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Show "GlrV Jf .U, KJKB . Soak Siritprg,. i G 00 LAKE. Hi ' BookPBi .. enable Pttern. and at . j& r PWriroi . --- pricf T', Vjto$!ryj?0ai9 WWW 'Et-r- tVMnSHED te msi Maqtfrm in I - EBOM-TH- SS5r T.o,. ' mufibY" NORTH. B iS&w of 'It ns to torn out coiulderible to KNITS PaWPT PfS r i,fai,t , time. gy 'Pement 5-- s tywh su Strawberries, green. iV-- -- !; the'gbry -- orgmn '' We leurn tiifct there afe'no scarcity of these pests in Pine. Valley. and Whewl.1 We are uuder oblige ion to ro. Wm- - Hamblin, recently from the P.v cifi 3 O jatt, for Sundries, nad curiosi-ti- es from the and a dep,. splendid pair of Antlers in velvet "by bimsefcaptured. and tontribvted,'to , our eolleetion. 'briny Il6n.TT, H,1 IlobpW f ill accept, our thank for favars.Hia' speech m tbe House, Feb'S5)Vnjbi( pryipositiah to cut up Utah,-- is aa able'ana creditable cifort, sad a volume ia Utself,. of our history Mat willan l knit the Tubular or flat, Single, oiJ,55Srci?r0 r5 LL from i ,,. ugurcs j ,!.t i I, inti Krtt Oiffi. HlSSS! io evPrjr - frlc,R HARDWARE TnCrri ft,RO,r,ent ol exchance for lfhbo'rho'id." d!oK.r m and fsbions themnto Its owner thtia MACHINE ha r.T:.nr First Premium t , Oct. 20 1868. where rer axht Mt d, including the Pari Exposition" of 18CL Circular aud Sam- (2TSeud Stain p'eStovkiip. Addre M. W. I.EET, Gen. Asnt, a Avll AT. Ffih St. SL Louie, opp. Court Houtt. - Kt Laree Agents wantedjevervwhere. I have new in successful operation at offered. No consignments made. La Grakgk ' Mo;. Jan. 6th 186S. Ms. M. IT. LEKT, Sin Too much can a new STRAUB'S ? ITENT under not be paid In favor of the Quitting Ma runner 'A chine 1 purchased of you last spring. 1 I almost think, sometime, that Ian guag would fail to express its tru value with all the latest I bought the machine for the purpose of improvements, and am to turn succeeded, and out a have, perpared money, making ardcle of have had no iroubie in running it.1 X can testify to any thing you may write in its From GOOD WHEAT. ' favor. RespoctfulTy, S. W. Mrs. BOHON. FLOUR garments. d.r.. . p-f- or .ts-eou- nte ; ' t -- SOiKLt preptre it for tbe ofcu.tomknlt! A 'AST i MUSTRflLLOfJI tfSSiSiiiSSs?-' - . In olden Dost. Care If time befrexth. Maine laws were. in- ven'od. VVing kept the hotel at Mid- die Grativilitj and from his well stock accomadaiiens to ed bar furnished man and beast. He was a good landlord but. terribly, deaf Fish the village pointer! was afflicted in the same way;. Oie day thev were sitting by tlem-isl- ve in the bar .room Wing was behind tho counter waiting for the Tebrt, ITixds Co., Mi ss., Jan. 2d. 1863. next cuitomer, while Fish w; loungMr M. W. LEST, Dear sir: We are ing before the fire ith a thirty look murb pleaseii ith the Kaitting Machine casting .sheeps ycs occasion ally at My wife aays ahe would not take $100 for Yonra truly, Wins decanters and wishing devout- it. II. L. BRACE7. ly. that somebody would come in sad Do! 1 For Our Huseiim. Piiudmt "kv 'a!- immense number of these ..voracious lith x??Cui' inaictff which have been fM,n IwomI . ' ui strew wT uiiiistib?,4VllT;fl '.V feotTABLi. We nre now wnd destroy mg and (he aid dtily upon Kilithei, Lettuce, Onion harassing inultiiude of bird, we may Aspwgu', PiepUiit Sfs.VFe sawpes ef theto "avoid in bloom several days ego. In a Week hope any rory eri 7ui losses or two we ahall be amid of or annoyances,'1 l - r STOCKING IN lS&lINUTlS r heel and! narrowing knit 1,1 c.,mPfite; ; xtntn by ' iaUll of.ihiiiet.' ro wav "v41r NoothcrWu'klne in the Wrldiantd . ru then things. : , A ne farmer doubles the ravages,, in each; the Fillmore, on route, north Washington, St.' Ueorgu end . Sunta ,!l Ml year a d Sw?go.r.s. J ( IF RPQOUtED, T. Wtc lock log, mitten, or clove, to a !awl or hoi'd. ?