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Show s LOANED f '. ' -- r" Grain and Feed Store kbeen line ) was borrw&l some sgo,Eoni my - place. JWill the a The underdgned . supply of person regard the injunctions of Scrip!- -, lure, and return before being exposed 6b ijJkt tips time ; X f J .Li ain,:V FEED; ; Johnson.- - . C s. FOIt SALE CHEAP Twowrougkt Iron Sorgum rollers; . . - V 0E ' " ONLY $2,00 PER ANNUM I! should take it ! ! ! Everj-bo- at Weekly and Enlarged ; dj Mo. 1 of Volume 2 will be issue 1 Sat19 at the Time Office urday September NAME TAKKK at tha TITUIXQ OFFICE. Of E VE RT j kiN 1)1 ..ft - from the TERMIStS fot .the ; U. CP R R i MEAL, CHOP FEED, . -- VEGETABLES (Diarc$!r TOI if o6 i)S PaE), N .3' Sold at the St. edrga ,, ESSENCE OF LIFE, For Diarrhea, Cbolerr-- Morbus, NEW MEXICO,' Lowest Market Sates. . . AND IDA: Back Charges Paid CHARGES Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in any quantity. REASOSaBIE God stabling and Kraals. ; : Chol- ic, Whooping Cough, Paiu in the teem or facej and as a Soothing Gordi .1 for infanta gives immediate relief, ' MONTANlf , Drag Start: .. UTAH; jPr(!3u8 i. : - ,Tq All Points in and other EriTOK. T RECIETE.nd FORWARD ' ! ; apply soon (0 the L aumUntlj on hand r FLOUR, ! VALUABLE MEGEATH&Co., v CANKER! SYRUP, For Canker, 'flora Mouth,. or Ulcerous s : - REFER TO . ' A STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. BUSIESSMliJf GE'fEllALlil OF Humors, ' t'1'" be should addressed Corretpoadcnee DENVER. Wm. Lang. NERVE AND BONE LINIMEUT, St. George, Jau. 15, 1868. OMAHA or, ! Ilf For. Rheum. ti im iind Vdl diaeue. re- Utah. V SALT LAKE CITY. outward apulioation for Man or SANGIOVANNI & Co. rf The FLOWERS! CSIUXBS "at JOHNSONS DRUG STORE, I HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, and bedding plants for sale, viz.t ROSES, ..... he found flU George. Utah, may a good LILACS, - , Stock tf SPIREA8, STOCKS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, VERBENAS, PETUNIAS, Ac., the right kind of Medicines for the People, the Climate, and the Diseases blackberry: JAPAN LILIES, , fief the Country. r, WALL FLOWERS, ; Proscriptions, put up with care, by an Iris, Tuberoses, and many experienced Druggist. a also cholcs collection of Chinese .Two doors above St. George Hall. others; Chrysanthemums. J. E. JOHNSON. -- well-assort- ed Having 3-l- WILLIAM MOOdY. m ' pre got short clothes, and consia Lizzie is her teaching me to dance. Uacle Joa helps catchshe am lesson, too. When I through my es ma up and kisses me, auu Undo Joe kisses ms too, right on the ssmo spot. Isnt that home soon; I'm queer? cousin Lizzie Is going 1 heard him tell her so Joe. Undo sos sorry; and then she stooped to tie my sleeve-ribboTheta and grew very red in the face about too. .fanny, Ive got a little sister. She looks pretty well for ja girij I renumber: when I did not look any better. 7, Censin lassie has a new bright ring on her finger; I guess UueleJoe gave it to her. She dont seeld any mors whan ha pallr her curls new. Oh! aint I glad Fra gat a Ganma? for Coq,. in Lizzie forgets me sometimes. But Ganma dent forget cot she; and she isntso taken up with this gill baby that she cant remember a ; fellow who used to ke 1. She says my feel out it dont bat is of Base - - brekea. - joint, A gentleman onee wrote Dr. Francis, the folloiring note . "Dear Doctor I eaaght told yesterday, and have got a little hens. Please write whstl . shall do for them. J. 1 . We annex the answer: Dear P." For the eolcgtake half a pound of batter candy. Forth little horse, bay a saddle and bridle, and ride him out of town the first time we have pleasant weather. r H" . 