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Show grapes ... Id fseek no further! . . . . n n wine in is the fairy grape but' not but as it tender even causing keeping v clime of where a. whole .Last year.we4csthalf4heCTbjrby Iimd,tHaTveyhibiteaauTm-- we should fcdS t wSMi'B3asCT . Each of llrt&wriit'es-S- f - !V i ' ST. GEORGE UTAtf"; 1 one' Vines of ?the White -- o W ' next., Bro,B. speaks of this as a good y6rpl4rbm,cntiing8i (sent us by girape end, ,jecommends,., it to the ' pUter.C-- Aj: Jackson fromf California) peoptdbf tobadow' VJley." :7T buno ties of n. At the oTi one of1 whifclrprt aiiced H5 rSijRMSrririi meeting &lludefio this gropei ti'.l j1 fruit'1 jiirge;f!fi ue and del icious, from Per Yearr'es.00 r3Hontlii;,C2,0Q Wliich'.. we ) still have I specimens? Vf hVvTnes-ha- y q stood unprotf 6ted 'the berries loose .and cracks nuiee of All bur the unr winter s, jbround V opeb past and has A square K'tFi'dfSpaerth&t lblinfi of Imdly does; ho( rjpen f cny j 1 1 f square or leap, oTiejnttrtfuiVr- - Eachyubuenfirifrtjco,Ap tj r. 4n f3 s jfclMFES.Fj:ct,vxbsob Fiction - -- tAi - and lardy! prolific, Im.n . ngunce lh?m jaasoy small f - Returned. - ; buries Jhatttevtt: ripens apdj finally, ivisI1anRjrdifferent , gf ape !i r. rn; wenprop anijmakies poor , 1.00 1 ;'e: BdxkktXi,V i- .nlv i:r id;r$20(t WVSS in,, JL. - t t y-- -- rotIj -- H ovioi--- - On Friday last Ospt.,Coploii relurned with hmmkndWin good health and spirits after' ail1iabsence . of., a . a b,-- .. 'jll l Co'orad o' and in termfdia te 9 poxnis---. saw no enemirs but plenty of ro'cks and barren eounfiy , . r.riiigr 1 .6 .OK; : " -- repr 1 . ,11? h.Wfc. 1 White .fiTbli ls.atl ilheniy,- and a :ycry" bad thaq he.so calkdiFiberZago8.-mistake- - LssfVeiif we "TrhiUcT three '.'J I U, - 0Ver5T rPJ8 wlnei tl: 5 BLACK HAMBURG, ; fr In bis SUperior.7 tbis remarks of closing Cannon' 3 ho (foyler and' C has., Kelli n I1 iM (1.,,,f 'gfape ft CX sro. u, ,says iZAqos; is t i will arrive.' fl Vll;io5i II lo boiiwpM j i.is oF a grnpe . very ccm i ; .In rpeakm This grape has been proved: here preparationa arcbeingwlide for;1' - r ,VJ Hi on here.Bro,.Brkays;! and lean scarcely be excelled fot table a cavalcade, to go ont ' and escort 'our have had a white grapd in beaiing r are its proportions pse,j though :p; gueVt. iild'tteVtyi-Wt- l. very ; ; . fiher 'rTfc.' - J I : Ill :j the i Semi-V- S eekly Tieleeiripk of the f first inst.we fimViCs art;ce on numbered ij7irt.'4 j c. h Romc years hjerc for which 1 could properly .balaneeu! lora1 good 01 wine grapefciiltrire . V ftf i eluded, Jrorii theperi.olb 'Bouelli. find ho Corresponding description Jec J Bro, Bonelli U. aciiizeh"0rf Pi- - UjL .Ilerc Bro. B; represents untruth Co. Arizona cdmtndnly L noV. as fully.- as-- hj did in' bis lectures at t the Mudd.V hht;drmfjj,e .,idcd Washing'nn rhd elsewhere thai' he Black Hamouig is not only an t xcel-- f i1 .' j at the Santa Clara, b where we made alone ht,0Lbeen j growing this grape-whe- re? lent 1 able grape,1 but thus far hiour. B ro, Bone his acquaintance. K is and hos beencommon experince wefind it one of lh Ili.jj$ very n quite n student, reader; and a tuco' .for Shears; ' It yis: first brought: best Of our wme grapes keeps., well risti and ' did Le confined himself io here b'ysister ddisohFratt hf and holds a ,npevaroma his theories, he pughfebe a useful mnn Wr. and plant e d al ; nt &! Clara .the si;A( Ihe.M Cal! iBtale i Fi ir last jirr, '"c . Ali as a writer. 1! 