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Show v? ... I "' 4 !. v-r -- ; Vv ; t .The, Eacuaut. The Escuriai is the jump up and down, each feller takes Jita of of Spain, one of the gal back to places; right ladv spin right tbe,Kiuga palace largest and moat magnificent in the world gentleman, left gentleman spin Iqft lady, all It wss!; cemmencec by PMIip 11, in the twist each other, dai it over.. again,, repeat, 1S62, and the first c at or its erection once more, keep it appall turn .round, all U pubRshtd every WEDFESDA Y year SEEDS, SEEDS! was 6,000,000 of ducats.' It formsJa vast turn each other backwards, sideways, each For Sale, Seeds fresh and pare of morning atihe Times buVdinat George square of polished stone, paved witimar-I- f couple spin tother conpfe,' cross over and nost vegetables needed for the garden, Utah Ter, i,' may give some notion of the mu and a eholee collection of Flower Seeds prising grandeur of this palace to oh erve Eoirui WoaiEM, If marriage, Store. 1. that according to , the computation of able. male and female inevsry 3 at .'I GRECIAN BEND, George Drug Massachfoettt . r -EiancieCTti dejos. Sai.tes, it would take were compelled te there would be . .i-more than four days to go through all ibe over 60,000 women marry j in State left withthat TO SPRVEFORgr rooms and apartments, the length of the out males. . , the She platform stepped upon first-rat- e set of Spanish way being reckoned thirty-thre- e Her grace I cant forget and which hundred above one is leaguer, AENOINEERSINSTRU SURVEYORS For, cb! that Grecian bend of hers are fourteen There miles. Tito Josh Billinas Papers. twenty English SALE. FOR MENTS . i ; ;5 r Clings to my memory yet. thousand eleven windoors thousand and Her smile was like Uia sunbeam; ' Inquire al the Tikis office. dows belonging to the edifice. An Assa on Long Braneh. Her bonnet some you be1: ITurMBGs. Use But that; lovely Grecian' bend others are a fruit of Nutmegs Was the beeriest bend 1 met " which grows in the Molucca eauiiful tree j Branch ia a work of natur, and la Her waterfall ws gorgeous, " alauds, and in other parte of .the east. a Linj ... job. good all who saw, content il i he parts of .(lie. tree a re aromatie, bat And the to attend will The undersigned It is a summer resort for men,? wlmmln o ily (hose portio s ef the fruit called macs That her grace w as never .equated oxcaution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and children, especi illy the latter nl uu m;s are inukittble. The entire By the flaraoga bend. Children Deeds- of Trust j Powers of Attorney, , But ala!. are, sa plenty herr, and as sweet rult is i f an oal form about the slae of a for. maiden beauty flowers aa in an out-do(jontraots, and all other Official Busigardin. c J. " Bust will return te dust, . The uu'me is the innermost kcr-ii- l. peach. They play in the sand for work, and git ness required of a Notary Public. . And the most enchanting bender It in surro-iudeby a skin, which their feet wet for fun, Times , rooms, Office at Rio Virgcn Is doomed to moti and rust, peeled off, constitutes the maco of com-- , see who one woman but' didnt I was In stooping to asntne her seat, mete. The tree yields annually three dressed too St. George. ekonomikal, and her dress waX Public. to but Ml lisle The first one, which is gathered E. must) ( crops. J. JOHNSON, Notary enuff at the bottom, bat the long 8 m whsleboue thing tint staid her up in April, is tbe best. The others are plenty side of her shoulders , seemed tew front " Beut djuh'.e auJ then bus gathered In August and December.. Good lack something.' utmigs should bo dense and: heavy and 1 put up at the Continental Hotel near ree from worm holes. An attempt has roof the of the building, from choics Lost Fouud. AND been to cultivate nutmegs in the SHAVHa, HAIR DRESSING, I kan that this house i kept a good say West Indies, but without success. SS AKFOOIHO, deal, without nent ra lixing my dignity, f r Some yearn ago two hoys, whPe pity-- The Not I paid the same priee that the rest oi the Yua Ciiildrx!' Priyokk sr the sea, found a divine 1.1 THE BEST STYLE, AT ing upon a cl ff did for my yittles. wisdom forbids boarders ignorunt ar.d passwhich a dog was worrying. ionate voting sea-bir- d snCh an I shal attempts at impossibility. pul up here'agia when I kum if TOKIL.tlV 3 It would have been kill id but for them I straddle the ridge pole. lew not hive Fathers, provoke your c.ildren,lest They drove away th do: an.l cirried the th-- y hedio3onrgad.M