OCR Text |
Show A, L UBB remark' of Mdj writers, The Ladys friend wlflglve- a finely TiS-- ft - SLEm ay froi iticn are; static-of , th, V, rear. iJTansome FlnriyiColoFea Fashion! Di ublrfer NrreR-atidfca-nr'ip on large ae- -i Ihe following art some ;;$& special plate engratfi tk Mou Cain. for of interest in the AjUautto ort nfintiof Woof nipstssttag the (y Fashions, Fancy Work, he, in eveiry uutu 1 lion. J.'Letb rop Motley, thp : eminent HUto her: Uil ;!Mi It will give a ropnlar piece of Music-w- orth the cot of the Migaz.nein its el-f. titles. beginni and fayorabJy I f T. w. lUgflaseB. t rie .Ion tiverery number. w . . fcuown . to ?iBo readers of the k Atlantic " JA copy of the Large a no A Beautiful serial story, entitled fremium Men th lyj )in w rittta The S.oi g of StrelEhgfaVing :An Malbonfc: Oldpert Romance 'j which ffomaatii SeaWeijgfayed .aprrsly tor will - begin witk) the January, mvnbsr and. out road era, vt a coat fdrwtlie engrving eentinne the greater part of the year." alonof niariy rOOl-- wI JJ renrjjooat James Russell. Lowell,V wilfenish t frequent and paid) to evy.lull $2,0 subscriber, rh (m contributions, both in Frost and Poo try. to elubi oh end! nr i every person Thtf Janaary number will contain t an Essay . Engraving la agem of Art. ,p- and a Poem from his pen. ; Edward Ererett Ilale, author of The Van M'ju and My , Double, and without a Country. Premium the EngraUrge (and ' r how ho undid Me.--' will'farniah series of ving.) which Stories and Sketches similar, toj hose A. 4 Copies have been so popular with the renders 'of 5af -(and. ene grntit) ., - .800 -;v' preyiour volumes of th Afliitic,articles i12,00 (and one gralte) James Partbn, will continue his and Friend One of each Post, Lady's copy Social, Industrrl. and Commercial subjects. and Premium 4,00 1869 Engraving Ilia first contribution JO the volume for of blnb wllUaiwavare-ceiv- e The getter op Moan 'The entitled is a striking paper,, a copy of r the.PremiifmKutraving-Member- s YlrikeCssat Hcme.J By a i Summer ;Vjsi ofa) elub wialuuc the Premiyn M t . ter. ,i i'p s, dell irixtra.Dr. I. I. Hayes, will contribute a series ofpa-per- Engraving, must remit One entitled The Experiences, of an Specimen dopiea Sent' gratis.; Cadet i DEACON k. PETERSON, ' and Jacqueline will .. Addrei; The dhthor 3ig WLNtj TStreet Philadelphia eontribnte a new American Romance to ap ftBOXIBTPMETA!L.I-r'; pear in twelve numbers. Dr. Henry I. Bowditch will furnish a very .XffF tUOf: vqluablo aeries of papers .on Consumption, U . ... showing its, manfold enures, and the best : t A stock of (he best metal for box which' promodes of remedy tug; the' eVils' executed Sfrtf Bulwer, in and the intansly exciting, and ihrtlliug ' ; 1 story of' , pwmrv mpNDED . any part or interesi in the ipriiisr or lot 6T..GcxQc;B thatbfisngs, u to the Dixie" oil Company,.. vV, , Hi .soon ' as possible, after they wll pay harvest in eStfoWor wheat will haVe tthe Magazine,. forwarded to them. , fbr this purposd J cfligr foribv;.my rsl- Publisher 'Salt Lake ,TAnd E. Harrison L,T, nablo KHomutead iu SL George, of $ . acres o j.- City, which is situafed'2 Mod sprin a E, thrirlhgorchard roang , t t!i . Bi Bail , F. D. Killogg figures. Jai.' Linfortk , T; : ,f.I M. iiv 0jS BLiut.XrS; fc LINFORTH -- MUSTROtLJM!! - nra . ...-j.- ..-, 2mv f-i- (Sucetwn I MPOK.TU to 26:l0-- t Of, GERMAN II .1 . n IAt tbs v. i'4 sa. T ' RAU9JOIB12I lw -- L$ B. BtncMey'tc: Cb.,)i AMERICAN ENGLISH J) dose of tbs present relume of (ht? TAmea; this Offiee ii ACIrA'VA. tgrlcul ural ImpUments A Kilting Tools. change for grain, . stock, mxhin4is or 1' Aox. 3 and 6Vrotii Street , RflARKOTiP, A W : - . RAIL. KELLOGG, V egelti-ivel- y (Fm(P!LM:iu.c Just produced by Jthose.celebra tad wtitert and Dion Boudcault. j- I Chas. Beads v: Mole. Any person. sending. word that -- wiihikt,; l'j!u connected . K O. ; X "SAXFRAtfCI&CO, Orders respectfully solicited.1 13-- . Giiir-- J -- 1 . 