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Show page 16 newsprint pooij copy deoember 30, 1981 Whet's Great About Gretzky Christmas. Cont from pg 10 Idmonton was an expansion club, gutted by the harsh terms of hockey team pondered this out rageoiis idea tor a moment, then decided. "No. don't laugh at it." he said. "Deep down inside I think, 'll just might he me to gel 250 points. iX'ep down inside, he just might he right. What sounds ridiculous for mere mortals could prove no more than a stimulating challenge to this vnung man. admission imposed upon those WllA 1 I I o he entering the ('urthugc was offered more giucious peace terms by Rome. last year, the Oilers made the play oils, eliminating the haughty Montreal Canadians in three straight games (and nutsenring Monsurvivors Mil. Phil sure. Hockey l eague scoring record ol' 152 points stood for 10 vears without serious chalhclore bettered it (irclky 12 by . last Hill . At 16. he was nicknamed The Great." enough lor ol any age to fail. l 17. a gawk) was a league profesl(W scoring in the World he major sional. points llockev Mayor of Altamont ssoeiation. IK. he was initiated into the Mil . which couldn't wait to test him. Sure, he scored some points in that rink) dink WII A. but this is the real big leagues. A hoy has no business playing with At men. he hov scored organization is 6 years have eight old. We undci Out average age lor the points, sconng championship and was named (he Mil's most valuable plaver. i I1), lie repeated these accomplishments than ItaH scored bv The manager of one chain store in Roosevelt, Sprouse Reitz, said that his store has had steady sales. As far as the volume. William Hansen said, We are holding our own. Lyn Miller, owner of seven.) ol the goals his team. Imagine ihat Steve ('.i ut hen. alter his one great season ol riding, had gone on to two others even better. V on begin to understand what in Stockman Plan Rajactad Con't from pg. 4 reversed. NHSA represents over 1200 programs in all fifty states. Puerto Rica, and the territories. Special Head Start programs serve Indians and Migrant children and over I2f.7 of all Head Start children are diagnosed us handicapped. Nancy Spears of the Alabama Council stated lt is hard to believe that Stockman has any understanding of what Head Sturt is. If the president's priority is local control. Head Start already has that. Simply pul. if it ainl broke why fix it." The Ute Indian Tribe offers the only Head Start program in the Uintah Basin and Ul I Head Sturt serves 230 children living on or near the Uintah & Ouray reservation. Dr. .losea Kramer, the Head Start Director said that the Stockman Plan would destroy the quality of this highly effective educational program for low income children and their families. last week, the Head Start Parent Committees in Kandlett. White rocks. My ton and Tort Duchesne centers met to discuss the Stockman Plan. Each, committee resolved to send letters lo President Reagan to express their concern over the proposed cut. The parents wrote about the benefits they have seen Head Start give to children and about their opposition to having human service programs compete for funds. Copies of these letters were sent to our senators and congressmen and the parents hope that they will continue to support locally effective programs. The Ute Indian Tribe also wrote a strong letter opposing The Stockman Plan and reaffirming the ; lit .i IGmm need l,' il. ..l v it i lU 1 1 All-St- 2li this all attention bother you." he was asked "Not really." he said hese days. he had heller Icain to expect it cvciv where. No other plaver in the world so dominates a team sport. I ar 1 phone after a spin at color commentary "because it was too much of a grind. It wasn't easy for Little to leave Denver, where heY still a hero. He served as a television director on eight boards, did charity work, youth work and was named Denver's Man of the Year several times. And he owned a car dealership. What brought him to Los Angeles was his family. My wife is working here as an actress, he said. "She and our two children have been here a Joyce was working in lf. industrial and training films before taking a shot at Hollywood. She got a role in the miniseries of Private Benjamin, but did not get the part for the regular television series. Little hasn't gotten into swing of Manhattan Beach civic life