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Show 7TT 0 f that the "boys" and a fine old time Is already well assured. They will have their own car from start to finish. 10th of April, and "girls" will have EDITORIALS With five dally papers, five theatres, FEDERATION. five railroads, and a City Council equal An atiillence that taxed the capacity In some respects to five ordinary ones, Balt Lake ought to find some measure ot U building aaacfflbled In the for claiming 75,000 -- all, Salt Iike, on Sunday, the of Justification 18th the occasion' being to expreaa people. Therp la only one Salt Lake, indignation at the treatment of Moyer, however. Haywood and Pettlbone, who are in Regarding the marriage of Nick and durance vile in Idaho on a charge or Alice, a lady remarked that It might ; complicity In the aHauasInatlon of as well have taken place on the day Bteunenberg. The apeechea set for lovers, and thus have were of a milder character than some beenapart occasion more of a of the radicals doubt leas expected, and Valentine's day. Instead of the 17th. thla wua n fortunate circumstance. It Why not have had It three days earmatters little what view one may take lier?" she asked. Yes, or a month of such or any other proceeding, so later, which would not have been red, long aa hla words ere, not Inflamma- hut green. tory and show a disposition to conform to the law; outside of thla there The death of John C. Graham rela no safety, for thoae who Hre dis- moves another familiar figure from the posed not only to yield, but If neces- circle ot Journalism and public affairs sary to assist In enforcing obedience generally In Utah. He passed away to statutory requirements, are greatly at a time when he should have been in the majority In thla country and his best In his calling 67 years, will tolerate nothing supportive ot or with the appearance of ten years less. leading to Bnarchy. In common with Mb many friends, we , Among the speakers was a surprise extend sincere sympathy to the family In the person of A. J. Weber, an able and trust he has found reward lawyer, a good citizen1. and a long time equal to hla merits In the land befriend. Hla speech was chiefly a legal yond. argument, with comments ot a more or leva fraternal character InterThe senatorshlp question Is the spersed. and was of course able, lucid one In Idaho; that Is, In a and finished. It was the beat one of sense. The race for the toga political the occasion, although all were good Interest that of such If any other ' honorsabsorbing and In places entertaining. within the gift of the nt in were all iiermlsalhle suggestion are not much talked of, althin connection, it would be that the people undoubtedly Governor Gooding though manifest disposition to denounce the will be renominated by the Republiwork of officers or the law in the dis- cans. The senatorial timber on the charge of their plain duty, and to be- same side consists of J. H. Brady, cloud the character and make light of state U. B. Judge Beatty, th victim of ns cowardly an assuasln-rfo- and W.chairman; The Democrats Borah. E. ns has ever occurred In Amer-I- have one chance In a thousand to n history, be toned down some-- j win. and If they should Dubois wilt v'l'il : id would belter be omitted V be their man. v NEWS V SVMMARY NORTHWEST 4 E NOTES THE LABOR Fed-mti- red-lett- ,.s Three firemen met death and Bins George Adams, . connected with ,a were Injured la a firs at Camden, N. grading outfit, was struck by a train J., that destroyed twenty houses! gear Laramie, Wyoming, and kill si. ' The British steamer Colne' has founThe population of Lusk, Wyo Is indered off the Dutch coast. Twelve ol creasing so rapidly that new school her crew were drowned and seven building Is being demanded by the dt ' : wived. V, liens. The Russian loan that will be Issued Mrs. Mary Powell, accused of the after the Moroccan question Is settled theft of several head of cattle from e will amount to $250,000,000 and possi- rancher, will be tried at Laramie, Wyo. , - . ' 4 tr TRAINS DAILY AS 1 VIA ' Arrives. 11:15a.m...,. 