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Show Section s " Iigc 1 14 Ihisin XK'KHI, ADSAewsiwixt Seplcnilrcr WVVV.VW Nle 3 Bedroom House in Maeser. FHA 8'4 assum- able mortgage. Call 789- 5196 or 789-27ask for 90 one bedroom 3 Vernal. 4449NA0915 4560NNA0922 2 yard, patio, wood stove down! and 10 years at 12! $425 month, $200 deposit Owner-agefinanced! NEW DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, Call 4 or Jim 722 Dean Frandsen kitchen appliances, 4553 Fort Duchesne Roosevelt 11 35NA0B11RV 4577NA0929 washerdryer hook-up- s. Orem House for sale 5 carport, good location. 1 Vernal. Farm Home Financing: Bedroom brick Rambler, 3595NNA0922 cute three bedroom, IK fenced yard, fruit trees, bath home in nice location. matured landscaping, For Rent; New 2 bdrm. Lots of extras. Call Lois, family room, wonderful duplex, carpets, drapes, agent 4 8 or neighborhood, by school. kitchen appl. T.V. and Call 789-749- 2 Vernal. Vernal. 4405NA0915 washer - dryer hook-up- s. 4579NA0922 Deposit required. Country Rent Sell Whatevert Owner style living. No pets. Call anxious to fill this empty Brick Home in Naples area. Vernal. house three bedrooms, 3 Bedroom, fully carpeted, 3349NNA0804 garage. Agent Joyce. two baths. 2 car garage. ? Bedroom Apartment for Century 21 Country Realty. 12x20 shop building on 7 acres mid 60s or above 3 8 or rent, kitchen appliances, with 3.7 acres, mid 90's call hook-uT.V. Roosevelt. 4638NA0922 washer Service. Many homes Karen Johnson or 0 789-229- 2 Vernal. 3802NA0818 olllce warehouse or building, storaqe shed. Close to industrial building for lease town. $400 per month. $200 Ask for Roger. or Vernal 1721NA0528 deposit. Call 0 Vernal. One Industrial steel 4454NNA0915 building for lease. 5,000 sq. NEOLA: Beautiful five acre ft. One acre of yard. One ranchette, two miles north industrial steel building for of Neola store. 3,000 to lease. 2" acres of yard 3 5.000 an acre, beautiful Call Garth Atwood 3 view with privacy. Owner days nights. will carry contract, will Vernal. 3833NNA0915 consider trades for down. 2 or Ken On Main Street rooms for Call Terry rent. Utilities paid, some Vernal. 2502NNA0630 cooking, starting $120 1 per month. Call Now two bedroom adult Roosevelt. 3240NA0804 town house 1 V4 bath, 916sq foot deluxe living, carport, "COUNTRY HOME" by 355 East 1st No., Inqulra owner. Two years old, three 7 or bedroom, two bath. Five Tom How croft acres 63.100. 789-55-1 Vernal. Randlett, Ut. 673NA0416 4547NNA0922 s. 789-718- 8. 789-084- 6 769-789- 789-212- 789-427- 789-229- 353-452- 7. 722-969- 789-854- 789-646- 789-395- 789-293- 9. 722-455- dryer hook-u- from p. 722-218- p. 789-402- 789-691- Vernal. 4600NA0929 Payments under $400 on a For Sale 1982 Camaro 9 new solar home. Call Call after 6 p.m. 2 or Theda All day on Vernal. 1369NA0922 weekends. Rangley. 4626NA0922 8. 789-156- 789-229- New Apt. Townhouse deluxe living. No pets, no ywo ama i bedroom children. Two bedrooms, 1 apartments for rent in a 12 bath. Carport. Contact center of Roosevelt. $185 Tom Howcroft an(j $200 per month $200 For Rant In Roosevelt. 2 view lot In Crescent. Vernal. 3643NNA0818 deposit call 4618NA0922 Converted room from a Choice location. Only Immaculate three bedroom garage. Separate electric $5,000 no down payment IK bath near new Davis Rent and easy monthly payFor Rent 2 bedroom and phone hook-u- p. ments for 5 years at 1 2 by School .Need fast sale on apartment $325 per month negotiable, first month in owner-agent. Easier than this one. Call Lois (agent) $150 deposit phone advance. Call 4 or 5 Dean rent! 3 916i 0r or inquire 4320NA0915 Vernal. 4582NA0922 Frandsen. 1T33NA0922R at 896 East 400 North Roosevelt. 4619NA0922 Near Neola on highway! 