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Show Tjj,bt afidaHt id-righ- 111 -- eat, tail t iiei'-a BOBBER TIB 8HOP Rjr C. fir-- Eidwi. ly. nlri-- J'V-- - -- .l.jO'Bhck .iitif .'woVyeara ,eadj:arhite d; tarr;a iddattofy''Bi&rith whio, dnder hit in left .upper crop and slit ;in right ear.' ;v newsfeom; API P - - ... -r TTa Mteka Sen Attorney r, ; ' ? i . -- . S I dW Piae.TalUj Utah.' .: UU?; Black .ateer twp ; year old past, atari forehead, id eight and square I execution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgi mi. , .'little white left Cftrf tm needs f Trust, 'Powers of Attorney, crop un-darslo- pc -- I v entraots, and all other Official Jtaii- bely " ot to 7 Yirgen reqmeeled art Owner, Office at Rio . Y M .Z ... .v,..,7 j PWT PP?rt7 Timas rooms, St. George, tock tho or wl ges abere, ,JiE. Johnson,: Notary Public, or he sold - OB day BU Geo. Jj g Fabrwg IU9 at tha Ulldcr ; I -- 1 . - .- ffSfpimmOoP.K, : !.ti c -- . ii t - - v' r. r' i.A J .- -- - . -- , a.. i JAMES D: McCIJLLOUGH Offwra In sell cheap lor 1 . .,. AlUto. f j . FOR HALE b6vx:q:qkxix his stock of goods as ho ' . . A fowl Hoiss aad a S3 to .class out in tsn days I well stocked With a fins I sortment of choice fruits. Sid send, the'proceeds to lllsah Reasonable For further particulars t quire at Cacius Office. li- -f for 'a fresh supply ; NOTICE! Nayajo Again. Tha uidersigned keeps eon Dry Goods CfrMirj, . Provision and Grain Store. wish--1 , .;; Good dSatly onhind and for' aale, .v CEMENT FOR KWORING;, 'ROOFING, t i - . -- I have a number : of Breech ' Loading Rifles . 'i ana will make to order i- , - ran, chimney pot fob fTlOOh .. . u-1.- 0 ; v , sill for trade; : I want 2olbss of Lusei 50d subscribers for the C AG- I TUS; eomo and. dont be afraid. seed and 800 Cedar Picti ; If the people of ; . the Southern ; V V R, Mor I Mission) will make up the above we will, agree to fur- , A;gcod phetogr-p- h alksxl, POTS , AND MOTB number) nish themwith the latest news holding. 60. pictures - will, ' I LININGS. V;. Rent by mail post paid tO'fti every week without faih : I Come Beys j Oire hioi.a cal, Tercu person sending $1,26 to . Qdnt ; r 3 ,; ! rea-aahla;a- nd takea- - dueo ell kinds of pro Henry Jo Oimpbell v: . 1 BavidliSdhnm. taiesrwwswwwwsmw 'i? dii'.J ' l7 : -- T. D.LLEHlN, , Attenmy,at Larr.PiaaTaUey t r riljS-- Hiv - n J..'sii ' .cf::n . Come Youcg !!l! . aid help wtain the little f el low. Itwill cilj eost you $2,08 ' dc ( 69 0edar $t : 'Nev toi We have had a remarl bly pleasant winter, herq-fat) and the first, flake ofini of the preaed winter (to fall ia'$t. Gsorge,.. 1 1 ; i ,ai o s-- .. 9 i . - f S j t ; ' F h v ; - t t f." - , |