Lobbiest file reports of expenditures in excess of 25 dollars and names of person upon whom such amounts were spent and how much.) I Property Tax Increase Limitations Highway Revenue Amendments Tax Credit for Homeowners and Rentors Repeal. School District Boundary Change Indebtedness of School District School Building Utilization Pilote Program Committee Consumer Service Con- HB 104 SB 91 Lobbyist Control Cigarette Tax Increase Unemployment Compensation Amend. Career State Employees Incentive Higher Education Classified Employee Rental Insurance Act Residency Requisite for Legislators No. SB 187 Absent No HB87 of residential and small business rate payers at Public Service Commission Utility Rate Hearings.) Absent Absent Personnel Act County Absent Management (reform of County Merit System) Workmens Compensation No State Holiday Change Modifications- Utah Child Abuse Act. Defines physical injury committed against a child and sets penalties. Senator Sowards voted "Yes No No Vote For Real Representation. There To Vote For You! VOTE PERRY MACE ask you to vote for me Utah State Representative I No |