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Show IIMgM3ltftEltltltllltWtlMIlWltl8t88WtllN8MtltKRW8 NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES Old or broken Disc or Cylinder record taken aa part payment foe . New Ones. The floor era dosed, tbo shutters battened tight. The curtain drawn; tha lamp' soft flood of goltl Around me Ilea; there la no touch of .cold; No hint of tha upmnrloua mood of night. Tempest may walk tha earth and Mind the light Of winter1 frosty alar; unaureoled . Tha moon may hide within tha rack'a ,. dun fold I am olillvloua; all to me la bright For I have rhnaen gueata about nty hoard, Chuuorr, who mined o deep In Icgend'a 'hoard. The gieateat of tha Kllanhethan throng. Keata and hta comrade, from tha lyric hoat. To Poeayl thla our client toaat A we together qwiff the wine of tong. Clinton Bcallard, In Metropolitan. hVUVVVVVyVVVlViVi . ; V FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. . Tha new 1908 model' of the COLUMBIA GBAPHOPHONEB In Jhe talking machine embody all of the latest Improvement world and are the standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In exchange for the latest types, and don't fbrget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Backed by the Largest TalMlng Machine Company In th World Uoea With the Machine. ' . 827-8- . COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.GENL.. BALT LAKE CIXT. . 44 44444 4t44'44444444k 4M4M4444M4'44444Mr4ll3ttt So. Main SU Both Phones. Epislplc: 2 (Copyright, 1908, by Dully Story Pub. Co.) New Ring and the Old Love. matter; nothing matters now so long Richard: In the old day 1 as we two love and may begin to live, The Dear would have written "dearest," but today another man acquired Krai mortgage on that title by virtue of placing a diamond ring on a certain finger of what you once called the falreist hand In the world. Why 1 should choose a former lover aa man and a you I. am dating thla letter the first time i three years, for since we parted there have been no dates in my life; nothing but a blank, a blank only you can belp the future to fill and make pregnant with promise. In a few days my bonds will be jocosethe with broken. Leonard preferred a separamy confidant, and honorryou first news of my engagement, 1 know tion, but has consented not to oppose Miss Jeffreys Rest Spelt She proved a most Ingenuous young not Perhaps it la because of mem- my application for a divorce, which al-- 1 MIsb Ellis Jeffreys, the English ac- person and her artleseneea was a ories which will not down, even though ready bos been made. There Is to be tress, la unusually popular with the so- source ' of amusement to the entire the flashing eye of his ring seems to no scandal; the utmost secrecy Is to folk In New York, vfho delight to company. At the second rehearsal as ciety reproach me for not letting the dead be observed. The Judge has eves entertain prominent players, Mlis Gladys stood in the wings she raslily promised to keep the case out found her tlnfe much taken up In con- noticed past bury'lta old love. that the drop1 at the back la tbla letter treason to him? . 1 do sequence. a wood scene,' although the for 11, consider so would not think he On one occasion, while she wait play- act called for an interior setting.. 1 do not ask that he has told me: ing In Dalys, a change Inher company That picture at the back iant you love your former admirers less. If was about to be made, and It became right," she observed to the girl standyou will love me more." That speech necessary that she should attend early ing next to her, and Im going to tell won for him my hand If not my heart morning rehearsals. For a week pre- Mr. Ward about it." , Leonard is not Jealous and In that he she had been leaving immediviously "Yea, I would if I were you," wickflatla unlike you. Jealousy' may be ately after the performance each eve- edly replied her companion. tering to a woman's vanity, but it la Onto the ' stage marched MIsb ning and attending one or another Of Yet mind. of to her peace destructive social were the functions that being Gladys. g woman loves with her heart, not Mr. Ward, you haven't got the fight given in her honor. Then she was with her mind, and where the heart (i forced to arise at' 9 each morning' In picture at the back. woman think: not does concerned a order that she might be at the theater The star of ,?The .Grafter" turned she feels. So I sometimes wish that by 10:30, and It required all her moral quickly on the young woman and Leonard were less phlegmatic, that he courage to arise after three of four every one waited fur - the storm to had