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Show eMU 6V SALT: LAKE Fuu and; Frolic. A lHtl uonsstife' now and & , It relUhod by & beetehntoV! r, . rnaTKi icobidlst Cut Your Coat CUMBu 7 TUo i li M A eomplete aaiortment of Binding Material and Tools and Machinery of the and latest patterns, enables us to turn out all kinds of ; ' i most improved Book Binding expedittenilT i and at priepe to suit the times. C0LDVB3 FROM ZHB COUITSY WILLBBOEIVB FROXFT ATTfflTIOB RBTUUTE8 FOR minding furnished IFRFQPIRED, ABB ALL WORK 1XKUTK XB IBB BSR BTTLX OF ABT. know! Pm tstt willing i 'Goodness v LASE ,, To tegard thiseautlonbo to this Va ftis instilling When Pto got so cloth to call , Soino art lucky birth yrotldoo thott . With their coat already Soehtboii a trio no one deiidaa ueari i All tholrtailora'.bfllo are paid. , YALTJABLP Ooodeleen pother Bat tlay got the doth com doaotos. lot their lata harsh No OthershnVe much toll and racket, ' For but little blotb bate 1Jey field f th f UtJ -- ii Si (feerfs Dm ESSKNOE OF UF fisiti V atthiseAee ' For Diarrhaa, Cholera Morbus, Cholic, Whooping Cough, Pain in tkh teeth or face, end as a Soothing Oerdiil for infants gitos immediate relief ' ' Scirea enough for e'en jacke- t-i acr too" them in ita way Yet tht xne,ftiighdvr Butalaa, for In tbo cetterV eompla art. For myself I labor nov- el51 CANKER 8TRUP, For Oankv, Sere Mouth, or filfsrout aU heart? if it strange impd mo la It ftrang these word wrath? I,wW Humors. To giro way to titter ttU How to eat tar eoat pray elothl the But who I nave got NEUTE AND BONE LINIMBUT For Bheumattem and all diseisesrt discovered has doctor A French euinog ontwar application for Man or rheuma-tis- mi Beast. cure will Tho very beet Hem Liniment. that a wasp ding Tfow what will cure the filing? ITS CotfcidUamBefcs watte SALTE, wholesale and retail, att 8T. CB0RG3 DRUG BTORS ..A. A pair rtUtre fur -- M it r' l BldEillB ef wrought iom frrgufc air inquire f . J, R; JoKswar. HOUSE PLANTS, St. George F Ural Gardens, of r be A pet ef raaka, For bedding Lincoln, the new eapital weak, inf erne or tie abler erne Eye A site oollection a baa ;but eld, is but eighteen months Lids, Sore lyee, Ac. iBg plants, for sale. of 3,000, population J. E. Joxaseir. TONIC PILLS, married has of just man tweity , An da ah tag young Will tore tho Af no, Chilli and Inter malden-7-- a Ohio gh in mittsst feTcre immediately. girl ef elnty yearsALSO rs ; id ;ut FAHCY 60ODS1! W. D. JOHNSON, Worn Medieines Salrw, Ointments for As. Ilive Syrup, Composi8Sy and tion, Syrup flartauerillug and most South Ton pie 8f., W.laieClly how piona new clolhat other popular Family Medicines. ' Tt u alnmlar ' after month whole auertmeat of Few For a D. Ntilogg Keen am exUniiye Ih?MisftOPFHrt get new raantilas tliey Jet. lAnfwik, M. Di RU Booh Goods, Top, Confectionery , A Hi RAIL, .SS KELLOGG, Tankao LINFOKTH, Medicines, Stationery and tho lowoel ej A Cb.,) B. tions, which ho ofsrs at (Smwion to "FiX4 U Itob, Piles, ?pbe. - 535 tkefcll length of hw hw. I taUriile has thaao-legg- WaKSBFBABS "f teiLa . ' ed IU8BIW . ikmitiii iso jo siis or keigures. Look inBO charge fer AMBBICAS BSGL1SB A QW.MAX aac arxwaP.Od colt Igricul'cral Implement A Wining full, jYcs. 3 trad 5 Front Strut, SidSAS ALTBSITO or then wenldsi cuj at SAJtFRJLXGISGQ, Order mSEubmIo bll amj-o- . 22etbee new to loem-e--o, Curiosities showing h - mm IPCTTSB. I see now prepared to empply tho Ful Us with b11 sorts oi CRO OKI AT WARE respectfully solicited. Flj, will take Corn, Wheat, Yaru Butter, Cheese, Cotton Cotton Al bo--a. COMPOUND 5Sdto StorepatOash or Lead in sxohange. rb- street run Pottery isiitnated ontho to TF' liington I"4 Will eleanso tbs Blood, remoyaBillios! sins 0prt.V-tM'T- a JOHN BARDL1 rvs . tb. Oomplaints, stimulate the Mrer .re!iet Oyspepaia, break up Billions and ether VUt thatch d TOO dmre away STMJ tt. OoPl Fnrers, eti v ndheHeridaoho, M7?oed.x boob k of Loss Appetite, help FlatulMiOj gsrrtal sow, 0sa, ad nuc tbs Ool enze Jaundice, a Eo branded J. I. J. ob the hjafct j, . He bo best v family PilLIpi in wS ill with a la eirele with (J bi prore Inside ea left sbealdaf I will re arard tl 33 tone. Sold at T. EOBGB DRUGSTORF A 13-- tf 1 59ISiET P3i(l.8 . TiUs utSri,mro vu wru fldw St. . tepy. I 1 UCt gITOS, gtoiZ Apr. l, J- - i |