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Show mmm K. EBa. M5, k t i. S. EKES ' ; ' ' WwWy nd Enlarged, , 6CiU..;, ONLY $3,00 PER ANNUM. !! Ukc.it ! !,w 1(r GRAIN1 He I. of Volume 2 Wilt b issue 1 Sal- FEED; '1U itthe .Tima Office unlay September r: FLOUR, NAMB TASKS till TITHf 31 AOrFlCB' bo Addressed should Correspondence MEAL, ld i v ! M aad other km Mzmsmis, r! TERMIlllIS jr. J, ST Dh jo d iiioUtah, may bs j:,!'i C j ' - and Emigrants supplied s to re; Teamsters r s found a good infqniuiiityJ J U to od llaMlDsaud Rrsali. I1 J n r PASSIFLORA:!! IVm. Laxo. . . r . Ill 15, 188$. ! H ; , , Roma Georgia Nov. 21 f68. Jfw requested to ifpj. r: Hi' . . i .it C.i -- I , For. Rheumahsm and nil diseases onlward application for Man or t. ' The very best Horse Liniment. J rs-hiri- ng . t- -'- AYINO i. y.'ji i EYE SALVE,;- , . . ' ( :i.; - ' . '? i S-l- m - t - . BROOMS! .'cx The Unersiened offers a superior art! .wire fastened elo of double-woun- d or retail;' Grain ilrooms, at wholesale and Prodaee received in payment ALSO j y.-- i 1 ? .A CHOICE . LOT .OF - nr, B. JOHNSON, i SonthTcmple St., Bt.EjtkeCfttj, rnd best varieties also orna- Keep an extensive assortment of Fancy Books mental Trees and Shrubbery; and other Goode, Toys, Confectionery, Medicines, stationery and Yankee Nc plants. tions, which he offer at the .lowest ' . good sixe niitaWi J tyi. r!rtdu .ri - J f i,- av . s, short notictf : mar-ketfignr- es. 0. Wool. Cording; 6 - NERVE 'AND BONE LIH1MEMT, E . V-a Iniieir-mitte- nt fweEttorn.!fl, a-e-- i Sfsa-w- 7;:NibsR'isrRUPf For weak, inflamed or trouhlesims Eys purchased ' of fMr.V S.M Lids. Soro Ryes. Ac. RVir the undivided half of the Ranche kaTi "ss HsmNlm A BlairV TONIC PILLS, ; in Ranche Valley, es it of .Sprang Yalloy, I solicit patronage c I pixe stock growers, Will euro ths Ague; Chilli and Fevers immediately Being brought p lr TexarI vouch no onOwus or; ever ? saw better Ranelie ALSO north of Mason It Dixons Jins. WILLIAMTilOODY. . . i. Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments for '! r. J- ' I V-Iteh, Piles, Ac. ;Hiire.Syrnp, Composs- ition, Syrup Sarsaparilla,' and ' most . other popular Family Medicines. ' r r,-. s i RANCHING! ! . . fs . Snap-Dragon- ; I DENVER. OMAHA or, SALT LAKE CITY; FLOWERS! . i i, -- -i . j r- For Diarrhsiu, , Cholera Morbus Choi Whooping Cough, pain in the teeth or face and as a Soothing Cordul fot infante giyes immediate relief :f HAVE a few fliiwtring shrubs, hulks. i aud bedding plants for talc, vis. U t ROSES,; : LILACS. . : i t 8P1REAS, STOCKS, A ftv pUata o! Iho oiiUo folctoi varUty ol this VERBENAS, hooctffol orooflog vlai, in(iI ul iruMikl-f- if t PETUNIAS, Hbll MU fftfogottog Muli of iUL.o;i BLACKBERRY, J. K. JOHXSOX. JAPAN LILIES, . aa iooaea yuh, oh. w,ns ; , ; WALLFLOWERS, -Iris, Tuberoses, aad nany TOTHRfINTI in DIXIB .1 th.1 coltCb. .f CM.... . ,f you Wri,(hulnM I Mh.r., AU .iH-k- m hi ? lathe SeathT er Wesf that jom wishi me te u Chrysanthemums, toad to.jaake known year wishes. by letter to and you' shall bo'hoard and at I BLANKS ! ! BLANKS!! BLAMKS l! . tended to ifie isy power.' ' t I ti; Again ah thorn having relathmi a.d friends Blank the South or West or in the S tatei aaywbere ;; For sale at the llinei Office r., t la Bo'ndsV Mortages, Deed of trust : 5 !lbj!t!?,r for ia!ormadon appertaining to the faith and Deeds, f doetrino of Iho Saints or for : their writuge wldoh oan ho had from me at Romo or from I and many convenient and uaeful businese Era John Brown 206 North 16 street ft Lea-- 1 Manka Si; ' -5 8t Qtotgi DtMg -! J ' ESSENCE OFvLIFA, ru.:: Sn WWTMOO.!"