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Show f. r.f Puntouatild iwiitaiaJ A bkltditr of- bmul ia emniij;with aoma Indiof taiijo;o miitofi rbutwLoro, having ' Jlust two 01 three jfrtbor) uum bf ike ladies addrursinj; him, naked; Pr ay, sir, what are the ability ul of his eocapa ' boP To which, tienr-h- e immediately replied.' ,MMaduui, th. bait psrfaiheuee 1 oaanot soil lower lhaa tbrev4 Lilli E. - A .ilOSEY I" ,MolEXMLfi'ltisft '-- JMMJVJh OFAQGICI r v, . Now pubiidhfiig ih the at Pun' filer j aud buy yiXlA? far Gallcasilv.:. : ever-mindf- I . in ?n AQAZiNEl UTAH ' The grim remintlo atory, mill'd, H A ROE D ! M i i!.. will buy, on 'Commission, . HOS1ATE . oK oo & (RmiPiM .. Invoice ..... Prices, I ' . . , titd aniimailsil &jM; axii miles East of, 'Kegs 6-l- m. - paps (Durango , A :T a nn1 ertr y lv' , ill.,'-- ' Brown footed. Vines : l V - niiUCroiiors J r? M,",'SUt a ,r- (Jowhide, Kip, cnlf,Jb r. font akin. Harnese LeatiiiiVfi imir l discussion. ,Dd Exhibit.', J. Johnaou. F. lby;;oferyid ichanir tor graia anJ.oherpsodkci. ,ii ParowAQ Utah Ani SPECIM m E X 5 of 'A kr Vf ssirahlo Cowers, for whlciia. liberal ro W1ld . specimens of pressed leave era ef tbs ahrut or plant. tBd" It'yr- - t -- St. J. E.-Jokxes- ..A George Utah, Mnj'27 1B0S W varnr S.JL '! Wool Carding IJavirg reVed tk first. class r , reral. for - 5i ! h nuT78ltlSni8IltS! IM6W lock cut for Theives TES DOLLARS REWARD aro-'eb'T- tc. sbonu esu i L.?. eriiHj! ScO : J E. Johns.-:;- . jn CXc;,.injffi 'j' ga .is are Si Cei Utah. De 9 CS ! i ! ! CLAES. CROSBY & Bid I 'ii C untv, siihsrril-- fin Ah Cfeik, li Wv-hiii- gt redi:ich emv, r.r iinu-- e l re-- l nare, we. I tuoke to the barn c-.- iU , hr-ii.de- rKrJ sot f'rs o'd tv,o return tli bli ve d iii'oiniM ion vhi err-h- will a :iiiii:il orgV! !cid to ln'r rrcovu.--j i i.eeivu III. abuv. r.w.M. 11 per-o- rs , : 11 ; Jjtl li.juhnton j wart-e- cheeing. or any ' ; rvh ch COO ni!l I ment Jcas cOiMs of potatoes pv. delivered at ber, lauhel pay as abovo. B. II. Call-- ! J. Hsmkltn. or at my store lvd!nJc. led FOR SALE. woiriss. about 20 )ards settle A Fishing Inquire of tha 370 of 2T for lull purpose I oTrrfor isle lay !lo.t::taai ia St. lirnrfe, of 5 acres en vnl-ueb- which is c'oaa aitua:J thv pie lent volume of the vsut; orchard this Ofli:e is for et or figures. 2 pvi 2'JdO ePrinSat a thriving at Claes work dona l viaes Ao at low' BROOMS ! ! BROOM 3 ! Tot aalo at1 the D ug Store. StGcoUuh ! 26:10-- 1 w. HGUMIL ! Raisin, Peaclies, Cnne Orapia, oi roots, an those wlio iliecorer new I ried pesche-- , Tematers; for sale at tha orotherwiso valuable Bpecimene St Geo Store. Off Drug Botany, OLEANDER ! o bring lhc::i to me and they shall be sat A few fine potted plants for sale ready isfactorily ic warded. fur Uohseni. I. E. Johnson. T. F.. J ;kr.90ii. St. Geo. Jane 21, 1863. r. :& ; w - (V-- . ut yf Q, tr & w WF all BIGHIX i II A1 1 Sill Oil O' Arl toNMiviMitoa ! acres mdr sr a C I Stablos. ! I I ! -- ? I Twelve acres of Ha t, Utcih. 7 ai tn land near by rW together or in parcels to t suit purchaser. Apply to the undersigned at Esgte-Yillor t0 J, Johnson St, Gcorcs, Jos Heeroft. r e. July 20 lifts C, Xeeereft BOXING 3IETAL. ltra'.ura ta tha Editor, aad rceeira kia thiahs. wise fcaa f Sal. fox Bale 24 Tw.v houses with two rooms each, oa god lots in town, with Kraals. Yards, sad ! wm 0,1 ,.