4 fa he' hands ViVily root living t!ie! wine from the Hamburg," stood in ;k . ing into! Koir we feel no iridness (owaids of?. Walter E.!!P6dge,, liras, generally the front raikSee Teport. V.Vv.;1 ' firob Bonelli, but only . look, upon hini dissrnimUdj arid scyeiiili roots were ; u Wpi have; individually imported as one attempting . to become too soon b'aned and grew upon a lot of which ; 1 pp! varieties , of cthe.I choicest grapes famous, by. passing his riwi.and lists we the are as fast which pro. B.V:cnbsequenty hsd charge;1 m pf M 1 ;f oflf upoh lhe public for fact , be from Ih se vines he, obtained his staff f - r.. SUCII experiments daced from experimenf. ' of the so calIed;,,F'4lier ZafbsV which as will prove tbelrviilne1 here"' j i ' BrOr.B. has .written; a number pf ar- he sold 'extensively epresenting' that 'Out of thii number We ha vb fruited, ticles on? grape; culture;1 in lie he. &lnc in this regibs' had this varie- tested and cih recommend the follow has elucidated more,- thrcigh his rtad, ty. ii!:-- ;; I1 iidg as being of excellent quality rand Bro- B. his fine, drawn hsrdv here, and worthy of cultivation ing thanrthibugh experiinen. Mo i winding ' of which, was well; enough' but Lis adveriismmt of; this- up, grape (of wh ch vmck Hamburg; last article contains miestatiments so be has plenty-- ' to !sefi) very untruly Muscat Hamburg g ? I numerous, that we, feel ,wed should be and improperly sayS; ,!.' !, Black Musatel, the to doing I have, been thus. minute in this Wliiie Muscat of Alexandria, public great injustice . ' While iobuer silent, Bro Bonelli is matter in order to disMalaga place beyond ' now for tbe finttime:;in his.life, plant- pute tbe name and character of the Bowood Muscat, ,t." ing. a 'ineyardof fine 'grapes .in va- only raisin grape of hTgh excellence A' i Royal Muscadine, riety, bnt lias hot had time for fruiting that ij proven hardy enoughfor this iWMt Muca1el, not .alleided our climate and is apcessible'to those' who .Canadian Chief; them, and as.hc-haPomological: fairs; nor Baring been a. wil:to Taue it, ..'.v','. .RedChasselas, reader of, tHellio Virgen.-limeshe r ' This it pjl ' a falls cy The grope .' Grizzly Frontignap, has neglecied , to. iidforni himself as to makes when, well ripened a very V Chas8elas, the result of fxuiting many sorts of nic e small raisin but its habit!of crack very early and 'agreeable;' but hot pf v ing and grapes of which he writes! .V m: jotting,, either .frorn, being th'e highest fliivbr-r- r : must be his. excuse, watered or from showers of rain spell Ignorance then Chaseelas Mosque va v(ery good for we do not think be would wilfully its popularity. After several years trial favored grape' but cracks badly make such misrepresentations' it went so low-- that the' Rocky Moun-tai-n ;:we :wm nbSsmta.;iMrq;:Boi: We agree' with Bro, 'Bonelli that Pomoloic&l Society, at its meet- elli hoping Jie will to; , more, discreet we have jJio .. need (o plaht .any t of the ing last fall in St. George was in fa in future and not impair a great useAmsricsri Varieties of grapes in this vor of discarding it from the lint, but fulness, by making. Statementsbi section forwe caii find better.' in the finally let it stand, at a reduced price j backed by experinceaivl fact., lists of foreign sorts. fqr.all purposes, of lO cents root, and $1,00 100 Bookstand .theories. and of those perfectly ' healtliy and Tor cultings at which rates & plenty necessary, but they are aregoodand common. and liere.