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Show gSjilP re 0 al 1 v ... ofer -p- it J Weathcr'dc H . -- V; haVe HliwI wma. nlo no enow Our win but chillv and weather, onrlast we Since for bpilUv eonufortar moMjfiklngi for one may ' work. 12 mon'h'sw the Us - hve.ih56ir It Ur taste. ,;WisliiTe-aduperi6r'cHa;We'UL- looks at things of the day frut aver; lsi i' A:' diluted,. without rcRpqt to statict w sourca of amusomest hd Au. Subscription prico, $L. 50 per year. ' r been delightful with litle mHtrora thejeoiioered fro vine e re vrerglra . Th nologic - "trank UiWt neafiSHfllrt and "tH er royal -- arm y , nu jr- - w it its exceptions yotinow el- e, .w. Monarch at itr head, began its march. o?i wi..ds, or severe rsln storm . ihe uurcary WeYiWY.S Month ar.d weather ; Published by S his seldom or arryable.for mssu work, 'gsrdeniug; ly an $100.. per r The ieSFWdicaviuthe tjnited matter, It If fu ji i ary of the conimba a vocal ions out yi doors; eclmtt eighty large oetovo pages ot V VA Containing Our 'citisins are'now hasichir.g ;to Ret u MaWtines to twenty-firwith from herJias-tbua.fa- -- . n , - r. - hv- - 11 - of wirt evera f Wished on the ftftf the steady increase id itj and able success, sirealation,-- attest itaadaptatiojl JUS.PP fn Neva la N West, and 390 miles distant Soarlet Fever in Pine Ysl?ey nttlea, reach eases ef which haya rosed-Aatul, ettvy and within-15f.om this : ' cf the Central Pacific R R.!!? J.T iH: t hekLaacrcd throuzho'i t aafrw5? VywereToifgjJ hnl eater-tno In the vent towns at the publ ic ahargvyiiii er? every-- here tziatod . willi couresy, eo longej they did not deviate When fromJhefcfgh roads on tlielr Jf jpHvileges f tbeyi forfeited they )f this embassy proved unsuccessful, an cpeto declarstions of war vraa sent, quotha anibafsadorfl-we- . ! gene-belowV3- yjaFMfij thsir .wt e't, tree, and vines audVeed;ithtiir gaileus I ' t s ' l . . s pi atnfo d ' u-eu- i 7A ! . " Wricoiit I tha-Ho- n m ri ftiP.-As- atyc. Li Garden Seeds:!; "tt it. K (Sih3cid3, :F 3I0VIMEWTIMES is published, y A 5 . Iftiiuiij ir Per 7 ear, - 65.001 , . Mduth3- ,- 73.00 Single " i We ere pleised lo ne.krowl-i- g of a fine package of sec Is of .various rvor-ereenshrub's and MlmKer from Tioimss Mreham ef PMhdlphi, Rditor;; of (hat excellent monthly peuddieirl, the Garden--er- a vs;, Monthly. This is not tbeefirat' favor of Ibat sort from his generous hand v.J'-- r ? S1 62.00 iVn Our Youngr Mcus Readings tidpiesS Bated of AdTertiting: -- j , R:R,T: 'S E E D f-1- ; I hare just reOeived a small quantity r.N , ,, ; reclept ot Italianj s, ' i f. n:i i ?Ebaary 3. 1869, It,' pgto?:,y a r Acknoisledgmeat, ff mj . M U.1BE 'iV t?'v .' - MtJLBERRYo ; J T SEED,-.- , ur For sale each v packet colitains i it dl .for 3000 trees & Sent post paid lor , 50 cts.pack . Juhn$OB-Set. Vi: J. E. ' v George Feb.'STJD.1 A- 2.. : - A t. i: . V Cliblce Grapes. . , : .i'j -- V .a .mj ; - ably' both wonldhave' said mueli' less, had they really knowit a 'little more practically rf the very' important subjects of which they speak time,we have been pra ct leal ly atcre rk, importing choice yarietes, histshing forward to matAtity and frint, and comparing results, here, with older grape districts as well' as with ezpvrlencra yinicul'uriatsV have within l'h..1ast .'two years imported r.ea riy 1 60ya r let iesof i b e Choicest foreigrrgrapes lcn'oFUrtor diylHzatlon, and have fair pfoepets of fruiting svrhe 30 sorfslhe comming summer? as to So sbalTnotlorgbiHn doubt ' rraisins from any theqnality b? vnne,or be able to variety of grapes- And we shall s elect' fionTthis lisi indde ' time g rapes most valuable,' for our loc Jity' and We look for' great good, and wealth' to, tWpeople of our Dixie to resell from these importations, and nf1bia, connexion; take much; pleasure in : --m-an venture, Litctary