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Show OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ladles Private Dining Room la Connection. , 8HANG HAI CAFE AND OYSTER HOUSE. LOUIS FAY AND LIN LEE, PROPS. M B. let Son til, Salt Lake City. We make a specialty of Dinner Parties at Special Rates. We serve an excellent 2 5c Dinner from 12 to 8 p. m. 1 rr . - v . R. A. HASBROUCK,: J3 91-6- 444444444444444I '' Z " C. D. CAMPBELL, 330 8. Main 8L, - Specialist 69 E. 1st South - i 4-4- - a V - 4-- Street t4 Utah ytasayer. I Samples by mall or express carefully assayed. P. O. Box 1014. , 44 Richards 8t, Salt Lake City. 4-- 4 Drop Inwhen you'ro down town 4 44 THROUGH SCENIC V, 44 444444 4444444444444 f 4 4- - 4-- 4 COLORADO - '.it, 44 444 4- - 4- - 4;4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.4 4 4 SLEEPING CARS, Western Goods: for Western People! V. Electric Liqhts, Electric Fans. ' The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. T Reclining chair cars.. i uwo-pat- c witsistiatitmMWttstiwPstatitititststitsi $ S GEO. W. PARKS, . Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, ' 8alt Lake City. . ' S S i (sieve hr Urns, Udmts, m). y Pay CoacHxe. FdNrt, ate., H. C. TOWNSEND, Him v- - UTAH-MAD- g m K 99! GOODS, in all lines, in preference to those manufactured outside the State. . X-- l V V, il - l Magnetic, Electric, and Massage Cord Reading Dally. . Treatment. Developing Circles Tuesdays and Fridays at 7:30 p. m. ,No. 147 E. 1st So. HMMMaMMWaiaMsMWaiiMOirtiwaia Boost, !i23DearES!ilReader ' Invite your sttentlen to tkeir tins j PIANOS & ORGANS Victor Talking Ma- chines, Sheet Mus- ic etc. r Presents Foe AIL The Popular Music fyrasa, 46 So. Main St, Salt Lake City. Bee-utlf- ul s MNiiMiaiaMiaaiBiaMiia3aMi3aWa3aiiMni s: iviwztPMWMawNRpjtPJtamtatatauMtRNRitPAWmNZtatatatffPatatatitiWRRaeR MaMaMaMwawwaiaNMMmNWaiMMaMDMairAWaHJBMiaMwaieNMrAiasai. vf ' wwtw Beesley Music Co. patstKststNJcsNatsisu0WiWNMmt MESDAMES A. A R. BALL, BELIEVER IN, BEING E r mtrrjm w rr ww 4 3 8EVEN SHINE8 50 CENTS. S Shoe Shining Parlor. S 3 GUST. TRAINTOS, PROP. S 157 South Main street, , 8alt Lake City, S , rhe object of. the organization' ia ' to promote the use of ALLj , wv f Chris Hanson. ALTA HACK LINE. ' From Sandy to the Mountain City. . , Every Day From Sandy. Ratea: 91.50 to Alta 31.00 from Alta to Sandy, Busy All the Time In Utah W. Snd South. Salt Lake CKy.! Opposite PDetofflce. Mailing Sacks Furnished. , (In(rpDtatjd). . ; A..AVKR, ISO 3eiiiNiewNNMaraNk5rwiMia5eMiWS d MISSOURI PULLMAN F. M. BISHOP, !UtawRwaatMRNNNi smstatsiatMiKRatRK FERTILE KANSAS Write for Mailing Saeka. 300-30- proprietor: M City. l, 4-- 4 44- - Assayora and Chemlata, W. Temple 8L, Salt Lake . Land Attorney. Attend to all bualneas before United States Land Office, U. S. Surveyor-GeneraState Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold. 1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt, Lake City, Utah. 4-4 4 RAILWAY L. H. GRAY, i 199 B. rrrsawRrpRatstifRWS!iWMNN 4-- 4-- 4 4 Missouri Pacific 4 Plenty of entertainment :: and a Pleasant Place to spend an nour V v 4 ' 4 : 4-- 4 EAST via 4-- AND CIGARS .WINES, LIQUORS 4 J. MqVICKER, Utah. Mercur,7'. :The Best Quality of v''-T- :"; 4 4 4 4 ' AND THE 4-- ; 4 4 st7louis reWatches, Clocks and Jewelry paired at lowest possible prices. Also a fine assortment of watches, clocks, v jewelry and silverware. 44 " 4 4 r Through Service ' 4-- 0 saaiaMMan R. H. Officer & Co., MADAM SCHNEIDER, Noted Psychologist, Palmist, and Card Reader. Card reader and Palmist. Positively helps every one who oonaults her. If not satisfied dont pay. See her now. 48 West on 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. r v? 44 SALT LAKE CITY. . Salt Lake City; 444444444444 44 . ' . J5he PILES REMOVED Without Knife. DR. JOHNSON, ' v EUROPEAN HOTEU. Meg, A. M. MarehaL Balt liha City. J9 South Main Stmt Salt Lake Ottf Located in the heart of the city. Naatly furnished Rooms by the Daft Week or Month. Rates Reasonable. Ratee, 60 cents to Light, airy, clean roams, rintclaaa per Saft ia every respect Steam heat, Klectrle Special rates by the day, week a nonth. ' . SEWING MACHINES. . Repairs and Parts. WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. ' 