-- ' Soak ftmo BmS hoi froic JS holUlac Wfll JAf fUtjf W JU4 SMfkatuft U ... LM ot t T i i . ; if. -; .1:1 Prescriptions pot up with earS by as experienced Druggist, gy" Two doers above 8L George Hall. v K g- CUAUGES REASOBaBIE I For Canlter Sore Mouth, or Uleeroas REFER TO ' . Humors ... STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. BUSINESS MEN.GlNEKALLYOF 'I People' .the Climate, and the Diseases St. of the Country. Georg, Jan. i, Hi J M V, 1 1 - It t, 0 ( - , fitocksf DRUGS; MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, fte., tie right kind of Medicines for the Well-assort- ed VM NRWJJEX1C0, -- MONTANA!' . -- P. R; R UTAH; A Pirogue, MU'lspy U at Lowest Market Ratos. : : C.-- 6AHGI0VANSI of the1 U. CHOP FEED, VEGETABLES 3 ; - - w- j oines nZCIETB .rid: FQOJtAttnYi1; GOODS of ;E VERT.; i K. IND1 i i .i. fiem.tht ... ; pplyofr lTALVABU IIEBEATHteCp.., Xhe undersigvsd Lmds .toaiUntly on head . XTery-bWrkn- f Grainand Feed HARDY! .GRAPES, ljtthisoLnorthern and A choice WILKINSON, such as stand climate, - Look in Curiosities. Fruit abundantly. e,' rented' the first elaas .Csrdluc. A block and s half south of the Publi Having B.F. JOHNSON. tVp 4 ' Machine owned by Bro. E. Snow; I pro-- 1 Square, on .Main Street. Good timber and Lake Villa, Utah. Spring i pose putting It up In Parawan, and be ready'! work dono well., jmd with . neatness and ho charge for showing his :s1 to retekva wool and deliver rolls by .the let despatch. of May. . , , c.if I reepeetfull solicit the patronags of. the citizens of Dials and adjacent eetle fl'i's meat 4 4 : i2tr J. part I to inpply the l am how prepared with all sorts of ORO OKE RT'-ABE',' tseiLgeiro. pkiyso3am of the Residenoo in the north City, two blocks west of Claras Tannery. Agency for Findlays celebrated wholesale and retail, at While thanking my patrons for theii I will , take Corn, Wheat, Floor, Matches, BREVITIES, faroirs in the past, I wish - to inform ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE Cheese, Colton, Cotton x Yarn, them, as well as the pnblie generally Bntter,, Lead, in exehange. Tom Thumb is in Mobile. who may need my services, that I have StorepayCashlor Potterv'issiicated on the street runSTB A Y EDI One English railway owns' 1,443 1 just received from the New York to Washington I atories a good assortment of Eeleotio ning Several cows, Oxen, and young Clock JOHN EARDLEY. Medicines. ltf ltf A' volcano in the moon if in a lbs older branded J: IE. J. oa the hern state of.actire operation aud most ail witti a 6 Inch circle with (J) Peaoli blossoua are seen in every JAMES OR AGUN. inside on left shoulder I will reward the Parawan 20 ApL 186S, - 8 ji DOM S. G. HIGGINS. Good clean Cotton and Linen Rags wanted at this office. !i; I li -- . Jabor-locomotiyes.