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Show p. ft ji .juliSl. ....3111 f 101- ndfto rtt Sv Jiiofnirnfri 1o fchnuoi ftUiussj rr- - - cth tafiiouftii Jcrr ej, si;; tot .'..4 IvinomovOiqi-- iiTfl J5,;,,n ejili ili fl'jvo .. ' ! vjbnol r 'rivl'n t--- li fi ir.rBlaU-1- o Jffl trnil ' I oi 1 1 w ndceij and most ten J f amrieeapa pride, and.regsl ialnii UMf thckrayiftleChd njr and then tfUl;,alroub!ed s Juirer dertully at hun ' pubfirfiriy'kiTryirlj?DKESD'A Writing at ihfiSWmVdWfMGcorfje t ffieopr 1o .UGf. af-eitl- fev . wfp ! liffart. in (iershP youogday8-bhelia- d ,U toi felt mtilWJ wHIi'lbo sensitibh hepreaied Misassns arras ' 3t. George Drug Store iiH'iT IT, iwii li iSS9SSW?&yS 001 a Jflltf rrMROBaiitel nr n" tlld 'TtWHRi arfSnMiiiLJ- -. Mn billLit with' SSiMi: re. ox &t. to French iifSterW WlA airdueiMpeet i loyed.' 'Tbe'.M rfti To"3irMr(Mm.;. . , rTne beJleajjbd heautieaof ;five or Sevea her quiet world, that roused every pijljo.,, J years before :had, married, :: or, wbatwas like draught of richVltieShi equally fatal; faded perhaps inlhehearts at home in her queenly ' teb,(1 rwelring!.5 ;ot irn there 'lingered a faiut fm&nce .homage and beatowlng amilea, granttnir The undcrgn64 will,. attend, to , the courerning Gerald Van' Doyne, fur lie was the honor of her hand. trf bid Am another ortgugca, xcouti Onf pf D ecds i Bond, tqnder, winsome and fascinating. Whed cf the, handsome cavaliersl Sbmavi';oro1 i t. of Powers "Attorney, of he. chose, he cculd.be :veryr sweet ami a 'Trust;' )eed! e tells pnly, te0dfess of the ' and a) I'other Official Bus!" and being d' inan, he nwaa no- preipd they were ' dangerous, lontraets,. Of and representing, apd among T the care Uivi worry they brliig; I3! ' wise loath to pic Ilia power. ess reqairod of a Notary Public.'17 n '.Viir Duvny waf thfm,lh.vGerald Of Umartyrtlketiii:srie endures;' .Tliere had crossed hlspathlaf last one Office--aT imetf room? Rio.Vitgor Oh, ahef wfe $ fidgeUy Mllngl Vjf, filial royal.. Esther. , ' Jt .might . .vr nj u ,1- -' (. George ; esHae iribst' 'girls were , pi nr fJJtIy'hou8e i sas neat k if jf3 You: idioul.d aechQW Gio door-handl- es listening, ; that he as easily -.- 'tI vI shine; i ,.7 ii , evreethess, quUp forgktlng !0j rr. 'the' And nil of chairs, put' thatjeuihlance; of.. his soul Into he drew her away to a. miniature Jabyrinth . L l( .strife, . they. could not a lwaya ;dicem the formed by a' skillfuV dlfpositlm''ot.veri : .. ,And nicely swpt carpets are. miiiev Li ' wavering light, that the; beacon carried..- - greens, Sweet ' swells of m-j- ic But thpii she aor frets at reacheijj V, t siflAt a. fly, ;a, aifavvrr a.etrtogl i!!! ; :.- - But here was Edith Winches! cr,' liiigle themf,. softened by. And inter-with tlie b!6?d; cian v ehing space.. ;; :TliatI stay pit of doO all. I cao !.i.;; at il;! ' in . She ls such a' EJgetty thiiigl'," '7 o)d Imp of royalty her veins, rand the "How wry; wry loyal yf she sieUimad j'it o ii f t .1 OU 57 ' beadty of A popt's dream inher face.True,' Mr. VanDaync; Vour mother jeecuto Pri the She doctors c neighbors?.. ear by y.ear ihe Ona d Wiiichester. la lids possess aa enchanters Svaudl yefio r is ;fi: t:1 5 or Achildhaathnuesles .If 8 i croup, t adgrowu lesb;:fdrests' of timbftr had becn . 