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Show HW ' "? I - -'- 1 IS O S d ifch . -- -- I, aaa j ft A n ;iMSjsMi8i.r(jraiILand.Feed.BtOrc VALUABLE-- ;. r? J ?! i. Mi m ii ! iii &o. exwrienBrcsgra Two. ' Born prnps laildiBf-W- V A 1 baaaUfal i Vt-- I ; r:' r! n ft i Dix re, doctrine of the Soititt or 3 u'; A .! 1 ftf which can bo hadfromp-at,- - 3'1h&rr it? - ' nywAtvyi Haring rented t he w ' itrvoIy. PSTUNA8'1Jv ?. TJ JAPANblapkbe&ryLILIEV5 sp-P:WPi;r- fa-- g Machine, owned byjTBfb. h'!v.-;- -- C I ; . r? ' ; .'.j.Cil1 ; I f 1 l 'j r 'i y-- -- !, W2. 'mVm ijSbow.dLpro J i i . i , V s.-- i - - -- - : M yti it a- $ S d 1 t - . W, D. JOHNSON, LOT OF A CHOICE f ty r j.-,.- , Keeps an extensive assortment 'of Fancy :. y.Confeotionery., Books1 Medicines, Stationery. .nnd.Yankee 'Nc-- ; which he offmi at . the lowest mar- - : ., ', : ketfignres. , .. . Look in no charge !l for showing hi ;Z Cariosities. oil and add half an oance of gnra ojal.' App'y to the c!iest, .under- - thearms, the palms of he hands, and hollow of the feet, i It . will generally relfeV in 'five the most se?re casei minute .'RemembeT;uso'fexternallr, and let patient; drink s plentifully' cold Water?' of v'fi Annaia B) fenott has1 obtain e'd a divorce from his wife, in St. Louis., on the gtobnd. ofJL cruel -- and -- abusive ireatmcnLVirile. was Knott her huswas Knott bis wjla band, New 'thtfuiZ'iiy, she i Knott . and He Is divcnrccd, still he is f -- . f a GVJHIGGINSf;;'1 .. 'eli Teio im I e.f KjCLZ of the Residence in the north - r ? ,!i - ei .1 T! Good clean Odtton andlineit Ksga wanted office. ? n1? u ntn . at this r.f-.:P3nriiBYvi- ' ;.i : l am now prepared to supply p -- : . : the Pub-He.wi- th part all sorts of: City, i ; two blocks wept of ClarVs Tanneryi; v .b'kTJs-atr.,k!- ft ",1 o o for Agendy I;; Findlay V ' celebrated ' While' thanking my patrons' for. tHeig is j i. .t i ,, , i at favors iin'the . past,. I wish 'ldinforiri wki&at, Flour, Matches, .wholesale 1 will take Corn, them, as well as the public generally: Butter, Cheese, Colton Cotton Torn,. , ST. GE ORGE pRUG STORE wno ma(y need: my services, that I have StorepayCash or Lead in exchange.1 just received from the New York laborPottery ia?itiiated 'on the Btreot; Tdn atories a good assortment of. Eclectic STRAYED! to . .. ;;s. , : Medicines; r; ltf nipg Washington and1 young. 'ctoek Several' h cows, Oxen;' JOHN EARDLEY. ; m ltf ' L. the oldCr branded J. E.r J . 'on the horn lt j .'.it JAMES CRAGUN. and most all with a 6 Inch eirelo wilh (J) : i a J - inside on left shoulder Twill reward the ' M l' 'V ' diner and Cabinet Maker. Sti' George, finjer j Knott. Why WV f! V ; ' St. George Apr,15 : 1 have a. choice collection of orders in his- - line wilb J. E. Johnson. Weve nolbing td say Kota word. will 1; .if. v itr.tr i &:. Oli i keen aP5a A Ffenchman. 