11:00 Am 10:80 a. m 10:05a.m.... Leaves. This Includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vestl-bnlaElectric Lighted-- Steam Heated Trains operating Pullman Palace Bleepers; Incomparable Observation-Libr- ary and Dining Cars of the very ' - Eastbound . No.l ' In May. Dseembsr 10, IMS. Effectiv Westbound. , bly more. E. FatreU,.a waiter on the, United States army transport Logan, committed suicide on March 8, by jumping .' overboard. ' jVA b&ttallan of armed reserves have been sent to Ryblak, Russia, owing to fear of agrarian troubles In the upper Volga region. ; j , Mrs. Mary McKlttrick, believed to be the oldest person In western Pennsylvania, on Saturday celebrated bet 108th birthday. In consequence of Ihe failure of all attempt to form a new Servian cabinet,. the. old ministry, slightly altered, will return to power.5 . SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAt CO. TIME TABLE. 1:45 p.m .....l:55p.m ,3:13 p.m. f' . No. Leaves Stations. Mercur Summit Manning Fairfield Arrives MUSIC, Fred Ruprecht, who came to Larav PIANOS, , mie, Wyo., in 1872, and had lived there Organa Acd All ever since, being amongst the oldest Musical Instruments, business men In the town. Is dead. A Japanese track walker slid from latest manufacture. an embankment near Apex, Nevada, 46 South Main Street, and waa crushed to death between a ONLY 42 HOURS, SALT LAKE TO CHICAGO train and the bank by the southbound Salt Lake City, City Ticket Office, 201 Main SL passenger train. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Utah. ' Charles F, Miller, formerly probate t judge of Laramie, Wyoming, and for 60 YEARr many years prominent In the live stock EXPERIENCE business of Wyoming, died last week keeleV . at ihe home of his sister in Culpepper, Drunkenness Cured. ' , Va., aged 72. a Boaltlve and parmanent enre M Two fired at Missoula, Mont., which drankenneoa and the opium alcknesa. no no ts hurricane publicity, a There A has raged tor thirteen for a time threatened to destroy treated as privately as nt thett Tram Maims $84 days In the Black sea.'.-- Great damage large portion of the residence district owe hornet. The Keeley Institute,UtahDunns has been done, and In every port ship- of Missoula, resulted In a loss of $5000, Lake City, Belt COPYMOMTS AC. W. Bo. Temple, s akatefe sal SaMHptlm n and the burning of several horses and ping has been disabled. wbatbar ear opinlna fra swuli , U1TMUM to probably patantabltL Cbiaarcnle. The German foreign office says that hogs. The wind was blowing. 85 miles naantrisUreoaSdantbil. MNOHMca Patants fires. of time the hour at the the outlook at Algeclras Is so favorabls aa SMB BHHI) WWBOBi BBni IB IBB The Las Vegas k Tonopah railroad, that It Is now considered Impossible Scientific off the construction break now under to negotiations,:'-by the line ' A htsSiewlT ItlHtnlM waatly. William A. Clark and his Senator General .Gredekoff, of isy aatonMSe tnarnaL Tamil, SI a Freedom of seeci must not be deIs now In Ross J. Clark, brother, Manchurian baa Gift. 09 army, God's Greatest Issued nied and will not be- until it becomes The love of a good woman Is a an order prohibiting Japanese ' from eratlon aa far aa Indian Springs, forty-foutreasonable or Indtive to riot Also miles from Las Vegas, and a large freedom of action will not be re- spring flower that blooms through the passing north of the Russian lines. : strained unless It takeB or threatens years amount of freight and passenger bust The senate committee on, approprialife or property. ( ness for the Nevada gold fields is betions has added an amendment to. the FOR CHAIRMAN. prrreneeirrreeveeeeerrMwr fortifications appropriation bill provid- ing handled. jf00NT MI8S THE LARGE AUTO-The sugar war between Clans ing for a government powder factory. Th suggestion advanced and upheld MOBILE Western Sugar refinery Spreckles naval committee by tliia paper for the reorganization of The house on, that runs to all points of interest,! and the Sugar Factory company ol the Republican party Is taking shape. mkke favorable a to decided has j wlth,s good guide.' Fare fl.00. Those, of the cause who are recog-- I Honolulu, haa caused the former com! Seeing Salt Lake Car and Autos., I ireport on the ton hill for the estate nixed as true blue and always on hand 4- coast to raw the to sugar pan bring 8o. 2nd 40 E are In no wise backward regarding exjtshment of naval mlUtla by the from Cuba. ' Mr. Spreckles has put In ' ' states. pressions of approval, each looking