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Show V;-'- i .irKig;ATiw i bnUbbid.nrokl it k Giiril V. I ,(fisgi?aa k&J H k;l i; i0r .rTIilltIBi' I I I ii ekoutki, . r - 0,75, . h v J r$l.W pat illamtioa. ; f: ii 2j!1 o - year. lr m if f -- j5D . 0,1' . ' & i V :i;"l m HhlGHTtflNG SPEED. 'IT is only a Cow years ago - that w6i&ed to have to wait i!!if a year for "news from the Old :.! eWorld taOW im lass tin e; than it takes-to- .to publish ii; we mi ' i 21 s tfcfe&rWhaV is. going pa among oI Pats Duck Pond p: - ? Readers do you appreciate i ;the:matter contained in the Cactus! No; one f can take a glaiide at itscplumns without li? isayiog vive The Cactus ! Papers from the north are really :stale by the time they come1 to ns. Only think eight rdayds comity here, and by ihatTiuio' the readers of the -- r. i ::.V - It- A -- know ths emi-weekl- y; St. .George can sit in 'their Waoy chairs and at the wome tirna know what is going on' in the remote parts of the ' ' 'earth.' i t'f ' u 4m' i.j - t - r - V' J iJ fvWbJ 1 n. p 'the f olio wiyg ' V . f ad . r.from a letter receive I fiomr Bri Owe Dix who is on a mission went to. aolho Southern States: 1 i i.l. OwonDix -- - :r it tivo .. -- CVi 4 NU) Cal-iforu- ia ' - w -- health, 'Bros. ' e-q- ual we before long issue then t he citi-jtu- sof 7 t. t ; -- u li.W com-pany- already cream, of its contents, Friends we wait your sup portthat lst Co-opera- ? Abibs evu!nj Prf j,Liet : it ! 1 Juie our friends on the .other side i! y-juir.- r 1! !ifl departing troui - y tt. , .. Uhuroh aud J. W. Crosby are Last week Rd. 8t, ill air a-- H hero Jesse is in good hoilth is Cis.K'ng, and TrueloVo and weighs 19J lbs, Bro. U. 7 Auxisr stole: a liorec' from Churoh is in bad health; I do not think ho will bo able to Peter Neilsoi at Washington travel' before next spring; lie and left, for nalifornia, but has been sick ever sine e We were pursusd ciplure.1 : ' been here. , between the Beaver Dans j and the. We have had a very wet Jail Muddy, by deputy .. . it is now snowing Shsiilf J. D. L Pearce and Tlu people in this section of posses brought back an J tried country hive been4 preached (efore McCullough St to, a great deal: I hope to do Clair wjs fined 8100 and seme; little good, Auxicr $ 1 50 and Browidovv is fctill governor cf Trmlor u Tcnnesee;(Ritli6al). Tae oleo-tio.ej,t of court. ' passed oif Cuiet hero i mulo teams leavo liarb Wo have peace and plenty next Monday, fip Calilornia how long it will last is very uncertain. The Negro's have to bring back freight for tho Merno taxes to pay, but can vot. Southern association F. B. The white oiau pays Uxes. and cantile pays for thosohoolihg of Negro Woolley business agent for children, but only a verjr few the above starts next week to of them can vote. San Francisco via Salt Like The Negro now wants his on business Tor the masters laid) divided up so City . that he ban have a piece free of b 3t, but the. whites keep them t Stock in this comp iny is to the cash ; itssslf and down; if they rote the Dem ociatio ticket they can gefc land everybody is investing, and to cultivate if not hear hot vre wish we ware able to in' ; ' ; ' vest largely. get any. not If they do behave them selves Qegro or white man) BY DESBRBT TSLEfiRlPH. and they cant get at them SPECIAL TO THE with the law. Tho. Kuklui come in the night in disuiso:. take them out aad , try them, If they are 'found guilty; they are hun, shot, or whipped; if vd; Washington 14.- -7 i. innocent turned loono, snd no M)rtnTutrodueed a .'bill bid know i who does it- wkere gi vinr n pin d.03 le tfi widow they o: me from or where they of President Linoblpsugjst-e- d 'good xi A C j. 0; R. 6 AHfliovAs Editors. i V7hen !. ear Friend i r 'i !:- JLl 1 ills p rf oral tnce, I , sancium prraned tu wruo to 11cj iagive all of tUe tncas, asHio yo uba hit va not dehe so uat il expo them; hewing ho fnow. - ! often ' think of yoh, perfoniied caii ha we dceivod by the Out writing cud preaching., are easy Tho Art. Professor megls per do forroi'hli tricks very-heatwe hard things for. mo . 1 'dm well and hive Hud Hrii utw.oa lip. way tu iV';:TMI CACTUS! '.vr ' - . BrJSaugioTanni, - saw. t- - U: j K Srr..AnBnp llMtkti f , BateattfAdririhUKi H 1 - lit Tenn.v Dee 7; 1868 Shady to "mike tha 'pension .fir .thjuimi doHsrJ Usferi to o r r J |