OCR Text |
Show Ha tup a gnaw UmlR ImThnfi n ?a jiiai4 o M v -- bnaTsipw,wi; Okra: r nr--: a xijjto:-:M'i!- AMW - JfyAKJEmio-- i -' "- 0 Terms alwaya 5H copy, for one 3 top teg. itTWEEN EAST 3nB S?EST?tflfia! 8ntiiT SALT LAKE cffiT.:; T, B.JI.JSTENHOUSE, trRoPlUEroR. FIRST SOUTH 8TRE1 3rt0;0 DilV-:?no A complete ---- r V Material and Toola and Machinery of the Jfpeditiouplrud'At raw cmumiio whl: hbcsivepbompt 'Ariramo AkDLlFWOBK-SZE0blEi- Ilf TB r j 11 W i' oifU'Ol !! U .aa:: In advance: r.lUSTROLLOfJ And fvf this puretd I ofler fkr iel lny & . .coo one to "T - . .a J :ilHN 31 i j 1 rR M.! Btirir.!F?? rx ra u.i J: vsl- - i .f-U- ; Jcieg 4 SMJ f.adi?,oag j. w . ;I aa.WTaa:C getter np 8 00, tlSQttSi - , f of eliib) 4 ; 8 dopies for ore yeai)(f and bne to getter 11 U-;Y' 00 l)S6:lO-- t up of c.ub f r ri fordneekrand dne to getm 20 1)0 ter' up of club) .nJiWrWi-r-r:, . . Addffsj.Post-paidni ftT u ' . BINDING FURNISlIf EDjftF R&Qlflftb ,0fmPfjtmkdR ;: -- 4 3 &- Z?W3$8iF, fPook .Binding n KM x- lu--I - . ilO If CHARLES'.!, PETERSON." I have a generalV assbrtinent'ro.f.:i'iri Street 300 Pa. Chestnut Philadelphia iao .HARDWARE I will exchange for Uii r.lriwfie." iLrspecleMfpent IbpowJshiurlaget hind of ST , . M U 1 jVd3TTT7AKAi 115 '..( Knitting Jllncltlnev In another 5 colmnnwill hh found ady it! of the Lamb Knitting Machine one' Of :,j The Jt' Abeet jl and cheapest newspaperin f the moat practical, beat and chean&a 'Utah, largest, Ji" contains that ia ngiak40.WiwiU' ordck ihe'machlxL' 'FORTY-EIGH- T COLUMNS M T jM fr ; ife !;t lii 1 f"r 1 -- hny ftTOCK. Wanted. "T'. produce . q orr H ORNED i ul 1 200 , bushels 'df potatoes '? f'T which I will pay delivered aiCi- -' j vilIe 85-0her, bushel or at my store 3,75i pay as above. THELAMB aa , 0 ?JSSF fflV. .YTii :.:ff JWLy 1(1 ii'ii;?!)1 10 "Booli . H&BADDNG rii We woilld dircffw'IllnicrL,f v to ad the attention and is published pn Thursday, in tjmoi for tho Tii5 roading matter in tlio tfjSSltXlTTSL- el$ EQBAPU embraces Editorials that we Heading io TH? nv;-- ; r- 1 -' ft t- - i V V Z 1 "I r ft i!W VrB . H.lPaddockr o r rj St Thomas ;,:- HMTA-Tr-TTBIS- I Aiizona., -! , ? KMirra A.ae?Agicawviai..B-igiMxrrjaa-- x KNlTTlNGf in theheel and narrowing off the toe complete; knits all sizes; narhave upyn gjaeeded.vNowuis interof the of and! questions? rows tWeiid important day, time andwiilns at will, an I knits ihe up your boqkf.and ihugn' est to the Local this nears,. Web: people yf Territory, either Tubular or Flatc Single, Don zines to bo repaired or bound Bro. . 'I.1 lli) fa! s bis or J Bailroad neyrg, Correspondence,. Telegraphed Ribbed, PRODUCING JILL VJ Srenhouse is juethtf TfnabHolCatte hoi i '? Vf IvIj1? firiuJ ail til' , tho globe pertinent RIETIES :OFt KNlJj JPPAREL, from patches, rrpm parta'of; of this business, and make cheap, work selections . a . V'l firom the Eas tern, Western, Northern j an inf aiits mittep, pr glove, to a in successful operation al !; far endj&outhbrnprcss, jnte resting nd instructive iady s sbawlstocking, or hood. ; ; j , o ? srL upon bilk CuJLturO' jnu agriculture genSalt Lake , WaaktY Telegraph. This articles tales No otker Ala dune in the yo hi ca. do tivelliud a thoa'-s&is tlie largest end cheapen newspaper erally!it her these things things 'that 'everybody wants to . in Uc.'dL.n&nd.when it is andouneed.