'iR'KIWSL'inf!', ,w. , .4 r! She .fBoesy?'t;He:aughedJbwVandniusi- Is there with her aifrbhs 'ahd ' house had .sold .tbe'Old fallen and think you, too, have contrlbuUif r filled RHAVfvSAi.o:rv, ;,'cilly, aid' sonpV3,J I ati f become: idle? tbe no llttle And vour., uresenqe-pih.Mervaqta into, decay; ONE DOOISSOUTil OP PKINTISO srpai o'L But then she Jnsistsjpn.h' r,rlkb":oii 'i rtiirtftless ; set-.MV inches terwas a court- - est chArm of all." : if . : ,r OFFICE. y To' pTiyVl nir bload in the jpring; ) ' 1 Edith cdlored warmly at tills, ' gentlemen of the. old achoblj polished, ly he and, lVill Open every Wednesday, 'ttholailyV6areihg ,W.M.Lina worlp. made more than onaailnsidu Vthis; vcnina0 lie will be prepaid tnf lather and but living amid the.fuHos.of transitions, that hid jrou.ed her ffom rhcr.iTusuIallkfOiCi! tub: best' stylet thavc cnine,jawa aBdllpSy-ihir.h w.r nsrhet serene ilinmm .i mboa'Ahdcovy wlllfa lUtlo. lienor t no il aheisssayed'to-leathe convera,aiioh, in-- ' a-- 6 3 rreen,.. 5" '? the from' V bnrfed ipdge ceiturier different ehanneL has beeflvii ; trgs.tnrtiq.me j. J, B; JOHNSON, brother I'. had Winchester's Mr a led ;ihafr ; . The be Bat sometimes fiinlwouW bousq abrds Aqaeso he said; re? r gUdi; New England; woraan.'and 'after furhing'lo'if., J?o me one young, and fair Auction and Coihmia&(nVAIfrthdnt r. , .lay up" my. treasure inheavpn; j( : ihriftly j death she liad filled the post andsweet. her husbands life , ; WnlU But then 'exry; , ... . 'iv.. erws, utah;1;; , n !on,!eaifth'-have" , tTo supersede your, mother? their of hpnskeeper In the'Wfncheiter mansion; lMos:rlaasUSeb Is that A J will rcceivo iTnd aiapose of, M mstruc. bUt When her reign .ended, the careless sons love, Mr.. Van Duyii'e?,, i ; , V ; Grain a: f nie!': ' servants had to ' great 'ejtenc resumed Mis ted. Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Winchtslen ykiu wrong 'Oh, i:Stock '&$: ubbn liberal lerms; Myeir sway; E lilh was- lt,er' father's com- - A mother can never be superseded; in lh anion and friend, and sliQjinii stored to heart of vorlh'y son. And when I marry--; K no: is wantk feo'cbutinually thst she hU little tay I hope io'soiiie day. it must be some Acs , or thought for other matters. r' As. for poc lhat iny mother1, admires as well os ' time wpEpiiWMo ' ' T Mr;. Wimhe8tef; no child could hi' re been 'aiyself.-or repaired, and usua ;VIW AUkKVi Mi DOUGLAS or t indiiTefent? WAGONS 'inade more cirpless.oras;.to 'the Gerald Van Duyne-mighnot have made i . tloiie oh;ahort notice t' sources of proepe rity So long as his pres- this" filial cpeech.if I here, had been any ELMORES ' Itf ; The' revel was over Mrs. Ysn Duype's ent wauts were supplied,' he .asked no doubt of his motheij regard for Miss Win- -' -.. i!- - ' ; , Chester. v' l,. Ball,. that nhOd been more,;1''1 grand Twelfith-nigInto a man retired failed. The talk of the county for thq.laallfortf YtThey.bid 'Ani.l . you will not eTen give meA good " very the were and ol wish?1' he' sail playfully, bedding ihoioi. 