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Show ? Page 8 BASIN NEWSPRINT ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE & TV LOG October 87, 1968 from a volcano. Delons del Rio, Joel MoOea, John HaMday. 1933. C8N Wyatt Earp CNN Naws ESPN NCAA Soccer Tho Bkunao Boot - St University at from the Tamnte and re eetsbllshad thaua SATURDAY 1 B lbOOAM Two-Compa- ny Black Star Everyday Cooking 69 Flash Gordon CD CD WON CNN ESPN 1983-8- 3 CBN Wagon Train SHOW Jamboree ESPN NBA Preview 11:30 AM O Teams to be 3 nounced CD Childrens Geography of Utah B ID Quilting CNN Newsmakers HBO Money Matters CNN Antiques . IWTBSJ Civilisation CNN Health 7:15 AM CNN Week BTfl2lSi,CAA CBN Life in the Spirit CNN NewaSporta POOt O 7:30 AM CD Bugs Weather Bunn y Road Runner ESPN ESPN Special: Show 1963-8- 8 NBA Season CBN Weekend Garde- Preview WON Buyer's Forum CNN Money Week WTBS Between the HBO MOVIE: 5:15 AM ' WON 5:30 AM OimbA CNN WON Rock Sports Vegetable 7.45 Soup 5:45 AM O CBN C5D Speed Buggy American Stay O CBN Contact NewaSporta Weather CNN . ESPN SHOW Short Picks ESS it a ykni WTBS Romper Room 6:15 AM HBOl HBO Starring Mtagaejne 630AM ESPN NCAA O O ESPN AM 12:15 PM CNN Health 1230PM 8 lime Week Garden 63 Here's Richard CD Victory O Shirt Tales Pae ManUttla O HaocataBfcfate Rkh ' 'Jack MOVIE: BioLondon Story graphical treatment of tbrfkmous author's life: London's adventurous xpariencaaJtom oyster pirate to war correspondent during the Boer War in South Africa and the War of Micheri OShaa, Rujao-Jwenee- e NCAA B Teams to CNN Special O wiff rM,dih?r .f&SOAM Gory suffering show saved by the arrival of a lrMMlBh. angel. Km ii, Dm! Ainu; Junes ESPN Pick The Pros Maaon. 1968. WON Abbott and WON World Tomor-- CootoUo fcOOAM Incredible Hulk and tho Amazing O Spider-Ma- n IwnMrUOOnippy Show (DSmurfb Understanding O OB .. Behav. . Photo 8how teNN,N' 1:15 PM Bill 130PM Hick-ooc- CNN Big Story ESPN NFL Game tho Week k of MOVIK Wheel of Fortune A country lawyer ezpoaee a girls father for the crooked politician he is. France WGN 8 CD John Wayne, ward Elks. 1942 WTBS MOVIK Ed- The Old Testament The priest Matatia and his five eons known as the Maccabees drove the ps rrc Memories With B drugstore manager is demoted in his Job and finds d himselffhllingfar a floozy. Barbra Streisand, Gene Hack man. Dime Ladd. 198L B -' d CNN Saturday 530PM Yon Sports B USU and ID Inside Washington ESPN Center HBO ThD WGN ESPN Sports HBO Theatre: fcttB At Die Movies B News 8 CBS Sports SaturB Solid Gold O day CD Walt Disney MOVIK Dlrd of 8Paradise A playboy B Great Perform-off a south aboard a yacht sea isle falls in love with a beautifkl native girl whom he' has rescued CBN C To ID WaU Street Week 69 jn Search ctr--, , CBN. MOVIK .Bands Hiring Stars Anniversary Love, Be An- - B B Journal ID Mystery! CBN Best of 700 Chib Devlin CNN OomOre WGN Nightbeat 1230AM CNN News SportoWeather ' Trek BCBNStarRock Church CNN Sports ESPN Sports SHOW Bbsrre WGN Lough Trax 930PM CD Taxi CNN Big Story HBO MOVIK 'Houae ColV A recently wi-- . dewed surgeon becomes . then. ntMvi. Jackson. Art Carney. 