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Show w it iv sumMM insria wo'i siiuir bar, ivmmi b'4 iifihcalilnsr; him Tii'6eJmlsiribU,tVeno..iiHfe' 1 -, ; V i I j I'f yj,. Female Relief Society. t RFBES nETjELEl! . ":i! BEClAlJiTU w W h cn 9&j bomwtiitsiJfxiztn tJftSs Female- - Belie f Socie . if -- Ijays.ypifcan tisitandcalkcn St. (Jmiog bad be t'er ? be w.a r,c li if ifHjf or ? caifVh'lTtKej-wilUbeidal- rf;Palt Labe f' City Jan 3!JiU r u u d Sec ti went.' jio , b.-irt'-i'-- - 'i s:v Si ti i)f t it v.w. Flotiri 0 hJ(f to fj .an, j b( I lit '&i bepr iyiKI wi e ftp r, ?lf sciSi pi'jm Vri; Negro rau;iay causing much truuble in Arkansas and should jHtespccied.- - J - m tug' f ' ' ecd; pow'erlssj to'qweU IhefBrerch . t disturbances. ba!I f..y tr-- 1Bt EifW titi 4.jW nvrf!i Loatii u -- ii Our. gravelling budnejs ( John' Lloyd ; re tamed from a trip to the settlements on the'' muddy 'A TI a-ge- U' t wcit-iUg.- one m ' v fell c vi - iS'JBi keep-the- pillowing and irobbihgjSliii-tar- y l decline- to interfere hi .f T ) Navajo. riakasrsflilL'1 r umiii !r:3 .r.rrJt til 'he c vil p.owcr;i ' consid '.,-- I have a. mfehclr ref, rood vbzaU f s. Branch's advertise 4 ;S ; ?p ?B?.&do not nli c t U k: ii. d The treaty provides that . enmnda tkaHljey . are. Brili 'h s,a;jecU wll0 fra'd itvnll fail Uni befi naturilis;ed in vthe : . Friend. . o. fi'wv ,r' Ihe a- -j v h c igaiBWC sav there, is no post: poneinent on account; of the weather.I r ' t k : ' There1 will l e? School . a,j f Cntillisn in "tho St. opeiicJ OeorgeTIallso6h nftr 'Ndw tb' -- rJ Vfor. .rcterinsrppiy a I W. H. Branch, v,tf ' . -- , jr- rJ ' , niovement favorab'eto ,e annexation of Cuba, to Mexice is sshl to be -iu. pro gressi in Mexico. tt ' Trx men til hi by f idling dirt in Weber Canon1 Dec' " ' 3oih;i Presidents. VTgung... and1 i, with other brethren hre now tit Ogden llity.v. a.:j WclitheV hcYnc Wet and cold. Vr'-'n- - i'JNr: ' Vii. G'R VA - ' ; t r i if ii ter a fcslr supply". ; j -- - 1 J ? ' 1 rt Monday Hi ' I?rc8t: Snow starts. -- , , t llOOs Ai nrcsciitstio rb Leis:,atwifdc'' auty thauk? 1 the" f otii- - - Axidfi F dk VrtfKrl&'a'i accept. ba.tida x nte m in ..... .. ill . ,1 e & ' f : j |