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Show ' work In the district and the presumption la that eventually Its properties will be absorbed by the latter,. Down In the outskirts of the district men who knew its worth and wbo were not afraid to spend the money necessary to make It what It is. The ramp Is right nowin need of more Just surh combinations. The Rural Republican Published st ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, and not far from the railroad the B. a W. ft H. company has developed wMk by evler Consolidated Operations. Sunity splendid property, one that has paid RURAL REPUBLICAN PUBLISHING The Sevier Consolidated la a power- Its way almost from the start. The ful combination headed by Seymour management is still pursuing the polCOMPANY. W. Tulloch of Washington, D. C.. and icy of opening new territory and the One year, $2 Subscription: Captain H. C. Lawrence. The foun- ore that Is taken out In development MAi others you will hear the dime fall into the Somebody will be sure to try lt,anl dation upon which the company was Is being sold and the proceeds applied Wa fating nihors boncattjfcjsw prone Office of publication, 967 Uommer-cia- l formed was the Sevier mines pur- (o the furtherance of that end. ; To wonder how they. mtnMr littleness. basin; this done, let one take off the the knife will be almost equally sure Club Building, Balt Lake City. Numerous other properties are be- Can pride themeelvce on merits of their candlestick, and the magician take the to strike the floor to one side or the chased from' Charles Lammersdorf. own The property had ' been productive ing devloped as rapidly as the means And be so blind to thoee that we handkerchief and shake it, bat the other of the walnut The tact Is tbat owners the and of Sdltor will their j the from surface 1. A. Kenner, money Is gone, which seems a strange It la quite Impossible for the ordinary permit workings, gave eiiiiii tn(, future of this section la as bright as We eee wherein ore fortune. a The owner but being known, the miracle Is human ey to gauge such a matter a teat, original H. Manager we measure eeeeeeeeseesee Gray, i. they lack; all was treated In a small mill which was can be. Thifi district and the Gold turned Into a bauble, for It Is nothing this accurately. deThe faults which they serenely think else later replaced by a larger plant by Mountain district . oomblned, are After everybody ' wbo wishes has but to sew a dime Into a corner of they hide; , MARYSVALE MINES the present company. Within a year, clared by experts aa being destined We weigh tried and tailed, you thrust the knife their werth and eee how far a handkerchief, corner which you they faU however. It was seen that still greater to produce many times more gold Below the things en which they stake must convey to the middle of your Into any part of the upper pert of the ; to handle the than has any other gold camp in the made must be Moun Gold provision of their pride. Showing doorway aa before, and then fill a handkerchief, instead of the dime. mammoth ore bodies that develop- country. water.with to the Raise It glass tain and Other Districts. We wonder why they do not stop to show ment work was constantly causing to Due deference to us who loom so high; knife and let the knife handle get ' Dalle. Making Paper. to was determined WATER IN THE DESERT grow larger, so it They pass us merely nodding as they go Or overlook us as they hurry by. Paper dolle always give delight wetted thoroughly. Then withdraw It (Continued from our last) erqct a large power plant and a mod' Some of the water on the knife particularly f a little Ingenuity le disto be write-ucould made handle of that enrmlll Is if the when me TMf consider Barrel Cactus the Only Hepe Perhaps you end Following they handle win ran ijown end drip off. Put. In little a toe. faces discover played the blemishes They, desired. unit that The first mar; making tsmmeyjIn camp in the Salt Lake Herald of Xa-- I of this ( ty Travelers. Perhaps it Is our present solves they ess, different ' from ordinary dolls face. tho walnut .where the water drape on' now nearing completion. mill Not whet ws might be and suppose ws cember 81. 1906: A traveler gives aa aeeouat of hew Sheet cardboard not too thick Is the the floor and when yon strike the doorere. and by the time H Is ready to run the B. Kiser, In the Reader for February S. drtak-lag best material for making these dolls, way and loosen the knife It la bound nower plant said to he one of the the ladiaas of the desert obtala NEW MINES COMING TO THfc finest In the state, will be ready to water from the barrel eaetas. - Xt and the easiest way to mark them to hit the walnut WORK FOR THE HANDY BOY. for the mill., mining was among the desert hills west ef out Is to ent a 'pattern from heavy supply the energy FRONT IN GOLD MOUNTAIN . machinery, sawmills, and all other Torres, Mexico. The ladles mt the cardboard, lay It on the thin cardi. DISTRICT. , to the handling top from a plaat ahoat five feet high, necessary .enuipment board and draw around' it