1 county; Jc'ks; liveng, night. The lady had been extreuejy.gra. ner ty when Mrs Van of. A pair ;.Duyne handsome liead until liis eyes - seam J a to w'oifght; iprn prgun:. clous iu her Invitations, and'the grand rather surprised to lVlnc.he.stei. to be Miss shine into hers wlih:a fire Uiatstartfed her.' attentive old luansion opened wide its staieljrriCdrs brgan rollers for sale, inquirq , of .;j Edith could tMy wieh would be of email aecount.r S. a ; palace might. I odeed,- 'there hid No oiher phtaso expresses a JiK. JpUNSON. v dell she replied gravely, -- t 1 . been ao lack f ..rovalty. Kings, queens, not bepatroi.'sed.' :Ii her high-bre- d, 1 self coarser held her ail above. cate Ah! you are mistaken. r Thera was a way abq courtiers, ,and taadinaidens, .pflucrs of ! attention .. been ? tender touch to ' his voice that gave , little represented nearly every'rcalmhad Miss that a handseme What the words effect. ' very girl . Old decorations hi longing ttra iiast'jcent , ,1 ,, :! J . .? VjX.. eration had been brought' to llg ;ht. and re- - Winch ester is '. Gerald had sald One day. , Let us go ba$k to the dancers ;snrjV j .rm hung; , giving, the. .rooms an antique air The purest blood ; In he country. It said, tu riling, Some women, might i have St. George Floral Gardens, and her of line in in shows with & to taken a delight in luring him on faee, . every cov the, dresses, of nice' dollection of;beJding ;pot- that accorded' well the days fession, 'but she was iui crqiette, neither were movement. . If these was Ihs per''the Indeed, jcvery plctufe guests. ing plants, for sale. Chrysanthemums fect. Herr, in tho corner of the' long' halt of royalty she might' be. a queen, Mrs did she feel at all sure : that, she wanted. ; ; : Ycrbehas. Stocks. IansiesIcejlact, ha l stood what he had to offer. . haired, harpers' in. pil- Van Onyne repl'ed. ' tyo white.worn and of Geralds wceks next the Putunias. Oleander. sla Not r candala here . Geraniums. During attesting yet; it laso lovely to linger grim gutre, their1 vaticiies. Ihe. lengtll1 of "weary Smiles trodden since absence, Mrs. Van Duyne cultivated Miss with 3ou.' ' Edith, there - is something.be , other uiny brtgbY. .Here and Winchester assiduously, but with a deli- aide good wishes that you have' in your ( they were new-ant- i J, E. Johnson. with his guitar thtowr. cate grace that could not have offended the power tb bestow happiness--lbvc.- " there a troubadour to look (1 had .aeTer faltered' in telling the . oyer hls shouUerioiniog i the Melody, of most fastidious. '.A rxher on sons with increasing dismay the . dance, or, ia,;th psUses, utlciiug story before,, .but there . was a seqsq of. .. and fl fpoin and frequent j journeysl some' plaintive sChg VfoJ, ite, purity and highest honor about this .woman Eenditures Winchester : !UAs rho-ys with posscsse-every tn blended1 that made him hesitate a little. Let us use the . Mtficiiies tjiqi, , gntc bassoon, if Kr a for bhd voided , She was silent: ' Standidghero in her J requisite daughter , ornilVcryn their fuw:Uiousiiid mid the Mountains and stop importation Overy moment hsd been crOwdedi .itith en- fortune was onithd WanC. A p'eealess beauty, she stirred a .'deeper seat be momentooS not I disless more weald, Van iment in his heart than she imagined.