'i n, it - if. . (g(3(Li'DD PCmVSQCOAft! Residence in the north part of the City, rerf best Horse Liniment. EYK SALVE, ; For weak, inflamed or troublesome Eja - . . . : - 1 iputtssw. will be prepared to supply the with all sorts of CROCKERY Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments for Boh, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Composi" BROOMS! mm ALSO tion, Syrup Sarsnnnrilla, and most other popular FanJIy Medicines. ' Tho Uncrsigned offers a superior article of double-woun- d wire fastened BLANKS!! BLANKS!! BLAMKS !! Brooms, at wholesale or retail; Grain and Produce received in pajment, For sale at the Times Ofice Blank ALSO Deeds, Bonds, Mortages, Deeds of trust, A CHOICE LOT OF Powerssttorney Billjof sale, .Subpoenas, and many conveiuent and useful business blanks. good sice rod best varieties; also ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, and other to on order Blanks of any style printed plants. short notice; A choice lot of nARDY GRAPES, such as Rtand this northern climate, and 0. WILKINSON, Fruit abundantly. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER B. F. JOHNSON. A block and a half south of the Putli Spring Lake Villa, Utah. THE BASTE JOURNAL. Tm a year old, and Ive got a name. I'm Joe : and Uncle; Joe gave ma a silver cap this bang morning, but they won't let me haveitittoto me in on the table. Ganma would gire when catch soma I think day a urinate, and I hsr alone, Ill get It yet Censin Luxia is stsyingheie. She is a nice let mo pull her hair. girl only she won't think ske might such long, soft, yellow curia She won't let Uncle Joe touch a carl cither. Ha just lifted one up the other day, and she drew it away and bent orer her head and kissed ma'over so much, and Unclt Joe walked Oh! I've got tha prettiest mamma; her so bright I declare I. am prond of Square, on Mein Street. Good timber ami shine eyas her. Ire had lots ef toothache, and Ive raised work done well and with neatness ana few teeth; they dont some out as Samoa's despatch. do, thongh. My pretty mamma tells me to showmytoeftes, and then I hare to grin for & G. HIGGINS. I b'.c Bobs fingers yesterday, but erery-bod- y. ha didnt seem to'mlnd it." ! nrchased of Mr. S. M the undivided half of the Lids, Sore Eyes, Ranche k"s,vn as HamMin & Blairs, in Ranche Valley, esit of Spring Valley, 1 TONIC PILLS, eollrit patronage ft Dixie etock growers, ir Texas, 1 vouch no Will cure the Agne, Chills and InterBring brought better Ranche aTv on, owns or ever saw mittent Fevers immediately, north of Maaon & Dixons line. - ? & RANCHING ! s, Snip-Dragon- a-w- ay. ! ' inn (Biiiis ! ! W. D. JOHNSON, South Temple St., Sf.L&keC'lty, Keeps an extensive assortment of Fancy Goods, Toys, Confectionery, Books Medicines. Stationery and Yankee Notions, which he offers at the lowest mar-ketfignr- es. Look in Curiosities, no charge for shonny his Good clean Cotton aad Linen Rags wanted at this office. WARE Agency for Findlays celebrated by the middle of February, ISfiS. 1 While thanking my patrons for theii will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Matches, wholesalo and retail, at favors in the past, 1 wish to inform Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Storepav, ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE them, as well as tho public generally Cash or Lead in exchange. Pottery Is who may need my services, that 1 have situated on the street running to WashREGULAR MEETINGS. just received from the New York labor- ington Eclectic atories s good assortment of JOHN EARDLEY. ltf The Gardeners Club, bold regular Medicines. ltf weekly meetings t their Club Hall ereiy v ! Tuesday evening, the