yet, but says it'll come 'when things smooth out a little on the job. Hell put in his 14 hours a day one way or another. SEND FOR YOUR SURSCRIPTiON TODAY! CHISOLM MOTORS C.bl3Jjju YEAR END Dbbj3' CLEARANCE 1982 Concord Jeep Scrambler Blue Green 9,973 11,572 1982 CJ-- 5 Jeep Renegade Green The Roosevelt Radio Shack store had the usual rush on electronic Unlike most games. other businesses. Diane Merkely noticed less expensive merchandise selling better. We haven't sold as many home stereos this year, she said. She and his What can he poss.hlv do lor a encore "Does 1 - T.R. Merc called 1981 'Great! Itls been a good He noted few year. differences from last year's volume or types of sales. 'Except we've had more Salt Lake He's the for Payton. certain downs and running back I most distances, different admire. HeN No. I. I people on kicking teams see a lot of me in him. No matter what, he's and punting teams.- On third and short, they'll back there working have two tight ends and every game, doing a blocking back. everything he can to played on all the help his team. special teams and ran Prompted to take his back punts and played ratings a little deeper. Little continued: every down on offense. Whatever we could do Joe Cribbs up in for the team, we did it. Buffalo is another. '. Not .only that, says He's got endurance and Little, but there was a durability. And Cullen big difference in the Bryant with the Rams. work ethic. He does the job every "When played, therfc week and never comwas no time off, he plains. Those are the "We were kinds of backs I like. said. The difference in the expected to play every week. played with game then and now. he anything short of a said, is that "now the big broken bone. fat guys are as fast as the I missed five games in little skinny guys. nine years. Thats Little, who led the in rushing unheard of now. Earl Broncos Campbell missed that seven straight years and many games in one played in six year. games, including three "I played 14 straight Pro Bowls, hasnt games with a broken stopped putting out. I had a I'm spending about shoulder. cartilage operation on 14 hours on the job my knee in 1971 and led every day, he said. the league in rushing the haven't been able to see next year. much football. "The only guy like And here's a guy who that now is Walter spurned the micro exchanges than usual, t 2117 at sniffles. Then Santa Claus came, and the children of the valley lined up to sit in Santa N lap and get their treats. JL1982 Rosem and Charlotte Nye and they would like to give a special thanks to Vicky Taylor for helping to fill the treat bags. Floyd Little Con't from pg. 9 defensive players has he noted. (iretkv accomplished young hie. I Wanda l.a.enby, some and Coni pg.3 while breaking I sposi-lo'- s record lor points and liubhv Oil's record (hv smiles, LEAD TO the league. ud they 're " talking Manley Cup The Community Committee was Connie The preschoolers sang songs on the stage-wit- h many delights planned. All trails Christmas Shoppars 5 tied lor assists more had Con't from pg. 1 small communities close to them. Bluebell. Bonita. Altonah. Upalco for instance. These Communities could be joined in a octopus type of annexation that would most certainly include the Shell Oil plant that lies west of Altamont. 'This would give the cities bonding power, then they could provide their own treal even at fire, park, road and other services. "The only thing that will help us get our fair share when strength (irclky of the tux dollar is to have a commissioner from the was on ice). Demanding Torimi Ians treated Upper County." There will heanelectionlorthe commission seats the kid from I dmonton next year in Duchesne County. Brinkerholf will to a standing ovation. he elected. He will I his year, the Oilers cam on an active campagin to the residents in the for aie leading their fight for equal consideration concerned. Ik are funds the where division and have the County fire of needs the the will lor Tight in especially best overall record the National Hockey departments. He said am tempted to tell ourciG in the County, to le is league. Alter I d mon- lire lighters when there a lire ton played a recent J it burn!'" They presently receiving only 'I (K).IMI per tie in Montreal, the cull, no matter the lime involved in the control of Canadians' Mark the fire or the distance the engine has to travel. Napier