-- 6. SNOKT.. of moat excel lect tillaole land at Eagle fur any sort ef graiu'aaj long ville suitable ' fenced and in crey. well vegetables u; IUriij T",!,M wark T AnplafUraga Idle undersigned have aiaaiax. apwpw invrraU U Sothalr work proparlj a ad will dltpatch I oi u tiauaiUi Ural u liatarlal for kailiagiad aloa your uiUa. Vtal'.BS. all raaly I ' Let us use the Medicines that grew the Mountains and slop importation nixes: wises t pure wisps midI have a well fitted Laboratory for die- Choice purevrinos for the aUk and those neediag pure atlmulante at the St. George j tilling Eaen!ial oils and preparing extracts i and invite ali who luve Drug fttorf. ns wwt j ! Mom ftlanufacivr Dec it CS. DUGAS' a i S. M. Bla:k. Ediicr. i t Para fer COTTON GIN Fir le for gfiia, stork, msxhanlixe or tlhiT good props. ly. WHEAT. fcktngU fur W H X CUSTOM WORK. 20 -- tf a K. Thom vs. OUR)J Xj Fru. GOOD Juab nl UiaL Ccnntici. Keeps s complete esaorlincnt of Botanical family madi vines for as'cauil trusts by strict drcmptly attended to. attention to business to merit tko confidence ef Grain. Mf tea public. ISIS: let. Mona, Ang. 'f Thunxs Aiibcaa. ULroio. ST m 1 L L 3 FLOUR the ptfoplo to er firat-cla- aa P Ur Air. OFre his prM.i?ioiial arrrieea surcesrful operation at wiih all the latest lmpravemtstsaad am article of perpared to turn out a 1 Co., If x aw. uai-runn- B :o t ! In a new 0 ICC 8 Geo. W. Jo!ssson, 91. D. ! T.V IX-.- i WASHINGTOil, STRkVB'S P '.TENT Sccl'y. fic j: ? Oct 20 lCb8, in Gb.rcr, is LaUngs. fcirelv to the Dixie oil Company. Ttm8? I Prr.vf. Sledjca rt Pj t p I hire row scticiicd fer the liora - j o d - t. v CU. - Jo! n5on. itOUNEl) produsc S'. OUi WORKS ilixt exdu Ft. ifea hsv-i- i GO $5 v i! I way peit or interest i:i the spring cr let', i ctLi.ccled wi'.h ti e A. j . '" A,U' I,"l!1 ,J'' of or ainl 3,75, HIETENDED OWNER. ) cctter.'vl TV R1;( St. George. Utah. May Al any f 4 pVT'T'T' A W.n'e.1 -- At pI HT'.CK. againei pur d a 1 hav? : . WRfillNQa are TT i rd bv ti o clr.b. VYri. Brunch, Ufn J",-- . Ri:if fi du'the Iclt thiili. Wh'eer will J. F. ST, (iKORGi:, UTAH r an.- - aud i.a tiii hft yLuid-t- r vary piatM, also A il o- - 3-y- ear icals g-- der-ire-d r;- . or Stolen, Strayed & Carriers at view, rr Taaiscrs Irrm Ihe for G snii Par s nan 20 A pi. 186$, n, 1 i Gasan 12-- tf .ProPewd to iTGrv eed of rare wild Gowers by mail, ! til . p-- Fn rl,i be cnbne.t. i Kuh-- pro-p.- v. I. 5 puttii jr It up in rrovvan(andbs resiv lo rce.ve woolstid deliver roll a by the 1st uf May. ,w.. iv 4 I reepactfull eolicit iho pa!roage.. f he cUzena cf Dixie and adjecest fi nr iaul Kii Uh It S TUai iai i rm x. Madiius owned hy Bro. E Snow, I lnrjfe. :A - la paid, if aceompaaiadb ward will 1 . I'erS. . 20 461. Seeds of all' beautiful even-Ji- g MT' AVa.h:it e drva-,.- i .. ' frui:. and vegetables every Tuesday nt 7 o'clock. j ' ? Gardeners Club! if SF,:i 1,ijn ef fruit grows . in the gar Jauan Club Hal, ' h.ld b will Vwh. f b rt. ilvorge. on the ervaipg of first day or. (.'tinfcreuvii SP, FiJay i'r ?h rititin-plci- l 1?Cii. All wbo fat-- iularnfUJ, a y ... fa i v n eariTer.tion ilJ and Allen Purifiers. Keep oa hand a:-iV- in A I f Tfinnera ds number, , ope article' f oji Fine iftlc leather, frajwisco, lct -- . . f- I i M p i. r ! - t ? SAN SEHNARdlKO, ill 1 i : ' SO whaC-dbn't- itf.'' ! yood r s t .PROVISIONS . v T - ND i - I'? .itwf . ! d ca- : HAY ilni saxon Rings, The last Ilall was once feeing tLe light .of Dont fa the people, either- - EA ST or WEST; will -Bnlwer, UPWARDS ; will give. reeoire $1,00,-anPair, when ha was attracted' h y the the.Ti'hy aeaad ifa yry load violin ia a taut llo cn ' anl Uteusly- excitiug and thrilling -. ivrad and' laid to th3 player: ; My good fri- itoryof aad.de ye play by note?'