more blood In hla veins and leas ' hours' rest, ' burst. A stinging rebuke', was on) of ice; that he were more like you! no use to complain, for it the end of Ward's tongue, but a glance was It bonds . That la treason, and yet my had to be done. She could not prove Into the Innocent face of Gladys and are atlll ' too young to teach me disungrateful to her friends, for an ac- hla anger vanished. He raised hla hat cretion. Do you know what a temptatress must make all the pew" friends and made her hla beat bow. la to woman? a a diamond tion ring she can and still keep the old ones. Thank yon, ao. much," he said. But for that I might have waited She could not neglect her work, of Something in the looks of the othwaited for you. Would you have cared? neces- ers told Gladys that all was not well. course, and It Rachel waiting for her Jacob gave evisary that rehearsals should go for"Shouldn't I have spoken to you dence' of no greater patience than ward. For five days Miss Jeffreys about it. Mr. -- Ward? she asked. mine. Are all New Englanders like stood the strain, and on the morning . Oh, yes," replied Ward, but I John Alden: too bashful to speak for of the sixth she appeared at the thea- wouldnt . advise you to cultivate InthemBelvea? But I will not compare wan and worn, but full-oter, courage. terrupting rehearsals until It becomes You have Alden. a to John you higher The stage manager, waa a little late a habit. Kindly grasp your left wrist sense of honor than that unjustly-laude- d I never needed you so much as now. and Misa Jeffreys welcomed the wjth, thf fingers of your right hand Puritan, tor you would not bechance to 'Ht down In an ari If were friend. law When the the of. newspapers. tray your Perhaps you "firmly but gently lead yourself Mice. . that kind of a man, 1 would not be ladles and gentlemen, evert the old bonds, It will tie an- hind a piece of scenery and Shortly appeared the stage mang hat last scene over again." yrlUng this letter. Yet In penning other nuptial knot aa soon aa you wish. and called the rehearsal. AH' rethis epistollc echo of Eden, I prove With you a my lord and muter, sponded, except Miss Jeffreys.-'-' They When Arnold Daly Got Even." that I am but an erring daughter of bondage would be sweet I have been a wife in no more than waited and waited, but ahe did not ap.Eve, Are you a son of Adam? ToDuring a recent engagement in San morrow may tell. Ah, me, I wish the name.' Since Leonard found me cry- pear. Finally a search waa made, and Francisco, where the play reviewers morrow were and yet 1 dread ing over your letter on our wedding then the telephone waa set Jangling. are inclined to be severe In their the mornings dawn. Would I love you night, we have lived our separate llvea, Still no star could be found. An hour Judgment, one critic was unable to find more on a pedestal towering to the meeting only at dinner and In aoclety. went by and then the stage carpenter any merit in Arnold Dalya acting unclouds and unattalned, or kneeling Oh, Dick, why did Fate and Uncle ordered repairs on a scenery wall. He til he appeared aa Napoleon in Shaw's at my feet all mine own, but with 8am fall to deliver my, former mes- moved this flat" aa It la techlnadly play, "The Man of Destiny. He disthe dirt of desire on the hands yon sage to you? Doubtless It la now in known, to one side, and amid a wild counted hla praise, however, by findreach forth to clasp mine? the Dead Letter office, that cemetery chorus of yella and laughter, the miss- ing fault with the young actor's Who can read a woman's heart and of burled hopes. I hare come to be ing star waa discovered, peaceful!? make-up- , stating that It was too be sure? Even she herself cannot do thankful that like tha writer, my let- sleeping in a big armchair in the homely for Napoleon, who waa good that Can L then, dare to hope you ter went astray. I would not have you gloom of a corner.. looking. A few days' after the article When the awakening came Miss Jefwill understand these heart-throb- s say In the coming years, aa did the appeared, Daly waa a guest at a dinfirst occupant of Eden The woman freys was not perturbed. She calmly ner at the Bohemian club, of which trickling through my pen in inky If yon do not understand tempted me." Your fall but arouaea observed: The best and most satis- the critic waa a prominent memgber. should one reproach the text book the mother Instinct: I long to kiu factory nap I have had since I came to During tbg evening Mr. Daly waa because he does not read Its meaning away your hurt aa did my own parent the United States. called upon for a speech. aright? Spare me