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Show I Uintah Count, Uhrary UINTAH COUNTY LIBRARY rova uv 8U078 PAD VanflllMi Nmlk me Basil n., 25$ TcrJsiflTEie Bulls TTInlali Basin December 30, 1981 Vol. 1 No. 9 Sill nrJa v evening at approximately 4lXpm. a car driven by Saiali I klund. age 24. was approaching (he intersection ol cmh'Snuth anil 2100 West, when hei vehicle ( Z 2 8 Camarn) was hit on the drivers side by a 197b Driver Cited After Two Car Collision lord driven 11) 1 Merchants oin Ikluiul was turning Good Season Aside 1981 from onto large decline in sales over 1980. hut gains, if were generally any. repo iicd to be small. Shop owners were particularly concerned about the early season -- with, saies. Nearly every store however, contacted by NEWSPRINT reported a very slow start to the season. However, by the time they were contacted (Dec. 23). all were experiencing brisk enough sales to all but make up for the early escaped the I wav rial lot iailure lo y it Id right ol wav Irom a stop sigh Dlluei Police Sgt Dave i.-- said "'here was reduced ix.iv'iW 1 e due to'a p.iiUd dump i rue I I ai ih.e mt'isee-tlcil- i ol vnl !i S'llllll a.it! I he 2100 West dump car crash last Saturday found ona driver being cited. k Sil'k ' to tin s il'i. Ili-vei- l :. a d its parking position o shopping season being a banner one for Duchesne County merchants. No one reported a Iklund was taken to ilie hlet Valley Wagoner few holiday along with a tight economy kept the by with no injuries. I he driver oi C'amaro (Niiaii a to the Christmas Tenth when South was westWagoner bound. also turning onto Tenth South as the mishup occurcd. throwing l he I.kluiid v elude Ms into a ditch Medical- Ccntei minor injiines (rum exceptions, the warm and clear weather prior east-boun- - Mayor of Altamont "Fighting Mad" Report Wagoner, age 20. I Two 77 9cmm I " 1 I 'lump. Most shopkeepers acknowledged that the pleasant weather hurt t licit businesses. Clear roads to the Wasatch root means substantial "leakage'' from local 1 whoare hard Mountain Soli Announces Plans For 1982 v-'- (AI. l AMON I ) Mayor Howatd HiinkerholT i "throughly disgusted and fighting mad." he feels that the Cppci County is pctiing lie Shalt", lie is so upset about the division of County lauds that ht is considering leaving the Conned m Mayms Ik eels the County Commissioners arc 'unlccling loi the needs ol the I ppcr County and also have iittlv education in the running of a County ." He Iccls the residents ot the Allamoni area and sui rounding small communities should imr logethci and follow Roosevelt's example ol re" development. I his would take the taxes out ol llu Countys hands and put them where the people w hi have the needs would receive them" Biinkciholl said. taxes dial Biinkciholl leels a big pcicent I icld Oil come the Horn i.txts II-- . lo County go t shalienged the County to "Ntu.l.e ic ia lCMKVt and its soutees. it niaysurprise the residents te know how much revenue is generated by the I ppei " County's oil fields etc He went on to say "I he residents ot the I ppei County have their needs ignored, they ate lclt tv One sore spot with lend lor themselves." BrmkeiliolT is the budget lor the roads which gave Roosevelt '21.000."". Duchesne I.MiOi)."". noihci Mtamout 'K.IHIO.1". and My ton 'ft.(HM)."". was the funds granted by the County lor the parks. Ibis amount was decided by population only, not by tlye needs to impiove or amount ot use ol each Park ol the lunds. Altamont received only il.000.IK' and Neolu was given 3.000."". Bluebell, who has a park that could definately c a lew kinds received pm to compete with the large chain stores and I metropolitan shopping centers. Changes in buying habits were, noticed by on! a few merchants. One trend seemed to be toward fewer gifts but more expensive ones. The desire for high merchandise Mountain Bell will build more than 1.5 million quality was on the minds of worth of additional outside plant connecting most I9S Christmas The Ashley Valley ; Water and Sewer-- ' regular Ashley Valley Water and Sewer facilities in Vernal during the nine month period Improvement District Board of Trustees believe, Improvement District meeting on January 6. from November 1981 through July 1982. These Shoppers. The gift buying it to be desirable that it issue a Public Statement 1982. to take the oath of office and be seated as a facilities which provide connections from customer in Duchesne season concerning the recent District Election for member of the Board of Trustees replacing the locations to Mountain Bell's Vcrnul switching received mixed reviews. ' nieT Both Mr. Board members. The need for the public present Chairman, Lyle Me Reach office, consist primarily of