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Show r ii si , 'rt '' V Mk 4 ',J : .' vt' t '. A - 1,1 ' & . - ' v woot mures raufe V 7 &.!' - ( . ' & Kvi JJS v ,:iwter3fcsie ?' xiyiuiortmeM in tho Twrltoiji. r--l Ml1! ' jj r 1. - . : FliOUR, MEAL, 'i'CHOP. FEED, .SVEOETABLES Wtt, ferttl . pyittrAiro .d UOODSToff JSiVEBt KIND! . sT r - s - :: a C; aadothe? t i ,4 l .. SV i ' it . JS 2 ood 81 ablins -- - - ; 5ti3ftr j:j:a it us with oars; by an IB tr ibuiakvrui "T t ? EIM' ?& irnyfitMi . . 7 f; ti U lCV CX J fcd tra t -- Kjoioal ? - LILACS, : SPIRE AS. fefp'-- i - f ; , ' m ' Aof; 1U 181S.-- 0 1 MouOk , T -- - ' - m v j nn i.fl V - ' - i i , .v fiw plMlaef Imtltil v vi-- - , '$ fnH(tlot .i - v HCut, . v As.' fnaada - - - a , SO. 1888 - , TT ..'I - I I .1 v--! - - : f 0. , ITILKIYSOY, . AND CARRIAGE ,MAKFR A block, snd; a I aif south of. the Pnbli Square, on Me in Street., Good timber and work done well - and with neatness and r' ? .T,.- -- I I ; A1."5 rrzL: i?t. 'm. - j r Mwtdbi a lt enjinn ' - - . ( RYEaLYE,:;. Will enr. the Atue, Chili Ferers immediately.. ... : also j I . : j f ' !p1M I'p . GRAPES. U - at.r-mitte- ALSO ;0Ote! I ' : SoutliTeiapleSf., f.xmkecifr I am now prepared to supply the Pub lie with all sorts of CROCKER Y W A RE, Keeps an extensive assortment of - Famy Good, Toys,'- Confectionery, Books Medicines, Stationery and Yankee tions, which he offers at the lowet . Look r - r will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, tter Cheese,orColton, Cotton Yarn, Load: in exchange, St ore pay Cash Pottery iaaituated on tho street run 1 innochara Namar-ketfisur- - JOHN EARDLEY. Good clean Cotton andLineu at this ltags wanted offlee. ! W ' MlehrMlooiT-i'Ow.A-rt ewrat ordera in hi, m - ne j J 'I ill I isi' fn::igiid MlefelxKitj MftSjSV UfSiiEt Mil It cirr. is a i. y badiignto hear him ru ; R fie ra rSn. kl.l'.. .. rl. AND LARIATS . . : b A Pr with dispatch.-- ' "?' . -- i; -- 1,- 1 - 1 and Foreign CrnpyS, Vilab' H-- MMa COt9, :GxiiTuuiii A AScsBtAperkoUcr,! RASPBERRIES, ,,,,, Ur$. nuf TM nimiiirwnw, ukMfniar l whitd Aittea .ireskif, y&l!er Browsers ei ifithput A&yjCjotb r inthe logs, sbiny h M4Ht ,,a rir.tiuTi-o.- V . I with' the 'bast W. H; CRAWFORD. I compoond pails 83181? i pr' ' Wiir..e-th.moo- d, rtmoTf B.llior,' Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relieve . ' iV and other Pyappiia, break up Billions I b Headaohe, ' drive - 5TJi j Flatuleoey sud Loes of Akpetite: ayaj - ' - ' (ShtoriioK tm lb. BentXin a V ' w . i wr omrr. . 4.. , Washington. Utah; Tray efers inti Il,f . I 1 i?JVP &(& UNF6RTH,',Ei6iM,4iRAIh; ' . CRAWFORD liioijSE. . I I I . TuaiEUaa 4 1 OMm. tl- - left ehoelde- r-I will r.w.rd th 'kfford.. . JOOKSQH, fB' . ' ' As the above stock is amaii, those Wool Cording hf 1M tod . - ,iwering Yines,lleuse Plants, etc. , hJ onnuwir,d.-.it- a;.r, c,n i 1 ' Se B,t,flowI'airrai'sShrohe Plants ' good sign to seek man wipe! tho prespiratiOn ' from his brow bad I "" I Maim ; WatiYo 1 Copper, Tin andSheet Iron Worker Ste George. Utah itf ' v I j I. -- -- .! e Ije Vh ' (3: I a 1-- 1 xcncc. r 1 - )o rOj:.-."Ig' .k;A-:8T. 0B0B0 DRUQ STCJl5 ?:T SoW I! 1 help i 4Cj core the 'Jaundice, hu: to bo he best family Pill inexii I proro ! rff-- i when jUoMyT refamlart f.. gifau. 