In your reproaches, in the days before you came to be the One critic, whom you all know very tor In love the end sanctifies the embodiment of my Ideal. My demiSome Bright Bits In Comedy. he said, well," singularly enough means. In what on earth have you god, yet son of Adam, you shall no Here are some of the smart lines praised my performance of Napoleon, In doubts me? If distress If sot faith. longer aue at my feet. Let me look spoken by the character in AngUatus but censured my make-u- p aa being you now, what mean the protestations levelly Into your eyes; together we Thomas1' comedy, Mrs. Lefflngwells too homely. He said it waa absurd of the past? I can say no more; .my will rise to sunlit heights and forget Boots": ; when one remembered Napoleon's selfishness and my hope grow dumb; the shadows lurking In the valleys of I cant live In Louisville, you great physical beauty. As regards know. my heart brims over with silence. The our past thla, I wish to aay that my make-u- p Edith tells me you will return home Deity can Invent no greater purgatory Why not? A great many do." was copied from a of Napocannot than will be mine U yod forgive Sunday. I hunger to? a sight of you. Not aa many aa live in Pittsburg, leon by Guerin whenpainting famous solthe LILIA. can For two years you have kept away lives in your that and nobody Pittsburg dier was a young man of 26 or 27. He II. The Letter Which Reached Him. your absence was bard to bear, but get away. Why, theres a club waa then pale and emaciated and hla My Dearest Dick: May I not call perhaps It waa as well: I could not New York 800 strong and all of theta face was long and haggard. Napoleon V you by that sweet old pet name once have remained true to the man the escaped from Pittsburg. did not cultivate that picturesque and "Connor painted the figure and Impressive more, even though a few days must world called my huaband had you been hyperlon lock that curled nearby. True? Have I been .true to when he waa married and hla wife over hla forehead until he waa 45. him? Alas! my thoughts have been found out that' he had to work from Upon carefully considering the traitor, for none belonged to him. 1 the living model her interest In art matter I have come to the conclusion to no In I him love had to that wronged rapidly turned to curiosity, then that the critic has condistinguished give him In anght else, God Is my disapproval and finally to nervous founded Napoleon with Mme. Reca-miJudge. Be you merciful and together prostration. So Tom paints animals we will atone for the past, not In sor- now; Eva isnt Jealous of cows." rowing penance, but In Joyous living. The law? What la the law?" Henrietta Croemans Plana. Dare I come to see you at your home The law? Why, the rulee for the Henrietta Crosman has long desired and conventions and bo defy your conduet of society." As You Like It in London, to play mother? For you I dare all things, No. The law Is an arbitrary proeven to laying my heart hare, even to hibition of something everybody wants and arrangements have now been completed for her first appearance tearing away a womans most sacred to da" there at one of the leading theaters. attribute, her modesty, and showing But yon can work for the moneyv" The engagement will begin early in unsoul naked to with but you myself Not a hundred dollars worth the spring. Mias Croeaman will play ashamed. You need not forbid me. I not in one night, unless I work someAs Yon Like It" for a week at the shell come. Your sister loves me, as of an English company, with the body. head loves less she than her you know, only "You and the people like you the exception of Henry Woodruff, who will brother. Yet I do not need even bw lawmakers and the law ablders are bfi the Orlanda as an advocate. Let your own heart tell a lie, but youre dev not to the Shakespearian play Misa After willing me I do not and fear its Judgplead for to live one." Croeman will appear in a new play by ment I never needed you ao much aa lllsh willing "Oh, none of the gueata are coming Jerome K. Jerome, now being written now. I am weary; fold me away from I've ordered terrapin for ten. and for her. In this play, also, the forIn the world your anna. Let us I wouldn't cry about that, Mrs. comedienne will be supported by EngIn a of the better dawning day, get the hideous dream of those missing Bonner there are deeper sorrow la lish actors, who will begin rehearsals life than too much terrapin. as aoon as she arrive in England. years. You know we spent last winter at When her London season la ended I am overwrought, nervous; the sudden drip of salty tears has blinded my Palm