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Show f " VIRGiEWn TIMES ffil v .a ; SOFIPWER FWLFILLFD, v ES v THB DESERT SHALL BL0880M AS THE ROSE, SE a; i; StGeo.: f.i '... - 1869: 21, Utah, Wanefidfty; Apl V5! ' rf ' - : - i . . mTBT; S CARDS. WHEELWRIGHT t 10051 hhlar date . ii n abortBLMORES. qatlea at ecus J ' . x' HOOT, . 0 I (MMM . - Once aore It may ba blighted; But on tba harp or on tba late. The itring whtek than biat broken, Shall never in aweat Bound again, Gire to the touch a token! : I 1 i i i ' I ' : . , .i If thou haa leoaad a bfird, 9 , , ' , , h. .y If then beat eraahad a flowar, The root may not be blighted, If thou but quenched a lamp, , OEOS1Y ANDOLiTi nmtrs wd Cworlara 0t Clearra Utah. CaAWJORD ' '. made or rap aired, - 37 fj; he said kindly, and that is enough for jm.v Ska took ebiuraffe. Again and again she atndied the beautiful copy.;. She wanted to know hpvr avery line wentf how every letter .was sounded nd she took Then her made; p peeMd fine to wrotei car- write, began again ' fully, with the copy always before Song. i ITIU. IUUI, I - w ' I ice von aro trying, my little glrlj. . ; NoV ' But ek what slow work it was! Her letters straddled hero, they crow- Whose voice of song could cheer thee, Yaahingtoa. Utah, Trarolen aad ded there, and some of them looked Still; atill be may be wan r irdera aoomaiodatad with the beat Freni warble aklea to thee. neu the , every which-wa- y. eomforts tba market affords, troubled eea the But if upen trembled The little at the step girl ' Then beat thorwh a gem unheeded, of her taaaher. I am afraid you wifi W. B; CRAWFORD, Heps net that wire or 'wave aiiall bring find fault with me, she raid; my letThe treasure back whan needed. ters are not fit to bo made oa the same RSBDft, fiJBKtt! a braised thou hast If vine, rnr Rale, Seeds frtih sad of page with. the copy. pud anmmer'a breath la healing, The I do not find (halt with' you, said regedablai needed for the garden, And ba clusters vet may grow. la skoiee eollaatioa of Flower Saadi The' the leaves their bloom revealing the teacher4 boeausa I do not look ao It. George Drag Store. But If then hast a, cup oerthrown tnueh at wkat yon do, as at what you never wealth aim at and have the With a bright driught-o-b! heart to do. Shall earth give back that ' lavished TOfiURTRRORI. ( sineerly trying, yon will make a little To cool thy parched lip's fever 1 A flrat-rat- a eel at improvement every day; and a little IT TOES A BNQIN KU'1 1 HSTXU ; Tba hoart Is like the cup, improvement ever day will enablryeu MINTS FOR SAU. If thou wait the love it bore that, to reach excellence And like that jewel gone, it aira at tba Tina affla. I . , 1 ' , : i , i . . , . : by-and-- J. I. Which the deep will not restore thee And like that string on harp or lute, Whenoe the sweet sound to scattered; Gentle, obi geitle touch the chords Too toon forever shattered! JOHNSON, i4iaa and CommMia RirMy St. George, Utah, JAMES C&AGUJF. tr and Cabinet Maker. St, George execute ordere in kis lino witk miOVriKG - TO - COPT " A littlsgiri went tba writing school. Whan ike taw her copy with every line to perfect, I can never, never W. J. NIXON, write like thMi ,eM Irper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, &ho looked steadfastly at its straight ltf lines, which were to very straight, and fit. George, Utah the round lines so slum and graceful. Than die took Kp her pen and timidly WHIPS AND LARIATS, Her hand trembled JOHN LAUSJRVj pat it on the paper.she she draw it bask, stopped, stvdied George. All work in braiding, eery, end begm "gain. 1 can bit i., done with divpetoh. raid ths little girl; 1 will do as dispatch ltf. a N. well aa I can-- ' She wrote half a page- - The letters X t were crooked Whet more sould we Go., Vif. Imm, tf,r, hli prefowio! wntew to tie people expect from a frit effort. The next , limit and Uteli CoontW. cholor ctreaehed aoross her desk and lobe. TT. Jobntojft, Jm Whet scraggy things you ttslr.v Teen filed the little girls eyes, fibs gon and carriage maker dreaded to have the teacher see her aouto af tbe PaMi book He will be engry with me, and tlook and Good tixeber and ire, & Jtfaia Street. seold,' ska laid to herself. But when k dona well and with nutans aad the taschsr ofjiie and looked, he m3ad. Uh. C. TOLSHSM, i said by. . ... Thank you, sir said the little girl; and, thus encouraged, she' took. tip her to with a greater spirit of application an before. And so it is with the dear ohildren who are trying to become like Jeans, God has given His dear Son for an example, that we should follow His He did no sin, neither was stops How he found in his month pnople; haw he forgave his enemies! how kind and Under He was1 how 'meek and lowly in heart! how He went about doing aoedl He is altogether Lovely and full of graee and truth. And whan you study His character, 1 can never, never reach that you I oan never be like Jesus oay God does not expect yon to become like His dear Son in a minute j or a day, or a year; but whajt pleases Him is; that yeu should love Hon, and have a disposition to try. Littw Corporal , : . We frequently bear of out generals peices o f artillery. capturing nh&t's the use of capturing prices? says Mrs. Partington; Why not eap-ur- e whole ancs? 1 t . ' |