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Show i v. ' f; &g9 MW f1' igiytVf Jyr--- . y Or M J f Jon conclndo td do any: wtihoutanyaeriousdamage. Such things to say the least thing tor mb call and ee Ae . TURD A Y pulIJUiirciyVA tA Tint it Ojfflet, St,G$ mttruotm at &if& !X'n u .. ! B J V V J - i.' ,thiv V '; . c ?. . I i ' A v 4 id , BALL FOR NO f r r v we Tt!plahtand hope that m the future cur S.J ft ' municipal authorities lwill :;i J rif, befcWhumu . Sriii Ste i 2 I ypi SAWYOV, tegd to w'j them.4; f Fee saw you hanging V A wa i8hoiBrnalkt;iWho is often 'merry ;over his arotnriTthe Halt the ether t stifal. somebody s sonal .plainness, :tell this;p?stopic nic, but we wateked ve. ry of. himself. Zl I weptinCora drug store, arlyrJpdhh mr- ' . AT AKEIVED LAST, Xt-for a dtso ;of morphine The, .Grecian llendV has ning, 't't'zte at last arrived in our m i dst The clcrk V objeeted te rgiv-- it Every precaution ; should be tot: xa. Tyilliout ! taken, by the quarantine of. .ridently : . fearing ficers to prevent lb e .public 1 destrer mjiclf, ! from beinff loathsome disease, "if those 'PbarViaid:I,-.d!Ilo.k- t like a raan wh .weuld'j kiil who are in danger !of . taking J the Grecian Bend' ; would Gaamg at me atndilr tor wear a peice of assafoetida hair a minuta. he . . - e-ven- ing. ; 3 iiauled lumber from Pine YWlley-- : Lhavabaultd willoyrs fromthe OUra . Bottoms;! hare worked on the ;Virgen Ditch; 1 helped build the St- - George Hall; I help; ed.make.. the Cedar road; I helped bore; the ' Artesian - WelljT2 Have cultivated a mineral lot; 1 subscribe for Mhe; Bio Viigen Times and ' Cactus; f ::I get tipsy on " Djsdgea wine; I break the! peace; and botherHhe citizens ofvStJ George'; --Iariftried he ' fore the Mayor, and find kleV--j oral dollars and cost ofcoutt 1 scalawag 'it at tfrr halls dur-- j Mag festivals aid help" myself to! the good things; and ere rybody wonders 'who dossil. 1 do a tliousandother-thing- at-- M : : r w ? 9 J - attached to ' their necks t would prove to be; u perfect antidote :7 .. . . ' ' .. 1 : ;'I doa;tkW.,f?eep looked,, like ,to u;I e-- if Ml myself, Nnimncei. hare severnl :iv St. Oeagoiwbieh wa wodd be two Jobr. ' Father gliAlf "pitV wold?, attend to. Among them is a large dram, running aerpss: Second North street; liirnobeily.-aver:;pets:;ii,a The drain is not 'hitriOO ball for ; my b$nifit: every- ft. deep, nor 50 ft, wide,; but thing eWmust'h&ve a party, it is both wide and1 deep e- and here poor 1: is forgotten; ; - s p ! m,. ,, ., "::WfoHSoSeh. threa lfneiin tlle:JE5 : Or glih laDguag.vihdt read' brl. kde eiaeljr 'the,' baiknard and forwa rd: !:iSfaugr A rair was Iero radwirargttntf. married man lik. TVby a tallow candle? Because ho nough ; to make it dangerous often goe out 'wbenbabturkt r npff thats9v hofrid, JOhi.j I do for leains to cross it, few not to'. A think that my labors are wor-th- y ' i. we had occasion te ago days ahd here of . '( . a dance, ihcy dnnoticed, idst as thongh 1 . fikdnt .done anything te the happiness of the 'promote ... tl I' i V I ( l ..I i drive a team across the drain when one of eur mules fell in after considerable dabor. we ardptfc,. J succeeded in scseuing hiin , i , t fef 5 t .'j r J i J r- - ;;;i til Call Kri' |