Beach. I wish we were there Miss Crosman will take a long autoEva said the thought It look- mobile tour through Europe, lasting elapse before the law will confer upon eyes and the page Is a blur before me. now, but me the right to own you before the I know not whether my pen la loyal ed effeminate for the children not to till late in August, when ahe will return to New York to prepare for her world? My dearest that first word to my heart But you yon under- get a reaL winter." You might as well tell me the American season in two new plays. claims you mine, the second tells you stand when I only hint at what I dare that you are still the dearest of all not give a voice. There are some truth, for I shan't believe you what. , Walter BurrMge Busy. to me. things so aac red that to reduce them ever you say. 1 Walter Burridge, the I am hysterical, allly, delirious with to words would ' be desecration. Her First Offense. scenic artist, who has been sojourning Joy to know that I may soon give my- await you. Once before I slid come," Whs" Hap Ward waa renwaraing In Mexico, has returned to New York self to you. The fact that I am mar- and yon heeded not This time I know ried and ita accompanying man I had you will obey, for this message will "The Grafter" last summer a young with sketches for several of Mr. Savage's new forthcoming productions, quite forgotten. May God forgive me reach you. Heaven and all Its angels woman applied for a position ip the you already have, for If 1 err, it la be- will see it safely to Its Journeys end. chorus and although she frankly ac- and will begin next' week to work on Your love, knowledged ahe had never had any ex- tbe scenery of the new romantic light cause of you, of my love for you. My love, from LILIA. perience. her appearance waa so much opera, ,The Student King," by De Whether I co'nl (ogives me does not in her favor that ahe was engaged. Koven and Stange. FAST) FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN 3 OGDEN AND DENVER CHOIQffi THROUGH Z52Z72 S OF ROUTES. ?' ; f PURIST PULLHAH AMD SltTPFM FROM OflDBH OR BALT LA KB TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANCE OF CARS ; 'if-- . 11 Service a la cert on all through trains. For Folders, Illustrated Booklets, nto., addreee L A BENTON, ....... ....eaae.a... G.1F.D, ... .. BALT . LAKE CITY, UTAH pmuffitMKB, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THI Oregon Short Line ' . Free Reclining Chair Cara. 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Dlaaaaoa ofa tha Stnwaoh and Bowels. fU aad Itactal Dioooooa Parnate Complaint, Chranla Dlooaooa of Woman and ChSdran, Rickets, Spinal Dteaaaae Daataam Skin Traublaa, Aatkiaa. Branchial and Lone Troubled. Rheumatism Hay Phvar, a Bye and Ear Hysteria, Qottra (or bi Back), Varloooato, loot lUnhood, ato.. Blood Ploaooao. Private Diaaaaaa. Scrofula, and all forma of Karma and Chroaio (that nro aumbla) Wo earn tha liquor habit la S dara or no par. OUR MOTTO: A low fa quick Fin-tul- Neu-rotat- e, Dlo-aaaa- DB. A. J. In paraoa ar br latter fraa to alL LUKfca avIt Hniir HOME TREATMENT MAIL IHMll, 130 W. SHORES. Call ar write oiir bacauaa you lira at a dlotenao tha city. Dm PhoraO now ayataoa af trmm aaar to sat aapart BdriM and troatmMt at Itema. mahaa aaw anantom blank eovera orory aymptom of dlaaaa. which anablat than to dlaq-noo- a ba dona foe you. aad what your caaaonl tail you what your trouble la. what can -aymptom Hot and tha coat of tha euro will ba. WRITE If you cannot call, fbr thalr now tmatmant or not, .w. ndvantasa of tha FREE EXAMINATION. Whathar you taka aeoto nothin adriaa tha you TMr If yun miter from any af tha ar diaaaaaa earned by Icnoranca Pay When Cared mi aontaatea TOU ARB THE VEHY SON WE WANT TO TALK Ta Wi haw proven our mill ta CHEOMIO diaaaaaa by pabitebta sstjl vohmtair testimonials from home paopia. glvtas aamaa. ptatano and ad. WE CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES IN PRIVATE DISEABEE Race mm R wonld batroy wo have to prava oar akin ta thla ateae of Thla to our treobtao ta anetkar way plan: Umtelpai Wo ouro you Bret and than aak a REASONABLE FEB whan you am eurad. Ton can dapand upon aur ward, theuaoado of panama hart Indonad f ua MOW WANT TO CURE TOD with tha dlaUnot uudanrtandlaE that wu win not a FEE nntu wo cara you. mis appUaate loot Manhood, Baa Inal VSrleocol Diaaaaaa of tea Waa, Pmeta Olaad. Unnatural I eaaaa, Oouor-rhoe- a. Gloat, Strict am ate.. Onutastoaw Blood Poison and all WEAKNESSES of Ooaaultattan aad advleo fraa. ta S; Buadaya and Hobday I BaM Lake City. Utah. DBS. SHORES & SHORE9, Expert Specialists, Plea.se mention this paper. KtabS |