with a penI The record for 1906 In such 11 proposition on an extensive ead with a blast stake pomaded to a cil. Mark an entire sheet at once. I Mountain district and the contiguous TCftie. During the present season six or eight taehee ef When ,the figures are cut Mt paste a the I upper pulp to the Mt which great belongs reglon the company has spent more than white flesh la the crap picture head on each one, leavptaadlag truak. Baldy mineral belt, the' greater porItem this, handful 1 by haadfhL be ing the neck of the scrap picture free Pinto tion of which la located b and unattached. The top of the dolla afluoeiod the water late the bowl bo county with an extension of miles dress slips under this neck and Is la tbo top of tho' truak, into Sevier county, has not been an A man bought 60 chickens at' the throwing tho discarded pulp om the thereby aided to remain securely In rate of 6 for 2, making them cost 824. exciting one. It has been one of rewill as future the vWith pen, pencil or brash A week later he wished to sell sults, however, place. ground. By this process he aecured . stilts. them, bear witness. The Importance of the I two or three quarts of clear water, draw the lines to represent the under- and divided them In two This lots. to used a outdoor be favorite equal ' district as a been s consolidation' of four or five lightly aa.'ty end slightly Utter, to the .Gold Monntaln-Marysval- e ore The clothes. usually The first he sold at the rate of 8 for stockings I amusement casual To a among been boys has In section claims of this Important groups gold producing with a dull black water color, 1, which equaled $10, and the other taste, but of ter better quality than en ri- some of tho wator a desert traveler is observer It appears rather a dangerous painted there Is no reason preached for several years, just as district, the deal having been why they half he sold at the rate of 2 for 81. though . sort of la It a to not with origt-coppits reference but so; sport, neered by Willard F. Rnydm-- the bas Bingham with use. .. The further All tbat has Inal promoter of the Annie Laurie occasionally compelled to little practice It Is extremely easy, i may not be painted red and . . i which amounted to 15. By tbls trans possibilities. , wItb trjpe or action he sold them 6 for 2. and let The been sold for the latter has been verb I rv'rnnuriv, and Walter James. Many of the shepherds In the desert ect , bjr palnt n made H on the whole. fled many-fol- d of Landes, In the south of France, use already. All that bos Holland. Surprise end .other well S ppr b pa n been and Is being said for the Gold Iknown properties are Included. Splen-- . Solution:. He bought 60 chickens at them with perfect freedom and great wI nd Mountaln-Marysval- e Plnte1 country will just I aid bodies of ore. are already opened the te of 5 for 2, making $24. Sold b1jact1 enables constant habit them rapidity; as surely be verified by the men and in them and the plans of the new to preserve their balance so well that bows or buckles. The foundation of half at rate of 2 for $1, making $15, who are now pouring their porstion. the Kimberly Mining com the dregs should be cut out of heavy and the other half 8 for $1, they run, Jump, stoop and dance with making money 'into the ground there. Muchlpanv. contemplate the Installation of ease the and security. They cardboard and marked around on writ- $10, thus selling 6 for $3, and making , greatest has been accomplished already, but I machinery at the mouth of the Hol-th- e White color. is the best tag paper. $1 profit are by their stilts enabled to see their f ; . next two years will so far change hand' tunnel Just as soon In the spring flocks at a much greater distance, over De-tbthe complexion of things down there to are roads the open hauling. a perfectly flat country,, their feet beFalling 8oldlsrs, the miner of today will hardly I velooment will be crowded for a A most successful amusement ing protected from the water during be so because the miles and miles of year and then the property will be. In e 1 I scene of war. It was to the winter and the heated sand In avenues that have pierced the which children and .grown-up- s take equipped with a targe milling plant, I sailed now and Norris are summer. In addition to the stilts, they tains and opened the ledges the Annie Laurie todv. The V0 that Drake M part is the trick 4rhlch Is celled The I The whole gatherSoldiers. being so shaped up that a tremendous operations of this company will result In 1688 to place Don Antonio on the use a tang staff,' which they carry. In Falling tonnage of ore will be, pouring out of lr the building of another town In the throne of Portugal They burned their hands; this guards them against stands up in a line like soldiers. ing them Into the various milling plants district and the employment of sev-- 1 Ylgo, but failed to capture Lisbon, and an accidental trip, and forms a third Ton order them first to stretch the I provided to treat It within the time hundred men before the close of went away cursing each other.?