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Show Section 1 Iigc IK Ikisin XK'KUI., AI)SA'lv"'SrwiT Scptcmlxrr 2K, 1982 1980 Plymouth Champion. 1980 Ford Fairmont. Low mileage, 11,000 miles. sunroof, make excellent Asking $4,500". Call Helen 1 school car. Good gas after 5:00. Call 7 Vernal. 3584NA0922 mileage. Call Excellent condition, 789-023- 789-032- Vernal. 4574NA0922 For Sale 16 ft. Hydro Swift new 4,000 miles, Boat with 75 h.p. Evinrude CX500 Honda. Water Outboard motor, trailer cooled, shaft driven, and ski equipment inwindshield and luggage cluded. $1.500n. Call Vernal. 357 No. 1150 carrier. $1,795". Call 722-92after 6 p.m. Roosevelt. West. 4374NA0915 Like 789-144- 5 28 357PNA1005 74 Buick 350 engine, new 1979 Chev Pickup. This is a tires, excellent shape one ton single wheel 4 $1,000 or trade for jeep of speed, P.S., P.B., A.C. Nice comparable value. 353-46- truck, See at Kawasaki Bike Shop, Roosevelt. 722-41Roosevelt. Roosevelt 4163NARV 4615NA0922 1974 Mark IV Lincoln real choice car, fully loaded low 1989 CHEVY 4x4 short box miles $2995 see at Kawa- silver and Mack lift kit Auto, saki Bike Shop, Roosevelt must sea to appreciate 2. 3367NA0804R $7,900 or bast offer call between 12:00 and 1:00 or 722-418- 1973 4 Wheel Drive Jeep weekends For Sale 1973 Dodge Wagoneer, good shape, $1,595 or best offer. Call 1972 Buiek LaSabre Maxivan camper. Needs 4 Vernal. Automatic trans., PS, AC, work $1000 or best offer. 350 engine, new battery. 2 Also utility trailer $300. 3433NA0611 4 Rangely. new tires $300' Motor 1964 Willlea flatbed jeep. 4384NA0922 1 only- - make offer Call 789-573- 675-201- 789-242- Vernal. 3567NNA0922 1973 CJ-- 5 V-- Increase Your Car and Trucks Performance and Gas Mileage by having Headers and Dual Ex hausts Installed by the Experts. 03 789-643- 5, Vernal. 4216NNA090B 74 Ford 4z4 Ranger XLT; transmission, new steering, new brakes, and other new parts plus new Complete Stock of new 789-746- chrome mags, boards, rims, and wheels. 4625NA0922 Back to School Special 78 $2,500. Call 9 1910 Suzuki 150-Clike Ford Pinto Roundabout Altamont. 3544NA0922 automatic new, 7500ml., faring transmission, priced right $1,995. See at For Sale 1970 Mercury windshield, buddy Kawasaki Bike Shop, passenger seat, luggaga Montego. Will sell for $300 carier, new rear tira, comes Roosevelt or best offer. Phone 3809NA9618 with a 3 bike trailer. All this 3578NA0922 5 for $2960.00, call or and 1978 Jeep Wagon eer, fully evenings For Sale: 1982 blue and oaded, excellent con- white, Chevy Silverado V4 weekends, Vernal. 4027NNA0901 1 dition. $4,500". Call ton 4 wheel drive, Am Fm Duchesne. cassette, tilt steering wheel Perfect for school 1979 357NA1013 Datsun 210 2 door deluxe, cruise, control, 1 blue 4 speed, excellent gas $11,000 FOR SALE Full Dress Vernal. mileage super reliable, Yamaha with or 4241NNA0906 good condition, a little over without sidecar. Can be 4400 miles, well worth reen at 128 West 500 South 81 Panther. Real good $2,800 9 Vernal. 789-05condition. Vernal. Asking $2,100". 3854NNATFN081B 4 Polaris $700". Call 3605NA0929 738-578- 0 Duchesne. For Sale: 1978 Ski-D3555NA0922 340cc. Also 80 head of d. 1973 750 Yamaha, best offer. Call For Sale: 1974 Ford ton ewes, 3 and 4 year old. Call 454-37Altamont. 4x4. 4 speed trans. Call 454-321- 0 Duchesne. 454-375- 722-418- 2. 789-736- 6. 739-669- Parts Accessories R. V. drive. Make offer, all paint, must sell. Need 7 money for school. See to engine, original parts. Call running anytime Jensen. appreciate and make offer. 8 & Vernal. 4134NNA0901 789-243- 9 One drive, ugly but excellent $1500". One excellent Ford Call 722-34$1500 2 Excellent Trucks. Roosevelt. 4519NA0915RV c HEADERS & 789-606- 9 738-574- 789-936- XS-11- Back to School Special Ford Pinto Roundabout automatic REAR EXIT STREETDUALS transmission, MIGHTYjMUF.FLERl East'on Hwy" 40 priced right, $1,995. See at Kawasaki Roosevelt. Roosevelt. Bfks Shop, 722-418- Vernall789-369- One Mile 2, 4 38O9NA081B 789-847- 7X-4- semi-choppe- t 59 2 Vernal. 4372NA0915 3543NA0922 789-737- 4494NA0929 Roger's Automatic Transmission Repair 789-292- 3 "it's Time To Get Your RV And 4x4 Ready For The Hunt WPs i.-- specializing In Any Conventional Vehicle Shift Kits installed Automatics $9195 And ds, 4 Wheel Drive Transfer Cases t) And Rear Ends JA -- "When you need us, were there!" Put us to work when you need Complete Transmission Service Special $1650 plus parts 2 Wrecker and Towing Service Round the Clock! Auto Glass Replacement Body and Frame Work and trailers. Painting of Autos, pickups, semi-trucFree Estimates and Insurance Claim Work. Restoratiorvand Rebuilding of older cats. Members Of Till,,, At1lt "Worlds Oldest And Largest Network Of 789-520- independent Transmission Shops" 'flu $$$' 8 Jacks Towing service Don's Body Shop 480 East 100 South Vernal 789-52- 02 789-0601090 E. .at 7 Highway 90. Vernal |