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Show swr .s; ijtfty.-.hi-M- . September 2tf, 1 9H2 tiuKiu XKKKL; systems, dishwashers, Camper For Sale 1957 paddle fanlights. Low GMC Bus. 383 engine payments, but while forced air, water battery 1973 Flamingo 12x56 $6,500 6r rent to own. Contact BHI at Bills Husky, Roosevelt. Or call 722 9665 or Orem. 3551NA0929 interest rates are down. hook-u- p, ice box, electric 6 See Caldwell Hacking lights, detained lights, Vernal. three burner stove with oven and lots of extra's. 1972 Marietta 12x70 Two $2,500. Also heavy duty bedroom very nice. stock rack will fit any Call cash. $12,000 standard truck bed. Has Vernal 3590NNA0922 over-hea- d carrier with bar $375. Also Brush grill and For Rant Choice Mobile electric wench $150. 4 Home sites. Available now. Vernal. distance to 3579NNA0922 1 789-666- ovens, stereo Walking n';ry' Vernal. 3562NA0929 654-305- 789-273- f I walls-doubl- 789-584- 2. V1. . want to buy some mobile 3 home axles. Call Les Com and sm our mobile homes with features of 1977 Coachman 35 ft. 5th e & wheel. AC 20 ft. awning, quality. 2x6 Must ' sell singlewide Cathedral many extras. 5, offer or $9,500 best Ceilings, shingled pitched Heber City, Utah. roof, natural hardwood 3599NNA0922 micro-wav- e cabinets. Built-in- s, 789-763- .M ii -- 1983 CHAMPION MANUFACTURED HOME . 1977 Kit Fairviiw 14x58 with tip-o2 bedroom, already on lot. $15,500". 2 Call Vernal. 3583NA0922 ut J 789-705- & ! For Sale By Owner 1979. Cabover Camper, jacks' included $1 995" best offer, 789-4- 1 16 or see fet Esquire Estates R.V. Center. 4483NA0922 downtown shopping in For Sale 1976 Kit ComRoosevelt Travel Trailers For Sale 12x56 Mobile panion trailer. 19 foot self 4 welcome. Phone Home two bedroom on 14 contained, excellent In Rooaevett. 3812NA0616 acre land. $22,000, $700 condition. Asking $4,500 or Deer Hunter's Special 1970 down. Payments $400 a best offer. Vernal. 3546NA0929 15 ft. Concord trailer, self- -, month 13 percent interest. Vernal contained. 1 973 Honda 5. Call 789-584- 2. Moble Home for sale. 1971 See to appreciate. 359 INNA 0922 12x70 Diplomat $7,500. Air $2,200" for both, firm. 68 South Cedar Drive. 789--: Mobile Home for sale. 2 conditioned, wood stove, 8396 Vernal. 4478NNA0915 bedrooms, 12x60, 1978, washer & dryer, gas heat & $5,800. See owner at 409 appliances. Can be seen at For Sale 1981 Skyline South 2nd East after 4:30 Monument Trailer Park 1 mile West of Jensen, space mobile home, 14x64, 2 p.m. Vernal. 459SNA0922 20 Phone 7.89-93bedroom, 1 bath, large 3 days. kitchen,' $2500 down. With Hunting Season near. evenings. 6 2 27' sth wheel, refrigerator, evenings. Vernal. Financing available. 4196NA0908 air condition, sleeps 6 nice. 4021NNA0901 Bought for $8,995 Caldwell TWe Bedroom New 1982 1973 2fl. Driftwood Travei Vernal. Hacking 787-76Home 56x14. Set .up for Trailer for sale. Fully 10,995 financing available, factory, air, 1980 24 ft. RoadRanger two only. Call Big yalley awning, T.V. antenna, Bunkhouse camp trailer. ask for Bob, Dick sleeps four, lots of extras. very on weekends 12-- 6 p.m. Asking $4,400. See at J.C. Fully 9 Vernal. little use. Call 346 Roosevelt. 722-252- 3 Bedrooms ONLY 20,900 XL-17- - Carpet throughout, bow windows Delivered and set 789-399- 789-235- Vernal. 3571NA0929 4065NNA0901 delivered and set in 1983 14x70 Champion. 3 bedrooms, garden 87 722-585- 722-25- Feet front bedrooms, double door refrigerator, extra insulation and many other extras. Boy before September 30 u& receive & free coolerT IncMtir , 722-429- 1162 Squire 2 j tub, cooler, and many other options. Only 14,900 FIVE STAR HOMES .722-36- West Hwy. 40 Roossnlt 74 CURT BINGHAM ZEN BINGHAM weekdays. 4433NNA0922 M Bonanza RV&.MobiIe Home Park housing 1173 E. 500 S. Vernal, (IT 84078 Leads The Way With The Areas First 5 Year Housing Warranty! Entire Structure For 5 years Guerdon 14x70, 2 bedroom, setup, landscaped in beautiful park, skirting, decks, cooler, and more. Welcomes You & Your Family to Vernals Newest Paikl Year Round Showers (heated) & Laundiy Room. Call Linda. Entire Plumbing System and Fixtures For 5 yean Entire Heating and Air Conditioning Systems For 5 years L0 Entire Electrical fm Guerdon 14 x 70, 3 bedroom. Ready to move and set, 2 MO. FREE rent at Bonanza Park. 789-396- Special Rates Call For Information Vernal 2 Naples 789-848-3 114 mile to 6000 & 1500 E. 789-848- 3 Hwy 40 Jensen System For 5 yean lR.V.8 Mobile Home Pwk 6000 SOOTH Ad Appliances sold with this horns For 5 yean 1500 EAST |