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Show eaflUm JU liars tolled aVdfs.r aisled on Tor years, and .WViBh ami hard' overcome, net 'only sF , u sterile,; but drserct Undo; together with., all the atlanHaut privations and auacyan-ca, of a ncyrnd fro ml lie . parent, l ar dia tar.t Settlement reaping the rlch'rfeward ' h , fV o - of years of toil. Thus do we not, snl feel joyous, when wa tea the persevering and industrious, Missionary to Uuse desert vbo by lieir faith and work, ami .h blessings of the 310 VIRGEN TIMES Almighty, gathering' wander ful yoilds of fruit, tfroin trie; vine, and' plant, and making hoinaaiid friends more happy and ; ' IS PlBIA&HED. by - hoard no more, of war The tocaok , and the laborer and mechanic, have return . , iW r Veil-.-.ed to tbvlrtoiL - .7. . 'The "Hoy ''speak" well of their ofilcers and.allsseMi pleaded and satisfied, with. the f.i Geiu'Suow la forwarding promptness of al.Ltfcey needed.' supplies On Monday night the i'Sogerboys Were given an entertainmehlat lha llall when ali felt eay.'wlion johnny earns ma.rcliing home,but as we were not amoag the fahow : good a vored fow, we cau'c-repotime was hod - "i f - j. -- rt m- ACM(7flC!t;SIEpS.! f I j ll LI v adu rdtiuers' club. ; Ficin B.o Me IX ua Id the Correspon li .e Seoretpry of Lbe.Prgva OjLEdincrs Club, last mail $3, rubvcriptlou --Ti mos; thefirst or. fee, fjr tier of ibe kind we have received from auy we received tlie-UioViRG- Culihithe Msy they prosper, Ihey : TfrrUorvl'-,lJA"'i- as. they daseyrs rlia l iavg ourTaith,; I ( LOOK OUT FOR HIM 1 -A mlseraWa swindler calll e bimsalf AIcKS?, stalled with a 18 "year old a wife mounted south,' a upoq .the pack aaaijil, Fflgiimi s I h ! V v hbun i for AV zone rh's surakiug, u iscrupuloua li.tr seemn.l , of-seaa- e' 1 J 3-- ? . 4 ecinfartable, through Ilia abuudance (if. lha choicest fruit of the earth. ST. GEORGE UTAH. for the teni- Nearly all the list of fruits .v ." Witotsdij Decrabtr !), 186!, perate zone, have, been . anecasefully , and here and iii' Washington, tha Elitar' Insl.i- S. MsssroleChioago III. i ftaeiy grown here, and we much doubt, City Iowa, P. U , for cat ded, ths' D. of a forced receipt. Saul and Joku Washington whether there is & country or climhtej oa TEUMS: m alox'uei, price lUiaaiid mannUBlaj To . fruit Per 85.1)0 I 3 Monthe, 82.00 this continent that reidily products Weather. Is generally pleasant through I. EUlat Secretary of the Ameiieau the Months, j 3.00 I Single copies, 26 cfi,such .xcellcnce. ai.d vanaty, and so but day, chilly at night Mercury run-lu- g Social y, for lWe rrpo'rt f t.hPt ' free from all anemias an 1 dpwn to 309 eo velimes.1 Kate of Advertising: .fer US3 a very iiderosting volume. ' A "squire" la'tl.e" spare that 19 lines of Going Ahead Tile workmen ar push-in- g To H.A. Chaver Frove Utah for Raarbury r Frcns two old Black Hamburg, jair .jpe, this siia, will occupy. ahng oiir new. Taferriaclu. Tne water othoV plants te ll. A. in our ;garJon.i last Spt?ni!er we grape;' peach, and Tints 1 square orlras, ent insertion, $20t table is cimp1etei and all tb jois'.e aal Terry, for .flowering bulbs: To ;JI. l)rbj other Bassmeut of finely 1 fruit, from 1 0J Bash subsequent insertion, : picked, 33 timbers .in plies.' rps.it I Casadaga N. T. for rare plants an 1 seeds ' ' V. ,! single visas. B. Lewis Silt Like, for fine , Bro, David Itoger tb ..wls-anJames Ta One plant of Mueest flsmburg The Position. onlyei move W. II To J. v!ey up for a large and tatty j dw!ig-i-Iil- i Cipt. jros? parit: old from (ha cutting bore four ii year . .. elsmaata ef a for fins seelling apples (we name thm along Davil, you Java, IT have reluctantly, bean forced to the clusters of frnit. ; a iae aadheautiful hemCt .;t Hiwlav1 Red;) te J. W. Oaklay-feA vine oftha Vhite Malaga of the asm a coaslaaLn that the people of Southern hoice I ease plant,'air Teamed aince our oir Selyiol Ifoujft Just pvaf'b-jon- f Utah are yet quite unprepared, to sustain age, bore 13 bandies, an.! a two year old i do foil Wc f:r au-issue. last grateful vV othe always see lushhsradoJjjie dwalling a homo newspaper, Not so much perhaps I Ftkar Zgos producednsar 43 lb of fiaast wa say so or uoki whether, such favoii warJ Sj'iojI bjililiug .material .to r, o'r for want of numbers, or mvant, as want grapes. House. Bro. Tush CapcU id, along of Ir.ellnation, appreciafiveness or a sense I Tfc hid cherry trees one year of Fruit row era. Xsitliig I ef the necessity of such rm Instil ut Ian as bud, loaded with frail, and one apple. tree a heme newspaper, 'when papers from other I but 3 years old from the bud that bare 33 On the 20.h n!t., tin fruit growers Trotr ar ar.d distant lands can be had 12 & in weight. large applas-nevarious 1 cr.litls met In connection with I These are net solitary instance cheaper nr It. M. P. Asccli tion ul the Gardeners I V 33, wa of our labored fruitfuleats have la starting the times soil when feiliizad Club BalMri 'his CUr. Tl Htt?nl.iu?e great under many and great disadvantages, for and well cultivated as. large, ?.nd BT HONEY LOCUST. want of proper help means and meteiia). ' For rpenirg grapes, our hog ssasous The specimens of wl:e were not tin HI Iliad our aulscrlbcrs come for wajd and af regular high temperatnre Is unrqnafi! m crons, bn' sc:ns of marked excellence I am c of 6 1 tiers. iiupotcu ai.d the ' matailul flavor assistance La ca the . and of our fruit due, as and good givsn auy Uract.d much ait. lio taiaattt' 7. girl urn. help could have been obtained, and a Tem in the world, It is only a question of SpHSimri.of OU lif-nhlbfcd by i, a aumir. would have bean time: Southern Utah will yet te noted for Bro. B. F. Psnalevon, aul simi Isabela nlar and readable 7. is useful. 1, 3, 3, fiirrltbrd. its choice fiaita and wines. and Slick Himburih by W. E. Dideej 5, 0 , 7, ia a boys nm. ' TTe have very hills iacuma. from rk were r ckoned the bast. Ther were mviy 8. 7. 3, 7.1, mmoer. er Advertiitng, thus rely g upon 1 liains. some large a: d Tr-- ' Indinu Troubles. of fppciniua My whole is S'Mneiinni trublevisie. fee sto meet the current da ly Some three weeks eg, lone of oir fine from Malagis. Muscatel, un i Fch?r Answer is rq I'et'.i. For this, car books show less thar. ly indians came in with ths atartli ig raws Zagos anJ filial nev!y imported eo?te 300 prying names, and now, when the first that a Navajo trail hid been discovered T?:re.was aeo son bunches of cr.pes j volam is over half issued,' but about one fading from the mountains to ihe river fresh and sweet, lirgefpsejnms of appl-s1 T7hj-itbs getting of a aaral ronrt on tenth oftha subscription price is paid and within a few miici of this place, In their pear, pomegranate, canned fnrt, fi;s, board ship like tb Brst act ef the rbel;ien? 2 Why is a hungry man, wiitiag f.r bis of biaaistuffs, not 100 Bis has been receiv- fright thsy magnifiadth tries th tt suppossp nua strawberries and miy other brsakfast willing to be a martvr? ed. bar to over ICO. wsre fine and iuterestiug. aod but for it 3 VTlij was i'bsraeh's likt a brn- Haw esc anr readers expeat a very good Col. latsncsa would p iblish the. proceedings in ksr? Gen.' Snow hastily ; 4 Why is rkeuntaiisia like a glutton? r Vary regular paper, when they neithtr Pearce, an.l: Cap1. Copeland with such detail. 6 Vhj is a csrpeaUr more ogijr than other .furnish us nar our printer with neassary force as was thought necessary to hn.t : The. wines and fruits were amply test'd mea? 6 Whal is the difsreace h!irea:i a tsniur.v help, thereby farcing us from tk tripod, to the traps, and guard the passes tooths and merits discussed, afer. commiUers alabaeter? and a seek food and means to progress. made and wers their hid rf forts long Colorado Reconnoitaring parties; 7 Why is 163 yards like a sort AnTo give'our readers a aorrect idea of nor tent out, to scour I ha car.rtrv, and soon session, the Covention was adj uria.4, ger? An exllent spirit prevaiiei throughout 5 Why ii B an industriom letter? petition, and the poverty or illiberallty sf became aware of the fact that lha navajues ; the South, towards the 0 Wht quadrupeda are admit tad to bails, support of a home had been githering and driving od stock, TABLE. EDITORS eptra and dinner parties? press wo will nemo some of the twwns and ai.d soon Maj. Andrews came !a contact 10 Why is a retired carpsnfsr like a lectu Ivllrs is beautiful A tiodeys Edition, ritlo north, acd wtthin 103 miles of St. with a 27 o.T 2 indians of driving party for