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Show .IK, trw fi : u:Vs-r-Mr iVa ?Lllu?l!wl i VVJ i 2 Jii? hivw&to hacfi! vnW 1 :m ft'-- J icur n tosir vfiOFlCTtfR&FirLFJLLFPrrTHB DESERT SHALL s r' Ml Bw- - t-i- iP - ';j iiEps,'EEis!:;;,r;;; and. pare of r Sale, Seedi-fres- h the garden, heeded for Jst Vegetables Seeds Flower choice collection of .j TowBmom set A MSNTAtOJlJAL.; 1 ft. XH ... ,tr Zi.k VANISHED.-;- ) 0 j !? t'Wm 17 v: ; -- . nation of Deed s?Bends, Mortgages, eds of Trusty: Powers of Attorney, ne she-iould.- rn . i,f : Bat the faster she fan tbs more rapidly the;'fire spread ever her. The flames The snow ie. over Hie. grasses.' M spread along her pinafore and froelr, and And the days arS slipping by. 7 singed her beautiful long carls,: and her I sit by my window idly, ; was ao badly burned tkatshe did throat And watch tliem coma and go; .. , how to .bear, the pain. lo were not know But 1 donot list for your footsteps i ; her arms aVd hands, and even bar face. For. yon will not eome, I . know. vt. .1 Hr father was first tons bar. He raa oat of the house 'and rolled her on the The da, a and weeV hare diifted And melted Into yearn,; Cl J U ground and put out her burning things with bia hands. Then he took her, at once Since rou held my; hand at parting, Ana .my voice was choked with tears'. to the doctor's; not sloping to attend to which thf fife was burning the And when you tarned aad left mel -j all I shivered In mortal pain; . J; away. did How it happetf'boaaid, For I knew in my heart, my darllags But Alice was too bad to t answer, and Ton never would come again indeed, it was .many .weens btfora sho Th6 summer off life hai Yanished,, spoke again.- : : . The eun lies owin thp eky,t ", fibs had a long Illness, and 'sufibrod k The enWgleams'thrnga my tresses ( grant deal, and it was feared, that aha ; would never nyarwU' b.'iIMn Wj T f ;i I got well."' Aad though I havo waited vafuly, Xvin when she.was better, bar face was A'id you never. hhve come to me, ao marked, that she was norer. the same We shall walk it last together, -" beautifal Alice again. BeiiJe the jasper aea. if had she.: minded what her Oh; , bat mother Post. and never aid. Saturday Evening played with fire! Christian .World,' : . .George. i jfc. 'i - SIIAVIJIOSAl.O0!f I DOOR 6? SOUTH U)S:, ,Pondenf. T i 7 T Sketches from Prescotts u Conquest of Mexico'I No. t i . In Play. PRINTING OFFICE . JOINING THE BASOKS. 'Oh, Alice, why dll yon dothatl J0HN80N, J. 1 was only in play, mammas and Alice seemed t think that was quit enough uctien end Commission Merchant, But you should not do wrong things SL ,George, Utah,, ,tW even In play. Do yon think you should? 1 dont think It matters much if we are ill reeeire and dis pose 'of,'asinstrme Grain jl, Goods, Wares, Merchandise, on.n play, mamma oek ic. upoa liberal terms Alice's mother had often to tell her thab. it did mater, add that only in play was never wn exensa for doing wrong WHEELWRIGHT 1 things. Sometimes she would pulf the cat made or repaired, and nsna by the tail, and aay it was only ii Sfometimes aha took her baby slater V AGONS Jobbing dene on short notiest and when ake cried said the same thing. ELMORES. ltf Scmetmea ahe ran away whi liar mother wanted .her, and thia.Ja the ezeute she made even then. It. was not a good one as I hope you understand . A pair of wrought iorn Sorgum One day she did a wane, thing than even . -- . CANEMILL, i St ! - -- 1 U (From otzr .nomeCorrei- - - .: - YOmfG . TOLTS RIADDra hay-stac- k, 1 SBAlCPpCXVG, IN THE BEST STYLE, AT - t . i- - TONSORIAL;.; inviia, rika dressiho. aid s . ; i t- g, .- JOtoSOJf; Notary Pablie. ' . - L 1 election' fights; I have beta pitched out of pt a .four story window; I havo gone down in a railroad collision, but - this little goat ' excursion was ahead of them all' The confounded thing mast ba all Swings and horns r It bumped moagal net' chairs and and tables, and the stove and the calling, but I hhngon likiTrojaa. Ttafh front somersanlta, and roUsd .over, until f tliought I was all 0Tev wjth me. I was : just onUie point of giving up whcthe bandage fell from my eyes- - and the goat bounded Jhroogh the window with a yell like ar Co&ncb fading giving "up7lho 1 ghosfir 1 was in a lodge of Masons? They! ji were dancing a; war dance ground a big and. turning skull, and playing leap-froand the big fat fallow, ottha handsprings Sn the' hts .head antrdomwas'standing'on p. . r .corner. . . ; : ; i . 