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Show fMS'toiiaif. V1 , !' yu I ; tY t:i'vuEWjhaamjir-SMVfi-M- ,.iWedia forW th gSK; xdk-j- firstaate sat bf V ; , ml ,n i - : t i lf Soa f , a!,. jS& XJUJB, 3IJI S. as fam ntw.. . Jishoot, Anil all the.whila wb laugh In strain lirtlv wort tailing. . , f . . V r r': , - About the fair; about Jhtrirlr And who wars beat .at iiaociag; . While at; each prtlj faea Lkeymit Their ejea were brightly gUnaiug. ' I, iP u b 3 i c. . 1 , . n.r 1 ; ' ? DI-FEND- . wo jgJfJ ciplia"1 h1!--' ooaiiio dl.: .lif t,l gi luorogijphlo, loLwjf t M.-- ond .vWd eor-erme- d. U - 1 W' ,qpjft.gcrg 0 " hi -- ss M.r.n.l bf ... aelf-ercaie- they trode for many a Bile, ...They grew In time quite frisky. And now and lip fo lip, ' They1 bailed tiiaiyfram the darling whisk v. And 1 milea-'oo- ri? tOM.exeenr la S -- Good lhe principle of frr Ameriaan itfl and labor. at Mormons The inanufaeture ad t ueb .bronclieo of i mto- -. industry-f- ) their own ciothes; in their three cotton domicaton.l natural iriencosg-wer- o and four woolen mills then shoes, from wilbia .liM esmpMf of the prioilhood tan leather mado in their twenty-fir- e learned ririoqi1 fijnibnie nerieju Their furniture their nails, their hardware, their hats are all embroiderrieh coreringA loithe Ur Tk ir one hundred and fifty grist-mi' There' hun- w tne Rods grind their carn and flour. odueate dred and twenty school-hous- es r,ea,l attention waspaiiao the thsii'j eighteen thousand children. .Their moral discipline of' both sexes. .The one hundred churches - furnish rests for all "their worshippers The grape and the silkworm, the.tobao'o plant and the aotton ball, the sheep fold and the eat itself i Tenor not fore. WM tile spring-otie pastare,' all show the terrible pets edneation with thn Anfees, iterance, patieuce ;?and pluck "Of the .. Tho colonist. Morraan (Loud spplauaa ) temple word terp Bamerom; have tkero .woro ly paragraph Mrerri huadrcdi fn (uu down ths enterprise of this Napoleon of . TbobuU at city.. eolonisti Brigham Young And after tha, hndrtd foot Bunr1.r.' ittik wnrt, aflliom.. this wonderful sueoeas the spoiler ;is:at Urn his work. This fubrie in the forreat must Tll.W lowered; grtAlhofebi, wer be levelled; Utah muaV be wiped oatr: , into lieverai I each smaller Monet, the is muhta!n than farm in and the tho bne be. yalleje jx ecution of Ijeeds.lSondi, Paedi.'ot Trust ,; Powers of Attorney, At length befora them, in tin hedge : i 0 ontriicti, and all other Official Busi-io- " Tl . roadalda" vw, command Ing, required "of a Notary Public. They saw, its white sides IsltarsilVsr, Office at "Rio Virgin Times rooms, A mile atone lonely standing, ,s St. Utorge. doffed read and quickly their hats, J. B. JOUNSU, notary pablic They ; wuh forroir n helr faeea;; ? with J Tnrnlug ay a, .aarsial bac paces. stepped They 1. E. JOHNSON. I Iho deal, , .14 r Optik Uw, AuetUn and CoinmMm Mtrthant, ' ' ' ' ' St. Uoorjco, Utah, His grave wall not be troublin'; Will receive and dispose of, as inatruo An old man; sura! ICO, tad from Dublin 1' tad," G oods, AVarea, Morclmndise, Grain I His name a Mikn 1 w ' ' terms Stock 'Ac. , ;upon liberal ' FRANCIS. TRAIN GEORGE i .'' BRIGHAM YOUNG WHEELWRIGHT 1 AND MORMONISM ON : SCRIPTURAL AMD aid uans made or WAGONS dane on repaired, MORAL GROUNDS. ehort notice at Ji'.if . ELMORE'S, , Itf At onrof MrJ Trains reseat lee! ares on his New England tour, theaudienes, a soma one m -- I eolonj 6m ohow iSper irriiig in 111 thmr ponulotion !.. I f iURYfeVORSENOINEEllSiNSTRU tr UMEXTif FOR SALE. Ji. IhqalrVat the Times $ . c"o ? ohoioa eOHoetioa of Flower Se4 3t.Unorg.Drin Ktorov ; rntro'SS? W46wurtH So ,10Or, . 