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Show ,. . ,tf "' k: viffir iW? time; ago,1 person reaofd ;v tc :wame? .Jbp.rriiis0f topo ' lipp .;w V-Af '"1' ? tbfc i The andortigMd koAiw.onstaAUy oahaad ' : ' a supply of;' -- FOR SALE CHEAP U . X T wq r uv sAi. 1- 'V , r Weekly and Enlarged , i at Lowest Market Rates. - bm K n. Bf iffiJSb - 3j:'j V- .i $7 t 4r;i mss V J O a IS S OKS - at G STO RE, SU - GeorgOf t OiAh. may be found a good ;T .'. ff i w 'J well-assorte- d 6 v ! r-j . m yl i , ? v r bj j. . "S' - ' ' t,ff f SCO.S'FOe ?, r' - 1 .V; ,x j - : Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Storepsy, Cash cr Lead in exchange." Pottery ie situated r on th street running to Wash ington ' vcj : ; i1 fl.r -- v At'' I i - . ii - It is nothing MS seriena against n farmer to say . lottery anybody g Hf. dispatch rob him at reasonable wages. An nrcVin crawled into n sugar hogshead at n sifamboat landing.'. His first exclamation ; J. W. NIXON, was, Ob, for a thousand tonguei. Gixls A Coxposmox nr a rxty Small Copper, Tin and 8heet Iron Worker, Boy. I doht like girls. Girls is different St. Genge, Utah ltf fromwbat boys Is. --Girls don't play marbles and also girls don't play, hookey I ' played hookey once, and got' whipped 'for it Girls WHIPS AND LARIATS. sometimes get whipped, but not so zanoh as bnt JOHN LARSEN, boys. I ;nerersaa girls play base-bal' There is, plenty St.' . tbay say they do in Boston, All work ' in braiding, George. jof girls )nJ3oiton and big organs,. .Lost year hf when I was young, the vteaeher made me set AeMdone with dispatch. with the girls became I was haughty. I cried .Rig boys like girls better than tittle boys; I I one night with my sister want on a sleigh-rid- e Kaney and Tom Sykes, and when wa got a litI expect to'remsin in St- - George and tle ways from home, Tom asked, mo to look in contln-i- in the Business of painting, g; the bottom of the sleigh for his whip; while I . Ac., Those who wish to employ was looking, ho fired off a torpodo. I asked me Can leave their order' at Bro. nnows him if ho lied an more torpedoes, and. bo said ilouea my present residence. Ho, bnt be fired off another when I wasn't Log will have on ban Ja complete shortly, I Jpoklhg.' Girls dontlike tohaTO men kiss them. tock of Paints, Oils, Varnish, Ac., , Ac. They always cay Dont,". If , they wasnt J. E 8. RUSSEL : fools they would turn their beads another way, llrtf bnf they, nerer do that Isaw Temkisa Haney St. George Utah, April 15 lb68. and went and told my mother. Then my molhtf'paFme io'bed.' Girls get married some times, but Uet always. Those' that dont get married don't want to- - I7ben they gee , ' aiii' ct ti r. Vv-- isv; a ' 17' r ' . . fc- .. I ' ? I.' . .... . Also- . f i. t -- f , . to - ' v . but I dont ' : ; ' . i: V'V r ,fs r . TONIC PILLS, Will cure the Ague, Chills : and Inter- mittent Ferera immediately; ' . ' - ALSO is. ; si' . Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments mils ! ! Johnson, South Temple St., Sf.L&keCiry, ! ( I, illjlirlj 3 a . 3 F L-- 0 :VK RI JfG S HR V B J " SI 1 - . " J.11;1 ,Jinrr' osnonft, - 'M, res. r office. Agency for, Findlays celebrated Matches, wholesale and retail at ' ST. GEORQE DRUG STORE REGULAR . J.'S. Johnson Prei W H. Branch Sej , STRAYED! Several cows, Oxen, and' young ftock Insido on left shoulder Under St. George Apr,15r . I will reward tho J. EJohnonr - -- -- IIT . : PBiLii f (ripn, kU zt- lortiwKiw titiilliMf ipplMBiaei, S Will cleanse the Blood, remove Bijlicua - Jt at ibis ul ;iri Tit litin I - Nc-tio- ns, raaif-ketfign- Nursery. dk.Garden. 4 ' for iteh. Piles, Ao.' Hive Syrup, Competi tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, - and 'moil other popular Family Medicines. 7 . eee f n v r 2 CRAWFORD HOUSE, Washington. Ulah, Travelers sad Strawberiy Plants Flo waring Plants and Vines, House Plants, ete. Boarders scommodated with tho host As the above stock is small, those table comforts' tho msrket affords. desiring to purchase should be in seaI' ltf W. H: CRAWFORD. son. J.E. JOHNSON, St. George iCOJIPOOKD... . V - I - For weak, inflamed or troablea one Eye Lids, Sore Eyee, &o. A iso, Flowering and Fraiting Shrubs, SOOTHING SYKUP. hare wedding cake; ' any Tan in1 getting married especially to a j A f g For Rheamatiim and 'all diseases requiring outward applieati on for Man or Rtoat. The very beet llOree Liniment. Naflwe and Foreign Grapes. r A :, - vBhI atiU"pf. '' edicine Jot. JL supriorJI Whooping STRAWBERRIES, . ' Cough,' Coughs, Colds, Hives, at.d GOOaLBERRlESrrad .fMc.'i 'V u. ; ? : send bi lbe I u r. l)eer Iove of A affeetioas or all