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Show - ll . rZSBTABLB C3UPOUKO Boieocii ld : Vi 7 lied and white Cow abeut moitly,. while.red spirit - ii ; iron ir forehead ift kora m lope, swallow ferk is richl vA alterative and cathartic der bit and er p in left rtd aad '? goqfi for almost all disease white Bull iralf with her. y: : and noTer i nj irons; warrant -8 White speckled heifer a--' boutl re old mostly white m Dry Good Oroeery, eJ efficacious: ekaaaing ha Pr.rii an aad Grain Store. : ing invigorating and life pr-f o- wallow. fork right erep off left CAT M.ali Rea.eri.Me.1 -- v . 2 Red ataer Sold at St. George, Drug tail white White;S jr old both ' y ' spot on left Store. flenk littlo white on hind feet in jm flat- - ' 3-j- ?if I - Good Stabling: NOTICJSl ! ' '. Wanted. Taamt.ro log for Bergcssc : , - " 1 The undersigned keeps eon aill. Pino tKt'iloor Ifjantly on hand and tor sale hait ef MeokoValley Fiddle Faetorj jf! CEMENT FOR . i'i jj - lir&OORINa,. ROOFING ini . H;ij -. will malte to order .. ' ' WUMTlElji - . jpj ,- VASES, CHIMNEYPOT Give himacalTerms - them with the latest news week without fail. sonable, and all? kinds of pro every Corns Beys ! ' filnee'takenf-.- . li David Reed ham. George v 0. T. 1 v rw : . Li, D ' KtlipHlX, Attorney at Lair. Pine Talley o Sai. U; l;j Gome GirlB U . Gome Old !P Young !!!; r Gome sustain the little1 f 1 andhep low. It will only cost you $2,00 a vest. i .. r ! i'll Tfm. Meeke Sen Attornef .i! Law ! ' left ear. , 16 Dark brown mare about The nadersigded .will attend to the 'Old about 14. hands eceentien of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, 6 or of Powers Attorney, Deeds of Trust, high star in. forehead liu)- - at doatract,ahd solicitor ia chancery : all other Official Business required of a Notary Pvhlie. re ahito on the end of nose bra.; .. at ,vRio .Tirgen cedX 16 Bay mare biased fate reoms, St. George. A:T oh left thigh J.R. on left Pine Talley Utah. !lil viuf .Thnes1' J- - B. Johnson, Notary public. & and th'h Y on left shoulder r i it r thigh 10 or 11 years old y PIOJ05BR TIN SIIOP .19 'Yeliou xuare dark main : uwn loff thigh slit right oar llr. 6v B. Ts'?&i old. 5 Qrimllr C.r Brookle Iee about oW uppcr ; op,& Ill's owners, are requested to ubiot-J1? ' P ohargisT proore property pay Tho oioiceit irnit 'trees, waliJW vrk right will eteok .bMuJd,-l.ft or the above .uU'undtr .lit fldwers. p.r'flrou plajrati; MKtHyjrioeif wan at the Sti Goorgs Retray Pound ! Rliok and while calf in vises Seeds, and; grape ' ' on the 16th aay of January UCS j her s AM Vreai tariety and of; rarest (j Rokn Ouw.both arsptfcknd at 12 oV.ooit John Pymie-P,K- , Ax liittitedvqu'pply fori rjght ld. ; w. rj .ln. iillegibl about jr 5- - - - 7-y- jj ' . BotarjPoblic. . white under betly iwaliew-for- k left crop in right' branded on left bip 0; S. 10 lied steer abaat old bosh tail white" crop Off left, under bit two-sliand a peiee of right Jar., out ' llliroekle face steer old zuouied all over Square r crop off .left ear 12 Mulej heifer line bock 3 years old tail mixed with white brand tu right hip .net legitTio, red bull calf with her: 13 Rid sue crop sad 2 hot ehes in right under bit in left ear star ia' forehead lowr half tail whits wh te under , belly little white s ail fe.l about 4 year eld. 16 Red heifer 3 lr old bush tail white, white under , belly ' white iu forehead crop off each ear ruder bit in right hue in ' t i : . rea- . 2-y- rs , 500 subscribers for the CACFOR 1 TUS; oome&nd dont be afraid. U .STACKS, If the people of ' the Southern LOUfKR POTS. AltD STOYB Mission) will make ip the abort number, we will agree to fur-i-i- sh LININGS, lit; i 3-- yr -- ' . A iEsiRK.iincE r nit! KurseryJ . 3-- M yr k lt ; ; r .... ' -- ; , J, E Juhnwn. KJ - r . ; . |