year loand. CRAGUN. Any who desire, are at liberty to atof collection I bars a choice tend, freo of charge. oiner and Cabinet Maker. St, George J. E. Johnson Pres will execute orders in his line wih FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL W H. Branch See Ilf. dispatch1 of good site for EXCHANGE for GRA1 J. W. NIXON, Ssveral cows, Oxen, and young etock Produce; consisting of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Pear, Quince, Plam, Apricot, the older branded J. E. J. on the horn ltf Apple, St George, Utah Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, Aland most all with a 6 Inrii circle with (J) mond, Catalpas, Allanthus, inside on left shoilder I will reward the Locust, Honey Mulberry, AND LARIATS. WHIPS finder etc. etc., etc., . JOHN J. E. Johnson. XARSEN, Also- - some New, Choice, as well as St. George Apr, 15 two blocks west of Clarks Tannery. fruit Trees! fc STRAYED! St. George. All work in braiding, Ordin&ny, hf Ac., done ; with dispatch. CRAWFORD HOUSE, Native and Foreign Grapes. Tours Dr.F." Also, Flowering and Frui ting Shrubs, ..... P.S. Who taught yon to spell? ! Strawberry Plant", Washington. Utah, Travelers and Flowering Plants Boarders acommod&ted with the best A story is told of a young lady, a teacher in I expect to remain lit St. George and and Vines, House Plants, etc. one of oar Babbath schools, who one er two continue As tho above stock is small, those table comforts the market affords. In the Busiucss of' painting, decBnadays ago asked kjyoungster what was mat- orating; Ac., Those who ' wish to employ to purchase should be in searimony. lie mistook the question for purga- me Can leave their orders at Bro. snows desiring I ltf W. H; CRAWFORD. son. MA place or state tory, and promptly answered: House residence. my present J.E. JOHNSON, St. George of punishment in this lifb where some souls Log I will shortly have on hand a complete suffer for a time before they go to Heaven." COMPOUND tock of Paints, Oils, Varnish, Ac., Ac. CorxcnJ ? FaiEiros.ni Its the perliee, leek wi the bre-kmum, as found tha airy-gat- a in an Vs wailin wi ma iq the a it, key kitccn to soe if tha thrives is a cornin hsut of their idin places, mum. en Jesxt, Wuxas abx You? An absent nifo for advertised a bean has by weeping Will, 0: Jane, your absence will ruin me. Think of f J. E- - ' 8. RUSSEL St, George Utah, April 15 lb68. ll-l- SOOTHING SYRUP. i. . mi A snprior Medicine for Whooping -the childron, you parents, your husband. Cough, CoiiKk, Colds, Hives, ai.u - Return! return! eU iqay.. yej. be .well. At all affections of 'the Throat, or Lungs: any rate endow Ihehoyjf the enpbeard where ' the fil is." . ... , , 1 !' vr 4 gives immediate relief nothing bel . 1 mint leave' in rid when be bid hit friend dis-gv- tt, a hudtr-aton- u. . as. good-nig- ht the daxkey during ter can be used. Sold at St, George Drug' 5 tor & Nursery Uuty ehoiM, nl fc Garden. riri mictiti of rapes, kih azot- t FL 0 WERIjYG SUR UBS! ic, aad hardy aorta New varietiea of applea Koaea, Bast varieties of STRAWBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, and RASPBERRIES, Flowering Tiaes aad other dcairahlo plant for chard aad Garden. For aals fy cash orgraia. Zaqairo at tho mTImm OBeo. fit. Qoorgo Utah, Ott, SB IMS, imiilT (PO(L(L Will eleanse tho Blood, remove Billions Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relieve Dyspepsia, break up Billions and other Fevers, step ileidaohe, drive away Flatulency rnd Loss of Appetite, kelp a Bad CiIj, cure the Jaundice, to be he best family Pill in exisand-prov- or- tence. Sold at 6T. GEORGE DRUG STORE flFMoney refunded when satislacti is not given. e |