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Show pags 14 newsprint deoeiriber 80, 1081 Legal notices OBITUARIES PUBLIC NOTICE Nniniiiuliii" Arnold Ruland Schuljfius Ruland Arnold She married to Don W. Roberts in Vernal. Utah. She was a member of the L.D.S. Church and attended the Vernal She Second Ward. served as organist and pianist for the Relief Society. Primary, and Sunday school. - She also served as a counselor in the Relief. She was a Society. member of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Two of her sons preceded her in death. Mark Roberts and Vern Schulthus. 80, died December 2 5, 1981, in Tucson, Arizona. He was born March II, 1901 in Salt Lake City, Utah to Jacob Ruland and Marggert Dalene Stedler Schulthus. He married Mary Wilda Hall on July 25. 1928, in Vernal, Utah He was a rancher and contractor. Arnold is survived by his wife of White-rock- s, Utah, one son Jay Schulthus, Vernal one daughter, and Mrs. Earl (Joyce) Fix, Clifton. Colorado. Six grandchildren, one d. great-grandchil- Brothers and sister: Ward Deanna Richards II. Utah, died Wednesday. December 23, 19KI. at the Primary Childrens Hospital in 46 Niles Southam. Vernal. Utah, and a grea- Mrs. Stella Pitt. Hcbcr City, Utah. Funeral services were held Monday, December 28. 1981. at the Ward First Naples in was Burial Chapel. the Vernal Memorial Park December 1981. i.lki J Hi' !1r .l I aim ; IlIMKlCi ! i ' Body's storage com merciai or residential heavy steel building all enclosed, 3 sizes, 1286 E. HWY 40. Phone Vernal Are you building a new - l.iu u.ll iv ik In! : I LiHltir.iD-IKVll U l!N(!iv home? Have you considered a central I vacuum system? We have one that is just perfect for picks up you. pennys, socks, bolts, etc. 'A id "l-l- . at the Ashley n without damage to machine.-- Have you ever seen a vacuum that tuff? Come in for free demonstration at Seely's, 1010 3, North Vernal Ave. Vernal. I 1 I!. 789-093- J' lot beautiful Ashley area, $12,500. Lois, or owner, agent, Vernal 1 00x247 789-229- 2, 789-395- 8, For Sale: 1 5 acres in Ashley Area. 1 miles north on 5th east. 11.000 per acre. 29 down. Owner will finance balance. Call For Sale: 6x55 Roadrunner mobile home, excellent condition "Very Clean" with air conditioning and 7 after xtraa. Call 5 pm, Vernal . M.I.A. Secretary and Sunday school teacher. in the She worked school lunch program for the Uintah School District. She is survived by one son and three daughters; Blaine Goodrich of Salt Ijike City, Utah. Mrs. Faron (Lila) Wilkensand Mrs. Phil (Enid) Murray, both of Vernal, and Mrs. Robert (Marvel) Clayton of Bountiful. James Elmer Huffty. 57. of Duchesne died December 24. 1981, ina Salt I iikc City hospital. r in Kilbournc. Louisiana to Lawrence and Lily Alberta McGaha Huffty. He. was married to Barbara I ouise Miller in December of 1949 in Evanston. Wyoming. James was a veteran of the Second World War serving in the U.S. Navy Surviving Mr. Hufity are his wile of Duchesne seventeen Brothers and sisters: Mrs. Alice Mrs. Artie Merkley. Kimball, both of Vernal. Mrs. Chloa Slaugh of Manila. Utah, and George Roberts of Blackfoot. Idaho. Funeral services will be held Wednesday. December 30. 1981. at the Naples Ward Vernal GGGtGDDGG Melva Helen Roberta Melva Helen Roberts, 92, died December 1981. in Duchesne County Hospital. She was born December 21. 1888. in Vernal. Utah to John Franklin Glines and Mary McKowen none ODD GO -- OGGO nnon ococ nnnnnn nnniinii I nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn Walks list Solution 30. Dish II. By way of 32. Sewing party Asphalt Paving and landscape equipment tor 0. sale. Phone Steak order 34. Bring into close union 35. Asian cereal grass 13. 789-584- Vernal I Do you nasd better 'security ' for your home? We have a wireless Burglar alarm system that can be easily installed, in your home for a price you can afford. Chamberlian Burglar Alarm. See at Demoiselles Take for granted Season Seely's. 1010 North Vernal Ave. Vernal. Hiatuses Ontario's 42. 789-093- 3, neighbor Kirby Factory Repair authorized to keep your enforced have warranty only factory people repair your vacuum. We sell new and used Kirby's, free gift for home demo. Call Dan Kofford at 454-320- bird Root-and-bran- 722-382- 2. up, person repair 43. Commotion 44. Exclamation Practicable Dynasty in 45. of disgust Even one China 6. Wrath c 7. Set in purpose 8. Vr liable item 9. PrtKet 10. Adjective for R a O 11. Exclusively rs 16. 