( ; ATIBSXIO sitls oj uu. A m.Vh kinds Buit tliB :.$ THRLAMB' KNiTTINO ,.J?5KuB1?w cm, T.B. BoSwPwraST .;d . MWJtfi WASHINGTON, L first-cla- ss 0:'XJ BL',7 ; exchanged far WHEji T CUSTOillWOKK ;.Anple Storage fog E. . SNOW. t OnffiUyttiBd ' . f Youno , 8takted. It POLT OF ROCKS .STJmOY, w&s expected that Prest. Young and treat' ! Bssn xt Siid for for it A trayler from the South, on hia from Salt company, would ' art HOHATE bIxyisr . SEND FOR 1TI SEND FOR IT!! I Lake City, dn their .intended tour to way to Brandon, stopped in te inquire - liar rl Ben St, Godbe, this regionj but si the line is down, the distance, tioiog up to the couurer, Propri tors. we eaa'tt la irs, whether o not they ke asid A"hn'Hhnd ariEsrgreKnynarjrefl areoajbeway- to Brandon? some sheet ,'with the largest amount landlord the ready FLowaas.' Our ganleio now beams Brandy?" saya ol resiing matter ever given for the with the smiles of lilacs, tulip,' ver jumping up; yes sir I think I have money in this country. Ueduced to C4 60 per year I and good acomodaflona9 fbr benai, geraniurns. Pansies, Pinks, some at the same lime handing down Reduced to $4,50 per year ! I Iris and many other flower that lend a dee nter ef the liquid You miaunders't-'iums' save theto a rich fragrance, eajoyed by the p stReduced to $430 per year ! iOmile, K.t of, .. was how it alfar to a naked returned half and of the "I dollar The toss (inis One ar by, miv 8AM BERNARDINO, . stamger in Brandon? E.isiernnd buds ciubs of tk be in seen member ch npnging ready H-t- f .. . They call it pretty good brandy English periodic Ib. the 1 informed that We are Comiso, for aays Wing .? end Prospectus W ill you take sugar with it? legi m of graah jppra in the hills a- - I baud for ProspectUH ! I 1 roual are miking this ivy doubtless. reaohina8 he spoke, for the bow will be sent free on application It ly with tho intentions of having a good I tnij toddystick It will b sent free on application 11 The largest, best and cheapest newspaper la n tor ning repast, cle i riuz out our nar Xhe dcspVring travler turned to oat; casern or Euglih pubU-lcio- Utah, contains Any I and dens one of these days. Look out FORTY-EIGH- TCOLUMNS obtained at reduced raies for jrh. when .. ba ready to harvest them thvy. .Xhe lndlrd. says he, seem Kubsciibura to the Utah Magazine come. te be deaf; will you t U mu ho far AS KOLLOS 8. Braadon? i it to Monthly snd the Utah and is pullishcd on Thorsdyr in time for the Harpy's Goods if Since last issue aB err ' Tbauk you," asid Fish, I don t j fm one (,arli50m Fam- - Southern mail. Mgzine O from ion fraight team i Xbe reading matter in tha W ESKLY TEL care il I d tsks a Jnnk with you! GerHld and Ulh Magazin'- 88.00. one exoant wagin come Ed RATH embraces Editorials upon "leading hive The stran? trrntd and lied. Journal and the Utah and phrcnolwdcal imnortant questions of the day, of interon, in. charge of D. Woolley. 