-Old Mission i Tne hardy being mav be had here , may be easily obtained.biii expr the most tender pf ny cf 100 varieties . We have demons' rated hv exper- i- imental facts under cur own .climate we hivegrbwh;;.: iri.i ' But wne& BioB. places the concord finihe front rak -- of American grapes, and ays'B.has riot been fruitYe have fruit- stratei one lact in ;grapo culture' in ed, he is is inlstakeh. WHITE MALAGA.; . .. . .a'. cd it two years aad find inferior Bunches large. loose; shouldered, Utah. they iwiII !perform V'morc and not to thp Isabella, worth grow berries .very- large oval, a white and good than . to publish folios of the . .1 '"'"111 r .tlieories and pracilces "of grape V cut-- : ing in Utahv3 srJT ni .rinish'. ubr. Bro turein other countries. Lit. quote? trom ; Mn .Hmfts .1.: i California- wpjrk.imd! mingles; with r it. hyt his own yie w?jiberallyii ilyattijna: a practlcaljVinipnUuri M.bn t aotheorist with feriitataad: vivid imagination--- h e has copied; ).from j Othei ! works and collected. EoinO tacts And; matter from grape growers, and :JMs uwprk'i as a ,I -- Lis 1 - - !;! - - 5 -- - lit 2 1 ns io-tio- -- - 5 1 , ' I -- - i , 1 - " ; . le-ma- lfl ; : s ! t;!'-..;.';"- " , V-E- . : arly : : - . 1 ; 7 . - omf, A TwWbiiT0.ci missionaries will hold with us a ;two days meeting on Saturdhduyidiiy next U rWEATnKB--Cuntihdry and pleas ant, jnj rainsjqtsjv t.tbf-fetdkjthe range, is very .ary .iana- - barren, v?nd; , slock unusuaUy tlun. Spring is ad vancing. the cottonwoods willows and other Tees look while the peach, apricot a and rectarine, are gay with bloom. The Myrtle ; ilyacirdh , stocks, wallfiower flowering almonds v & are' expanding jtheir. many-tinte- d flowers and our gardens will $oon bo " gay, and full The ftiussROPFKRSi about the .size of well fed fleas in myriads begin to appear upon uncuhijsbed lots pud . the arid landsabout our fields. They, cause quite a ft elfrig of doubt and fear. Go ahead friends be wise andindus- . aes -- , . nt quite--verda- mtond ( 1 . pr-bbaiil- . shington , wall complet'd of a . . lirge and vef y i respectable stone Mansion.' We wish him! as he deserves mttch enjoyment under its roof. . CATTii; Dri vzy arc Vcw the order . arid .many are going. out for Iiat pur. pose, to capture' 's'oine herds' in Bui I wild. Valley that .CoKrxRKNcz folks Wiil. start np next week, so as io be in' the ' city before the 6th Prox Many of our citizens go up to worship. Bro, E. Whipple has up a neat dwelling in S. Jbh corner of Public ; have-becom- . liu-- !- i - -- ' v A.CORE FOR GRASSIIOPPEERS, A lady has' f orhished ris with ttofol-lowin- g reliable prevention for ravages of - v 'fi"- r grasshoppers' castor of a oil beans Cfeet Plant belt Wide around your garden or ficld.- - Tho insects first reach .theses eat arid uro poiseiied;; and . falK r If is skid 'that ,;in AuRtaliawhere theseravages'hrc some-timfearful been fpurid '.' "" tho to save crop. effeetiyer tfco1 followi The isame furnishes lady ing preparation as infaiibloor Canker. u'e one oz. copperas and .bum ; till as red: as a briok, then pulverize it with 2 nutmegs and a pieof of berax the size of , a hi few!f-norMe.lb- add and 4os wafer; tho powder honey; the Firmeri Ulci i and.isimmer r tfigperhiA i setatifih r. i is good, roBniu ine'dranaiieJroan, phic, WTito.grape ;t!culture, ii". ; him a clear conception1 of'his I should boused uften inwetting rtbo but nett'so good as4' text-bofor.tlie possessing "a 'distinct delicate i flavor, r 4. , 61 he allowed if rioVUJ'".4. t. chafac?erMrs-- . S, Qto&Ji is: tyife nikw'a.fine.opaiBUed-misi- n vimculiurist !, 'r,J ir: ';ir7 r'ic it Uii-'eewary; , ; '.i'lfi r:i 1 :'v7 i it " J i. ?' . . . t f ' . fa t I it-fa- s - . - . 1 r - - t r ok 'J-IJ-,. es ( : .,l - -- S, i i ! M .': 1 i ; - i I ! - I -- 4 |