observed. "I his Brinkerholf feels s5(M).iai would he a much more game should he a reasonable sum. conlidencc-binide- r Another complaint the Mayor has is that the lor us." community meetings, in which residents should I I IT.1 confidence-buildehave some input, arc poorly attended because they r A mi lor the mighty arc held during most peoples working hours. " I hese meetings should be in the evening so i tire Canadians to tie a W II loimci team at working people couid be present." Briukcrhoff home'. explained. I he main I ha l 's h ow la r point Brinkei holT wanted lo express in his remarks to the readers of the NTIWSI'KIN I is his and mates (ircirtV nd linvv the need for the County to become aware of the have come. last. Upper County and the needs and desires of the who live there. Also they should beavvareof citicns "It's cray." Oilci where their tax dollars arc spent and where the savs. "Om revenue to support the County comes from. (ireen -- I mittee J-- (iretk. reason Kayleen Silver) and the mothers who spent many hours sewing costumes can now relax and enjoy 1 points is regarded as a season's work for most plavcis considered allstars in the league. To he sure. Put he sure of this. too. There has never been a hockey player quite like Wav lie anyone Hall, and -0 spositos National lenge Bonnie Roberts, Joan The play was said by many to be one of the best the school has The children done. were beautiful. After the Operetta, the Community Com- 10,986 1982 Eagle SX4 Silver her husband Rick the store. operate Overall, business has been "pretty good at Radio Shack, with the last two weeks of the 1982 Eagle Wagon 9,243 Brown 13,7196 season 'very steady. Another business with steady sales has Ills previous two been Len El's shoes. seasons were merely in to salesperthe nature ol a vvatmup. According son Nancy Harrison. it now appears. 'We havenl had any ast year. (iretkv slow She said days. became tile lirst Ni l. that business has been plaver ol the modern slower, 'But not much era to average more slower. than two points (2.05) a Bob Benson, assihis vear. game. stant manager at through It) games, he Modern Drug said that n was averaging 2.47. business had been average ol three points about the same as last a night would put him A little better, year. within reach ol a he offered, 'but not Ihink season. Benson also much. about it. stated that fewer people Wayne has 74 points. camr in but they seemed 26 more than the be buying more. to second-highetotal in The most glowing the Mil. which has report from Roosevelt been accumulated hv a came from Montgompretty lair player named Wards ery catalog Marcel Dionne. Brent Wilkins store. On .Ian. 26. 19X2. reported that his Wayne (irclky will business was up over 24 reach 21 years of age. It percent from last year. III 1. k O Were booming. contend with the boy. he said. just how will it deal with the Wilkins said that the man? catalog stores begin the However, individual Christmas rush just statistics arc all hut after and even during meaningless in a team the back to school sport. The real measure season and closes out of a player is the success about a week before the of his team. Gretky holiday. "People began meets this measure, too. he shopping early, He has lifted his team has "our volume noted, with him. been steady since I w o y ea i ago. August. Parts 1 Department Open 8 to 5 Weekdays 8 to Noon Saturday I USED CARS 2511-poi- nt st I I I I ' I 1979 Pontiac Trans Am, Silver Anniversary 1979 Olds Delta 88 73 I.H. 2 Ton, White 79 Chev Camaro. Yellow 81 Jeep CJ5, Blue 72 Nova SS, Orange 77 Dodge Charger, Black 79 Chev V4 Diesel, BlueWhite 79 Chev 81 Jeep Vi 6495 9895 4x4, Maroon CJ-- 7, TanGreen 1979 'I Biro, Wnite 80 Ford V6 4x4, GrayRed -- 8500 6995 4945 6,795 9500 2095 3495 6895 1981 CJ-- S 6,295" 9395 9495 Jeeo. brown 80 Cadillac Eldorado (Diesel), Brown 79 Chev Cmero RR RlackRed 79 Pontiac Trans Am, Blue 79 Pontiac Trans Am, Black 81 AMC Eagle 4 Door, WhiteBlue . 14,895 6895 7995 7895 7495" 1979 Chev Luv, Red $5500. 1980 Jeep CJ 7 $8600." 1979 Ford Bronco, Green $7900." 75 Ford Pinto. Blue 1995" 1981 JeeD Scrambler 9.495 1980 Ford 1 Bird BlueWhite 7195" 1979 Oldsmobile Frenza 5100" 1979 Jeep Cherokee BlueBlack . . 6295" 1979 Ford 4 X 4 Snow Plow 9500" 1980 Mercury XR-Red 7195" 1978 Chevrolet Vi Ton Diesel. White7295" 80 Jeep CJ-- 7 Hardtop 8600" HAPPY NEW YEAR! .... 7, |