1978. Rstod ISHOW1 Ni CD Saturday Night live Tony Brown's To Be Fantasy bland O CD Cheats Center 10th B PM ESPN B 1130PM SHOW Magie CNN News 5:15PM 830PM Nature B ID of Danes 630PM . An-- Rodeo Pro Tour 10:45 PM MOVIK USA Finals My Bodyguard1 The new boy at echool enlist: CNN News the aid of one of the moat SHOW MOVIK 'AU feared etudmts to act ei Night Long An hie bodyguard against 930PM 69 Rung Fu Previews Heroes CNN Style SHOW MOVIK Wild Babies' Q Be CNN Money Week 69 Knight 8:45 ID World of Books CNN Special CD. NCAA Sport-Worl- B Lawrence Walk Six-Gu-n 230PM t O B Snoafc id 83: BMf. Bud: Rogers He Haw Announced . To 5? Ctewfim Auto Badng 530PM Football: Teams to be ' CBN 2? O WGN Little House on the Pralria 1977. B Dee, Hu-ma- n Football: bo An- - a CD Solid Gold . B social life, York housewife enter: into an afihir with a sue ceeaflil writer, only to die r that he ie a sadistic, boor. Richard . Carrie Snod Frank Langalla. good-nature- Motorcycle Cleveland Peggy Stewart CNN Nows HBO MOVIK 'One on One1 A basketball star dashes head on with love white battling the college establishment athletic Bobby Benson, Annette OToole. Gail Strickland. Band- - Fat Albert Personal Finance ID Thk Old House mid mm 1949. CD CBN Two posing as outlaws break A cou- Q o 8:15AM - Revenga MOVIK Im- Gordon American SHOW MOVIK Foa-- WONlRezHumbard SHOW ple tries to retrieve their child from state cue. CNN News Marietta Hartley, Alan E8PN ESPN 8portaArkin. Harry Ditson. 198LRated PO. lthSOAM Flash Story SS S Plus 1953. CNN ESPN Tron-tla-r MOVIK gKwitany HluhanI two ofanozwua little daughters and a B 69 Battlestar Galactica CBN mid B O 130 PM CD Talk ID Guitar SporteCenter proper ChanneV Si Q CBN Manna CNN Big Westerners NewtSporte Weather CBN CNN dal gnw MOVIK The of Sleepy Legend Hollow' Ichabod Crane, a teacher in Sle low, worn the dai a rich Burner tho truth behind the legend of her suitor, the headless horseman. Jeff Goldblum, Dick Butkus, Meg Foster. 1980 WTBS Workshop Fondly pair over her phony, so B 1941. 69 Wild, Wild West ESPN Hold Abbott A Costello, Joan Davis, Richard Carlson. B Utah Garden MOVIK WON to act as his bodyguard against a darn bully. Chris Makepeaee, Matt DUkm, Adam Balf win. I960. . Magic of Danes ID Evening at Pope Reming- MOVIK Diary of a O Mad Housewife m dee dal guard The new boy at school enlists the md of B Chris Makepeace, Matt Dillon, Adam Baldwin. 1980. : SHOW MOVIK Gigolo A CBN Rated R. working as a paid Days j framed fbt Foot-bal- k unmpriinn NCAA WTBS CNN murder. Richard Gere, NewaSporta San Utah at Diego Weather Lauren Hutton, Nina State 1979. SHOW MOVIK Tm- Van Pallandt. proper Channel A cou-- 7:15 PM CNN FW Bated R. pie tries to retrieve their . manHeporto Men of diild from state care. 730PM SUver 1130PM LSU Marietta Hartley, Aim Spoons 69 MOVIK The Mask Arkin, Harry Ditson. CBN Laeson 198LRatod PG. WTBS World Cham- CNN Sports law Boat WTBS MOVIK The fimAip Wrestling NBC News 430PM Night That Panicked ID Gmat America This film re--. CBS News creates Orson Writes &mous radio broadcast Gouninr Pink Panther 8how Celebration which convinced millions of listeners that America CBN MOVIK The CNN NewsSporto was being invaded by Ring The career of a losVic Morrow, ing prizefighter sffecta Michari Oonetentine, tho Uvea of those around Meredith Baxter. 1975. him. Gerald Mohr, Rita Art Aragon. Moreno, 11:15PM HBO On Kingdom That Ghost Two men inherit an abandoned roadhouse from a gangster. . 8 430PM of OR Magic Painting CBN Judge Boy Bean CNN Evans and Novak synagogue to stardom, training family relations along the way. Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier, Lucie Amax. Rated PG. SHOW Wacky World J. Winters WON Voyage to tho Bottom of the Sea ton Steele all-nig- ht CD tor lings his way from O O Writer O CD WTBS 8Story CNN NCAA Preview ESPN Ski School MOVIE: 'Jam HBO Singer A New York can- the WoUnan Capsule: Loe Angeles Olympic Games or 1933 American Short Instruct lonal Series Jettons 1030AM Car- WON 8:00 AM Mark A Weekend ABC Laverne A Mindy Special Flintstone ShirieyFons Hour Art of Bring Human ShowPopeya A Oliva ftOOAM Funnies Super FHends O O Imuea Unlim- WON ited WTBS 'Legend among wild animate Dan Denver Pyle. Haggerty WGN Boot Dracula, nolds. AM O Meatballs 90 ASoeahetti of the Wild A man flees civilization in the 1830s to live in the wilderness among wild animals. Dan Haggerty, Denver Pyte. Car- - CBN Future Sport Superman 9:15 AM CNN Sports 1030PM of tho most lbared of the Wild A man dviUsatton in the 1830's to live in the wilderness MOVIK 'Affairs of Doble GUMS Do-bi-e goes to college and chooses girls as his major. Bobby Van, Debbie Rey- ESPN IWGN , CNN HBO MOVIK Wit-no- wealthy woman. Marlene Dietrich, Tyrone Power, Charles Laughton. 1957. WTBS TBS Evening Nows My Theatre MOVIK tton trial fbr the murder of a 8 Matten Troublee SHOW wUsiIIIssn down WGN Proeecu--. A young maw ia on NBA BaakrtbalV D CFL Football: For the Utah at Dallae . Australian Rules Football HBO Inside the NFL ht 103082 530AM O HoadUDoNowa HBO Money CNN News ESPN Leslie Nielsen (r.) ta the armchair host and Mr. T. is his comedy spebetter, iatredadag sketches ea a late-nigcial called Twilight Theatre n, to air Satardey, Nov. I oa NBC. 8 ESPN Hamilton at Edmonton DifTrent 730PM Strokes TJ. Hooker 330PM B So You Got O CD MOVIK Body- B Greatest Sports Legends 69 Star Trek CNN SHOW Burley Q WON MOVIK 'CUm-bak-e A young oil heir exchangee identities with a. poor water skiing inetruo-torElvis Presley, Shdley Fabaree, Will fluchina. Edition NewaSporta Weather 1230 PM CD American TraU NewnSporte Weather CBN MOVIK ID Staeak Previews As School 'Halloween with the Addams Family1 The ' Wit Addams family get toESPN ESPN gether for a holiday reu- - Saturday Night at.tbs nion. John Astin, Carolyn Eights Jones, Jackie Coogan. WTBS Calypso Count1977 Film Feet ID Lawmakers 630 PM B PM: Special 330PM 69 An- CD No 1967 WGN Soul Train WTBS Mission Impoe- - B NCAA Football: Adam-1- - BOB 1030PM Wayne, John Agar, Format Ricker. IMST CNN NewaSRqrte in theHilb lady who damonstratioiL RateSEL g eer-geo- thoBUou NewaSporta tougb-trainin- UK Marino gives a squad of rebellious ncratto in New Zeeland results in the immortaliaad capture of Iwo Jima. John Edwaidevflle MOVIK Door-slaye- r Test A Mohican-raise- d white man discovers a 2:15 PM CNN Week In white-scal- p Review hunter. Lex Barker Rita Moreno, 230PM ID Matinee at Forrest Tucker. 1957. CBN Weather of Iwo Jbno A MOVIK ESPN . Center ESPN Sparta SHOW MOVIK Alice, Sweet Altos A eeries of hocking murders panics n devout family. Brooke Shields, Paula Rated B. (Duo to the! Time light Savings change this movie will be shown at 3KXtem EST; a Italian-America- lKXkun lKXtem C ST: MST; 12mPSTJ WGN the From Editor's Deak IfcHAM Q.MOvm Deetronie MonsteP An innir invmti-P- C. into tho fetor, inauiringfilm daath of a star, traoM the trail to a psy chiatric clinic. Rod Came-- 'iliini mill |