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Show I l . rlfBSS- - &&?S8 I.Ml.hedWaeMyfc I? ftugitTaAni 1 cl; gjg. Aaimm, : S Gtrgo,iU. T IS J . .. gU-ClopjF- ir ' jgiw. 3UMf . r.. rn OfA&f of f fifi - Advertisings - - $I.(W pitUM. 27.CtrV S ii :. .- . riaiertios - 'oil W ; ; " i 8 folkc 1Fd Is fnj !F fin ' fr.4 4 j iflfiy vato Thtmeeiingawillbaaldtculu at) r of bein' jricpdl) tl&tid fcave tfIIAT 1 Alis uaiifj;: IS! !Vr caohk cyepjn.ofCfub jFiJiday i I IV if ihmWftTeu s'lvig.frita huil-bnt- v Hall, According. ibi Ihte-A- the Gardeners ig w n iP l : !f! -,- FKII-TOS J ffi.y. . , 'V on Mondejr, Wednesday, anil td clock Mdn ;?o xx1 I f 1 .' ft ub is underlie ill 0 -- 7 r son iun w e f nfmel ihanagers liiinth&t ijie propleshl Ali-- . o ra & vb ouija to sW Jiaypltroblc jvnh Hus pfesi(!H'aT'eaBhmeetingofTtiiii'TB Indians lit leoiiarei, tjw' 0,15, 4 -- ! S w n! A'Cod mi .t SAKGiOTARyi - I ! - fEpupBijtsL cu? Greet! riff s. hj the luan of a largo' quail ,firir: pdj riiit-'ijan- d huuore - live warriors.,, 'SM. i auti te lie ft.iU ' tke become,. i ' 7 i;r7 i I AnthtViwftkSr Phis move wa trust, fbut; part' with these old eninvM is, .aSjL., t'he wkitis! Ibe ApacLt JAM w trust that v our, more for, the, purpose of in. Ar zna wid be a , ' i iSusc;. vt i ' 6V IfH? - i9f: OUr sa le JCw u a ry wish to keep xuiir Lair utf. jpung and middled aged. us 5 a. l htadibg c -- .. I .M? biuuuz m -- y9 ! pat tluusand- one j The Piipas. bay that the of Indiaii afSuperintendent J.'iii f. fairs have failed to do juvii1 Passacil g:rae ;and ' dance.witli ,iuo , Whom we id Pfiie long looked lor Leap by them and therefore have liaTe'('liad long acquaintance; Year, is thin began stealing lo redress ihtir nowjimongAhe Wtfaft' soryyctha?i ihe day thai were. a forsakes own wrongs. Many ,h of issue- for the Cactus was .wanderer was in hopes, "that not yesterday, in order ;iiiat fj?hen Leap Year came, t her h ave presented our would hea : we might in ;tthei r change v Prof.1 Boseo loft this foint; ; ri reaper jittolhecqmphments beiial f; supposing of course as t imou d ay for" S n ta G lara, of thCeason. but; We still t S ml . that; some fair" ode Veuld pop i and Pinto Greek the question'. But. ala! such Pine Yalley, hie will fcslbnisfr' the ' whore been the case; has not r anu?a ;;xipppy ll?ir ,rfr No w' that the gen ts hare curious witli.his JMjgic, Art. mas;r lias promised .V .c I; The Professor YearfT andinay their, iiapbi- of ogam, ( the; pnvelage going to pay iii .another visit aid ness Hiifcrease.vi'fi'and'i continue 1 iTT Vl tosee th e Iadfes. .1 ct the in be through,' year and many- lively" before another four expose ail bPliis tricks; ii: Since more to ncoMe, writing the abero ke; for ' vin r?.- a .'i I; a it rT-oway,,. years .passes would be' a 'sad affiir if they has! returned, it.1 IwhI'Ii "7 "'suit " tliemselves in douldnbt Year Ball. Ft ogress ion;in eh- -i .that lengtliMpf.Tiine Gents Leap We take pleasure SOu this eveuiug ot th mn i of go to" work in earnest;. and nohneingrhara'-inumbethe ladies improved tbe ' lost., George, shoif the. ladies fthat you are opportunity of giving a. farecitizen. benevolent than' they Gardeners Club Hall ou more c. well Leap Year Ball at tbo : 1:; tl'.Vi'i.f.-Vre were monday- Erenng 4 iMlijWld. Sr; Georg.1 HWe We organized S'., .George Ji ThbsVkn6wing themsdves amonst,the...ttfe first cliii. ' Wall t: dndebte3'tci;usfdr; YdV 1 of the ourselves lA Itl g3oS; and Wsr.jaapy,:; ?. l biCTtfiawifl 9iligefby'imme-dbwr- s iS maflfiie tW .was t rest c4 ilsv , ifti,AWinwfittvki,1-f- ive people, P 1 01 ! - rrn. Jr j iTL-- Hi 1 Lr c - ri fl iii f I . 1 M d& jm -- ru th fr :- - T . . j r . - ; r'-- , C7 1 ? . . ' f i re . ' su in A - W( -- . $ , inejat. J ' -- i : - , ;- , prices iiags. . , i -- - - I Ji?4 r ; V.'1 .. -s Si , o JY I iJ |