underground conduit McKeachnic and Mr. Hacking reside in the and multipuir telephone cables placed in conduit, L)cnn Brown at Kohls st.'ftement arises because of the large amount of suggested that 'its been buried or on aerial pole lines. '"misleading information v which j has been Clines precinct. a little off from last Mayor Brmkcrholl said: "Councelmeu in the disseminated by the news media and others in Some of the major areas of telephone Brown cited the Altamont aiea have stiuuested annexation ol all the year." ihe community who Vsecm to thrive construction for 1982 will be south and southeast weather and the Con't on pg. 16 ' A fetter has also been sent to Mr . Dennis Mott The sensationalism. and Board from Mountain Bells office to 3500 Souih and good of controversy as the tighter economy Trustees has been very disappointed with the-,.- notifying him that his seat will be held open to beyond 2'00 East. Now under constiuction to reason for his store's office for until 60 him the 8 to allow Total m to qualify inaccurate reports which have been made by ; days complete phases from decline, 'll was still some of the media. District officials have prescribed by the Utah Code have elapsed within cost. S290.000. he responded to good," Also west from Mountain Bells office to 15(H) a attempted to educate media representatives ; which a candidate has the opportunity to qualify question as to the West with extensions Southwest on Highway 40 and other members. of the public who arc for office. Although Mr. Mott received the of the loss. extent Deadline tor filing Senior ( itizen and and North to 500 North and 2500 West. interested in the facts about the recent election .highest number of votes he would be .prohibited The Duchesne WestWidow Widower Refunds (Cncuit Breaker I is in November office the sections because some in from resolution Construction and the District Board of Trustees position taking began ern Auto store registerDec. 31. 1981. As Tn past years, this rcTtfhd" is 1981 to complete in phases from to regarding the problems which haw arisen in passed by Uintah County in 1974 creating the ed about the biggest available to Renters. Mob'lc Home Owners and Total cost is I540,00(). Vet not '? one media Ashley Valley Water and Sewer Improvement connection with it. ot all the Real Property Home Owners. T he amount of In addU'On, East from the Mountain Bell office gains more from trustees two than District attended board prohibits has the meetings representative merchants jn cithcr refund is based upon Total Household Income and to 1000 Fast a ad Southeast on Highway 40 to 2500 I)uchcsne or RooseveIt. where the election matters were discussed, nor residing in any one precinct. Gaylon Cook and Property Tax Paid in 1981 (except lor renters) both Trustees South. Construction will begin in December 1981 Ol of the District Robert Turner, asked to see the minutes of those meeting! course, that store Refunds may be as high as 300."". to and complete in phases from All of the following questions must he answered reflecting the Boards' handling of the issues' Board at the present time, now live in the Naples added nearly 100 is 150,000. cost Mr. Total will ; in Mott order be to and qualify. involved. Apparently rumors make better new s precinct "Yes over more to quality. space percent And the North area, from 100 North to the stories. Will you be 65 yeais old before IXc. 31. 1981 i. - .. required to reside in some other precinct or in summer. some other manner qualify for his seat. The approximately 2000 North along Vernal Avenue is Tn a day when it is difficult to get any qualified Business is just or are you a Widow or Widower? now being designed. Targeted completion date us . has of been asked Clerk the the. is it office question why to' for run to 2) Was your Total Household Income for 1980 disturbing public person along.' sat'd at a total cost of approximatley 150.0(H). the Board of Trustees that when people do District allowed Mr. Mott to run lor a scat for or less? ( I his is Income from all sources '8.999. owner Icrry Heaps. described addition to the In major which projects now be he The not to qualified. appears Pensions. Social Security, etc. Included and from donate their time and effort for the benefit of the "Ive got no will be numerous .smaller projects. there " above, is his Mott Mr. answer that filing which simply upon noted all household members - Even those under 65 it Mill public they are quoted for saying things extensions to the Coal Mine Basin and including he swore under that could oath. candidacy have and never season have the things they earlv said, living in tire same house.) they f ,s Dry Fork areas to the west and northwest and to sales Will you be a legal Resident ot Ctah for the said are miscontrucd and interpreted so as to , qualify and that if elected would and the district and suggested that new developments to the cast and northeast. it had an obligation to allow determined that entire intent seemed be of the the to and customers yeat. 1981? meaning destroy entirely ' In addition to the sl.5 million for the City :f ' Mr., Mott the opportunity and qualify as he 4) Did youftirnish ourownehiefsuppoit?