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Show i- - -- ; V . i SOW SOUTH, north wiuds. .. Kb: Jif! r J H PijBLISHED to Bf TiBi - - - -- -- -- - - - .. N.C. - OafihrO-ou-eoS.w- e ' - r St. George Utah, .. -- Fro: bean able to glean of the IneMest Bro. of death it Woelley. the all imprecmost hard making day tending variet blowlig lioalle to he out, on aeooaat of xdut, gravel J Ai stated, Bros Wuolley 'was en hit I turn home with a freight train and f and even scalp. hat Frc I C. Rebt. Lttfi opr gentlemanly operator encamped on the Mshawi, at Foist bund! rocks station biahoraes.hadbeea par thoy had a heavy gd lform,ae that I basin the ef of riie Tuesday. the nerth mow e(j At gan gsrnrdlno, andx that mo shiver at the thought. The so lnporiog the no .PO .wicked wind twisted off a Van Jfal Tamarix1 returned to 8 Bro. Woolley started would wring to dad them riding a pule, went t tree in front of our office as yon the neok of A chicken. Barnardino and not finding them it on hie retux to the train,- inquiring TIME8 AIST 50W AS THEE for h!s hones. On arriving a. Fears "WAS.-he wa stold that' 12 miles up. the M 5ol last you and the years before, at this there was a much, end gewalLy muoh season of the year, we had beautiful weather, 8o Bro. Woolley concluded to go u cows, laying . chickems, sorgum look, tho urged to wait till next day r it swine plenty, hags of dried peaches, fat sheep, 41 he shonld have oompsny, but ferity 2 no .to gramfor do woll bread, I and kins; and he of the na train, delay necessary hard 1 future j kftppeTBj,fiB prompts, hopeful wailing and started aloro. 26 1 workand happiness. 4. This is the last known, of hm I Jnffit TlAW fhfl tablfil If! tunft Tlis time ea which hi return to Fec HI wo the worst, the heaviest, mm . Froi oiww nit bid laeieuin I and real yesterday gales To, reel snorter, I had a week we TERMS! i: 85,00 3 months . Per year 8300 iSingle 'Amhntlifl'7 11 . 1 mm Cdpy " new-mil- , ka 4 ii ii jt will eccupy type, this else, n insertion, 1 1, square or "giuniv fS . t:T.we!kiitou if no assistance comes, we T 1 A shall not perEach subsequent insertion, been mi had Trom appevraueeihe' Bue the day ish, but by and by we Aall Pv ' a a murdered by IS Indian, The ri as out come of heard Wo laf .bright once ala. . Pwnwo en Srrx. gloemaad were brought Intr Fears about thej too withal rew shl:ling. and poor one, sensible proud a dv, K.D. Woolley jun wme-- l on bis to dinv V her favorite minister came when search of his Brother, who took tl XI fare-not- hing SSSHALIZD. and hi Bernard lie placed upon the table, the usual to San en main was the Of two dilemmas, we have for the eessed in e aaildnaj unl-- g asmai) My i chanced, for the best of reasons, it that remark M; With the pertinent bsst she had. to en- present, to choose, cease publication pany ret.unsd to SI Georg? able be would her distinguished guest Tho funeral took plaoe at to a. m. and her fopuly. of the Times, or bring it lo the capa tins col due once, such food as she our distinguished f the help we have, viz. our, 17 at tho .liallwhiffd net half difly liyed upon. When, eould enter.one Mends from the north arrives here, each, for nil we reoeie has to far children, Tho dlacou.se was by Jacob liatcf. saake to other the outvie seems to be striving to wuo hia and man one whioh a loug procession of ia failed cloM to support the greatest saoraficee, that their tables maya I foot followed the rrauius of and v wagon that he baa gone north, in hop-be oovered with nice food, at least once is I or greens few w vear, if they had only muh, porridgo M more enjoying ?4 rri.uA are in cr1 JalfiLl, The steer, colt e . the remainder of the yesx. fro. received all he wanted ( COpy 0f tologram killed or sold arid of eating ' ' gdat, sheep, pig, or chicken is who almost - to envy biim.) V euniply sometheng good for our friends, Fillmoro, April end live we with sue h adyer to high shall misled, suppose thus 0:30 txe dispense fare sumptuously every day. . Better by for is menta, hile we issne this aiss aa to To tna friends of tUa d TiTy faai and all off style inal undeceive out friends, leave as much reading as form- Frsakliu. . ; min , ta tk9 let them see and know how we live. Some- - give nearly lud I - i j . is oity - -- a , "J' - nl - Our patrons JttUSt rexBemr . times we live quite eemfortaUe when we haphsvo j little make a butter, Me usually in small .pen to have milk, fruits choioe of a enough bread, aid plenty end s&o if thsy domt find it so I ah! then we live like princes (that is ire so im parcels, no ia this instance. agin) but at this season little or no milk, kerf lhUe and a poor very butter, eggs, pork, sad half the inhabtants, scarce knowing when . PnsT.n. fixow. Is on his way from ene loaf is eaten where comes the next, and the City and will soon be at horns this In the absence of vegetables beans or FaxsT. 1. Yocsa purposes te bo bsre at peas then, then! is the trial, especially. on the try I I ,haros to Ooi for waifEnulvi Saj Ire. IT. hes .been thoroughly iiuil with this ntw colony, in It kistory vanoement, and a very nsrful rnembt community. itius lk - inst. Bro. noi 17 ing Uu 1 get I DIED. On the painful of bloody flax. last frtday our Spring Conference, It must be remsmberd, that thts is a new (Mo week. a of sickness April Ho is not expected to visit the colony, that the colonists generally hsve I on the Buddy. settlements neither and large families, and little help ox nor ; M A goods find men teblrs RkCkivxd. recently from E! can 11 yn faim hrUkly .Yesterday - and St thej In the Washington to r snd Barry llochester H Y Millard and BeaveiCt unties enew lying averGeorge fields the water tax wwiFy a the: ground where not blown away 8 varieties fine grapes h goo hard 12 lend te $ from 6, acre, pr. $ ages from 5 to 6 inches deep. der. to manage,' crop not heavy what can he a enhis le Dixie, way t? fxesl, Yeung flpected? 20 varieties ef ntit end fruit b When we have time and get. advanced svhll yarty nceempanylug, they are at trves end shrubs all in ood ox n mepm and experience, and can bring Fillmore today. From Mrs. B. Darbev, Oiid to the mnrkets at ions and abroad, fruits troublesome still Very GnAisxprxxu. as sholes lnsolont aad rare as earth pro- in eur fields. At the Chtra end at Htr- - Y, a can of white water lill'u duces. Then I say, with the V.esslug ef , , they are dolnggardcns and orehardo decayed Heaven, we mey live in manner, we xlsburg serious damage. From H. A. Terry, Crescen shall never be ashamed, or feel unpleasFrom friend- - O. p. Gass ant, should- our most : distinguished and 1 w'Loe. Vsoav. Iowa, bundle of lornrietics Ho there the f prosperity enjoyed ordor. valued friends drop la at our poorest fw grasehopperr News o shmhs in good meal. At present we feel much if did (1 Wfr weather, death of BiWk Woolky had From Ijwis EUawqrth A C the ledy referred to, when ear children are 1 11 We thank cur eowspoodent el j l5rYiUe 111., a bnadle of 24 v hungry for bread, we have little ambition 1 the earn for tbs particulars, as tnoagu it J on or assume a style we cant ,eroctttal roses in god ordt teput I ad news e as. a be J mautiln. iv &3S .J w0Ma 1 -- I mg A the kuti V like UlHt i - ai,, ha AL ft. t per |