- So leg when they require rest. right arm forward, then the left- one; 11907. The financing of this pronosl-- 1 little plunder was than tbat fbajgu specified. To make stilts: Procure two poles second, to kneel down on one knee ' hod a Is an Once tlon artist lovely greyalready practically completed1 mon sailor received but 5 shillings about six or seven feet long, and nail District of Extra Merit. with the arms still stretched; only) I annroxi-Like and the expectation is that hound named Diana, who was a great then a man in wages, and took to robbery, on a strap of leather, about one-thir-d push your neighbor a lljtle. Is you this country e Bingham, Lately 8260.000 will need to be of his. Then some one gave him and the whold file falls like s house of for the poor man to make bead- - I pended before the mines are placed for which many of them were hanged from the bottom of each; Into these apetfine When' the Eng- the feet- are placed, the poles ; being Angora cat called Fluff. In and near London. cards. Toung girls shriekgentlemen Mors on a dividend-earnin- g basis. At first Diana and Fluff were Just as look foolish and pnt Into Tlgo har- kept in a proper position by the hands parents laugh heartithan that mneb has already been lish under Rookft bad mannered as most of their kind, In was treasure : 1 bor . there and of moved ? action forward eight the again by ly spent In patenting. A fleet of Spanish galleonq, of . which the legs. A wooden step, however, is but at. last the ilnter, by petting I Ate.f Holder for a Watch. Particular mention Is made of this Beubow had been In pursuit, was In better, tad It gives greater firmness to them both at the same time, coaxed than any farming or. manufacturing Lnterprige because It Illustrates per- - the hay, protected by a French fleet the tread; It is nailed or screwed to them to become intimate. make the holder cut four pieces To After that, each winter evening Diguarantee. fectiy tbe confidence that men who Several galleons were captnred by the the poles.' But the best of all are those enterprise can safely cardboard 5x3 Inches; cover, two . There Is no longer any mystery c011-- Vnow the district as thev know their English, but taore went to tho bottom, that do not reach the hands, but are ana would .lie on the floor before the of with plkta silk. Screw inside cernlng the ledge formations nor II alphabets have In Its future. Every and there remain to Jhis day.''?1. Now- secured to the leg Just below the knee fire and Fluff would curl between his a smallpieces hook in center of front brass mineralisation. their general form of dollar of the hundreds of thousands 1 lichee from bottom and Vigo Is a commonplace little by a strap,' the footstep being the same paws in the cosiest manner. 8 piece put The proper methods of treating the I that have been spent on these proper-- adays new come member' of k Soon there as shown. in the piustritlom- With the town.' j pres, which carry nothing but gold tie up to the present time has corns I I thfs I JUlofti t&lWJPef fS glue staff, any boy could COo-ee- . Jdnlfce aides .and silver, to speak of, .has been pretr ont of the pockets of local operators, eforortng Now. you know both dogs lneh ribbon, 2 L jsoon manage to walk In safety upon inade of with hinge K Mid to tbelr credit, local ty thoroughly worked out by the An- - ftn(J Hew. Carlyle Talked. T to' kill a birdie, Inches cats generally will try nle Laurie and Sevier Consolidated long. Tie two bows of ribbon men wl1 . the heaviest backers of , I have heard Carlyle pour forth' a them. so the artist was much worried how aew at top to Join the front and and formcompanies. It bu cost the big company that has been continuous stream of Impassioned dec hla three pets would get along. Famous Hunter. back pieces, which should stand like1 to car7,th entOTrfM through to lamotion for more than an hour af a nfeth-TIn,) To make them friends he would an easel. rn It Is stroage, but also true,- that the , take Fluff and Coo-e- e on hta knees at a In is Siberia hunter bear greatest rrow-.h- o s call Diana and then I,,ltou, the samp time, neers will be able to profit by thelr B'n'ft Looks Like a Losing Game. girl Ton hoys who sneer at to Pr0Prt'M of Merit. that no listener could young; lay his head beside them. In this experiences. The tremendous amount note well of cowardice the take girls Twenty years ago this month E. R. wish to wonderful utterance the are now soon to learned love that has three that being work the of development Other enterprises of this fact The brothers of this wsy a pay director in the navy, Rogers, cease. and bos every Retrospects.', one another, and soon etch evening been done in tbe camps placed prosecuted with diligence were young his clothes and, lost girl hunters, hearing through a fire In a are e went to sleep with her them where it Is now possible for assurance of ultimate big reward them talk about their thrilling experi- the tnrtle-dovHe at. once Inhotel in Tokahams. Mammoth the what conducted know In those to by Just and as see step Jnst capital you NOT,CE