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Show m ms m j .i fi )$ t $ ini.tr ft fef i;1 M $:. fTJiiatrlpil oSqws&ps FIR3 reiTtd.by.'B'pGrJthe bodf H :fitta!d (BletHtjeneeaKal B.W J0 u9tUhtt rrrtklin i i?j! M.:' l (SVif - lhi, dispateh fiTei Th : ntrmtton not ,h,n. :Vfc'i ,?S'-V-- ' th- - frt '' iaiMgsaiisgamiieagsa.g iiu S$M m. crirei ' kt: Ooori- i!l:l t'n 0 - Pieha,1ed!6,l t ti"11 -- ii w. Yldai t!;' '."I - :- ,- an $.; . - . i lii i i ik ... i i". t : ltf ewer s inaaSur.. ted ander a mntakei. noUon, that lb- eompenj : hom,rj, r Aftir d - threi . ; - ; ( .? I StrouVe t your- methrr.or father. Take dead,! with its throit cat." reei rode, dollirs .s win' and vour rt:ursfoare of generally injury ef froat and pennies they crjw SerertheleM ire jnUscd. rainl,, lo Atp awnt this w .li fh;' h doii,i,,,CIlf,tIlD0, f, the nlw pimjJJ eu tbuad.m ml volume. twith -6 numbers. C relaliae to this very painful affair wegfrnonrly'all elose' this in the' trouble, be;worl cron ef fruit. I ' ...7 J of our .own stronrdrnk.: a eompsnr gware . vwrfai.8 from, .Tnapoar boy. if of; 'mu family P0tea8l store is The , . honest 0ods. and She ba y mdustriou?, enrinr ; of six or more, start eut with lre?im5Say rcach'the highest honor in the land! I to be opened in a few. days., :a dumb' .1 ' eruel to the traia be meet . to in rebearihgpNerer r Ac., animal; ft r.e but and Weathe0 has-win. windy memW it power to tell how iLta. and hills for. job wprk,;buteannotMthe corpse. muelr it suffers, floncitv is always tha UBSt7 weal,ir tl'ia Sprbg. ' rar madcsbest polier. eolleet enough to feed himself . anda Ytslerday, the sa l new We have succeeded in obtaining a irife andw om mall quantity of seeds of the hcup- e;.?ail lldlpnbli(i, ewing reI name of Mara and the R.aie Plant L. pe rntiig 'Oar duly resourco for.lielp is in ourdnes3 and s'erraw preyaded all Bleesed with '"long legTfce ja which wegrajje freely divide with our Ehildrvn, with their aid, we shall The wires, fimilv and friends 55 reaching five fret ten inches. in his friends. ana with aa mdoh regulrityin timejttf b Ktiocts; weights 167 pounds; kody lithe, dpenased ara in dpan mrrAB ' the ns museularj head round arid well act circumstances will permit. Letfln ltr B. F.BIJKE comrder .Me neck, and of vast our readers have patience, for wetBr'- Woolley wisayonng, prominnifon Cabinetmaker, UpholaUr and The tree am have the hardest of tha bargain. ThowIMful. ead intelligent man, and get banger. St. George Utah. 35tf, . .ho are ab!., and hTf not p.id th.irlorall respited, and i, much Urnae-P- T ' can afford to b e.h. forgted. .ub.cr.pti.ns, ith"r th. head i. protected frem . the ." ft-thia state-- of' affairs m,-th-.i j Pioaeeif Office,' the' one within Printing only hundreds of miles of St George, Vnd9 t o, uaeif Iks .SFLl?'TGeBA1,!wt George April 11th 1869 etgflowing Janenage in 11 speech in Da hieh:a wrober iibefjtv mibi rrid-ncof John G Smith Su8-B!countr, Mississippi addressed to PRIZE EXIGRt; moat uaeOand intarpAfow :The .h.rnutuinn a altar severe of illness Bright ou, No. r, in our .Ruj Sti?. gDrop-ty- , inthe f 7h year of her ffe.K?IPVi?0r n. ?ear.F, violets Br Habut. roses; for us the leaves red- dened by the fros: and soon to fall. HAVE YOtr PiID,-FO- a I am composed of 16 letters. THE and bright .. 2, Id, 5 is. what we like-- f plad anticipa- My , atib is of the fatnrj. tho dreams that 3 11, I. is au animal. E BODDI. . make youths happiness: for ns the mein-ont If you have ure . thank you but ifl Wo Veee team, daily from the eet 2, 7, ere vowels, timet do.. of. the- past; of jova and sorrows you hare not, .we uiU, ; thank D0T,h-billthe u.ddr-bnn- d 4. 7, 3. 6, is what horses some-- n .'jn aake .it yoir,fir.t bu.ine to pVthe'i the hopes a d lore, mtrBiinS!eJ,-of nUw the,e 6. and bitter disappointment and era I 8, 15, 13. is what every girl e,Tt' t.w.' M".y .of miDey, or eomething in hon'd ric. good circumstances for living, off es, of the days that are no more. r FrthatjSj 'ifyou are Ah ff'too Our lh oouatrv also, ear own dear South-laa- d 9; 14,. 