- i j ;; portion of Florida, ft r ;.L 1 Fruit Trees ! , Mr. Thornton Bt. Utegwmi to JijW id Cabinet M.k.r. St, Georg ' the cm of .which wnoSl.060 w ezjat order, in- hie; lino wiih M P.,en etwn liTo. n. long m M. diepetchI). vlH her grandfather; George her extend centhe into next will reign 4 .J ! I have a choice colleetion'of I ORNAMENTAL FRUIT AND ' it ; i finder SL George Apr, 15 CRAWFORD HOUSE, i w k . . trans Washington.' Utah, Travelers and sixe to of ,for good W. NIXON, j; EXCHANGE fori GRAIN and other Roarderi acoxnmodated with the best A'typogiraphicar error made a N. I Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Produee; consisting of St. George, Ulah ltf Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Apricot, table comforts the market affords. York conatry paper call Senator coe Corkling Rascal Conkling! I ltf W. H: CRAWFORD. P each, Cherry,, Pomegranate, A1 ' Allanlhus, mond, Catalpas Malignant scarlet fever prevails in WHIPS AND LARIATS. , Locust,"' Honey Mulberry, HaveiL' New COMPOUND -1 1 t. lM lJs it r-i- J JOHN Xd'ARSEN, ri J ,Weiw-rni.ihjraiil-ie .k $ H UT-fc- Si the water before - So they threw it on, the : who had teen butfonr V tr xwlesf Wn nlft -. vxni do . Nursiery: . I inch a dxess.as I wanted It," ' vat; .reply. ,. . womaS ?AWBKBRIES ANrehch who had U6t f k ; tv i l ! LFL 0 etc.- - ; Mative and Foreign Grapes, -- Garden; - i should put on everyday , J ohaffered VS t feteifona. the prico of the will, laying Now look hereVsir on mustnt be hard with me,--1 1 shslf faildrem 1 1 5 ! xlotiNisdN, ...... ;;; RXSPBEkHIBS, foM.YMs w6,nMj Uit f- yiMW .! 1 - for. i.li j Lfc . more, aw.ppef ih Giereland lirin, 1l! .A eni ; and ;AlIei,' m, received Gie ten spot of clabn J tnref : c young lady in the country, 1 r aid j., Sold ; :n Tanners A Cnrrielrs. Keep on baud a number4 one article' ef ',J i: - i . Fine sole! leather, V Ci;K Cow-hid-e' r -- IS at ST. GOEGE DEUQ STOIIT' not given. whuf ratMutleB SOOTHING SYRUP; A suprior Medicine for WhoopiW ,r Cough, CSotVghi Colds, i Hires, and KipValf, all affeetiohi ofUid Throht,prLnDgs; goaf akin, .Wfbornwi, some Harnesd Leather eta,. immediate relief nothing bet Which they to exchaago for gives " ter oan ho nied.; ,1. ritufa hefoire Being exposed gram and other produce; flfold at UE GedfgDkfljg'Stffirh Parowan Utah Ap to I8f. E. , Ae : , i'?,el1 .f suwcioige. 1 a RtR ..'EiVi Brown tOABCD f- - di iV; . ,:4 i ( 1 ; c A- - -- 9 f-- OlPPi, . ? !i; Blood.nmoT. Billiou -- the-promp- f V I nother? : 5 . summers withont .your ; f iAlso, Flowering and Frui king 8hrubsr Conplfinfk tinoIteh. LlTer,re!ieT Strawberry: Plants, Flowering Plants hr;.k op Billiou and other and House Vines, . nl run nr itte eto. Plants, folk s zU Jnre .wilT rue4?,-t- t fnps, tviuih t ip,im.iml a Aa the above, stook is. small, .those cad Lo. f,App.tit;;lrer WSt RJN G S HRUB SI demring to purchafc .should bs in sea- s Bad Cil-- . car. tlir Jaandiatj and son. ha h. hut fuUlj Pill imexia-tcnc- e. pro. isstVarlstlss of j:, I fjf- - 1 etc., ... - MthS tidii 1: J. E.' Johnson. -- : Joixsoy. hi' mppsssawmnja pMNAl.W r r AT- - |