OF ASSESSMENT NO IB. ences when they were Mt bear hunt- strange companions, Into for reimbill a troduced 1 man-congress James the company, la That Long Ditrue, Mining it being buying. ta the picture Fluff lying close to would made decide ahe her that amount asked for ta The ing,, bursement Gideon SnyIs company, the boom to which the region Apex Justly lager; and Coo-e- e perched on Fluffs of dragging the the but try and see what she could accom- ana expense $1000, der manager; the Madsen Gold M!n entitled cannot be long delayed. hill along through each session of ft Milling company; the Annie ,nS. Milling and smelting jmmpany, a plish ta this direction. She stole off back. It is not the purpose of this g This singular friendship tasted sevLocation prind; lone te hunt her first beer for she view to go Into such detail of the Laurie Extension, U H. Outsen msn-- 1 corporation. congress for twenty years Would foot would . three tho Not of Lake ers! Plw years. only business, Salt knew kew her brothers would tease the Golden Treasure. J. T. up to a very much higher figure, even , years accomplishments that the read-lageColumns Breckon manager, and several others. v her had ahe made her wish known to er will become wearied. rating the time of Interested M. (C.'s could be written concerning the show- - None of them bos been making anylI Notice Is hcreby given that otheld them. The brothers did not tease; so low as to be positively Insulting tc Directors of mee,tJnf .th statags that have been mode In the dos-- 1- particular noise, but In a majority the honorable members. of February 1906, an they were astonished when theirenorens of properties that have been un- coses, st least, ore bodies of morelI ter returned, bringing home an are merit opened than being ordinary der steady and intelligent developmous shin. After that, she went whenon the Recovering a Lost Industry. co.r ment If It Is possible to convince the up or tunnels are being driven to ever sometimes she with her chose, l At Thornham, In Norfolk, the school? would-b- e investor that this Is a legt- - reach them at depth. Honest H. Gray, treasury, at 800-- D. F. brothers and sometimes by herself, master tyta taught the village tads the being done all dong the line and that JWalker timata and safe Add in which to Bldg., Balt Lake City, Utah until she became famous all through-M- t has lronwolk to such art of ate, a region in which no bright ex-- J character of work In this district Siberia. stock Any upon which this substantial to felled small never j this that bring yet place promises purpose pert con be placed at work without - i ment may remain unpaid on the- find : The Basse of this girl is Anna to recover a lost Industry for England his being carried away by 1U poesi- results, of will be 1906, day delinquent April Skilled London artists now send their billtles, then the Herald will feel that and advertised for. sale at public aucits duty to the camp and those who I ON THE MARYSVALE designs to Thornham for execution betion and .payment la made O te Round. Why have spent their time and money In II rather than abroad, while the king has side OF THE CAMP, fore. will unless ' be sold on tbe Z4th day of As every Me knows, the letter "o" bringing It to the front has been done. been one of the flret to recognise the Adotl1nK the ooId MountAln dls- - April, 1906, at the hour of IS o'clock. te the fifteenth In the English alphamerits of the work that 1s done. The 300-1st 1 Lake D. district. F. Walker Is They the Marysvale From Prospect to Bonsnxs. trict Bldg., jSalt , bet It has four sounds, mo of which, schoolmaster acts ss manager in the cover the ss to the Utah, they toKether, pay delinquent's aty. b,on mihm Uv seldom made In a dav I aamia Meet mIramI EaH SRiT BFR M1W I sAaimant tnmftfhftp wltti IVft nnut nf siL os ta ge, Is probably mo of the oldest unique movement London Answers or a week sad helped to fix Its shape. The let' A Pretty Sight ly the rule ter la the Hebrew and Phoenician AMan as Light as a Feather. but even est ont of the I sleep together,. to tho that taM been lets activity! Office. 300-- 1 D. F. Walker lphabet corresponded long feldg. of the most remarkable and InOne I mode died, o was called ayn, or eye, and was rep- same bowl. But at last Coo-e- e the Marysvale side because . less Salt Lake City. Utah. experiments relative to the explicable so I and Fluff and felt unhappy lonely bR been represented by the in paying this assessment, nil stock resented by a rude drawing of an eye. wai rLnrin of the human frame ta that in I Si- owner of properties. The most ar must be presented for inspection. Of eaurae this was often tendered without her that she ran away and strength which a heavy man la raised with the I First publication February 25, 1906. Imply ss a circle with a dot In the never returned to the artists home.gresslve combination that haa held greatest facility, when he Is lifted up is that 1906. vimwiiw Last March 25, there during the year middle, sad at last It became the cusOf- - p the Instant hta own lungs and those of tb lat