20. It holds an Deck-swabbe- S S object 21. Seize un- scrupulously 22. As a 23. Sudden 25. W O blaze Individual table cover: ' 2 wds. 26. Exceeds in 27. R D S height Character is perfectly educated 28. Little-league- rs 0. Talmage. Seasons Catering, 789-066- 5. throughout-lik- e new, new fruit trees, sprinkling system-wate- r well irwater righta-- 2 rigation metal buildings. Must see to appreciate. Phone 789-23after 6 p.m., Vernal CARS 1979 & TRUCKS tom. 4x4 GMC for sale. pickup $7,000. Vernal 789-20- 1976 Ford utility truck for sale. Needs motor work, phone 789-205- Vernal 1 For Bale: 1979 Chev. Silverado, K ton- pickup, - 4x4. $6500. 789-20- Vernal Camara 350 P.S. P.B., A.C. Automatic transmission, AMFM cassette, tilt wheel. Excellent condition. Asking $7000.. See at 1196 East 500 South. Call 3 Vernal. 1979 B 789-095- 789-362- after 5 p.m. 9 Ver-na- low mileage, air condi-- . tioned power window. Call 789-676- 4, 454 engine. Roosevelt 789-087- Asking will 5,000. negotiate. or Phone evenings. Myton 722-38- 722-31- 789-093- 3. 722-474- For Sale: '71 Pontiac 4 door, good condition, new new tires. upholster, 9 Vernal Phone Vernal . V.W.- - 1973,NeedsEngine, fair condition, 400.. Good tires, mag wheels, see at 2508 So. 1500 West Vernal or Phone 789-411- 7. Office Rental Vernal 5i000 Sq. Ft. 23 rented. Brick building completely renovated, carpeted, birch paneling midway on walls. Ample parking in rear. See at 91 West Main. 3.50 per Sq. Ft. plus utilities. Across from Post Office, Contact Glenn Vernal. or Low Dec. 18 - April 10 s1775 as Dec. 28 1 11 days ss Statendam 10-da- - Mar. 21 3rd or 4th person sharing cabin with 2 full tare passengers 840 Days Cruise y RELAXATION! 10-da- Available Downtown 789-31- 06 For the liveliest, sunniest, most relaxing vacation you've imagined on a spacious, gracious, floating hotel. Its guaranteed, Space Cooper at airfare froi Vernal to Florida CARIBBEAN CRUISES FREE Centurion, good condition, 1979 Ford F150 Supercab truck. Excellent condition. Propane hookup. Automatic, P.S., P.B.. Air. AMFM Radio. Phone 722-33- Bon Voyage! 789-373- 9. Clean Economy car, 1977 Buick Skylark, 6cyl. 4 door with air and at, low mileage. $2,000 or best offer. Call daytime 8 or Etchings 789-327- 5. Let ua do your backhoe work! Call Slaugh Const, at 789-38Vernal. For Sale 1971 El Camino, new engine, tires, rebuilt trans., needs some work, or offer. 1976 1,750 Honda Elsinor 125, 125.. Pickup and parts 1955 Chev also parts for 1959, all for 200.. Phone after 6:00 Vernal P.M., For Sale 1973 Buick Vernal 1978 Scolodale Crew cab with dual wheels, 4 speed. 789-584- 0, 789-431- 5, l. Bobtail dump truck. 1 78 Ford tractor with frontend loader and gannon bucket on rear and 1 - 1 ton roller for sale. Call Vernal. 1 etc. We do K ail. Handy man service Vernal For Sale 1978 Chev short wheelbase, step side pickup. Brand new 350 engine. Power steering, power brakes, AMFM stereo, low mileage, new radial tires, slotted mag wheels. Phone Morruary OGDGG i EEDGOE DOGGO ' EDOGHn a GGDG EDO ODGG GoEE OOGO OGGGG GQQGOO CCflOEE Fencing. Phone Roosevelt Pindar specialty 738-554- Chapel, at 11:00 a.m.. Triends may call at the Tuesday, December 29. from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Wednesday, Deand one brother. cember II, 1981 from Lavclle Huffty of 9:30 to 10,30 a.m. Bountiful. Utah. Internment will be in services Graveside the Vernal Memorial were held Saturday, Park. December 26. 1981 at the Duchesne City Cemetarv. 25. A gain 26. "Solemn 29. FENCES We build "Em and fix ''Em all. No job to big or to small, Double D 1. 38. Corresponding 39. Make yarn 40. Impertinent a caterer for all seasons. We do weddings, anniversaries, parties. We decorate weddings, pareties, special For Bala: 14x70 Solitaire occasions, rentals availMobile Home on large able. Specializing in Greek 100x300' well improved lot Delicacies. Rula Bullock. 2 bedrooms & 2 full baths, Phone new carpet and drapes CLEANING, PAINTING, and' Margaret F.. McCurdy Roberts.. She married Wallace Goodrich on Septem- Teacher. way SERVICES 789-143- 5. .si W MiV-ik- Emulate a butterfly 24. Irritates, in a 789-822- 2, DOWN 5. S3. hourly or trade or frpe estimate. Vernal baseball Manners of walking 37. Very old 36. 