Intelligence, and popular papers' oh Science... Translations from; the' admirub'e French periodicals are 9 prominent feature. Among the Periodicals 'from wl.ich elections are' frequently made ar Miinday times :of;neeting, the gardeners Friday efeuiiigsat The attendance chae Olub House. been (rood . and a umber of pupils con: tinue to i h crease' The flcCwfm err and assistants, in this generous, enterprise, for their continued efforts, for the good of the. youth of our City: .. are deserving jf much praise, ' The, manageya have dttejminad that fema'e schoUrsbips shall be free of cLarge. , . ..... 4 Our young, men who do not attend are rofosing valuable instruction, and rich amusement. . - A-We - sur-rouhdl- raeknovl-edgingthatllberalcodtribut- rgs ion and much been rendered. us; In assistance has; btaining this cxtenaive'assortinent of ezct'; grapes, atid muehblber rholce fruit, by Hon: Charlcs'Dowhingt'Widely known by pomologists i the world ever, its one of the most intelligent, experincrd5 liberal,' acd gtncrieca of American f Pomologists- - Amusements, In our last wj neglected, to notice a leasant evenlng party at the IIsIl, got up an-ag- it Once a Week, Chamber Journal All the Year Round, 'The Spectator, Th Leader, The.Alhenaum, Th Examiner Pall Mall Gazette, Toe London, Saturday ' Fortnightly, Contemporary, Jnweri at, and Quarterly Review, Frozen , Blttcktcoodi, Afaaniltant, Victoria. Lorn-dSociety, Temple Bar,., Cnrnhil, St Jame't. CaeeelVe, Good Word , Belgrade and Broadway . Maagasinet ; Revue den, Dtux Nondte ; Lesmement, 'Journal do Debate, L Opinion Rationale, . Le Sieclt, . -- . o : . . Die Gartenlanoe, Dayeim, Hanebtaiter, -- Among the. authors represented in Every Saturday aie m:my of the wise est and wittiest writers of Europe, Spring is Corner Yes,' the joyous season made famous by orators; poets, .ftnd lover. the sessnn of bird songs early flowers and bright verdure; of warm nunshine f Charles Dickens Henry Kingsley, Charles Reade, Anthony Trollope, Matthew Arnold, Charles Kingsley, F. Power Cobbe; Christina O. Roveti Author of (J Halifax1 Geo. bandi Edmond About, Alexander, Dumas, : bretzs. sighing z"phyrs, . gentle and spring showers, seems I to be with us, or closely .approaching;.. . The present v winter, is. aad h s been remsrksbleTor passing without (would the fall of so .much snow much frost whiten the ground, or so the woiiid interfere .with as garden. in lbe. rrs excrcie grounds .with or hoe. The storm of rain last week, leaves i s mark of, pure white on all the high mquntain r0und with, reeio our leaving.us progress gardening, as the joyous birds cat o' their sweetest Iaj . 0 iho ):mft 0f lbor -, fin cn r1ant. Plir jreeg seeds of. .flowers, vegeljibles, fmi ts find grain tha t beauy unf usefulness mark jeur' footprints and. industry, d' gladness spring, up 'along the pathway, of caitVs wearied Fifi ' -- and ihus bring happiness gnini ' near and smil from the Augela. ; MrsQliphaut, -- . A. iC. Swinburne' Robert Buchanan. Jean ' Inelow Miss Thackeray' James Greenwood, . as jip-id- of emEs- m, . in ; ' Much has' bee'n iiid; and written by ' wisacresV both north and e sooth' relative . V . These periodicals European -- ?. ? most tellable portions' brace Serial TaresSliOft'&r6rie9, y riozraphiciilc yjid Desci ip;ive,-roeSketches of .Travel and Ad. - ti. i : . host and : -- P! raotf ;1 Fobqk Curaxxi LITERATTJhE.. ;v , This "popular Weekly reproduce! promptly; forAmerfpaQr rea.IH tl.e : ! , r- . Jouaxih' or Gaoici, ltciDixa siLtcixD e-n- otigh vii-eA "square ia the spato'that 10 lines of is with pleasure we mark t.c It , tlpp this aJseWrill occupy. ..? and :suece8a of thie very use i 1 square or lees,' one Insertion, ' $200 progress ful and fenteVtaininir'inatitatiun. '; The Each subsequent insert ion, i'anil are .' i T . i L,0i'RS-!