-- "The divil a not:. tAT: ' r9z . sir.';.1 Do you play by ear, thin?' Never ; - au How thou?! or. hen ear, your doyoq play, v cvfbrated those Just writers produced by ' By uiaiu strength, bo jabera! v . , Chae. lleade and Dion. .JJoucicault. . $ f i I ' . . with 'A until percent and friegbt.1 Miitcr, 1 say, I .don't suppose you deal ! wnrd that Nolle. Any person end:ng want to hire noknow a'f abtody 2?"SATISI?ACTI0Jf G7AEEAhTISD;J Ibey vll pay an soon as p'Wiible aftr body to do nothing don't you?, ike,, answer ' harvest incotton orwheat'wiil have llie Jllsi IgQCt For Carpenter and Co's. 'li - M Ye I don't.1' ' Magnzino forwarded to them. . , ; ; A Dutchman being naked lioir often he aha E. L,T, liarrisouTubliilicr Salt Lake ta rod, npliad. "Dra dirata-- a . rook .every, . City. ' i but aedatay) den1 l'sbaves livery Give me a Call! . ? JOHN TYMM. ,ri D. KtKofcg Jut. Liitfmrth, I. til Hail, FEtUT GROWERS, ATTfefcONl ' Tf e hope that thoce wo waie appointee II LIN FORTH, KELLOGG, & RAIL. as visePreridcnlacf the Rocky Mountaii I am now pruning' my. and have, Cn.,) (Suteetttrt toL. Jt, Bcnchley Ftnielogioit aoeiety, will each, take earlj to ; wii-t'r a I M P. O a T I a S..AJI.D ... J O B B EKS 0 spsire, iinite varbtvo? cnit.rg-o organise a lecul , ireuck,. ir is the l.ml tieuon f jrjdauliug; bo livetape AMGRICAEXGUSn A G&mH their ewii "ward, Collect; fee,' heir ef ly if want to invest. d J; I! 'Johnson- :o:ar,c3L,,w-2rewhieli may Le kept 'ami used lor current Igricul ural lsr.pl.jn?Bt & lining Tceli. f xpr nais bC Ihe hYanrh, Uie renrindef. wi k A os. 3 and b Vront Street, ! I forwarded to the Secretary r Hie ijmae,. BSEAB.BAOSKIY, I !m,c a fw I.ps vt clu.i o feregn, Ifaia Wane.ie to be apts.t ia ,imp;rle-j; ; i Raia'n. r e and table grapss, for aali SM v for the herefit of the acieci.viou.? i , -r Cash o gi, ii. Orders solicited. TTillthnaa who dtVine to. act. report, tc 13-- tf J. E 'their E'lhcp, Tho is rrijnealed to select a vice .provident for .bit ward and report 77 31 IJ TO PLAKT. to Secrotary Era neb. Fall and winta- - is 'he to plar.i J.. X. Johns sn. .' trpi til vi iks. I aui now nnu inir. tikiny T; 3rT1 p-- tirg o it, fruit and ocn&mentel 17 eat R. M. Fruit Crwtr aeseciatien Tat St. Ceorre, Gardentrt Chii, tirr.-- . alit vii.ee. h i! .!a la. I cm w i ti1 v in limit'd ;uv:iiity frm a ; has a fine Ilill-wh- erc thev meet, fer IibWal lij-Lro- ;i i'tKj:i ! -ruBAPtEYi5'! i Ola SfJltt9j SK2 I firm Barrawai A stock of (ha best nHal for in)1 I aclilliery, Rill a had (raw R.Saaws anr halldias Will lha party ha kiad aaansh to ralara it e PASSIFLOR fw fluu it tti A haattifll ill t tti prapacatiai (ritili J. 01. of graiQ-Iequir- fr Sulti, k pi ftt O ! XT tiibli faiitcd vsrtatj of this oroepiog alao, nacfal Bad St. Goar;', Clah, ! exchange for (be Times Ofiioe. OT kc., S box- - rintUfn t. Jonxsov. Ahtary lronaloao J SO, IMS I 3XT hroakar-T- ho -- 33oaaitToit aw oar V rvil praporty at! p7ils f , sirfritwait.1 . SV.Goargo, (Ma.J- Utah, Oat,K 1SS3, a, - j 5ai Ma ,Sm w ill r&iA - ; . i- . Wfr - Wj .MHH' & |