4. Glow Beef': slang 21. 30. Stiffly neat 34. Lose freshness 35. Mr. Staub of A-o- ne Excessively 789-229- Ii' our' .9. 46. Send forth 47. Mining tunnel 48. Peter 49. Not admit 50. 51. Short (of) 3. product 789-15- Ihc change will i..vc place J.i'ui.u . I. I Ik c't.r-:- c a1 mat i i. Sl.il li 18. Valley Medical Center. She was born November 23. 1901. in Vernal. Utah to Myron Thca-dor- e Seventeen grandchildren and Huffty Glines. M.'inl Um A cash 8. Gershwin 789-093- 3, motions to raise the price of water connections in the District to reflect rising cost of water, installations and maintenance costs. I.iiiii.ir p I ' i I 5. Scrutinizes 7. Convert into 789-068- 6, 789-048- 27. Utah. James Elmer 20. PH 789-215- great- died Richards. Vernal. Visiting Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. 1924. Mi November March 4. Mr. Connery 789-319- 1981. passed Ray School. ber 10. 1927. in Vernal. Deanna Surviving Utah. Their marriage arc her parents of was later solemnized in Vernal, two brothers the Salt Lake Temple. and one sister: Lloyd Dczi was a member Kay. Byron l.vnn and of the L.D.S. Church Cynthia Beth, all of and attended the Naples Vernal: Grandparents: first Ward. She was a Mr. and Mrs. Ben former Relief Society 26. I held Carpeted, Dczi Goodrich. 80. Flementary Septem-be- I'!1! 4. Move about 8. Concerning: 2 wds. 12. Fade away 3. "Mad as a per month plus deposit One child, no dogs. By 2, application with some appliances. evanlnga. Vernal Newly remodeled and in For Rent single stall good condition. Excellent garage on Main Street, investment. Call Mindy phone 8, Vernal or Eaton, Agent at Basin Real 9 after 6 pm. 4 or Estate, Seely's storage for all Vernal. wHr your storage needs. Make Offer on nice 3 Commercial or residential. bedroom home on one 1010 North Vernal Ave. hook-up. acre, plus trailer Vernal. or Phone Call Theda 2, Bastian Realty Backhoe rental 15 years Vernal experience. 580 case, Dezzi Coodrlch Richards. Deanna was a member of the L.D.S. Church and attended the Naples First Ward. She was a student at the He was born lit .llwVlk.lv tHkv .!lliltil II.1 I It. K.I'l'lv,M. .illil I. Unattached For rent 1978 2 bedroom 14x52 on private lot, 450 789-565- MOBILE HOMES Salt Lake City. Utah. She was born (X'tober 1970. in Ogden. 23. Utah to Clifford L. and Southam Nila Kay tgrandmother: ! ' V II commercial district. grandchildren. brother and sister: Mrs. Clara Perry of Orem. Utah and Lloyd Glines ol Orem, Utah. A funeral was held Wednesday. December 30, at the Vernal Second Ward Chapel. Burial was in the Vernal Memorial Park. Deanna Richards Naples i .iiniiiii tills III. 'll,!. t children. Chapel. of Vernal, : A.-.- i Melva. is survived by two sons and two daughters; Don Karl Phoenix. Mi Lilt I' K ll p.m apartment building in West side located people and anyone planning to purchase water connections from the District in the near Please he future. advised that the Board of Trustees of Ashley Valley Water and Sewer Improvement pistriet in a regular meeting Roberts of Vernal. Mrs. Laurel (Helen) Woods of Salt Lake City. Utah. Mrs. Grant (Merle) Carpenter of NiWuk. California. 17 grand- California and Mrs. Frank (Marge) Gray of Salt Lake City. Utah. Memorial services will be held Thursday at 12:00 p.m. at the s ' '.k. hiil Arizona. J. Grass Valley, Whiterock IM I Roberts. Roberts of Melvin of Evanston, Wyoming, Walley of Woodruff, Utah, Joe of Mit'tiiig' I iila I Iceh ii Muiai.iiii. I ne. Iimiii ACROSS FOR RENT REAL ESTATE To all residents of Ashley Valiev Water and Sewer Improvement District, also all developers, real estate MiiIicc ol 789-100- 8, y on an ss Statendam Caribbean flycruise vacation! days and nights in the balmy Caribbean with only 6 days away from work! The luxurious ss Statendam gives you 5 delightful ports from Miami. ..St John, Guadeloupe, Antigua. St Maarten, St Thomas... plus Holland Americas traditional gracious service and warm Dutch hospitality. It's an unforgettable vacation! (ss Statendam is registered in the Netherlands Antilles.) Ten vl Holland America Cruises Our Service At No Charge FrontIer . TraveI ANdloungv W vm Sou, (h. tonal, UMi SOTS nhfw SOI) 7SMC7J 19 BEBBEESSSB , j J "t I |