-?- . us that pr pi pay kuewwjll I have , a well fitted Laboratory fog joyment: Mrs. Van Gerald of wife the d to Duyne importance of her bill would spread far the -tilling Eesential oils and preparing extracts wide, until it became a-- "couqty legend. After a little, I think, Edith Winchester ; disand invite aliiwho have ' ? Understood whithCr the current Wa$ drift Shq liked ;ths: high and aristocrmHc and in gJ At j first1 she held - lierselr rathef tinction at which, fey j might , aim; MEpiCINiL HERB3, .i . -- Ejt Jr ' - ter-- butny i 1 for 0i- DLOlt c 1 f f. doft-oushion- ed ; mi ij the-branche- - two-and-twen- ty, s 1--. rr-- 1 - IMT soks JNo- - mar- - a 4 6q-;iL!- Cm ''' r. w 11 Satur-ilay,evh- eu a-- hi. i oUd - 1 ! r ' U Mod 1 - -- . ou ni r ! i. -; i 1 -- - i ht toeV kora w the n. CANEyMILLl;,: 1 i. - HOUSE PLANTS. . - boat ''1 1 1 . tad V - -- : i- - T ? - Xi For-hebe;an Jani3G'JWl lrTW -- -- In-lawr- deep-throate- d iol iei ther W fad , fae . J . : haugUity sloof ftom Gerald s , attentions u aiid tlioseVrho dWcover new " Bitt sh had not done It merely, a i: or roots, or otherwise valuable specimens gratification' for. pride It had1 'been, jii -iwrr: i:Ti part, her sous plan, and shot enjoyed , bla wrw RF - (hh I pleasure as much as her own. it ion to and rdaya, .had they. sha If his mother, lu hefiyouhg bring theiq to ine. V wiffned qow been queen of thscouniy! he. f isfactorlly rewarded. him a reVy.1 Charming ,Vs Hls libretti VCffc thoTiknd-somest'h. J.' E Johnson : ioseb E lith held 18G8. fleetest. hUmiilbbupferi St. Geo. June 23, ' waagtsd ng, 5 .' ; 1 . - . ip: R'? and Dfs: bet CROSBY&OLARE. f.:i; k:T ;T .4-:- ' I- - iw Tanners j, ..nill' feCarriep. .. ST, CJEQ R Ufa OE." UTAH, ? nd inhardlj.len: esteem tlumwai banquets,-his sayings : and. doings copied; av far at allow, the limiMdjLqCotb.sra Now and thsn lnund?y storleshdd bien whispered 9 about 'Md- - pUasutea so long, as h is i'ngtcn or Baltitoorp, few were hrsye SnouglfoV'bpen Cenrirre. ' She always received him with open arms, and there was i wd -- .ut Thunder Spring, in Upson county, r Cra, i8 a great curiosity-- - It'is iloefil':-a:- : ed in the wildest pari of thatoountapsP0 :' If is about fiye feet in ameier ah ' c deep tliat:iiO' wundinff 'ihaiJcVdry ;: 'Mkmefc'iiM.lja reachep the btton. r .SiiOK la tbc-- forcO fiJi vittt which thb waterr MseS that a hu-- 3 -- '.i r,r.o spectattf; 'And - , JViyr' : 1 -- . at up m a. standing: position J this scene of estivitFaia "Oh,' motber, flir': J;o know, he went for hi. cUlld.'Mkwhd irai to ' a: bo queen indeed. pretty picture is? ; had Edith, No my dcarl It must bo confessed that much. Mrs the very preparations enjoyed Why, its fell in the Soup. Van Duyne haa held Ion joined in persuadlng.him.toe . 1 o ? ; i' . ;itc j ... . - |