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Show mm TII&-- . From Lnui FiWiek, kenuiville G. HIGGINS, N 0. seeds of Sodppernong grape ... From James Vick Rochester Iff. T. Residence iu the n6fth part of the City variety cf'ti id flower seeds. two blocks wist of ClarVa Tannery. While thanking my patrons for their Frim in the pant, I wish to inform favors bundle of fruit an i flowering1 shrubs. well ' as the' public generally as them, ,n. WHO may need my serrioea, that I hate SI : FUN FOB THE CHILDREN! just raoeivetl from the New York laboratories a good assortment of Xeleetie T L AMB KKl'IHG EGLEpe,. KNITa A STOCKING IN 15 MINUTES I KNITTING in the heel and "narrowing Ha' ieJirolJtah, off the toe complete; dwid-nVdt-wi- T-- -; . aENIGMANrJS BT I am Ml X 0-U- e.V - t composed of 4 letters. i:32 11 4 , iea jgteamrv. . 123 4.won practiced. I22 Cl! u C T . - '.41 ' ri- -i i t Sbitd roa rr 1 , t y-- j". rj ; 1 - ; 1 y 1 (lOLotes female. ii ari m ip-dtp- m re ; , opi-raicil- (TSeinl . 1 -- th i ktl ' Mjt first fa hi D yE,. nly last Jtj whole man m. coi Rauil t'rtr Hw. r,Fui' ChARADK. It trill 'w i set cru iro.! Uke j.iAjni 'His mowing-machinW hat i the difference pril between y 0:30 taiK?.-Ta nd he tirt corers a ha d multitude of sins, the second a multi-ludbe ' of sinnera. Area Why is half past seven in lbs evre Saf ing like rext brvak'faet? iruil ii ilni Uuly;beauM e. - I 1 bought the machine for the purpose of siting money, asd have aucceeded. ( have had no trouble Id running it. I can ostify to any tiling you may write iu its fav-ji- . Respectfully, Mrs. W. S. BOHON. ofca-nt- HAY BAXLEY, . ini-min- )rv m imbt ro. S ad (ai) ye,t What i eien from vou before you get it? Your photograph. Whv is a piud'u1 man like a ? Because his koad ingtoo far. n E! A Wsstern goo PROVISIONS Vmlinff sewe'y i. u to tsk Why is a urn a wlio is dttsired l T like ini'Hinr oM In lo(iint.striRgi?l-li'i- a .it (iRihled ) un . ! anti onimaje? miles iwlan 5(1 t of, K.-n-t Washington Mill!! SAN BERNARDINO. pi, aments himve. Tebxv, Hixns Co., Mrea., Jan. 2d, 1SG. Mr M.W. LEiT, Dear air: We are rrm-'ith the Kaltting Machine. pleased aho wife would not take $100 far My eaya it. Yonrstnilv, H. L. BRACEV. ami good nroincdatloRN, foi Ok? II tf -- L4r I Y j purcheeed of you last spring. deed I ahno think, ecmellmsi, that lan -ould fail o express its true va lue bv s uis La Guakgs Mo., Jan. 6th 1863. Mr. M. W. LEKT, Sir: Toe 'much be estd In fiver of the Quitting new.? noniiug paprr P'U.VT OF ROCKS STJTJQJS hatgae moat tgainst a jinatr MOII.irfi JilllEB b.-- r Sam-pi- a v W. ;is-cou- II arkist v Gnon-4- , Salt L:.ke Ci?v. . 1J) 5J1 beo it is fonnd in t cation obtAiniKl at reduced rates lot subscribers to the Utah Magazine - CONUNDRUMS. j s,-n- Stamp for Circular and Stocking, Address jI. LEE T, Gex. Agikt, bo 11 A. PjAi St. SI. Low, opp . Court Jloute. Agents wanted everywhere. Lkrce Oiler id. No consignments made. J b1 froe tm application ! free on appliervliftn U It Will btf Any one t avern or Eig',i h jmbli shipped oernfery ' bends with every lines ; In disLajit IctuU tftoiuw; throughput the- land is feund. . iroapectus ! en gs t etei nar- llj j ay a arawl or hood; N o otfiir Ma tktm tn th Wor Id can do -..w ,p.. thsrtkit. The fermer duublrs toe Value of bla wool by converting it into Kf.it Goods Ilia girls or bo vs : prepare it for the market without expense. ; Al urge amount of custom knitting, may be done in every' neighborhood. Ibe Machine seen pay for.itaelf in any family, mid offers to wojaan a new and dent occupation. It actually uaru-rscTnatabrica and f .hIoas them Iqto garmeiitf. Its owners thus rociura An. the, pacKjTa. It la simple, d ruble, easily and guaranteed to fraet.eedri the bauds of every purchatir. The LAMB M ACftiNS baa taksn frit Premimt, wherevtr exhibited, including tbe ria Exposition of 1367 v money. hi fbU'mutry.' yt ;' iRwluded to 64 5D per year 1 cre,I out: once had: a poweful body: Reduced, to $4,50 per yew.! I f Hcdricod to 6i50 pcr lfV ! ! A.d J whdlr uths pet of many One' dol'ar and a lulf tcmrin'.tl.to .farni.y a bcqutt for a solution" cmVs iu Eastern and No' S, U earh un mhor of pria? Kuglish urodiols. j Buckskin Mountain, J Carpenter. OiU for Pro' poct'ja 1 iecl f ! r t Sxxdwok it ! SENDTOR1T 1. FEND FOR IT! j lXarriBOD & Goflbo, j f,n Proprietors; The new Volume of the Utah Mag Mine. greatly enlarged. A fine Kanid. same slieei; with 'the. largest amount of, reading matter ever given for th 1 l9 t ft 2 his eniauimal 2 3 I is a useful thing. V1 2-- 4 isa jotnly time. ' t , My4 T is a vegetable; . ltf Medicines.- - a.;1: knis ajl'eixae; rows and knits rh web either Tabula or Flat, Single. Pm ble or Ribbed, PRCtDVClNQ- JLL' V4 . Weekly Telegraph. The largest, bert and vt clieni "tub, cunuioB uewsjacrix Ht-l- td nit b xl ox !xid A iLOrEltAJrDOXASa. email quantity of t ack. JUd asd Wklte, FORTY-EIGH- T COiBMKS SSIAEOSSG e( tSATTiE. . ,, - - Clover and nu n Grass snd. ..a i. i.nMWwd .nlliand.,, in time Ivr tbi 'vKl1 U 0 lajirieinnt.l and an lilli ALSO REET AND CARHOT SEED Soutlwro mail. oerpared to ora out a article ot Terme?: sfrutly in advanw key Rie pumd. 1 1 eseen Ttir 11 lk Ira Stwre. yesirSJa. From GOOD WHEAT. ' 1 3 Cen. BI3.M. It 9. a lio ft. ?l Ipl tf 1 5 " to. FLOOR rreianzed for IP II E.1 T ' 16 F3 B. iTBUttlS 1 $t,r. r,. yp of ci.ibs. r, . U. STCKurosr. Sal: I.ahc to kin,iT Cabinet maker, Uj leister and pe- - end ii extra k Senu for upceiniHi cmubi i4 va per hanger. T. Si- - Gecr.e Utah. i crJt 5lf, Editor and C Pr'p.-icter- , (,ity, I. first-cla- ss CUSTOM WORK to. dromplly attended j Grain. 5f Ample Storage fer B. SNOW. |