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Show Section 1 Higc 30 Bunin NICKEL ADSAmSlKI.vr Winch tar Shotgun 12 gauge pump modal 1200 vent Rib 2 cham. Wine heater changeable ayatom, like now will aall or 2 trade for good saddle 789-058- Vernal. 4804NNA0922 Mw original STARCH BLOCKER not a cheap imitation. For la for a limited time, at wholesale prices. Call today, while supplies last. Vernal 4034NA 780-181- Septemter 23, 1982 Going To School must sell 1982 Honda excellent condition. Call 3 weekTodd at 6 days 5 or nights XR-20- 789-337- 7-- 789-670- weekends. & Vernal. 4181NA0915 For Sale: 1 982 Colt by a son Sale Dalmation male Female set. 4 year old. of Raise A Native out of a blood, no papers $50. grand daughter of Mr. Bar notor Call (ton 8 5 or 1 Nona Call or 1988 West 1500 North, call Vernal. 4561 NA0923 2 Vernal. 4o36NNA0922 Vernal. 4497NA0922 All types of firearms Professional Grooming by Guns, at supor low prices. Call J & For Sale: 2 Doberman Shirley Sanders. 1b years trust me with P Enterprises in Duchesne pups, 10 to 12 weeks. experience, Duchesne. Purebred, can be your pet. Call for appoint- at regisment 789-30in Ashley 3839NA0818 tered. Call Clinic Valley Veterinary evenings or anytime Fri., Vernjl. 4599NA0922 ' Sat. or Sun. Dinosaur, Topographic Maps or' Colo. 4347NNA0922 For Sale: Young milking Uintah, Duchesne, and Nanny. Also one Doe. Qagget counties. In both RCA 25 Color remote Rabbits all sizes, fryers. 250,000 and 714 size at All television built into control each. other $2" $2. Bitter Creek Books. Vernal 353- 49v7 Whiterocks. a 6 tall hutch, solid wood, 4216NAC908 beautiful! Regular $1875, G.E. Washer gold color freight damage, heavy duty, mini wash slight Attention all those in the cycle, $150.00 call 789-- $1390. Television's New Basin area who are or once Dimensions 2510 West 500 34 or see at 326 W. 650 N Adven- Vernal. were Seventh-da- y No. 789-96Vernal. tists. You re invited to 4357NA0915 4485NA0915 pay co ter smell For good, used outboard ull 789-160- 6 789-473- 789-091- 789-665- 789-245- 738-234- 7 BACK OF CAB, white, all metal, standard size, both ends open with sliding tray inside. Like new, used 9 three months. Call Vernal. 4632NA0922 789-030- 1 94 WII -- Home Improvement Spe- Levis Hoot and Shrink to HL cialists will install storm Have fifty pair of odd sizes windows and doors, for $9.00 each. Call after 5 p.m. Vernal. replacement windows, 4339NA091S awning and patio coverings, aluminum and vinyl siding, etc. Call Doug at White French Provincial 789-25or Kent at 789-64- Canopy bed for sale excellent condition. Phone Vernal. 4270NA1027 353-45Neola. We have wooden toys for 4392NA0915 sale. They make great gifts for children, that will last Sheetrocking, Nailing, 9 for a long time. Call Taping, and Teebirtzlng: for more information, Liscensed contractor and s. aheetrock supplies. If it'a or see at Lee's 2225 East Hwy.,40 too rough for anybody else, it's just right for us. Vernal space 2. Vernal. 3. 0 or 4541NNA0922 Drywall 789-673- Wood-N-Thing- 247-233- 789-464- Vernal 789-263- Bedroom Set, dresser, mirror, end table, mattress and springs, also canopy 3 available. Cali 789-035- after 4:00 Vernal. 3569NNA0922 For Sale: Italian make double barrel shotgun, engraved, aft 763, was $1800" will take $900", Navy Arms matched set 44-4- 0 revolver and carbine, never fired, both sfo 43 of 200, was $1800", will take $1100" or boat offer. Vernal 4555NA0922 7B9-925- & Just take over pay merits on Certified Color Consulting, this furniture. Moving to 1 facial artistry, wardrobe Asia Full bedroom set. for Bunk beds. Dinette set. planning. Call 789-17Sofa and recliner. $138.66 the Become appointment. a month or $1200 cash. Call Vernal. best you possible. 8 Vernal. 4335NNA0922 4592NA0922 789-589- 34 13 On All Accounts Days! Rich Loamy Virgin Top Soil Air 789-669- in the basin. Highway 40. Gusher 4518NA0915RV KITCHENU, Brook wood cabinets are now in Vernal, complete kitchen remodelChild Care in Jr. High area. ing at bargain prices. Free Prefer 4 year olds. Call estimates cheerfully given. Vernal. Call 8 Vernal. 1243NNATFN 4627NA0922 prices 722-472- 1. KITCHENS, KITCHENS, 2-- 789-824- 8. 789-074- Brackenbury & Robarge Const. home construction and complete remodel - residential & commercial. Licensed. 789-846- 4 Vernal New Heavy-Dut- on 300 per ton Fast Service Paved Roads SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL y Tank. Mounted Packaged Units The Quality on Standard of the ndustry I 5 HP. $1199 Only 230MOVoHnPhn, ' 5 HP. 1$1349 2 Volt PIMM Antl-Free- ze $089 GALLON Windshield Washer wFres W Impacted Cate Bearing And Supply Company L 98C Only 1315 East Hy 40 VsmaL Utah 789-88-60 Come Now While Stock Lasts Remember Discounts on Gas for Cash Buyers We guarantee the lowest wholesale gas prices il'T 1 around. Additions New Construction & Bulk- Commercial- - Private- - Oilfield are your Petroleum Distributor for the Uintah Basin Mto Calders Petroleum Coll Jock Nelson - 789-308- 3 Coll Lewis Johnson - 789-172- 9 RIG 3.50 per Pick Up Or Delivery LEON - LEWIS CONSTRUCTION Remodeling 130perton 247-266-0 Compressor IngsrsoS-Ran- d 130 per ton Gravel T Minus Minus Gravel SALE 789-606- 3.50 pax ton Road Base 'Drain Socle SI attend church this coming Saturday morning at 9:30 For Sale: 10x12 storage a.m. 263 West Main Vernal. bam with a gambrel roof. 1587NA0922 Can be seen at lot 103 5 Esquire Estates 9 best offer. Lary's Gun Shop "Hun- or ter's" Buy from a dealer, Vernal 4360NNA0915 prompt service, lowest Paid Within 30 789-27- SITC Top Soil Asphalt Fill Dirt Vernal 52 NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE Roustabout Service R & R CONSTRUCTION Post Hole Drilling LAMBS CONSTRUCTION 1173 West 650 South Vernal, Utah 84078 1618 East 1700 South Vernal, Utah 84078 789-58- 789-899- 5 Kenneth Lamb Curtis Lamb 789-59- 96 03 John Larry VlOTORCVc,, R.D. Welding Complete Oil Field Welding Service Our Rods Are The Hottest" l..;hard Davenport Lapoint. UT Motor SupplyVernal 117 W. 764441 Welding Supplies Oxygen & Acetylene Bottles Truck & Oilfield Supplies Dupont Paints All Hydralic, Oil, Air Lines After Hour Call Outas 3 8 & 789-107- tan five star Main 789-241- s 789-045- tu, 9oodle.7 317 .c0-PART- S 6 w, M,n Vernal, Utah Honda colvr In now. Forlfswlntar work, fune |