a line of sailing vessels for the pur that as all upon It, eventually will, The Mobile bay quarantine board pose. He also gets cargoes from ' therein lies success Several names agatoa Java and the Philippines. have been presented for chairman, $ haa established a quarantine, ON YOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK either of whom would be a leader who the city of Puerto Cortes, on account The officers of the Seventh infanmenTO those HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA. would organize. Among of the presence there of one case of stationed at Fort Missoula, have try, tioned for the responsible and exacting pieces of Sheet Music 10c q yellow fever.'' task Is Hon. A. U Hamlin, chairman presented a petition to the county N per copy. of the First ward committee of Salt Judge Alton B Parker of New York, commissioners of ' Missoula county, 4 .Lake City, for two terms a member In an address before the Manutoctnr-cln- asking that the saloons near the milof the Legislature, a staunch reprePianos, Organs, Talking Machines, of Charlotte, N.- C., urged itary post be abolished. It is repre4 sentative of the labor element, and a 4southern Democrats to take. the lead- sented that the saloons exert a de' Republican from Btart to finish. Such TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO moralizing influence on the soldiers a choice would be a .splendid one. FERGU, COLTER MUSIC CO. ership of the party. and that their presence tends to deOGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER By the falling of a derrick in Wash- stroy discipline. , ANOTHER GOOD CHICAGO. TO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF I 89 Main St.. Salt Lake City. IS VIA KANUTAH.. TO ROUTE a ington at the new addition being erectconvict, fugitive Logan BUasard, hotel Raleigh one man was waa shot and killed by Sheriff John THE to AND CITY the SAS ed Students in veterinary science. m ' Catalogue Free. LIMITED. NO EXCESS killed, one.wCs Jatally Injured and jo JSawcakUWyo., one mile der the direction of Dr. Frederick, FARE. others were Injured. In clinics every when have special-worrestating south, of Kimball. Neb., TICKETB OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF , Monday. The farmers of Cache valley who was 19 years steamer Sierra, which has The Bllssard, capture. . were Invited y" to bring their animals old,' waa wounded several weeks ago and have them treated free of charge. MiiihakkkkmiikMiiniiMraiika rived at Honolulu from Australia - with S-to Commercial while escape Williams, C no been Agent, endeavoring 4 Samoa, reports that there has The work has met with abundant sucCLIFT HOUSE He escaped from the 4 Salt Lake City. communication with Tahiti since the stolen horses. cess, there being from fifteen to twento taken the penbeing deputies while ' ty diseased animals brought In' at each Third 8outh and Main Streets, recent disastrous hurricane. itentiary. session. In no case, apparently, has Lake City. 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4.44 14444 444 t In a collision at South Omaha beBH The report comes from Kali spell. the department failed to give satlsfac- -' All New But the Name, tween two street cars, Jacob Paulsen, Mont, of the loss of $8,000 by the tlon, and the fanners are beginning This centrally located and well employed In one of the packing houses, to realise the valne of a good veterln-- . OBrien Lumber company at the hands known hotel baa been thoroughly re- was killed and seven arlan, t WWMMWMIIWWIIIWIWWMI1M injured, persons John Peterson, a of highwaymen. Dr, Frederick and John T. Caine III novated and refurnished throughout? mreaiittmtaisWarttirtiirtrtnnrHsiirtnrti rentittaWkWNrertrtaiawwwwsw 1 were hurt whom of six severely treated employee, waa carrying the lately discovered a disease among the Under the new management reasonMeasures horses of Benson ward. A new organisation entitled the money from Kallspell to the works at have been taken to eradicate It, able rates and first class accommodaNational league has been lauqzh-e- Tomers, about nine miles distant Near which means much to the farmers of tions will prevail. 