-thatdoubles Thi the: value pf his.wool . .new STRiCR'8 PiTENT farmer, tnow.l His Goodt Kiiit into is by confeiting ft' it cpnuctQdjivd published by TJLiJP I girls runner K .vci'.Mfsvuoo TcrmosjAtncUyJa adtanco.. r , or boyS"plrepa(re itfor )be' market without likci 4 ilt; p more 'comm ena. n qeii , mStcnluj J Vp4 in A large amountTof custom knit-IJ 3 opy 1 tzpenhe. dation -- Hee terms. Wnpoiher.Cblunia $to,00. and postage j. ihay be done1 ih' every Neighborhood, ting Ls wilhall the latestjlmprovements, 1' ? nr: J "i "Tlid achiue soon payg .forelf in any te turnouts firs t- lass article family and oTers to woman's new and In- perpared ?t' :i ' It dependent occupation. actually fabrics 'aind fashions them ' into ,jj - .vj From GOOD WHEAT. . ' n , garments..." Its owners thus rocarrs Aii. ths raoriys. .;,It is simple, durable, easily FLOOR exchanged for WHEAT' ' 1 rd, and guaranteed to . succeed in oprraf s otevlry purchaser.' The LAMB MACHINE has taken First Premiums , funded ... Apb Storage Paris , wherever exhibited; including; the Exposition of 1807,, e j ' iW' . . ; ; i T': ' mms TT.-.-un'-q- . wash , ni . -- n.r. i- - -- . - w . 6-J- 1, -- -c hanu-fActub- es - : : r' CUSTOMWOkk the-hand- ;1,end..Stamp. My whole is wht praters use. . P0-- Agents wanted' every where Laige s offered. IStd consignments made. ''"'PLSSiToKrSs w : EOU STAnQXi.ri OIOIIAVE itlVER 'A. ttii oJ vol , jsfl' 1800 ! .ir . itlTl rVl ' i M La Gbange, Mo., Jan. 6th 1603. ifrfWSLEYi.- - -- s-- greatlv-improve- i ... d. guage, would fail ;to express its true value I bought the mackiqe for the ".purpose of 14 SPLENDID. STEEL PLATES ! money, and n have succeeded. I 12 MAMMOTn FASHION PLATES! making hare had no trouble kv running it) I can. 12 COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS! testify to anything you may write ih its 900 WOOD CUTS! favor., Respectfullyr ' Mrs. W. S. BOHON. 24 PAGES OF MUSIC ! j(J ONE THOUSAND PAr.ES! , I ger. A pair of ihoss interesting, enter: to seem taining ladies, 'ho carry on so large a business Jn tho- way. of pro-- TH'fiiLU MQ vAli . - ril-abl- e, tho 1 called a short time since, at NOVELETTES Are. anywhere." All the beet published i !-.- 11-- tf i . 1 . rI - 'V rt I Memphis Avalanche. TERMS FOB . 1869! AMERICAS ENGLISH & GERMAN : iU . ' 1 KSAR GARiKiEir; .SJ1A FRANC ISGO, Orders respectfully solicUed. ' . . i 1 . il 1 o ? (.'() . , ' 13-- tf TWO SPLENDID STORIES Now' publishing in ihe . OVAH : ssa A.Q A Z The grand romantic H : The D ! INI stair, entitled, AROLD! last of the saxon Kings, bv'Bulwer, ,udn?the Uitensly exciting land thrlllieg ; . . . : I v lgriculnral Implements ft Mining Tool. V Nos, 3 and 5 Front Street, .k Vli1 ! i- Ill try . 1 ...... bo made at .1 our-risBcmittauecs can when sent by express, charges prepaid,: or by mail in registered letters, or poslofficb money or- Note. Any-- person sending word -- dors or drafts. Monoy letters aro o freqnont- - they will-'- ! ' k 6UPRRB that " . b ly lost and so mi loss, that we aro of transmission as well as patrons. i-- . om-.mm--- '! . WEEKLY. DAILY . vioxje - r- Plates int(M,tl,gtrT' s4 - TfeRxr,,Ilixnv Co.f Miss., Jan. Mr riM. W.' LEST, Dear sir: We are Jus. Lworth,t L. JJ: RaiL - F. DllXellogg-- ' - murji pleased' with the Knitting A I a chine. ' My 'wife says she would not take $100 for LINFORTH, I A; RAitV KELLOGG,' ' .Yonrs truly, it. ; ).i. t i . j J. . II. L. BRACEY. ( Suceeeeore I I Mr OK TES SAND JOB1EK8 OS' AMD . : cV. j- ' COL.--'- . ! . ; ! SAN BERNARDINO, . DAILY Ycnrly, by mail (In advance) $10.00 - 6 00 do : Six months, .do . 