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Show -- - """- 5. much in right ew; white under be.-lv-, suffered hare bVrlyjhey cmmutcoonpmsion ,1,7 buh of tail white. ; 110 IJSK. ! for your sake and their; jlorjr 'old,, 23.Wliit Jielfer Ashley Tram tbi Goinmittes lor you iuiv suah: that the j. f lVrritor:tt; rcpariod a will always gire you instruccrop off left j lit'ih right eat. pi to dismember UUhand tions that ;will proto benefit ,',t4 iiabh 2jr oU stesr; up? ride ni give ; the g eatsr cialte you; Theyra ly speak per and unfar-'ilitin right-- , art' of (hat; Territory 7 f to unio and under elit; left ear, in the following you crop " ,, " ' i 'ntana, Wydniing and should; o:ey white iH ;fao9, and biijh ,of the 'bill did strain and ;you s tail. .?. , disijrq to interfere with them., Be honestj lhat we know is 25 Rad roan sided; cow, A, n sottlei portions- - of Utah, its forehead ill was intended to take away good. yeariold'whtte riumh that there wield . not Bat virtnous, as virtue, and under belly, upider :slepe e enough (efs to m ike a state wherever found, is like the in right ear tail white. y, ; Is eonseuteJ to poijtpono the diamond,' i, priceless jewel ' 20 Rel and whitflqeeer, ill two. weeks, and all classes of psoplewill r. eld Branded M or .W ; on L0XD0N14. ever 'respect and honor it. It left hip, 'swallow fork in Jeff ; ; Ejst-rGroit Ts s'.esmihip is more precious than the nndej bit and. slope righ$ ,ear; V eommeitaed taking ron Goldof 27 Red Cow and Ophir!"Franco the the of cable oarj left eld ; branded rW. Bj trustworthy and faithLperioan Atlanatio Co. it is swatlowju pocteb that she will sail in ful in the performance of Du- rib b. cropa off left v une to lay the cable from ty unflinching in the cause right ear. rest to the American toast- of traKV as'Lsonades and his 28 Roan 8ow abent 4.yrold PARIS U.. rf nil! band of Spartt.ni Were white 'in :faee ' and tail, no t A London paper publishes a n opposing the millions under brand visible, . j ettsr from Minister Johnson in he command of Xirxis 29 .Usd cow aid eilf eplf to a query from anenr-;ratio- a Ba sober yoang . men old ?brbekle fate, society restating the Driik not strong drinks, as white under belly, crop eff lateralization of British lead right; swallow fora in left.earl inths Uaited States: Jehu they, will intoxicate,toand 39 Black 2yr o!d steer, misery sn says naturalized citizen you step by step, and' woe. re clothed with the under, slope right ear and protection f Amer ica Bo e ireful of your bolies crop off both ears, . white, iff precisely tbo same I native horn citizens, and are that you may live long to lion forehead, and 'under belly, ttitlei to all ear 'rights The or your God Thereby, show-in- g 31 Grizzley roan eew abont Jolted States will protect saoh inteligence and wisdom1 4yrold red neck, white in iiuens, if they return to their Bs Ba orderly,. as face, slit under right. si Ire country the same as these cleanly laws are a portien of 32 Red yr old steer 12 oce bom in the United States. Heavens laws, "and lead to crop off left ear buh' tail ALT LAKE.CItY 8 2-- yr , - - i . Neya-rrvAjhlejnii- ' di, , . : : 4-y- uj -- calf-abo- - ut 7-- yr -- . r - . . . 2 I a-ba- u't 7-- yr sub-cc- ts . . 2-- .15, p m. Godliness. Ba studious read good books attend Sabbath meet tags lectures and the St Qco' Reading Club, that you may gain . information that will be a.blessiaj: to you in years to come, U. P. R. R. ar e spectedat Ecno City tomor- OW. ' ; Pit it. Snew arrived hero this renlpg from St. George Weather here mild with about ires .Inches' of snow oj the lOtrs of, the r round. V 5 ; .WNXj Pahk. white. V . . . , 33. Red roan coir, star m old forehead, four" years past, crop off right fearc .Red and white calf wittfber.', 34, Red cow, t brockfc face, abont fiirc years old, white t !. Red steer calf with her, To be obedient to TOUr 4 35. Red'iUg5 old ESfRAV N UT ICE i: twoyrs t. LUteriirijr te t'h pas t white under ;beUyy littfc Hue 'counsel. Tho ;.Kave white op rump bsth hind Ted upon the Etrlh yea'rf 21 Red Oow an calf white feet white, square orop off efore yon were born, Pro- (Continued on 4th page.) face, swaUw for left, hole OS'S! WHAT . IS Y0P3 DTOZ, . Di-iji- to. air s : 1 a tnr ' |