On this prohibitory I never leave a good hotel for si belter s MrJ, nearly a large as a gooie, sifely Mr. Barnes says; He who one; I learnt this fishing for frogs. If I'm 0X8 DOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING OFFICE Imtie. There it was shut up l;i a clop, preerp find fault-aptly with a child, who is where tbe frogs bite goodjtuls my puddle likptlie hens end chickens, fed andkindiy always satisfied with whit he does, who 1 have known folks to swap a good horse never cired for. It soon became quite tam and frets, and cmiplains, let him for a poor one, jist for the sake of. 910 J. E. JOHNSON, and manifested cons! ant affection tor it scolds, will, breaks his spirit, an 1 soon tew boot dosahe Auction and Commission Merchant , little in isters, who felt quite proud or the up with me at the same drstrnys. iu pfthe delicate texture of hi soul Mywite put old resu'ft of the'r cere desirST-in Intel iz an faihiored waj we have St. George, Utah, all wcILwThechild, jit doing And ihu-- weeks and mon he rolled on U to of over effort soon -- eceive and doing gives ns instruc things. every spair, Will dispose of, In the fail of the year tl.a bird bei ig She always goes to fashionable resorts. becomes morose, sullen, stupid he please, Grain Merchandise, Goo the ted. Is, Wares, coop was occiaioually and indiffereit as to slial ho dooi, since where young widders aro euny ways plenty very t:ma. ed to g t Stuck &c. upon liberal terms. opened an-- tin piieoier all (hat he doe meets with the same re- i? put me on my guard, for I'm one of the near the which to tiie coit, buys lived from the parent. eazyst critter j on record to be imposed Bit it came regularly borne at night, re ception WHEELWRIGHT I irs supper along with the rest o Gold that Glittrrs. Not upon. not Alls ceivirg She has saved me (by the hair of the made or repaired, and usua the biddies, end crept to !ta nest to repose a Vermonter since looking nng green six times already, from WAGONS dene on short notice at s the cold winter pavd awv, avd spring walked into the store of Dr. C. T. Jack-se- head) more than spilt by the widders. cun. One nigiit til bird whin had been the chemist and addressed him as being She iz an ornament tew her sex my car d fur so well wis missel. It die follows: wife ix not come In mo. T ie next day and the Dr. Jackson, I suppose? I would like tew see a young widder, cr next went by, and still the coop w is empty sir. Tea, enny other man, get the start of ms when 1 lie fact was, i hi boys h'rHiai been alone? (Are you my wife iz around. mixed awa.- I cannot re-l- r into sir. say Yes, If I jist step out sudden to get a soder had company. Bat i1: Iml j.i i a flock Mav f lock the deoil cocktail tew cool my aching brow, my on it way north, ai I fl wn wi h the rest lie did so, sod having looked wife goes tew the end of theverandy with P.eieiiHy tne bays begin to c nnprehem the sofa nnd satisfie d himself that me, aud waits for me, and if i go down on he dfficuliy, and as a milter of course else was in the room, lie placed to the beech, to astronomize jist a little 'hey ha I to have a g w I cry about it bundle done up in a yellow bandana, bn all alone by moeonlite, she stands on the D73M They had really learned to love their bird, on the table and opened it. me warn beacon tew a like of bluff lite, MlJljlttilj ua&W, and lo parj Wjjjj t f ,r u,in, was a severe ' ' look There. at that Doctor, bieikers the er roo, anJ those who discover new ell- - . Thai j, n VC y uaiural. for stid the doctor I see it. "Well, No man woze feet are slippery, and or otherwise valuable specimen no matter upou what creiure be- What do you call that, Doctor? liaiat bin accidentally insured against who htowtd,evir brg. ts kindness, and to part I cu.Il it i ou pyrites. recent widder, ought to be allowed on the w ith sii object that we lore is errr pai.,ful. exclaimed the man, isnt that Beach without a wife.who understands her WhttP to bring them to ir.e and they shall be sal Some of my readers will, no doubt, stuff gob1! bizz. isfactoriiy rewarded. an'iripata the end of my so y, for many for No, said the Doctor, its good biggest thing they have got here, J. E. Johnson. similar event are recorded. O.ie cold nothing, and putting some over the fire forThe the present, is a pool or water in front w- -r St. Geo. June 23, 1868. oiitumn day, as the at plav ia in a shovel it evaporated up the chimney. or the hotel. This pool said by good judges their yard, tlioy saw a Hack of sea-birsaid