7K1 ''? . !litfactien r i ; V i fi ii . U " i : . , :tm SOOTHING SYRUP; ,A ifngrlqr, jRea.ieih.eior loopingCough, Coughi,; Cold,,!: Hire, i ,nd nil ffidtihll km Cil TI' :r . t -- , -- Sold 1 At vi. w o.i Wtb St r ui w cs. for shonas his Curiosities. . Dbinet Mailer. St, Georg. nt 10 rp if iTeM. ltf HIGGINS. ' ; nl WornrMedunnes, Salres, Ointments for Itch, Piles, Ac. Hire Syrup, Composition, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and most other popular Family Medicines. orna- and oilier '' Fruit, Trees ! l. .. quiring outward application for .Manbr j - : 9 : ; s s t B P JOHNSON :. 'Spring Lake Villa, Utah. . . WAGON morning just SliaLpihCTesterdar igo nezfweckt.a big innrimanVag? Mil tf'i I WkI many convenient and useful business ; ' " : " l PowenaUornej'Biilsor sale; Subpoenas ' .. E0RSXBLK ACCIDENT, f-- h "Times ' OflieeV. Blaqk Deeds, Bonds; : AL.rtses, Deeds of truot, it the Torlatjp :;rx xwhksox Oft. VUh, - ' For' solo at Xhia' iIHanki of any style printed to order on I iniBiilil-I- ir --T short notice . " tirfil ni tmpiMi 1m, Mtool tt r. !'j ! , PASSIFLORA 0hddiu.uua A . . ."1m the public. ', ' "A NEUVE AND iBONE LINIMEUT, ' ... r. For Rheumatiira and all diseases OF ' ' I 'li ii iij'? , : ' 4 Chol-i- c, . ' Wp LlYOF CITT E r Sore Month, or Cltsroai 4' For Canker Humors. - '- -' 1 ' STOCKS, : . ' . 1 VERBENAS, PETUNIAS." X CHOICE fLOT r BLACKBERRY, ' .'JAPAN . 1 LILIES, t V WALL FLOWERS, f. :? j Sjiap-Dr- p MoUi Jvu.Co If iM. joni, Irl, Tnhoinadf. And inanj good sizo rnd best rarictieo; Ho i clioicj collecii u of Cbineoe mental Treti and Shrubbery, b(t ffofeuibml vrtrticw iv ibe people olliert; Offm - plants , ' ; ' ' Chrysanthemum. tf. ioah iud Utah CoBntka. ' . J. E. JOHNSON.4 A choice 1 tJCtcps a ewaplAttf Miortnient of illotanicdl of HARDY tv strict for trusts oud. fonulymwlioiAM rtlfn aitontlpn fo buinois to merit tho cwniidtiuy.or . BI.ASK-- f i! . BLANKS ! ! BLAJ'KS !! I - - Tho Uncrsiffned offers a superior, arti ?rbl inflamed or treubleiome Ere e of ' dcublc-wouri- d nire fastened Sore lyee, Ac. Brooms, at wholesale, Of retail; Grain Lids, and Produce reoeiTcd in payment. .j r.x TONIC PJLW,. -- J OrtlFlif - ' .insfc "S'-- CANKER SYRUPY uituu.vir bib. ; ;? BA-LTXAK- 'K88HiHOE TVh'oyping Cough, Pain in tne tetih 6r faee and as! a Soothing Cordial for infanta giTesimmjdjatejrtlitf - ; . , F or Diarrhssa, v; Cholera Morbus DENVER. OMAHA or. ltf . : o 1J3 ' REFER TO V t 'i1 ',Omg:Ihv9c&r r i RE CIIAUGES ' Labs. Uvi.i v.L . ' Back Charges Paid ASON ABIE I ,hr,,b,v a ud bedding &rTi:R plauu fur sale, vii.i? ROSES, 7. - ' K t n? Imi ntwi X j i nt tf9 N kii ' 1 4 ihii!! f Uw r r t i ': Mf ' 1 1 Hr - iM' H SOLD. BUSINESS MUN UE.NEtt - $3 ;,T ? - " .-- NEW MEXICO; ' '1 MONTANA I A nud Uranls. Mv7:,("QtOOK(I wfirmviKu; :i' PERFUMERY, STUCK BOUGHT AND DRUGS; MEDICINES, ' V for tho AYji. ; the mhtind of Medicines .,4 Diseases the and St. Georg, Jan.' 15.' b8. Ptbp lei thO'CMinate,' hjnj u P.fB R UTAH; p ; any .quaniity.;-- -- ' thd Mbe;-ir- . Ijp'.i' T5"' - i yro . ii'n;fiiji'ii::L Teams torb and Emigrants supplied in : , TERMISDS Jfuket IUtta. LowMi .. i a i fi BseiCTB -- eaukttsfc dCft ' :v iEDi . v i ' r . i HEGEATH ,2?? fr ' ., m' r Lrr zjvt a it ; George Drug Stork j - - : |