13. is very useful. ,!n8lbene! PHod required. 'pidrfT d'bnl diWei youriilf f that love so has you " mem-need its well, a 8r ,r 16, 10. II, 8, iss name. we doul mein you Wt hire la orod 1 ? Produee of the past, of a glad bright dawn ' zeces'ities required and a S, 14, 13. is an' animal. for"UiiVltTl papsr, and have?Ugh faithfully full of ,c7","e .. . . j morning that promise' 3 2.13 is what we do, family, has been too urea darkened into a day fu!' of ry. gloom and whole is a in this Territoplace terror disaster. My Out cf that darkness . The in faces the of. j our dead look s .dly and person handing correct Jthe pityjngtjrAAd lovingly upon ni They answer to this Enigma will receive vain. The land they the prise s hook. v?in the fruit of the great .Answer io Prise Enigma Ns. 1, ...... r- country alto has its 'Bkitxhh Bussum. Prise drawed have labored earnestly andB?.??!A iat.ar: 'D05 IBive; for the by 'J. Carpenter, answered correctly br Eleanor Woodberrv, ! i mef he X!? a Je A 6.Vr,.n thousand ' .jS 1 I afI W-Sri- ywt 1 on Sunday .1 Ithj Bovs iheald . tememher the following Almonda. Apricots, tnd PeachesJ - "ent manimt: Liberty thd Js irpht are bK pf. haxlenuts. . 'wtiatever too wish withoe, ;M ter-- 1 rith the- - richts of ethers. Save I To day we picked a handft.1 of tips ' ;i4L 1 iieultnralTnends, 1 ? 5 .tenc" precarioaI D. ! ? ww - paper t '1 k , ; tH-ij.;- - . . prliaUrt - . to-morr- 1 ew 4 eo-opera- tive : -- mi i Roc : m.n i g iU,r f ly IJ', rtmfttberd Uiat the r 4te- - l d m"11 i 1 hfofr'h :t Uiwii,C: -- t'. N; fs. itX-i- &? - . . tffttij", Weveryibiiig sold in IT. ,T. wetjr'wefk. Uaunliin Pomologic 8ccitty tnt et .At Sannden Bamb, A whole year for 95 00. A large in- eur library etery &tu rdty evening ,. double' sheet besides, full 7o clok: All interested in fruit grows Point of rockV raation,' the company terestine r of .Aatea of. AU vr rtiiln 5: ?, reading, good ipg are invited; to attend, fine ipccij I dir Wed in! order to greater .convenimem' of fruit exhibited, b uticeis oj 1... a first Ohio Farmer; The that At I ence fer feed and tratei. interest vil be laid before mxj u 1 rieultaral-warklv- f Edited fipgrt heraei were Isnd bv'HeVris thd Rlakelee, I l 00 plnceS of Bro. WoolUya j, published Prast.,4re. found misting and he started back in Cleveland ohio?it- ; b ,W8-- : APr- ii.Bi. t ii TO BE mule. This is the received, Od JIOT TO BE. trarch: riding.a ; J r. ia Kealel and artltlio Joarnar. and ialerestinir Pro wait . S STaiw After u tion . him.. of O n r t bkbkt. li( daye ta known An impor , ju?p Ijat lior-to it faraettlvrecommrnd aur we ya upohhur table one ripe trawberrjl tie 1HK; 0f the 1. hat" had m abort . i? ft 4 con- - 1 ! (ill! 1 191 f .. t - n t, x fV.ye 'il'.i: 'M. cir-gClMne- ns. J. .jjftsi.nl Mi rn-si- -- ' . is-ge- les.' f-- Uf -- d: fife 4M f:.,,"??. if-- WiV; x?i. ft. t;H t - j.a e '." VJ.S-- : j : et . .iar pe . 0 7cung Folks Comer. M -- , !eS-TTMFJ;- It .: - es - - f -- -- JJSMta. ftSvw " V 'i i -- til! J'.Tsv i :$ ? Jr1 vfr -- . ; . n4i! - SSSSgmfi 1 tiiJii Hi v , ' vuve IU IQ ftU AIIt RBI t few. thousand wormi, a. week ago e ' ?J old fashioned good ljey square meal. , began hatehiog and now. thepintle fel A :,k. rr--;; Iowa blacken the tenderjtaaves: laidri ... " twj; S'.OV1 .. 4 5 - - - - - - - ! planted by angles btoomgraves H Squaring the Circle. HWUftna - CIRC LE ICARUS R A REST C RE AT E L Ut8 TRE E S on many Jusf Rxcuivkp -- V, liit' at - vpfl; he was raae of and; me, and';aaama i frf.fe 01- - HUV from Messrs E1!- . wanger and Bary 0f Hocheator N. Y. uf rare exotie grapes . K y,o0IpURta TE EM ' n : aa it . and order is ;ihthat as when dn from more : good ; stronger, durable; Wb sre, informed that;the last hardTthan hemp or flsx. and more jnitiwusipe ground ii hia ;is an' upi&hT bus-fro- V. Little Johnny was being eateohised ' destroyed f most or all the r f riiit- delicate and beautiful than silk. , Ifjjiness firm and can be' 'relied An by his brother, " who Hiked 'him what ' i J 4 AAta H j ; taw - ,,, " . ft Wibs.w T.r, : ov |