100 Ono month, t dq . do.. One week, payable to carrier or agont, 25 which, in consequence- of the enor-- t winter in Washington, by 'Frsnk Lee WEEKLY Ono copy, ono year, - - $2 CO 1 75 Clubs of firo to ten copios, each mous expense attending ilsi illiislra- - Benedict; and 11 the Story of Maggie, by : Ono copy for six months , . . 1 50 uay Ls Diary. tions, embellishments, &c., lias com- - lhe aulhor I MAMMOTH COLQRED An extra copy will bo. sent to tho person pletely crippled us.' who makes up a club of ten, and an additional copy 'for every twenty subscribers thereafter. A copy of tho Avalanche Cal: What do' you I endar will bo sent to every subscriber to tho you some subscribers others. These Ahead en- - Weekly. of all , ;i ; ore ' i. plates wnrlrf call vour . Additions can bo mado to tho clubs at all graved on ated,TWicE tiiA usual size, and Well, we have not fully deter- - contain six figures. They will be siiperb-mine- d times dnring the year, at proportionate rates let ny I ly colored. Also, a pattern, from whieh tho timos, in every caso to expiro with tho as'yef; but I guess rales, must wife' h we her awn. way, , and call it r Dess, ManUllaor Child's Dress can dub; 'otherwUo, single snscriptivn from this variation I be cut out, without Ih aid of a tnai.tua be rule, breaks Any' paid.' u 1 alter me -- Lhars IIenry. maker. Also, several pages of House- - np tho club system altogether. Wo can "only afford paper at club rates by haying them All ViiSt ilu ,bot, e?ery When is a young imans arm like , expire together. - tho Gospel?- WheB. jt , msketh: glad the waste placw,.. . , . i ;.;r j A nation of dwarfs, a foot and a half high, lias been discovered, oa the j 'I v i'i casteren coast of Africa,' : 1 ; ! - 'i i r;r hue iio b AIM of, 2d, 186S. . js'tysL-Fasliion- ::i L aniirrmlsil tMmjand; 50 miles East : All this will bo given for only.Two Dollars a year, or a dollar le s than Maga; zines of the class of "Peterson." Its ;t ; L .idiiii-ia- ' good acomodatlonsr'for " 7 J ; GZLVl ,IoUIvr PROVISIONS; and . V Answer ter Enigma No. 27,' .Grecian Bend answercd correctlf by Job Cor l- -- ?r ' well. Answer to enigma No. 28 The R answered correctly by J: Z. 'Al v., 1 i- -; b;pa oi ileiv - j ? Ms. M. W. LEETj Sir: Too much can Thig Magazine gives A rr??;pS,fTCY'r al Bher in my.l more'forpopular Monthly not be said in favor the Anitting Ma- the than anvin TIJorJ, money chine & whe i lhis lT C then U can say an For I869.it Will be I of It purchased you last spring. Indeed I sometimss, that Ian almostthink,' ,, S A, I O U. , va fcby:hofn ut . i "snow: r 13?9K. V WORLD.11 i iila-cou- PRINTED LETTER.' V In and-Sa- m- vnBE$7: L ; for Circular ; SSWgRSSBl.? Mezzotint and . , Specimen copies of tho Atalancbo tnt froo ' ; o 'VI ' . for ' framings of Thcrois a choice assortment of tho aboTO I new argo. splendid ' All I and letters, tolegraphio dUpatolics,' s inches by I8.V JTheStar of Beth- ...l- c . goods, just being reeaived. at .tbs Bti Goorge, (size 24 f the present volume of lh adsealed should and b? packages, propeily master-poic- e ; s,r wh. f.U, .j.r.lrrf;ral Stor. Wjob; ' j dressed TAlllcsV, this Office is for sale or cx- Dg assortment in tho usromsrtjne. famous French artisti .by .,,. , Territory; , ; j yhiS is the most desirahlS'. ..AVALANCHE, equal any changer tar grain, - gtock, jnerchaudCre or premium' ever 75 eouts each. seen ...lowered. For large clubs, as will.be Aralaucho Building, Aicmrhi, Icuucsee! clhrr good propeitv, Strings from 10 . ) B. - I . ; 1 j V I '" , I h. an I i L |