3 'Lulil ' ctical joker all diTs"life,' e yen plhy e a . . .CRAPW'HOOSB, J !1 J W J. NIXON, . , of v lort' the trick after he bad power of godd ttii for tranpljMiting, .to and Washington. Utah,, Travelers , t Iron Tin can;. and Sheet othfer j . Worker, GRAIN four and EXCHANGE: Copper, for. large enjoying it.:Heleft Boarders acoinmodated the beat with ' St George, Utah - , ltf dles to be carrieQ'athl funefal, and table cbmforts'tlie market afibrdi. . ; Apple, PearQuince Plam Apricot, they had not been burning fifteen Ii PeSchjCherry 'Pomegranate, ; AI wen off as fire- ii; CRAWFORD, lltf Jn f minutes before they LARIATS. WHIPS AND, mond Cat&lpas. Allanthus, " works. ( r,:r. ;; Honey Locust. Mulberry';.", Jon$LARm,! wa distance eW.y:!J ate. of St. George. All work; in braiding, Tobacco. Within etc., COMPOUND .. ' in Santa; Clara Ac., done with diapatctu four miles it ltf hp: l !1!L(LS !!j Ordinany, f) country, tbere js said to be mpre lhan Sfative and Foreign. Grape?. Wlljoleans9the Blood, remove Billious Iwo hundred acreajof' tobaccoi' froip hunidredrihoiii ulilr' j which a yield of (thre Alsoj FloVering anllFfuikingMiru .Oomplaints, stimulate the Liver, relievo r J..J i ir Strawbpr ';Plant''FloweringrJPlaijts :!y , sand Dyspepsia, breakup Billibua and other, i, ITabj ehoie,, anj ran vf IUe of grtpo. Sotk m. pounds js , expected: Wf$l' HOuse Plants', etf (c,f A I Fivers, ettp 'he llekdacbejf drivo away Vibes and rarietieaof appl Rea, S Come, Bili, its ten . oclock,- - and I, aid fcardy.ort-JSij'As'tho above vatoek' is 'emali those Flatulency thd Loss Of AJpptlt help R U B 'S O & WE L R F J;N it bc I II better should bclnSba-Bo-n' fehf( think wLhkd, gogTor desiring! " . 10 Best yarfetiea of, - J e fiMh time honest folks wars .. r Aiikit, : . r ! 1 1 a if ; and-reta- . - i . i w , - , I . . Fruit.TreeiVli f j . . ,9.aafitakv. whod ::-- -jv 'vtvn m' L Bf-TA- . TilEBSi;:,':,' ( V , i ( 1 Produce;-con8i8tiBg:O- f -- 'W. 11 ! , . 11 j r. from-Gilroy- , l ; Nursery & Garden. : ' : w I -- , ' S-H- 1 se! ! . . . .. ,! j.e; Johnson; . s fa gild:;; ,:I - raspberries; t, . , g f t a j - -- ' : .aU-bom- !:: A ; : . v.l i.'' ann e T ferown Sold'at :6T:GE0RGKDRUGBT0RFj; :p; e:-My aonljSaid a man -- ofr doubtfal yioworiag tIbci andotlur ,dciinUa plaata. jfor end. Allen7 p&tii' V. . . ; and Cwdea lVraalofwr eah orcrai. morals, putting liil hand on" 'the bead :i;thaid . Tanners dc'Currjersikcp ophihd. . jCBqnirv attba T1 j , h. OOw,", of a young Urchin 11 1 belie ve Satin' 1BGS. 20 St. Cort CUk. OeL a mimber'one article of beUaye idi lias got hold of y 'Fine Soleleather, y nr:--jt- ar rn. 'ii: li , . ; refunded when satisfaction ,, V ;.f ianotgiirgn.f!,,fi JMoimy - - - - 1 i- - ; i J,-- i ! if too, s R! S' "' l! , r,r GwTLEMANl, 'said i.m U -- t- - 3 At i vMf; A a ;) - - tavern keeper, to his guests at midnightr'I dont know whether ydii have! talked enough or not, but as pjStr.id; mg fa: sa1 vV1 Si 31 ; at fc3 replied the urchin. j ' ... JJ r - - - . ! . sykup: Wbopping r. s v yrA supTior MijcLQ-foCogh,1 Coughi, Cplds, u Hives, and aliaHectjons ofthd Throat; orLungx: : LOANED 1 Oowi-hi,ciT was tape line ! borrwed some ;A time ago, from my place. Will the . .I ,.rPuneig Jtheietc. vei! immediate relief nothing bet ' d of the r to exchafige-'foinjunctions Which; rpgard Iheyii'oRer person ' ter can be used. return before being exposed grain and otherproduce?:a 'Sold at St. Georg0DrugSt6re E. Jqhxsox,: Pardwan 1Utah Apl20 186$. ' vr,r , J. de ! . Scrip-tureWu- . 1 1 -- . HI The Uncrsioned offers a superior art!-- ; of doable- - wound wire fasten, .4 fe '.-.y- IE ? J -- - - I j. hnn-Svv.- .BROOMS!, Vi-- Sc ' rjfjco - t- I reepeetfull . . . IP m 9m' 3'.-the eitizeng pf; Dixie and adjacent reetle-- blanks. 