the fellow, with a woeWeil miles 3000 be tu long and sum places 5 eoinmiug towards them. fCeirrr and n car- - begone look, theres a widder woman up mile thick. : er iLey came, iiutil at hst, to their infinite In our town has whole hill full of that. 10 at this Into clay oclock, every pool, whole (Wk se 'leJ upn the bcca ani malrik herr surprise, the folks all retire, males and' feraahs ioru of A pair Sorgum ground close at hand, and thelargestl and widders, promisknss. waddled along toward them quacking J A vmdaxt youth thus explains tlio rollers for salt, inquire of The tables aro full, nv, yittles. and the most curiously as she rame. It was the qmdrille; re W. both bocJ to both of J E. Johnson. then loth.rj) bird which had flowu away in the spring, now rvt'irne 1 wi h her youn ones to claim then th. fldate tank.:, and tl.o opened and shut in fronr ov me for I grabbed her female baud, she five hospitality for the wiut.r! You may im- started, minutes, az eazy as a jik knife,, that t. zed mine; we bo!h slung each other, agin, if you ran, the delight of the bovs, sq bin recently greased. had aud indeed that of their parents, at this b it she slung the most, because I think last touch of civilization has finally The lie loved me for a little while, then we instant of aliection. Words canuotd; St. George Floral Gardens, reached Long Branch, Some enterprizing You may make up your min.l changed bise clear acres the room, jumpA nice collection of bedding k missionary has just opened a lab house i that tlaa fleck was not tuned adrift, ed up end down ever si many times, then where all kinds ov gambling iz taught. mg lants, for tale. Chrysanthemum (though for a Ipag Urns the young one me and my dear dosed a doe and hopped at 3 oclock p. m: leave I Verbenas. Stooks. ransies. Ice plant were pretty wild, and did not take a skipped end jumped home again (from a to sign sliare.)ihen we two lorard four, A TALE OF WOE. . Geraniums, Oleander. Putonias. and kindly tithe boys asthemoihr did. Ah, one X we ladies turned 2 over, chinge, . well; they did not know them as 1 many other vatielies. her band in mine, I cl.ireT I twice, s.dewajs. skasshayed Casket and Plat; mate. tiny slfjped bickd to place, she dittoed; side couples her beauteoH form; I vowed to eh -- it I ' J, E. Johnson. ! have discov- this wav, si.!e couples tother way, side from the wind, and from the worlds sold ntjriu. Prize Your Mothi. iu a loiter to a couple turn gentlemen, side couple turn She set her beauteous eyes on mine, the tears id tbe ered (Is Gray, poet, 6. HI. BLAIR, little tluy lipeahe said, very known, Indies. Ldies tun side couples, gentlemen did wildly flow; and with her young fried)a thing 1 You mo , . . , . let turn side all , hands round life back one etupid, go ones never , AT ia couples, that cu which LAW. ATTORNEY 1$ first feller take side You one than more mother, again; have gal, Poetrt. All poetry is but thejenohiag. out opposite may Itf think this obvious, and what you St. George, Utah Ter. may call sling her round, taks your own gal, and of the soul, all painting, whether in wordsoc a trite observatioa. You are a green toiher fellers gal forard and back, twist colors, for something better; brighter, ' fairer -ge. very near both gals two times, sling em to oppesit than it has yet seen, but which .itu&giaisiou gosling! 1 was, at the szmo w V a wilt as you, and vrt never dl covered feller, let him do the same as you did, prophesies is yet to eoine. Is , je JbrigUtax; this with lull evidence an- conviction, 1 and back to pisses; light gentleman bal- tints, more indestrnetible loveliness than this & mean till R was toe bate. It is thirteen ance to heavy lady, dupl cate, promenade world contains, but which even its disuppoiut-mont- s y, all gals get ia the center, fellers get hold and defeats foreshadow; and which will years ago, and it seems to me but as euca of down others aud hands, bop up sad every day I liveital.ks deepcertainly oome, or hope, aud faith, and leva over arms ladies lidios Ufa hesrtl waterfalls, stoop would not be, er into isins Cork RIO VIRGEN TIMES : back,' - .',i- L '" -- : ", - . 1 A f . , B9$a? , - or vomsq&ial. - and . m-i- u-- e. shaving stLoar 1 - . i p-r- mit n, - tr;. . klnd-produe-n- p, S ds CANE MILL. 7c ! - 1 u, - dci?f 8.,? fiK HOUSE PLANTS, t-!- ?? . ow inti-maUl- y. . , CROSBY & GLARE. -- Tanners Carriers - ST, GEORGE, UTAH, yei-terds- uy 'Jsv - '; ';cf- W "srsr W: AW uu. - : 'p 1A S r f ."m1" r. "w .. ; iWl' y. iY W ' -- ' vVs ' O i: |