4 ti ing for maeliioeryi(mia &c.,Tor sale, giv in a series at or duce it. w 1! OtLf ;D The Ustj;Of tboVKiggs, of-Vicl- K1X1 t l tt H A R - ? 4Site persons are war bill against, pur .. A chismg of any A ft a The i 31X9 ". M A.Q AX1 NE1 MH gran romuitie atorr, entitl'd, '.tr Ergmlng, . iTVfO'SPLEHOlD STORIES? ifbwpubiuhingin tha 'i j , . es sustiWi I A riereus ShorterStofiei by bt llliantrgalaxy 4K J tr . rr fur-ta'e-o- BROOMS! ! St GeoUtah Dec , : - it .BROOMS For sals at the Drug Store. ; James Freeman Clarke-wil- l exchangefof grafil Inquire Fullers work m of papers, complete . account ftCOriental sultan. Will the pen a wke hu itreturute the Editoraad R ugions. the Times Offiee. mclrg his tbauks t f v Bayard Tayhvwilf contribute to, most of the sevnumbers of the coming yeior, furnishing ys f h eral StdricS and E seays. on Art Eugene Benson will furnish papers kaiafns, Peavnea, .CL naed. Grapes and Litetntuye. v T??T A? 24 acres Iried pearhe, Tomatoes: for sale at' the aale have The for ff undersigned will fpfs.isb WT? of most enceUeet lillaole A dis t in at Esgle-vill- e St Geo Drug Etore. Japd eral meet timely and raiuahto papers "on ' 'AC suitable for sort of grain1 aud anyJ the J fl e rear s' of Leu gp vity in' America.-- ' ? ; well ff ncedand incrup. The valuable Vegetables housekeeping. --m mmw . si OLEANDER ! House on and popular papers . li- ? . A few be eontinued , will Several fine potted plants for sale through keeping? 'Two houses vrith two rooma each, on for blossom. ready numbers.. d lots iu with Yards.' and town, Kraals," go' A-- : series of A 'des utvbjt graphical Tapers, J. E.Johnzou Slab lea. criptivc of a residence' of several years on the Isles of Skoals, will bo published in the POL T OF ROGXSli STATION l8fO. Twelve acres of Haj land near by-- are In addition to the above, the Atlaatie for to be sold together or .in parcels- to MOIIATE RITER 1869 will ho enriched with articles in Prose - ? Ljnuit purchaseraj by and Poectfy from its regular contributors, a Apply to the undersigned at Eagle-Vill- e. . zuong wliom.aro, the following: or to J, E. Johnson St, George, G. W. .Curtis, JI. W. Longfellow, Jos Bee'roft, ' II B. Stowed R. W. Emerson, 30 lbCd O. Beecroft July H. T. Tuckerman, J C. Davit; . T B. Aldrich. E. G fitsdman ' ' John Neal,,., -- E E.' Whipple Charles Sumner, W. C; Bryant, Iouis Agassiz Lydin M Child d sood ncomodatlons, William. Winter, C. C. Hazswell, IV. D. Howells, Jano G. Austin, I hare.rew in successful operation at 1 1. Sheldon, J. W. Palmer, 50 miles East of, C. J. Sprague, J. G. Whittier, rx: r oh - e pint t 3-6- ? (i., . . n bhcd-'Phyolegi- ai J - . - j.-- - ve - a' ,.,kJ - , ' :tiij , - I I have a general assortment of W HARDWARE I will .excHanga; faT M : any kind of produce ot HORNED Vi STUCK. Wanted. 200 bushels of potatoes fnrwkich will pay, delivered at Call vi!le: 85-0ber bushel or at nirstora' iw nsihftve.' .. r.' 3,76,-p- ajr 1 - L- 0 1 -- vol-rm- es " 8t Thomas At izona. ' Oct. 20 1868.- ' - ' - 4 -- . AKLIY, AND . PROVISIONS fiflan it ii . j i i i t i TIME TO PLAXT. , Fall and winter is the best time' to plact' W . trees and vines. I am now pruning, taxing f up; am plar.ting out, fruit aud ornamental'1 1 ' - i . trees, shrabs, vines, and plants. I can supply in limited quantity from u ' ' r good assortment if application . la made soon. . if? 5 j J J. E. Johnson.' FIN FKUIT ainiimaQsl ! - WASHINGTON, Mrs. A. M. Diaz, II. P. 5pr, fiord, Firs. 11. II. Dirii,i 1;G. Mitchell, . Kate Field, Jn , James, Henry Rose Terry, J. T. Trowbridge, Charles Dewson Shanly. George S. Bout well, ! ST - TERMS OF THE ATLANTIC. .p L (iVlJiLL b rr R Wanted ' . first-cla- ss year. ' 2 Copies for Single Copy, $1.00 &7.C0; Five Copies for $16,00; 10 Copies for $30,00. aad each additional copy $3,00. For every Club of 20 Subscribers ,an extra will be furnished gratii, or 21 Copies for $60,00. s-- i Nia Specimen numbers sent to any address for E. Johnson. J. I am now. pruning my grapes and hare. 25 cents. , , attended , to. Ample Storage for St. Georgo Utah, May 27 1868- Clcb Rates'. 