5 Buyers Assume BUSINESS OPPORTacres homesite and Qualified 10 contract plus equity UNITY Owner must sell For Rent in Roosevelt, two ranchette! Full Indian on 24x65 mobile home , 3 four businesses in bedroom duplex furnished wale' right! Best of pasture 2 full baths, Arcade lounge cafe and or unfurnished $295 a and hayland! Only $5,000. bedrooms, dishwasher, garbage hotel. Excellent business, month acre discounted and per excellent wood burning income, prime 4576NA0922 $1000 per acre for cash! No disposal, call location $150,000 takes all, down payment is qualified stove, good condition, 0 Call doc. Roosevelt. Hanna. FOR RENT 2 bedroom and balance financed by UT. 3857NNA0915 4624NA0922 owner-agemobile home in Maeser 5 years at 14. The perfect place to One Bedroom for rent in FOR SALE: or Rent Trailer court S2501". per Vernal. live! Dean Frandsen three Bedroom duplex. beautiful 2000sq. ft. home. month. 3597NNA0922 Roosevelt. 0 $100 deposit $200 month. or 1136NA0811RV Single males. Call Roosevelt Quality New Two bedroom Vernal. 4622NA0922 17 in For Sale Ballard, duplex in town Call Darns 3582NNA0922 acres of Class E Shares of For Lease: Commercial f 78?j?2?K.?lri?2828 water. 722-47Ballard. For Rent: Lovely new 428!4NA0922 . o.i West Highway 4119NA0922RV 9 apartment. 40. 2000 square feet with Vernal. 4096NA0901 For Rent 2 bedroom shop and three offices. Call in Roosevelt $325.duplex Call Ballard View Lot 2V4 acres! 9 Vernal. MOUNTAIN LAND for sale, 0 or Good soil! Only $5,000. 1 3487NA0B1 for quick sale. 10 3987NA0825RV Balance easier than rent priced miles out of town, 30 with no down and 5 years . minutes from on balance! Financing by 1151NATFN 789-353- 545-247- 3. 789-353- 7, 722-577- 0. 722-911- 4. 789-646- 722-223- 848-541- 722-916- 1. B48-547- 722-271- 2, nt 789-38- 722-22- 35 722-498- 722-287- 2. 789-253- 1. . 789-156- 789-156- 722-223- 353-444- 5. cwner-age- 722-223- New Two Bedroom Un- Nice 2 Free Month's Rent bedroom apt. Carpeted throughout in spacious Roosevelt. ;300" per month. 200" deposit. No pets. or Waterbed. Deluxe 3 bedroom, one furnished Apt. 1200 sq. fl washer Roosevelt. 4247NARV 722-921- 8. and dryer dishwasher 789-634- hook-up- . For Contact: M gw 1M Apt 789-105- K Venal, Or f Apartments For Rent: Bathroom Large Kitchen & Living Room. Available Now 4 Call Us Roosevelt 1 722-482- estate. Must see 9 appreciate. 789-156- Vernal. 5606NA0922 722-223- 5. N. Mt NM 711701. - prime commercial land, asking $67,000. Low down, owner financing Tabiona. 4576NA0922 848-54- 10 acres of secluded pines and cedars northwest of Starvation Lake. Right in hunting and fishing. $7,500 with no down. Balance monthly over 5 years at For Sale 4 bedroom 12 by owner-agehome on 5 acres in Ashley 722-22Frandsen 0 after 5 Area, call 1 3-- pjn. velt. Vernal. 4583NA1006 Dean nt 789-207- Roose- 137NA0922R For Rent large home in For Sale older remodeled Altonah. With yard $200 a home on '4 acre in Lapoint. month plus deposit. three bedrooms, new paint, or installed storm doors and 4598NA0929 454-31- 454-312- 4. 353-452- 7. 646-336- CHOICE CITY LOT, near up. 3. With the of and shopping. the Central completion school, Utah Project Most improvements paid, your property will be in the 0 MUST SELL, phone center of the fastest Vernal. growing recreation area in 4013NA0922 the state - 5 lakes, 4 rivers within 15 minutes in any Rent a Video Recorder 7 direction. night. Over 700 movies 4. Population in the oil for rent, 3 per night each rich Uintah Basin predicted Good entertainment for the to triple by the year 2000. family. Home Entertain5. Reservations for every ment Center. 145 West major campground in the Main, Vernal. state are already reserved 1661NAOTFN for holiday weekends this 789-354- ; SNMfMMMWMS Ste&j year. If you are interested give ut a call for more information end directions. Call Salt Lake Ogden Cabin collect on weekends 292-641- 399-560- 549-336- 9. ceiling, large deck, and cedar aiding. Come see our model. 840 East 2970 South 66,500 Looking for a builder with a lot of experience with custom building. Give ue a call we'll line you up. Real Estate Division 789-846- 4 1344 W. Hwy. 40 Vernal Your House Is Worth More Today Than It Was Six Months Ago jDo You A FREE Market! Analysis C-- 21 Dart Rutty 2 Public Notice Building Lots Know Mary Or Sandy 789-148- essssssssss Always rented, on one acre 4617NA0922 Ree-evol- Call Us For 35 owner large duplex. 