16 London Tin MaK Zin 86.50. est to tho peoplo of this Territory Local sows, JOSH BILLING' ON ROBIN Sbhojner' deals of gools at a time Telegraph, disand !h- Utah Magaaine 88.00 Railroad news, Correspondence, KfiUURtiisr. al unu-utho of . an is rather from all parts globe, pertinent for St. Georg? bur 4 The New Y'rk Ledger and the Utiih patches The r?d fr.'sdvl robbing is from tho Eastern) Western &orthonif selections We all. need thtih we but amimt, Bline $6,50. Harp-r- a Bazar Mid and Southern press, interesting and instructive muchly doied eato by sjminarj gta f sale and r them see to B w articles upon Silk Culture and agriculture geu- open and peite. expect t(.v Utah M Kzn 87,50- ' trarel and a thon-- Gentlemen farmera aia encunid;;? dirjcly. j tjie Utah Mairnine 88iG0. erally, tales of adrentures, to ,l . boo z h th.i things that everybody wants swtl!rib ma thn Utah,iudo , 5 o o, Oil ru.o hrL-- 6 VlRZTARDS WITHOUT W ST8R. Tornu; triotly in adranoe.-iforni4 has her housands of weres of 1 copy, 1 year $5,00,- paid by ns.. r uultund and the Utah Mduxino Bu prtotiole f irmrs and fruit grow-i- s, 1never which are irrigated vinvarl . VVkly .oj ihe SO i1; i. H.rp.r begin to nyut 85, arid the froiu clouds, except yet i w.t onot a (Oiitleuam firmist. 'zin $7.60. Scientific A- Mug J ' ; u Uuh Cili-fornjq $45,00.' j. hs mon summer the I mi no 1 n Will. 00 t rm Club.- t 'h through ud tlie Ut M:g Xine $7 geftile Btt- rioan ajd an extra copy to gitter up of his compiiritively n showers. I go for r a! farming, mkiu iny Send for specimen number,. frend 25 Geu a m noor and r.iui ttinigd to nat T. B. n. StbsbcosxV. sendIn our mire ihland clime showers ar pile The 1 uel listen fir tho robbings ;ud get a aptcimtu copy. to in summer and the Salt Lake City,. Utah.. frequent during w ill b- - abowni ih amount off hia Editor and Proprietor, hia buCCr end rvenius enrol, lay f t July we seldom fad of get in? a suc- matuxtg Sijf. he aubac-ibefi1 found nut ih:t ho ainged only to so-- 1 sub&c. tptton we rains. Why may cession of fine 4b Godbc, IIaerhom liuoo ff male , robtiitigs, uud that where not. have' our lthoiisaid of acres - or he at five iosex he at quart of cherries, BOXING HETAL. Salt L ke City. bench land, dotted With vineyards of strew jerries, currants, - raspberries uud ohotcest grapes? Wo miy ir we will eetrer, and then pilch into the nfeberost A StrakobCow. An old man and slock of the best metal for box fall-anin Harriett winter, vines our wiU pairs, call d we Wh. m plant l).vy for th.it mv fruit crop ngre d too hi, wife. e vet. a " ' T? f e or give the , ground .'.plenty of ftkr wslI lfound were MoU mlhng Mr. with. i.g rubbings mr at oropc and cold through for. mint he, r thrnuh the grjtq-Iesahang win. ?' .lew they once female bts friend , neighbor wprbtiug.iu the - summer 'cultivate with a Bin jilss ; j .1 at evening didnt .pay. fur . hia gobbling owned. rays:Di y, 'h geve milk the Times Offioe.r manner. active an ia Choi e fruit Wl Udyi plow fourteen years t rsigV ahead, and choice thev make This is the way the when swete And BROOMS I:? RRGdil$T. friends' so,' my ' ' ' nrtver had'acalf iii i..o finis.. Yes and Oaliioroia'. in the abundance in futen red brest gets fruit For ealo at the Drug Store. eggspusive Molly "sko was jdst likeher Utah Dec there is nothing in the wav of our produoks of h'lrtHcrngsirdins and docks sup' St Geo v mother she never hittM. culf in' her . V . i ' ' fill til uasenti to meat Yankee southwird success but 1 strong dove 0 I pot ifefithcr. Johns J. D. r . 1 bid without 1 1 to-d- ay PROVISIONS r 1 d Klan 1 and aulTfialsn -- . Weekly Telegraph. 1 of.. li-fj- eo-oper- at rnia ! - . J.-ur-n- - ! itrrrssTo ia ; t - ; , -- d .j,;; . -- V,; : " . 9-'6- ? . , icodU(io-it- , ' pies9 himalos regreti f- - i ci |