'Atlantic Monthly and Onr dromrtly (o spare, quite a variety of cuttings; win- -. . -. ter is the beet season for planting; be lire3ottj7 Folkt , $5,00. a year; Atlantic .Monthly E. blf ' SNOW and cciy Saturday, S8.0Q: fWIXES! WISES! PURE WISES! Iy if want to Invest. Atlantic Monthly, Our Ymntg Folk, and Bicry : J. E Johssou Choice pure winc3 for the sick and those KOI ICE 1 1 Saturday, $9.C0; Our Young Folti and Arery nepiliag pure stimulants at tbs St. Oeorge Saturday $6,00; Atlantic Monthly, Our Yeung If you want the cheapest and best Dry Drug Store. Folkt and K. A. Hey few, $10,00: all four perii . . Goods, Grocers, sad Tinware to be had in odicals, $14,00. l6 . EJ CUSTOM WORK . rSSSS2ft.,tell. h Y. payable to tbo order of . . OSGOOD. FIELDS, . L To., PvllisheTt , Boston. A Fields ) (Successors to Ticknor FRIEND. SPLENDID' INDUCEMENRS TO SUBSCRIBERS. lh W; The Lady' Fr iewd two" r lewing Novelets fi l8C9sBetwen a How of author bv Elizabeth Prescott, The Prize Wav Ac., Woman llad Her of Two Mm's- Lives.' ) br ; Amar.da M Fortune Douglas, author of Te Dcbmy Chandler Leuiae Ac s A New Novelet by from Fate," Moulton, author Novel by Mn. Henry An..: and a New Wood, the distinguished English 'Novelist Acwltk uum author of Bsat Lya - g ni. "I?oJuce uanfili Cf Jf,il!W.mni11hlf 28 if. VIOLIN STRINGS A FIXINGS. ' goods, just being recaircd at the St. Goorge Drug Store which, when .vfully rereived wilj FRUIT GROWERS, ATTENTION ! equal any assortment in the Territory; were who those 75 cents ei ch. We hope that appointed Strings from 10 as viee Presidents of the Rocky Mountain Pomolegieal society, will each, take early steps to organize a local branch, in j their own ward, Collect fee, half of which may be kept and used for current expenses of the branch, the remainder, with the names, forwarded to the Secretary This, means is to be spent in importations for the benefit of , the association. Willthose who decline to act., report, to their Bshop, who is requested to select a vice president for bis ward and report action to Secretary. Branch. r J. E, Johnson. Prssft R. M. Fruit Greweri Aaceeiatiau : Rooted Vines I have a few vines of choice - . ; 5 ! ' ; r 1 'i ! ! 1 t foreign, Ralsfs, wire end table grapes, for sale vr Pjjti!ic&!) 53$5o3! Geo. W. Jolins9n, M. D. i Look out for Theiyes ! TEN DOLLARS REWARD Mou, Jcab ! Co., Unix. - ' fiii'J : J r. Offers his professional services to the! people A of Juab and Utah Counties. Keeps a complete assortment, of. Botanical I family medicines for sale and trusts oj stiict or attention to business to merit thejeonfidoneo of From the subscriber at Bellview, 5 ; one ' the public. jj ith Ash Creek, Washington County, Mona,: Aug. 1st 1818; 1 ' Strayed or Stolen. -- : 20-- crossed not very plain, also A R in plain letters on the left thigh. Whoever wilt return the above described annimal, or givf information that will lead to her recovery shall receive the above reward. Joel H. Johnson, - Q f I have a limited quantity- of 1 new and very choice varieties of frail tree, vi es, SAN 13ERNAIIDINO, shrubs, and plants I offer to ex hargefor new STRAUBS P ?.TENT under t 5AiL grain, or sell for cash Consisting ofl(T u-t- f ' uewly imported varieties of apple. , fr runner 20 sorts of firest grapes Excellenta IB 0 stnwberry Engli h gebeberries Freoch and English Rosea Raspberiiea Ac. tc.. with all the latest Improvements, and am Those deairih j snch stock, should call Seeds of all beautiful or desirable V: ' ; article of wild perpared to turn out a soon. ilowers, for which a liberal re JoHNfOV. E. I; j ward will be paid, if accompanied b St Geo Utah, Ds : 9 6S i . : i . From GOOD WHEAT. specimens of pressed leave . and flowU R exchanged or TV II F T ers of the shrub or plant. O. W. lloiitacfj ?- anti - - f(-- r . ' A tf Fishing I :.Ai 3 A A SALE. FOR seine about 20 ' f Br t v j, vr;i?7 yards, long, j ;.b rir f i rtH)- |