1.000 vrtf WEDXE8DA K JUT 't :i.tWBkf Ml) ; aioymeEHTiMEs I ' Tils... i INO f " -- ti ; - A - - . CANE'MILL, iorri Sorgum wiied ont'Mdimoniam, wheaMr Tain olooteiSrt tto wl tomblT bj .ropid f and his coionr, from ,jeftne 0f Brigham which we give the following sketch, as taken by a correspondent of the 7mft at A' nair of w ought of rollers for ..10,inqair. - HOUSE, PLAN TS , p' coot in tho night. Tho. wTM ling hospitals ' required in Utah fm Mdini nifirr AcrodJmge.; - guiaa pmi- - m, saenacT faflUftdMnl,IlBttellUwJre jnknotfn and two altars." which fires on must Mormons lofty colony taniam says the were as Take Imy adviee, Shame kept, jnextioguishabh) as thoso-ioarish the" temple of Vests. . Brigham, fight for your rights! Religibreathe we as the free sir as There'were said to be' six hundred on mtst be ortho water we drink. Good agrin of these al art; on smaller building You havegiren us a new code of morals, within the inolosars of the great tem religion is practical ours, tlieo -- n your of Mexico, whichT with those on retioal; you practico what you preach. pie either let. you alone the sacred edifices in other parts of mwt Gardens, Our Floral people, 8t. George with your multitude of wires or throw ths city, shed a briltint illuminstlou I A nice collection fiwt the newspaper who eatahlishsd tho Bible. If they touch vou, down over its ts thrrjgh the darkest up sale. Chrysanthemums for at 1832, in Mapenteach their f of Christian plants, jj;0UTif ing night. goes the basis ..I..., ; Teruenas. Stocks. Pansies. Ice an dance?. The Mormon. Who in 1846 ing, for polygamy is sanctioned from From the construstidn of their tear-pieGeraniums. ; Oleander: Putnnias. penetrated from Iowa, the western land Genesis j to ; Revelation Stand ap for all religious services were public. and mevsd towards the Paeifis the great your faith, B igham, and I will back mihf olber vaiieiie. Who of, jnrieilsv celamu ofprogresrt The Mormess, for yours is tho only .colony ever ijTlie long processions . J. K. Jphxsox. msiih-erousa the their Ameriaan the 1 sides, winding flag Christendom without a it Ltablishs in first raised Tho Mormons. basin? rose j greet western higher and higher, towards1 pimbler, a drunkard, ora, prostitute. bloasom wiidarnesa t Utah made the thr summit Omaha and the dtsmal ends of' and Sensation npplaise.J irlQXnB HMIftTIlWMIiHarOi whs sna. Mora The rase? Applause the an Times sacrifice performed' there, , were Ml Mtdidnes that grow "i,r.ect, ersed. or ehurch in Evening visible from the remotest coraers of PRESCOTTS CONfive millions in miCBZS FROM and importation Mountains iTrr stop neroa, expended midth$ the capital, impressing on the" spccta die-- 1 QUEST OF MEXICO . immigration? (Tnat'a as.) IIow doss it I have a wall fitted Laboratory for urs oundf a superstitious ifederation "Ho 6 UppcortU o,U ..4 ; ; or. the mysteries of his raliglonsnT-oE..rtjUl I ho was of a the .death art On bnk person, rorernaent the diet minis ters by whpm-.thej.otT.r opool mir'ietn ' habliments of in Mormoa the peculiar dressed were .interpreted. MlOBIHlVSM. $75000forib iBdhno ia Uo 1Y, mtllloM ont oil-- 1 land when IboTjbrow was strewed It tubular ow his w, deity: Jlieover ITho it, er, which need as rroda.V.orohirl.. talombl. .p.tim.o, ,ido of tho AppUMOl mlnw