29 W. 1st South Street. SALT LAKE CITY. 1 . Physician and Surgeon, 60 'Commercial Block, Salt Lake City; Utah. K 'Phones 1412-- and 1429-- 1ladstoniH6TDv 9ns wiNbsdH' . Office, . Her Caee Hopeless, Flatters Seek Company. The woman who la ao embitters ,(Tho trouble ia that frettera aren't that ahe ia uninteresting to heraelf can eon tent to fret by themaelvee. They never hope to be beautiful or interest-- , want to be accompanied by a large j Ingto others. ' 'ieboena. iBOOSTI t Help to Build up LAKE CITY! --n- THE WAY TO BUILD UP A EATER. UTAH IS THIS: DONT USC Imported Goods Unless Bought From a.. UTAH DEALER! , - , If, in " , ' 1 . this List of Business Houses, Yjdu fail ' ' . r; J; : " - !V' " - - ' f to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next' Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find it There.! If - Its Interest Is Wide. H- WWWItlWIWItlWatRRatltatlDmatRRKRPAWRNZM Lay-of- f The betterment of industrial condition in every city, tewn, village, j hamlet and district ia its aim, For full particulars , ' U write to' 1 I ll State-!- ! - Approved and recommended by the late Irrigation Oongress. Simplifies watering lucerne land and grain fields. Every drop is utilized and the yield Increased from 15 to 30 per cent Levels the ground leaving the soil loose and loamy- Draft easy-ordi- nai y farm team can draw . jUncle Sam Saysfl THE MANUFACTURERS AND MER-CHANTS ASSOCIATION. The Uta.h & Pulverizer. S it : ea n man ia a rooi to nuy no Sa 5S a deemed 17, 19, 21, 23 Jeweled good as new, for juat one-hal- f the amount dealera charge for now Ejg Bones. 8ome Elgin and Waltham Watches good as new for $3.00 each 5a Sat UNCLE SAM8, THE CUT RATE PAWNBROKER, 30 Eaet 1st $2 B South Street, Salt Lake City. All Jewelry, Guns, Musical Instruments, etc., etc., at half the a IJ b price charged by regular dealers. - is I Is. 0.B0X - 1584, j SALT LAKE CITY. WaWMMlaNiaWMMWlWmiaMNimiMMMdNNMaMWWlMNMirNlaNlKirMniN - If Youre Broke f rS PINES HOTEL 2 . We will loan the moat money at the lowest rate of Interest on monde, Watches, Jewelry, Gune, Musical Instruments, Clothing, Toole S of all kinds, etc. You dont loot your goods If you Pawn them with aa vj we hold them as long as you wish. Corner Commercial 8L and Flret j South. Big Electric 8ign. NkryviJfl Vuh ' One of thd Best Gountry Hotels in the State Mrs. W. Jones, Prop. . 2 MaWaWiiaiSMiMMWBiMBWaisWMiaWi t Uncle Sam! MsiinaiasaiaN iawiMMidiiiiNidN wNi 800 machines shipped into Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona and Utah last spring. It la the only machine made for furrowing alfalfa and was awarded a diploma at the State Fair. Irrigator cannot afford to be without this necessary and uaefiy imple- PJMeitStStStWItNtWSBRStSlItjtlWIWIWIMWRRRRWWMWNltWWWWtNWINNN THE OLD RELIABLE ment N. Liberal commission. AGENTS WANTED. For particulars. Inquire at 49 East 1st South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Correspondence will receive prompt attention. LOWEST. PRICES. NEVER UNDERSOLD. BEST GOODS. I B. F. Luke Company, Manufacturers. H. M. H. , V 0990099099889 0098898980880 J Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad o From 0O 0O One train & day each way i CALL AND SEE US. : LIBERAL TREATMENT TO ALL. 45 45 O 0 Connects with San Pedro Ry, re 0 S) V Mary E. Brown, stochon, v J. Utah . ' I "GROCERIES H. WHITLOCK, Dealer in IARNES8 AND HORSE NISHINGS. fiMarysvala D. REDFORD, AND PROVISIONS. Maryavale, Utah. FUR-- JOHN HAWES, Utah. Maryavale, In Dealer GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A. W. TH0RS0N Will Carry Tour Express or Yofirself to or from ALTA. And Do It on Time Every Day. KxsX0(XaxaX0teX9XsiiXiix9sxsxs)) (f Bertelaen Bros., BLACKSMITHS, Marysvale, Utah. Dr. F. J. Lyon, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Marysvale, Utah. i 2 Utah 4 41 Greatest engineering feat of the West, and crookedest liltle X railway in the world. Well worth a ride from Salt Lake to see it W 45 A. D. SMITH, L. L. NUNN, General Mgr. 45 President. General Office 417 McComick Block, Salt Lake City. LUND, Local Manager, General Merchandise, Dry Goods and Notions. Fairfield to Mereur. VtehaSGrMt Gold Come. 45 P. W. MADSEN, President. |