1 : r :-- : streets, and- all other ii required ofa Notary: Public. Ice at RioYirgen Times rooms, So. 31. .1. f A L : official. Bum- -, - t m 1 ; ? v - - i The royal reveaaes wtre derived from i various eoarcea, - The crow a lands which appear: to have been extensive, .inada : their : returns . in. kiaA The'plaoos.ia the neighborhood,, of .the capital; wro bound to supply workmen ana meterlal for building tha palaceaand keeping tiitm in repair.; They were to furnish .also-fue- l, provieione, and whatever was !pes ceaaary: for his domestic expenditure, e which waa certainly on no atiuted scale. Tha inhabitants paid . a . stipulated; part . of the agricultural produea to vihe,arown. In addition to this tax,i there, waa another. on.ltB- maaufaetures. Theea wero cotton.! goods', mantles of feather work 7 ornamented armour, vases aad plates if gold, beads and bracelets,' arystalgUt, aad varnished jvs and goblets, bells, aims and uteasila of copper; reams-- of paper.: grain, fruits, copal, ambei cockloeaf, wild animale:. birds, timber, .lime, mats Ae, In this curious. medley of the most, homely commodities, and too elegant superfluitiea of luxury, it is singular that no mention should be mads of silver, tho great staple . of tho country in later times, and the use or vhich was certainly. known.. to the' C r Knobs has joined Ihe Masons, and here is his experience In getting into- a lodge. tell you of the perils' and triale l I had to undergo to become a Mason. On tho evening in question I presented myself at the door of lodge room No. 66,666,' agn of the ik'ill. and cross bones. I was conducted to an ante room; where five or six" melancholy chaps fc sashes aid embroidered, napkins were waiting to reecho me. On my entrance, they all got up and turned back somersaults, and than resumed 'their seals. A big fat fellow, who. cat in the middle, and. who seemed to bo tho - s . : - ; . , then- said: Sinner from the these that I have told jon about. Children proprietor, ; Axis'.-r. advance 1 other world advanced. often lkt strange toys .to play .with, and Tax gatherers ware aLs . diatributed Alice liked playing with fine. She would Will you give up everything to join uP throughout the kingdom, who . won , re I v light straws or sticks, and run about the 'Net i if I know it, 1 aaid; 'there is my by their, official bodies,' and dread-'-e- d from the morciloss rein of their exac-- . Anethsr party hero tions. S&T2i2fSii3JSrCS53!i wife, and 2J - By a; stern law, every defaalter ..1 I. 1 blaxc, But fire is a ven dangerous thing told me to say yes, as it was merely a waa liable to betaken and aoldas a slave. .. . T .t.,, j Communication was maintained, with i 8t. G.org Floral-Uardeniplay :wili. .. Her.motber bad often told, matter oi form. So I aaid yes, I give ' she Gist Miust bo parts of tha . codntry,' by. & rot--1 her tac and naa..,atj iuca collection The fellows in the towels tho remotest w up everything.' .1 do would she such if counere. Postnausas were established on naarhtr than I puBitbed sale. Chrsanthemuiiii for wall.'-Dand aaid Alice 'its plants, groaned, must have tho great roads, about two leagues distant t(lnsaa But, though srbefnas,iStocks.;Pansies..Ice f Unt, known that her mamma weald certainly you awaar never to reveal anything you from each other The courier .earin hi :n the form ef a hlaroglyphical and I do as she said, even that did not make may see or ho r this traniums 61eander, . Putlliias. tvening to any hu- despatchesran with them to tha first ' ' I her Law off. inv other vkiiai MB man being nor your wife!' 1 aaid pen paluting,where they wore taken by another i . So, on the day abaut whleh I bare to toll fetation, I in JoiRMR. word the kitchen I a box , will not.' then examined Alice messenger, : and to on .till they reached y They sawlylng you, I Thau couriaia travel with of matches; ana looking nroaad to my teeth and felt my taste of liquor, and tho capital. that sueh despatches were' carried speer made me put out my tongue, then groanfrom one to two hundred ToiLs in a day. fthe intended