1 haa moved from Main Street to our own premises on State in London The primary objec ts the mUl he was stopped by three men, that community. Can be reached by street cars from all forma of state or muni-clp- One held the team, another held a gun Howard P. Madsen, a certificate all combatting Our trade is growing very at Peterson's head and the other seWe like the change. Street depots socialism and pmnldpal extrav- cured the currency. ' graduate from the A. C. U. Mechanic A. L. MASON, MRS. his ' position . Arte department, resigned Our Lard is agance. nicely, and we can give you better service, Prop. An agitation has been started for a assistant In carpentry at the college s as leeomn of the The special reports to take charge of the mechanic arta Mil in the next legislature for a , guaranteed absolutely pure, work in the 8alt Lake High school. To he assured of a sion, which investigated In nineb sn of the state judicial disMr. Madsen has thus far proved him east, purchase your tickets via the provinces In Russia the agrarian tricts of Wyoming. It Is proposed to self equal to any emergency, and will last occurred which Laramie and Albany counties In new 'place no doubt meet with success In his Rail- show that the losses exceeded 8:jqi, first dlatrlct. Carbon, Sweetwater the position. . ' 000,000. The position of assistant agronomist StRStWt!MtWMMWtltRRlWRRtatMMWRUWRIWRStsmstamil and Uintah counties in the second disat the experiment station, left vacant now an honi trict, Converse, Natrona, Fremont and ntniliHHWMwwflswwMsMsisMsisisMsiireisisiBkisasMiBMsasisMiflsiiareareiiRr Roosevelt is President will of Mr. Nelson, In the and the by the resignation orary member of the United Veterans, Weston counties of thethird, 749 & 751 Mr. City. be filled by Mr. John Stephens. state in the remaining portion at been elected the sto camp sn been by has having agricultural Stephens fourth district dent here for several years, and hla Poplar Bluffs, Mo. The organization The board of education ot the Doug-- s theory Is backed by an abundance of la composed of union and confed Wa Can B avs has Nelson school district has sold to the state Mr. practical experience. soldiers. You Moni y- & Wyoming for a premium of $146.50 accepted a position at the Montana on census bulletin the A preserving station. experiment an'Isaue of $10,000 of 5 per cent bonds, The Logan Sugar Co. announces the and canning Industries in the United for $he purpose of building an addition of Co., 234 to from students Omaha cash to Chicago. prises following States fop 1904 shows 2687 establish- to the school during the present public service also between ments with a total the Agricultural college: In tho City. Moat Tha Rallabla Dmtlats capital of $69,599,-81summer. To the person raising the best five Omaha sad Minneapolis and Cbtoage Tooth ax true ted without pain by our ciaatlBo 1900 an Increase in capital yver smthodo. Fret with other work. aa well as all points in and SL seres of beets, $50.00. Fite In the Rochester hotel, at Tacoof 45 per cent OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. To the two persons raising the best tiie South and Southeast of ma caused the loss $10100, Many For full Information call on or wrMe three acres, $25.00 each. ot tMth (boat rod rubbar), S. Gold crowns, Sot A storm In Rio Janeiro caused landprominent citizens and their famillee k 0.10 to M. 00. Bride work, booc tt.M to IMS To the five, persons raising the best floods. and In slides home the and for Twenty persons make hotel, Gold A. eillnsn. J. P nnd up. Other flUlngo, SOo to lie. FOLEY, thejr two acres, $10.00 each. TWELVE YXARB PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. were killed or Injured there, and land- a time three waa considerable anxiety V To the ten persons raising the best Commercial Agent but no one waa Inslides at Petro polls, capital of the as to 'heirWafety, one acre, $5.00 each. Opes till 6 p. a., Sunday 10 to 9. Phonon, Ind MS; Ball. 1IM-flame were Confined to tib .ind jured No. 75 West Second Sen A Street of Rio Janeiro, killed fifty per- the attic, state n EXAMINATION Ma DR. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. 