- i-- ft Vat , o: - n o lit I. illtu-trations- besides two engravings tinted paper? in ea- h' mtmhttN rA continued story, and well written tales- - and stories, i: adventure, with huqioroaf anecdotes, desertp tions of , manners and cutoxn?j 'amusemenii for the young people,' && constitute thereadioj -- - Ai! . dh letU: fhU-pas- ;c ,'- - Usrf. twenty press, . e StkL From Correspondence just I Che receivrV, we are informed GaiUro JuVt receired. rrajb,6,r, A- fsvoitOr of of the most Dwi matter. mericau Pjmtlogitfa I an icinates taking a Seedsmen a goot. assortment of Terms of subieHptloB,! 60;per year. California, the trlpjivei me ReiURoad-t;i makseason after Us CompM;onl;nd of;. ;. Subscription ihoulibe'lentto -. !&'? ing us avifit We hope we nuy.hotH dianpoinled; and know ho :.wHi. .ryclfve,. : cordial we'come ftro" thousandf in Utsh ;! fruit fine: much who areerjovinr 537 Pearl Strfiet', New York Ci y through SHo roidy WiHe u . hie .disintcrusted generosity: 4 ' 1 JuleVJanin, E. Dicey ' ::J Massey. and Gerald ; Evert Saturdat is Intended for Town and Oountry for he Fireside, the Seaside, the Hail way, and he 8teamboiL Ihe Publishers aim to commend it to all classes of cultivated -- and' intelligent readers.. by bc freshness and vakiety of its boU'eiits. 1 e -- ! i- hew to manag- luch a thing w i were Complimented with. an Invitation,! and the company of our friends not a - en-joy- ed little. Thanks Captain 8rIption, FRANK LESLIE S LADYS UAGAZINE 96 OO in advance; 64 00 a year to subseribers for i .. j ; ' j any oilier periodical . Tho published fashion by FIELDS, leadiog periodical in America. Fch monthly number contain! a large color-f- d OSGOOD A CO. Monthly Paris, 50 plate of the latest fuiions, xfrom design! cents a number-- . Yearly subscription Jont ffbrn Paris as soon as invented, whieh are same ai: thus pnbh-he- d ' Ths Dramatic corps gave on Salt, sight last, a representation of The Hypocrite and the amusing farce of John Wopps.! was stormy and . bad, yet a Themning paft;',''' simaltaneodslj in' New York good- - number wasUn: attniidancs who nu Paris; also a e uttcolored v:Weld6fQsg.qdd & 4 co. fashion were much amused, c : Plato, embracing- the various leading styles. Publiehers, Boston. ' exl a: Uealtli. These are sccompanyed with full ruh repetition ..of deseriptien Baccessors to Tickaor A Fielda, And explanations, ,W:ch numerous otter .ilith tbs laughable farce 7t ofthekough Diamonds .We expect to For th past 5 ear, St.-- : George has lustrations. Evry Somber contaihsraa origiset the Corner Stone. been extremely healthy r. both with nal letter from Paris, describing the very. st or. i modet, by a Jady; whose position' sives children and . adu!ls.no,t prevailing heraccrossto fashionable cThito liter- - BTLIi BQtr.liir'ir society. , had Si.-SI oz: I.i ,1 sickness has occurred;, except in colds now,, nearly. JMt.in from White Pinf.callod 1ms winter, which, Ayl P J u ua it ff our sitting. : Tue workm ii have lustratod with fine Pn ycsjurday,.aqd presented ua with disappeared. engravings fiupicriptioh now in earnest, on tbs Basement, pomeuced - p! v.alirer ore ; from : treasure Very iew.cases of chiilf und fever price, $3. ,50 per year. . fi!1,y !! ?n-emeijs ere and noble atru:turo will another ' long oat r.eariy pp rf cent: 5r any. other, disease has occurred at 191) iwi'i a arise credit md d ornament to our vonn m eoH with metallic f 5i! ; and Washington-eeiUemcnts othef. tbriying City. ojr;i purchasing TA Mroqnd KWj -- Lr' Beef Stack for those ;sw and North of 6Qujb except soma cases of Sambo, did yoii over sop the CatskUI , -? fabulously rich mind) which are located Ctein bat I've stoo i I cats .y. lI4t Tfrtflqevaf i :h gill mice. : ; r i bii tidw t8 fVor : far-weekl- four-pag- - X. House-cramme- d; U-e- . -I- . 1 w -- ' ' A . n- , y |