1 it.;.l i ,vi r at V.UwV hwilax- Blanks of any style: printed to Order ' on good sixe i nd hestvarieticsj 7also ornaA 12--tf ..'.'I '.U ' iU- - mental Tidc-ianGcobg Gxiiishaw. 'Shrubbery,. and ofchef4, abort notice- f -. v 20 X ,.1 Parow&n ApL.18G8, plants. w -- ; 1 A choice P1 Jt of HARDYG RAPES C. WILKINSON, folThk Ckdup A lady writes as an ji sfedd 'this northern auoha clinjate, MAKER 'CARRIAGE AND lows toathe NewHaften BeguUff I WAGON half. leodth of. .the Publi Fruit abundantly. BrF: JOHNSON.., . wish tc send ray mothers recipe, A block and' a Street. Good Umber and Sqnarej onMiia which alltwhQ.hiveteitd'it deanoP work uone Well and with1 neatness and .. Spring Lake Yillaj Utah.. infallible; Take neotihceofsyeet despatch. r.. . ;T -- .i. , Powersattor r ey hills of aalej Subpoenas, cdivveliik nt JaVd'. useful: busineas and many ' ... - jI t . . j-f- i,ru.s. WILLIAM1'1' j j i. v- V- - fl . :, purchased ;iof sMr; :i& M j foe 1tBkiinfl.mrf w MhUtMaVltn ' the undiridwl half; Cf "th0 Lids, SorcEyeejjAh.0 1,;oV lu J r'J hmii-q'-'oi wax 4 BfjANKf I, RLAKKS U; BLVKS l BroOms, at wholesale tr retail jGraim JpT .1,.,,... tj in pajmeat.'1 'FerMlJstths f Times co,' BaoV and Produce received AtSO Deeded Bunds,' :Mortagei; Deeds of trust; - ,rJ.i .I I.! iJ : i: 3'rni fiPR &,lj 30 ,iU1, .Jt -- TT j in i ;3i;E!riQHNiroN... J.iv; ;" - , a NERYB.AKUi BONEiLINIMEMTV ForiRhenmahnn .ia'-kft- 'd iSSSuT outward Sairing ' aphlicaCon 'for AIan or v coat. T 8 'i i: 'i ,3L fe Chryeaiithejmiins.. j I J 3.1m; , WALJi FLOWERS, ' , L;4S;0'2 Bf ing brought ;p; better R a ticho aT onownsor eyeg; aaw. & Di xonJJ north of Maaon ui ' ' i 14jstjS$4 vrAj:rwl?r4i TUOlS-'miO- ii X.utii ,. HAVING j ! tyopyi 5', ' '.uii-rmui- .d oir from tforOf Bro. isUo. (caro A. J. Kersbasl f.:3 TisJosd WVCroiby Rome Georgia Not. 21 'Cfcttiai JPcicrct ..Veiet, A; requested .IT, Mr" 1 r? dm ia ROSES.1 i'; - i - 4 .T writings Remo -- 1 SALT LAKE GITT. s' UwrfetM ji.- , ft ; doM for woutbpy Or UlohfOui n I GNEKALlY OF OMA7rii 1aM ff ill! ife- rarnCTErig'P Yhlfig V 4Tor .! Rome Georgia nd, you shall be hoard and at tended tp;ifin f jj A A those djifcad Agaioall tes West Sodthnf oririnheSja anywhero the in ean, by letter refer them to meatRomo Ga. for information appertaining to the faith and ! ; a f ft. Mft.teelfli BtkrtWnV r ;.! BUSINESSMEN Vf And elsewhere' tboe of you hating business ! JPfitQeyiianmnh DEN trEat- s i F6rDiatthWHaiitoSbq&& . SOliD BOUGHT AND . S5SaNS5!;' -- Rraals' qdsi ablftiiffniiri vtz&im &&i Back C hargesBaijf iiwrfBbaaier JiA 'cirAnocsitiJlsoxABiE! cankertsyrur i. Z;Z . 7 SL George, 10 lKJOlfXSO&ti-- to t heb a irrrs ; ' lt )JI Et. Gaorgt, Utah, Ovt. 0,1868 J . FI :i : 733 vTpQn.'T51T HTUt)3TS;Ui 18 A 3 TiOiizriPmiAJfAiviaoj.' ilVhopiatUcJbi r vn; !;'' m .ijM'J tpre and Emigrants SQpjlt ? W.eT awHtorstriaAt a1! In.i irtf Cn& 1 rplni vim, awl ai aqd oruuatl-rfe- r : UVM 7Ti I iii-- . i, i ttUfclrly ,c i"-- ' i lir ' 3'1 Loaresl-Marketilate- s. asuo i piarJ 11 fS.r.b.rS r at STOCK PJBSBmXtt? S .! V W. ! r ' l. h ill Jiiuis ;; ;aorfffli , J,;! . wefflji-- ! i ff .; doorsahave-St.GeargoIIal- ! h ciiopfebd; ci on VEGETABLE t ? r 'VV1 tl- MPAT irS? Prescriptions ;putmp with care by an ;U i 00 C Man vo idw i),) 0 j 07 j q ji-- J&.fA OT; iyRy,' drugs, .medicines, i' M Im : edicinos ftSCIETB ind FORWR ' IroJ GOO D 8 of t !: -- -- JE |