(That s.on't on pg. 3 original statements. Vernal. Mountain Bell will construct nearly The District Board of Trustees bclee that: swore he would. you are not claimed as a personal exemption on 800.000 in new outside plant facilities foi Jensen. ' ' Will Remain Filled Office Individuals 19SI Income Tax Return!) another . Mr. ran Mr. Mott and Hacking who This project, which will complete in phases from Lee Rosenhan. District Trustee, whose seat Homeowners must own and occupy the tor district office have experienced' early June to September 1982, will m.ike ore and Residence on Jan. I. I9SI. Renters must reside in the same frustration as the existing board was up for election will remain in office as service available throughout the Jensen two party . Housing subject lo Property lax and not reside in members and therefore ha vr decided to issue this prescribed by Utah Statute until Mr. Mott area. Tax becomes the or seat vacant because Exempt Housing of statement and if necessary purchase space in qualifies facility improvements and additions ere T he "Circuit Breaker' refund forms are available Major Mott Mr. failure the to Mr. by qualify. newspapers and lime on radio (o have the facts also being planned for Bonanza area, with a in Vernal at the Motor Vehicle Office of the State Although the Ashley Rosenhan does not have a choice in the matter accurately reported. in the 3rd quarter of 1982. completion Commission in the l intah County Building targeted since the state statute requires the incumbent to Sunday night. Vernal lax Valley Water and Sewer Improvement District will provide improved service to Bonanza and This Duchesne at the County Assessors Office in in and his in office for term and until hit I y Police Dept, Hoard policin the past has been to refrain from remain the m serve of the will many energy developments is rcscived a call that the the Dud esne County Building. Information may making public statements on the issues successor duly elected and qualified. Bonanza area. If is Mott Mr. unable to within tbs fact etna I Ihriltwav had he obtained bv calling (Toll free) that board qualify siTroundtng the election. The With this information, the consumer has a hc'tcr been statutory time, Mr. Motts seat will he members and their families continue to be called idea when they will have phone service. As we ail When burglarized. and vacant declared the the officer's Uintah and receive to and County unsigned signed anonymously know, with boom town's, such as our own (Venial) arrived on the scene, ill be asked to appoint IS letters attacking the integrity of both the Commissioners a damper to the newcomer in town, or outiy mg puts a that fill his someone to reported vacancy. member;, of the district and the candidates and areas where they find themself on a waiting list for they front window had been It is the intention of the Board of I t ustces of a board of and as them individually connection. tecuung phone broken out for entry, ihirvrs which are not true, it has been decided to the Ashley Valley Water A Sewer Improvement THE For example, 4 years ago, a record of request for and an undetermined if Mr. can he Mott District seat to The forth effort set in the an steteraent qualify. to new service was 500 in a one month period, amount of cash and jvyt tr; Ikijrd members, however, are under oath to true I sets... staggering to Mountain Bell at the time. Now, goodV had been taken. v ahold the Jaws and the Ceaslitction of the LlccKtm CcrO'Uafe , faced with even greater figures, such as 1000 new Investigation into cf Uah'One of those laws is the county fcv.. r erd " Sewer V rf? orders . in the month of December alone. Any this case is still pending Eoati the orcreated which fer.s ii h s ccft.fka!? Strict. .CTlfc-' rrt.MXt' iM CAS organization which deals with the public during undcr the direction of - w L-Mr. u I concluded scat have thit :,?; t i Jf.;s growing tune oftoday, are faced with back logs and (he VerM, s K 'i I ) ' tunis- Division. 1 . . -- n-- 0-. . Senior Citizen Refunds : 1 1 : - - 1 - -- . com-Mea- ps x - Vernal . Thriftway . Burglarized . . 1 60-da- ... y . THE NEWSPRINT ONLY NEWSPAPER IN WORLD TO CARE AGOUT THE WHOLE UINTAH - - . 1 j V r . i liilri- ii nfmmiiiZ 0, IN |