Push and WM of Gams Pull, Tht wb,h rW,,,d ns tom to emit the dot which gave and hta assocatea paid $210,000 tor It I A H Is the. persons who raise .him are Inflated The 1s pYanklin. organization a and This Me game very simple OF ASSESSMENT NO. S. merely a circle, the present form of i after having spent $50,000 or more I known with air. The heaviest person of the . the coid Development eom- - NOTICE , exercise for the afford will good that v letter. , to development under their bond. the , . jIB toeen running tunnels party Ilea down upon a table .at full arms tact in jt back, sides, waist moreL legs, Since then the owners have p'he t tw0 or thre8 yem and B Springfield Gold Mining Company, s two girls or boys length. Four persons, one at each leg 'Let entire the body. than paid themselves beck the orig-Bmount of telling work corporation;Location of principal hold of each other by the arms and one at each shMlder, then try tc taal oost of the property and have, h KELLAR take LITTLE THE accopiighed. It Is under-- place of business'. Salt Lake City, 'endeavor to pash the other. raise him, end they find his dead each and from the earnings, opened up miles tood to be : tbe pan0ge of this com- Utah. drawn on the floor a lit- weight to' be very great from the diffand miles of new, ore bodies, built A line chalk end on la to Notice developing right hereby given that at a town, mammoth milling plant, pow-- .when the proper behind each will make iculty they experience ta supporting tle distance build cornea to Gibe of the Board of Directors held er plants, tramways, roads, eto., until i munng md reduction plants on a I meeting more Interesting. Each enan garni on 16th the, the of 1906, day January, today It is one of the mgpat mines I deavors to push the other over this commensurate with the msgnl-- 1 assessment of two cents per share was In the stale and ready to begin earn-- 1 I mark. When tired of this, says the levied on the capital stock of the cor-tude 0j fa properties. The Log Cabin company, controlled pcratlon payable February 24th, 1906. Washington Star, change It to a pullto E. McCarrlck, treasurer, (t 420 6tk ing contest drawing the line between East street. Salt Lake City, you. Try to pall each other across It stock upon Which this assessment may You will find it splendid fun land it remain unpaid on the 24th day of will bring color to your cheeks and and 1906, will be delinquent develop your whole body. advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment Is made before, The Wonderful Aim. will be sold on the 20th day of March, Stick an ordinary metal handled ta- him. When he is replaced on the ta1906, at the hour of 2 oclock p. ml, at ble or kitchen knife into the upper ble, each of the four persons take hold 420 South Fifth East street, to pay Money Sinks Through a Table the delinquent assessment, together part of a doorway In such a manner of the body as before, and the person A magician will sometimes borrow a that the handle will poirt toward the to be lifted gives two signals by clap with the cost of advertising and ex- dime and mark it before you, and floor or threshold. Now, say that you ping hta hands. At the first signal he pense of sate A. H. PAGE. Secretary. seem to pat the same In the middle of have each a wonderful eye for aiming himself and the four lifters begin to Office, 549 ESst Second South SL, a handkerchief, and wind It that you that yon will guarantee to lay a wal- draw a long and fell breath, and when Salt Lake City. Utah. may better see and feel It; then he nut m the floor In so accurate a posi- the inhalation 1s completed, or the By order of the Board of Directors will take the handkerchief and hid you tion that the knife will hit It sorely lungs are filled, the second signal ta jmade the 23d day of February, 1906, feel whether the dime be there or not when it Is made to drop by hitting the given for raising the penon from the the date upon which the above stock and he will also require you to put doorway a whack with the fist emugh table. To hta own surpnse and 'that shell become delinquent ta posponed of hM bearers he rises almost os light to the 26th day of March, 1906, and the seme under a candlestick, or some to loosen It. the day of sale Is postponed to the such like thing; then he will send for , Bnt first, as you do not wish to be as If he were a feather. When one a monopolist, you will ask anybody of the hearers performs hta part . 20th dsy of April 1906, at the same a basin of water, sad holding the under the table right against the else who thinks that he has a good by making the Inhalation Mt of time, place and hoar. candlestick, he will use certain words eye for aim, to lay the walnut where the part of the body which he tries A. H. PAGE. Secretary. the knife will drop. of enchantment, and lno- - short time he to raise ta left, ss it were, behind. mt mt -- - "! . 5 . - p 1 ' - . er 1 5,, 1 1 old-tim- 0-- - - . - - v nt ex-en- . thelt-developm- - 1 -- I i . h',80 . - ....... - re-lin- r; . 1 hand-wroug- a. nlf. - u H - - - 1 Feb-irasr- - ba--sl- a- - |