Dec. The number lies before us Oaergo, and give lha nuxber of subscrib. head of stock. The latter was oap'.urod BjoIs replelt w'.lh beauty, vigor, freshness, and or in oteh plaae named.1 end sent in but .the redskin got away r nil the azseUsneios of arlis'i' finish. Washington 23, Toq ter 4r Virga.n City 9 About ths aama time another party with time to subscribe, begin Now Bbckvi!le4. Kanara 2, Cedar City 3, Par- - a goodly herd of stock by some mans wi;h Jan. Our aubscribara can have it at on the table. w L Harmony none, Parag oonah none. To make a stomach oaks tika plenty esc4ped the vigilaneo of tbs guard, but olub rates. Andjn all the hvw and eitiea north of were bsieagu jred, by a party of 'of uuripe fruit. q,, h. iut named place not orer 30 Mhierlb- - tnm LoIg Vji:,r,tw0 njr.joc. hill.d Harps:! Monthly Magazine n aiiinitioa jca tr cam 3 tick a pin in r in lituary a baby. to bo ahead of ail competitor cr about three fourth; of the stack were eye: y thing sketches S. To make pastry neat!y-h- av merit. TL Deo. No Coataii Ujider. such an accumabitiah of discour capf ured cf iht Rhine, wertu a who .e rnike a hole in agemwnts, and the certainty that should 40)j Juat before (he last named events occur-- with scenery the ground and drop a toad into it. all our subscribers pay up promptly, that a patty cf Aiir new missiegarieg in year subscription wo atll should be largely a loser, it is hard Harpers Bsstr cf Fashiou is just ths charge of Joseph W. Young, on tt'oir way Among the la est inventio.u is a pushing along, but If all indebted will come fromiUs place to the M'iddy wereeucamp thing for tho Beau mende There is every-ihio- g rubber bath tub, libout three feet in a woman wants to know in fashions dianaetrr when along now and settle up we will endeavor ed near the Vitgm, with camp guard, spread out, which can to finish np ike volume with more regular needleand braidi'-gki.iuing 18 patterns, head of but stock ruining free, Abnut easily be stowed away ia a lady ity. If not, we shall have ts go slow and irat -- ork mules acd horses,1 (lualuliug work. The Dec. No. is full of interest. lachel. work the press af.er, having first worked the is most V Illustrated, were all of J. Mr. O'Dandy was bitten' on iho Harpers Weekly Youngs teams) quiet y for something to oil it snd feed the Printer. America boos in attractive morntho every In off lh Indians. neck picture diivea oy by a cowardly mosquito, at' 6:35 We bate Dunning all the time for what : for cverj-bodlast evening; ing a party pursued, returning lha e&me week, pictures new, pic:urr dae-ar- d now unless 2 three little oven Democrats miy hugh at their bawhusk Dick hax returned from bills are soon paid, we will receive cnly night. so are ' own funny. two years visit.: to the penitentiary, expense, they A few days later another party of raij for ions due. money snbscrip much improved in health. lie will era took off 27 head of work stick from Coming IIojik, M at cf our Citizens f . iho business of wood sawing s fol- who have bien near tne same point, Two the past' fail, soma resume Prolific Dixie,. at his old stand. lowed and recaptured 11 head. for businesr, and some for pleasuri:, have It is very agreeable in any locality. to The officers and men, horse foot and returned home to Dixie; we still miss a few A Qi ker in Philadelphia, disliking observe the husbandman rewarded bounti- dragoon have returned. On Sn..day 'overling last, Bro. II. W. the (Ksq.,' to his name advised a The rarajoesf barring the two who left fully for his labor and toil, in fertilizing at home with a small stock respondent lo direct his le ters to him nd tilling the earth. their scalps behind) hava donbtisss crim- oi goods oft.r an absejeo of near thres witntui any tail, and received a rpi That pleasure Is much enlarged and ed the Colorado with tha stoek they j supcrterilcdt month'-- . Amo Simih w.lhjat cnajndall. ' in gettirg off with. quickened when we behold those who any Ufl, PhiUdalptii. I w . i r vh-ti- . N F-R- Tit, i - i. , gon-ara- ll; 1 . , , 5 s L 1 1 ls . . i - r . . K . I J 1 h . I r 1 11 a ppr I J Job-wo- ia aub-acripti- l-- I Jfi . , s i . i . , if-th- e ! I Pi-u- t-: . o, , y, . . Fah-(Jte- nt-rt-h . cor-Midercrri- vel ! ; -- see-ered- fd |