calling her broher, and aek- - ed again. I aaid 'If you don't feel wall I Fresh fish was frequently served at: Let us uss the Medicines, that grow f hours Montexuaue table in twenty-fou- r ho would like to join hen but then bare got a little bottle here- -. it The ing had Wen taken from the it tho time from id the Mountains and stop importation I she remembered that meet likely lie would fat. man here took tha bottle frena me and 1 ulrfcteTBbfti told him not, so she 'decided I bar a well tted Laboratory tor an. said: 'Bring forth the goat! of (bander, L in the town ' conaternatkm or and Essential eftracta oils fci5e. anreadjoy preparing ling a with I ccmee ' aha said up Another fellow then will strike them oat by ere, through which he passed. Mr. 'Ns blind me, you dont, big cloth to jBuUia great aim S i, lers for sale, . - inquire of J. R Johhsov. - - - Ijliejhhdersignedwill attend to SSS :.-. A v J -- . fl 4 rf .fi was In a biaet loo. Then, without waiting to try to put it out, she rah sbri Aing across the field towards her home crying. M&mma, mamma, as loudly as Thabeaatifuljiammer, vanished, j The aun.Uea low. in.the city, J. ,1 urn-mente- ;Br. RttaWanxcVi W J. v. SJ. sJ t i fi4' ..iiLi?LrTlVL '. has C . ENGINEER'S IN8TR9 RTETORS OftS-- i ' pt first-ra- te . r..( i' . jf'iK become of the ilill . buruitig" match which she had dropped. .But it Ml upon some ha Uutt lay ( quite close,' and as it was very dry, it took fire fnatantly,' end before Alice had time to cry out, 'the' flams run up theslde of the stack and set th whole in a blase. At first aha was to frightened that a.hb could noHlier 'apeak nor move. And ' while she oat itUI, a hit of the barn' ing hay fell on her pinafore; and in a iL if a. - i' j IM FEBKUARYa ;,)V.'v- , ft.l ;i i ROSE: BLOSSOM AS THE on , fr . 4l ftt J5 1o vV i m E$rS!tXL - : e I 1 fine. z . : , ? - MtiVir ! i i MIDICIHal HEMS;- - !i' tart . J,:' h?";v. B,a;ll;l n s k,:. t Liurbed, nl .hm,h, I dont belteve in playing blind mans ; ProfeI,ion ef Mti I valuable tpeci odueng, or otherwise b0 j(jden ftom the houae And she buff with a goat. Ill ride tho devil If you In Mexico as in Egypt, the Midler shared . f to better have a be the highest conaideratloiu would alio thought R but 1 dont go in blind. Stand bask, with fths priest like, wind have Men, must be an exthe we tha blew, The king as place, as, if smithereens.' ahall be a at-- .h.iured would into They knock and me ao you to oil'll . dtitrof they not them bum long., bring perienced warrior. The tutelary, 1 had ao I ma of The warded. however, S the wai. for much bad was too AUeo r god quite forgotten were tne Axlete faetorily I wonder , If , Johnson. wea her mother. J fell tiunsported In battle, Tho unever diiobey goat soldier, who to submit to being blindfolded. " In s little lhat leamt had she K. 8 to. June St, 1 WS. him at' once to the regions, of Ineffable bliss wonderif hoar, coaid i led in, and I then - The was aun. . ..of tha the Bible, from, manaious Thou, but solos n text bright the furmaking an awftil racket among warrior Vas not only QdsedtO contemptla u niture. I Wgan to feel that I was urgently of danger, but courted it, for the ioper-isbibiROSBY jut oMho aidt ' ' 'i other stack, crownof mattyrdom. hay u waa oh- lha wanted- aft home, but lwas in for it and The question ef War wae diseuseed In a wuehhuw.iT or four & Three not could help myself. council of tha king and his ebsif noties. tromtorMlw 7 demoa with and me,: selxed then fellows Amhasc adore" were 'asUWfloaaly . to OTJLH,' fiho had lighted about half the matches bostfle state tho . cn animqia Its declaxatlein, to require the and When she aecUtRy:Ltona to)p before niacal laugh pitched mt 16 pajr Msxican Ufa ftwas aulte bunt eat. But she took no back, telling me ai the same, time ito leek to redeve the tribute. gods.' The person the oustoasry Pi, iw been have ' I fe? out 2nd on squalls. page.' '(kidniii' aboat the matter was . Well, qne deesu t Of(BOtaByr : m - ; & CLABR : . - - fTanners Curriers it, GBOaoa - ou.tuni.ii.. : - h.' I;;e;blaib moiKi St, Cesrge, Utbh Tsn . W in many itrapss, Mr. Editor; I hafts been much dffferenoes I to bitii ShtdM net laoktfssf what had have plenty more Wi - I4 1 mmtm .;a: 45 IT is sat- 7-r- t ' -- w rpr.-- u n jr |