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Show 'ft. ' .. I: K I L'l i :! V Bk " 'Jlkkl.M Nt! 2 rV- - . W i'i-- Tr .;criJL. ,k &-- : 3b -- 'wym f-- $ vw k UM'.- v : f4 . 1 Jlt pHblithei a f r-- . ...; J t 'ivery 9 ' i The . we year of dollars oasands . . 1 ' k Then. why hold .: doubt? ; i' 1 Coon e ration. PA5'! :. d Ai - . - oarGil :r . (. -- hic-K- 1 ,Q 1 Uiqmalir StaXaL i'fl (VfltKaW 1 A ! midnighr Scene. vw- - ' - , r' xW' w V i derstand more abjfat Indians (hic) (hicj. tfc9n (Wel yoh " ' ' . '"-r.; wiots. upon, a ;uine . mere y '.r. rf.-- o ana " ' lace, finery hl? pwtolotand rwhw ureu eononien ' ornaments for head and ' . wa Provo,.and h6 hRd a p3 Kart?., BtaSer,Pg. .hPpUy, ? at fhioh. oulir Appetite fof the jaiew efi dl:,,,,kl.l7 ! ' thtf V' "T' lhriuigi grape bkt no worse thaujr?P,? I f1 another. I shall tell yon about jp r'ta ttr 1 1 gew-ga- wa v 1 1 i T-- : fl( .ii It. -- EiT. jo;,. I : y s- dark,' while binder tho influence. . of,- - jyine 0was not ti ' paymg;intituti(Si,;u: ; iSunny, 8cmth l on kis Visit lie met with many' ;. wpay. Zaor'WA,.fjStt.ij-c6done be .hould rttmgo that L,., ' . KhsaYawit. mlr "our many wi.e 'one' we!rkii6Wn think of thousands' that . ! - .ViSnpjjJ .treigth j'ind jh at - blook: the wej7.' ; CeMrgbJ At ,. Be keepingwords of wisiotn. thewiQter-o18G0.;thie onino :i. I PrV0 ad C v --J icovenant the 'saints hUToj mli fiction with thsir. eliams. B J made, . to a bowe;, where, oaa bt with oatsidora wo want w,atj . arbk r i .r the -- -; in k 'Who malMd the mostnoitaj,'' . a. f T . .. f ' '. aeoyKW-lafier- .k I I f t 1 4 t K ,:n;. . V . ;,r ' -- ! lisM leys f d (hie) field b(Bfc)i-lo;t- b , jets an "outside. :;; force 3iiH would gladly slay, and drive BiljBda ' ehossn-o.nes- , away flic Saints from Utahs Val w' .hecauM.we are Koraintoith i. - (rMrira .1. iniA url fniiaVAii ( i&Ktbk- Jotilba I humph. will bearas ' ' I ---. . he-mi- d( rLnoth!riwKnmnK ,5. H ' - Lo-- aifced tim what y thiVumV-in s?:or book or fear - pes'S&T. :liff v . &A TURVJL ai the Timei .Office a n fr QOlft I- lrS:fir,V.tVr -. isnusfy? P fc,W: 5 y i, ' St VH " v j- BT .i-v.,- j H" '.. --.- .J.J - |