884 FREE. EDITORIAL NOTES. sons and injured many more. Buildings weqe shaken and windows John Alexander Dowle, head of the In the language of Camille. AH nashatters? for a tdlus of several blocks we? ture hopes for spring; why not Zion chruch, and hla wife have parted. the business In district of Bellingham, It ie declared that the last message Wash., fry the explosion That Rio Grande disaster is the first of a gas tank of Dowle to his home waa Ignored, In the rear of Mrs!M. E., Allices hair great railway horror of the year. Would that it might he the last. and that Mrs. Dowle has, thrown her dressing establishment on West Holly jot with the ordinary followers of Zion. street Mis. Allies and two other woThere will surely be enough water Stations A resolution offered In the Republi- men had Marvelous escapes from in A. M. Lr. Ar. the coming summer to make It quite That Is ths happy trinity that! jury- 141 Salt Lake CRy can county convention In New York unnecessary to put up an excuse for U Murray Lv makes ranch-Bateir happy travelers on Rook lei The hole, Wyoming, JO Binaksm Junction drinking anything else. calling upon Senators Platt and Depew and through trains. Through Standards an have owners formed men and Riverton IB Mt atok to resign their seats in the United OS Lthl The State Journal of Ogden has l147 American Sleeper dally Salt Lake end Ogden to Fork IJR States senate waa quickly defeated by association toVssInt in the exterminanew the prohands, again changed Prove which Idl wolves have of Chicago without change. Arrives In nd coyotes, The M the adoption cf a notion to lay It on tion prietor being S. A. Bowman. BprinrvUle Idi secconsiderable in stock killed that Chicago In tho morning. We also run table. the management and staff remain as preVwki tion this winter. 41 Ar. Wvr City touriat cars to Chicago and through viously. A general strike of the miners of rTVSiT John J. McEachern of Cripple Creek, Louis. 8teamshlp tickets on sale 8t the Lens, France, district Is threatenMonti. Lv. The witnesses for Senator Smoot Idi to all points In tho Old Country. Cobh, convicted of inspiring to deKlekAeld are now all at hand and there seems a ed; owing to their Indignation at thfe Marjwvalo. Ar. Mutual the Life Northwestern fraud for the the way fray Let us know whore you want to go. nothing in insufficiency of the safety and hygenic hbl rtftoesgTBmr Insurance company, has confessed. Im..M: begin again on the 26th. It will not Loaves Tkietio ..........a, recent mine the precautions preceding We will do the rest "Nothing finer R. Provo Hall, aiv under Uani plicating George probably last long. Lanroo American Fork at Courrieres. Several or- taker; Luke Kellogg and. Job a Varley Ml catastrophe than the Rock laland Diner. .J!:Sf a. m. In an alleged plot to swindle the above This paper has not yet got into the Lam Loaraa Bingham Junction .... Ill p. sn. ganizations have struck. 141 a a. and several fraternal so-d company cartoon habit, and unless we can do Arrivoa Salt Lnka City Beth phones 248 George Gould, the crippled frkAHCB AgWon cletlcs. better than the Salt Lake dailies have A. M. P. M. eon of Mrs. Gould, Maggie A.M.P.R E. DRAKE, Diet Rase. Agent' N. ! DREW, General Agent been doing in that respect there will IdS 141 Salt Lake City . J4 Thomas I Foster, a carpenter, of shot and killed Joe Bush at hla moth G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pees. Agt, 100 17th Street Denver, Colo, be no haste whatever about getting 141 MS Bingham Junction IMT ijl 100 West Second South St, er 141 14 Itovoro ers cabin, near Sbingleton, Cal. It la Spokane, threw hlmaolf In front of a U4 the habit. MB 147 147 Load Mina and had both train at Wash., Salt Lake Pasco, Utah. City, alleged that Bush went to the cabin dB MS Bingham The Utah Press association Is L A. an intoxicated condition and picked hla legs cut off close to the body. la have a junket to Los Angeles on the Foster died half an hour later. No quarrel with Mrs. Gould. sense for the deed la known. ! d, Beesley Music, Co. ' ' cur. the 1 IA-Us- e ' - i i n Jlmericatu ' allo-r.-rhe- r. I.1 comtnanddr-ef-ilu-Russia- taurcs&ERW' - r . g : . Try This Route East various V.' . Ch jeago, M il waukee & St. Paul - - Railway b f , THE-EAS- FAMOUS-SOUTHWES- . T - k I . iU 4 f4 444444 4-- SHERWOODS MARKET d f - Both Phones Illinois Central road Robert Sherwood. y State Street, Salt Lake Why Pay More? Utah Dental Main First-clas- s 6, B-- - It ' Good Service - Good Company Good Meals. t 1 nr 0 err :::3S: 1 eighteen-year-ol- 8 i |