789-159- 9 Youngl 801-722-22- by I78,!2292 How Much? Strout Realty - Roosevelt in Roosevelt 789-068- Git fl lot While You'ro 611 acre & 1210 acre lots $2,000 per acre. 30 down-- 91 2 interest For sale Re-do- ne Walk CaO 789-199- 789-406- 3. 3 Bedroom, Be Rent two bedroom utilities paid. Must be seen townhouse 4 plex in town to be appreciated, small includes Satellite TV. children OK. $500"'. month Available in about two 4 weeks $450 a month. Call S300". deposit. Call 7 or Vernal. for details ask for Art. Vernal. 4637NA0922 3600NNA0922 hook-u- p the first to live intheml bath four plex. Rent with option to buy. Part of rent goes to down to payment! Lovely 2 bedroom home in Roosevelt with large yard and trees. Strout Realty 1 5 Dean Frandsen. Roosevelt. 1137NA0811RV T 789-068- Vernal,-789-6162- nt Tk windows. Priced to sell. Call Kirk. Chris or Joann. Cant Qualify for FINANCING. assume this loan no 6 Real Estate 14. Basin Vernal. 4634NA0922 questions asked. 3 bdrms, 325BNA1006 I v, bath. $55,000 with ca!1 789"8648' Starter Home for younger Recreation Land -- A perfect couple, low 40's, three time to buy. Your purchase bedrooms on '4 acre in is not a timeshare or 4258NA0922 rural community. Call Kirk. undivided interest. older Chris or Joann. Basin Real Warranty Deed and Title Completely 6 Estate Vernal. Insurance at completion of "Ome in 30's. Will carry or 4633NA0922 purchase. Csdar Mountain Vernal- Properties offers 5 and 10 For Sale two building lots acre cabin sites 90 miles 46Q8NA0922 $6,000 each in southeast east of Salt Lake City, 15 Davis area. Good location miles east of Strawberry Two office paces for rent, rs nice view. Call 1750 West 1000 South, and Soldier Creek Vernal. 3559NA0922 on both aidea of across from new Sheraton. Highway 40. Prices from Approximately 900 square Exceptional large home lot 595 peracre. Good roads, feet, eir conditioned in loka with lots of trees, lots of pinion pine and carpeted, 450 per month. or Ken -grass and utilities in front. cedar trees, power to many Call Terry 789-22Only $6,000. No down Lots. Look at a few reasons Neola. payment. 5 years at 12 by why now is the Perfect Time 2500NNA0630 owner agent 722-22to Buy. Dean Frandsen. Roosevelt. 1. Interest rates on home 1134NA0922R and auto loans out of sight. Dry Fork Property. 6.8 acres, nice view. Our terms 1 0 down, 1 1 Log home Kit one only 2 23J500 will consider Bedroom. S3.995 one day interest 10 year monthly contract. wall erection For details payments. 2. During the next 3 Call Richard inflationary period land split with evenings. Myton. double garage, bay prices are undoubtedly 4432NNA0922 window, cathedral going to be pushed up and MP walking distance Three bedroom country after six 789-1- 1 main street, very anytime deluxe $375 per month deluxes for rent. Garages, $150 deposit 789-37or dishwasher, refrigerators. Reasonable rent. Call Tom 2 Vernal. 2 Clark. 789-12or 4571NS0922 V 5000 Feet of elegant luxury on 1 acre, in this beautiful nt Looking for a place to rent? Call Dina's Home Rental 789-754- hook-up- Plnest Indian Acres 722-22- For Rent 2 like new, Commercial r washer-drye- famil-2- 722-480- available 789-75- Home full For rent single Bedroom 789-091- 789-187- Vernal. 4288NA0908 For Rent: 3 bedroom house, large yard, convenient location $500. oedroom, rent: XX'XXX XN 3gM3l3HHNHM3l9NlMMNNIMNBWI3NNI9NNI9l3l3yMI3l3NNNNlMMiiMMM3MMMOTM furnisher apartment basement for Rent, home. 2 bedroom. 2 baths Canyon! Very native! Deer reasonable. No smokers dishwasher woodstove across from Todd school country! Mountain top! and m pts. Available fence yard, call Whiterocks Road, fencei Only $500 per acre! No October 1st call 4402NNA0922 Fourplex FOR 1982 REAL ESTATE w ,r 2JJ, 6 Simple Interest, 10 down, 20 years. Poco Acres. $8,000 and up. 722-287- 2, 722-278- 7. Plan Ahe Streets, are In. cub, gutter, water and sewer No assessments d |