SMOKE FOE WOUNDS., . of 01- mot Uinoretod jold A eerrespondent icoom'msnda. smoke" F ; j forms? . Th Mormsnt. Ths first em- A rw u u a cure for wounds In men and vr amen. as throng sat-1 shall bs isrants at Ysrba Bsesa landed from the . I er if . fleb. h. !.M ,v: ays. (i out my foot with an ax Mormon .hip, ftSSirt tStlSSuT. X ,Jshasss. UrookWn, the I lady of the house, seisisg the foes mimed rsficed at hie obsequieVY His body J. ' brick' made in Galifsrnis .was , le it was jet bleeding freply; held it colleeted StV Geo. Jon 28,1868. by a Mormon, and the first prilling press was burned, and the ashfa w I 'M over a pan containiiig amqjinjptag locks. was .taken, there in f4S by a Morass. in a vase, were prcscrycd .in one of In a few w minuted the bltsding .stopped tho apartments, of thio house, t Eldorado smoke and ths was removed, dahan- in 48 rant bound for the There; we ret wo remarkable pecul-iarid- dage applied to protect it Trpm kccldcu in the Axtec ceremony. .The tal blows v Ths wOcnd never se perated, ths wilderness? in they f osnd thsmlslvei s as that the of n first I was, and repetition never oonsequsntly. The. Mormon oolonista. AppU'ss,' and paiasd me.1 I for 2V' atoned-UTAH, was once offence inexpin.ihs remedy iedinmanjsiml- Thats so.1 Who saads .tbt Pasifio 3T, GB0R0 f Ur and alwaye with thr earns re- once was confession but msde'i , csjes neooatllT? a: . able, Railroad Brigham Young Ufa ;.t-- Q" and .his Mormon host; Who fed "ths in a mans life, and was usually, de sulti. Let the readw. bear in .mind? that4, minoro gave Montana food,, and cloth-s- d fered to a late pCr!6d of itTwhen the no limmeat br sklva, drawing or heal- -' TO THE SAINTS vs DIXIE ' f Unburdened "'his icoiiierehoe ing; should be applied. Ytid have merely the naked? These simeimuoh-abqqe- d penitent Aad alsawkfratkoM nf you hkvWgbnfinai. wa raturned and- settled at once the rt-- Mormona.i (True!4 from t;,,toke,lfca wound Well and. ' nature;; arears long tB ih Soath or Waitthstyau vnll do ths rest. I suppose thosmloke of to miner.) Tet what has .ths Government matt krtwfiysur wishes by lettar of atiniquity them? and bo heard to bsi ahaU inalt burning wood "ever dona fsr.thoiu,tho iqm em Georgia batf you f Another'1that but .. would peCuliarily. al wm, results,' mahkeea-bloBoibe if land ta The only , qystem pnblis W ' frlodi There is aprisoiplO ia WFsmOke bf AginaU lowed last .year. , boned rendering the priestly 'absqlatdn ;wts recievedin Wen appliedtO the'fiekbj homestead laiif (bof oUto in Utaku Where peace) of the legal pnniriimCnt df ofT w.oali the are there bettor, roaAi, bettpr jttlegraphai fences and buthof ixed an acquitted, in cosgulsteg albumen, thus rendering It chl- batter of putrefaction. The ' bettsr'buiret'hsttor,farsssf efam4t.,.'vriIcf' unsusceptible cases iwtungs? same Utah? Bowles. in prinemle Barton, thin, stops bleeding byj One of the most important duties ir turs the blood. 14 itmt StLour Greeley, Biehmrdion and Dixon ail M North nlating Brtwd Brssktt A J. Kanbaw. of the priesthood, was that of educattestify to against polygamy prejudiced is &( The girls were inJasaa TT. Creiby Weather fine as we so to preui wondexfu indnitry and aitsniining ing tho youth. ths 21 W. Nov. to the trusted Gtorgia priesthood, women Thermometer 82?, enterprise ef Brighams followers. -- st-se- rnt: s, 1 -- as-the- y & j - -- -- b. ' , u ;b?. OI of-th- e r I 1 r ; dh,nkofU., : I " oBosB! a es , . r ; - would-prodO- of -- ?.affgsisraga ior . 1 |