the...Throat,V , m Lunge: Li tf V, .. RASPBERRIES, r t bo? i bnCkefbf flower They U like ml .reliefr-nothi-ng bet nwrlig tIui 5,;ulilkir Inirtilt plufi fir' .ip . tuTfor v. The niteshaid menea kepo dark. gives immediate Mh v(nla. 1st uKivi lUti mJ GmIas. TUe dog fcull saenes 1 am ure rlair. "" P I"1 te; caa bo used. j jr ijWfj. i;.!.) mar-ried;tb-ey t l some New. Choice, as wallas - Ordinany, , s .V v I AUanthof, Honey Locust, 'Mulberry, - 3 VI;. a MEETINGS, JOHN EARDLEY. i The Gardeners Club. Jkold regular weekly meetings t their Club Ilall every ! ! Tuesday evening, the year toand. Any who desire, are at libel ty to atI have a choice collection of tend, free of charge. . Catalpas, ilee-orstln- . tr: fe . : ; -- .fc. Apple' Pear, Quince, Plnm, Apricot, the' older branded J. E. J. on the . hern Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, Aland moet all with a 6 Inh circle with (J) mond, - . ; : 'jfi''- & NERVE AND I RONS ' LUTiMEMT, of good .size for transplanting, to EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other Produee; consisting of l, I . t7 4 f? Humors; ... ; - . - CANKER .SYRUP, ;' For Canker,' Sore Mbuth,; or UleeroM v FRUIT AND ORNAMEXTAL . git'r - Fruit Trees that he ia a tittle rakish about haying time. Joiner and Cabinet Maker. St, George Josh Biltings says bo will never patronizo a will execute orders in his line wi'h else to colon as La can biro - Jijjf. jfV ' ltf - Wk f. nr. d. CROCKERY WARE, favors, in tho past, I wish to inform death as is that affection as, ..The only them,' ns well as the public generally strong i who affection. , pulmonary may need ?ray services, that I have j. i of just received from the New York labor The Promised Landaitcrsate sections -- 4 the Paeifie Railroad.' atones a good assortment, of Eelectio ' are Medicines. '' a ltf It is stated that 5,000 dirorccs year ' granted in Indiana. ,y': Era The only woman who never threatned JAMES CRAGUN.; to go and live with her mother. often,. V- : ,m ; ALSO 9s 5 .f. ' A CHOICE LOT OF POTTitBY. . A A.-?.- Storet-- r . ; :m - , A good size rnd best varieties; also orna- Keene an extensive, assortment of blanks.Famy mental Trees and Shrubberyj and other Goods. . . Blanks of any style printed to order on Tots, Confeetionerj. Booli plants. Medioinei Stationery qnd Yankee abort notice A ehoiee of HARDY GRAPES, which ho offers at tho lowest suoh as stand thi j northern olimate, and 0 mKISSOK, Fruit abundantly. Look in no charge for showins his WAGON. AND CARRIAGE MAKER B. F. JOHNSON. Cnriositiei. A block and a I alf south of the Pnbli Spring Lake Villa, Utah. Square, on Mein 8tret. Good timber am) work done well and with neatness and D despatch. Good clean Colten and Uatn Ktgs wtated Hie - 7 't&a - 1! mea ; fc.A ; -d- lintamiau ! ; Bailwiy Intelligeftca As a well known is 'at, preient 'out of luek' be may be looked upon is the light of a down Train ' True Indeed. He who would make a name In ' ' jn life, must hayo an aim life. ,r A CarcL A young friend of Jnds, who always plays at .whist late at . hie elub, calls' it 'going in for midnight Jloyl!, Cant tell. Do prise fighters' children infer firo ns fill hiccoughs (fisticuff)? r, Paris. Tim judgement, of : The Southern States they wonted ships, I will be prepared to supply tho Pub & G. HIGGINS. Yankee commerce to make trips, Gtisit with all sorts oi lie . 5 And Kortheraen a drubbing: the give : PKIVSfiCOMS IS ; The ' Northern States in aetion brought, Residence in the north part of the City, I J To malet the builder, and they sought : hr the middle of February, 1868. 1 ' For west of Clarks Tannery. two blocks ! damages, but got a snubbing ' r ' wifi take Corn, Wheat, Floor, Butter, Kerry young, and if circumstances require it . "While thanking my patrons for theii isYnowa V' I : , v' , t Tho Unereigned offers a superior article of oable-wonnd wire fastened a wholesale or Brooms, retail;, Grain received in and Produce payment. For eale at the Times Office Blank Deed, Bonds,' Mart gee, Deeds of trust, ' Poweresttorney Bills of sale. Subpoenas, Bngly Cwtomen-Beo- rs. tho streets, and many convenient and ustful business CbemicaL A chdniat, eTea ui Samor of the SnglishTapers. y BLANKS!! BLAMKS BLANKSI! f1 r..u; !. BROOMS! s, .. .' mam. as EYE SALVE. .7 3-l- m. fr m; - - ULACS, Snap-Dragon- 1 4 ROSES, . wm - 1 purchased of Mr. 8. M HAVING the undivided half of the Rancbe kojrn aa j Hamblin tc Blair, in Ranehe Viey, eit of Spring Valley, 1 olirit patnoege f Dixie stock growers. Being brought Op in Trx&i, I roach nc belter Ranehe abT on. owns or ever aaw north of Maoon A Dixons line, t WILLIAM MOOdY. SPIRE A 8, ; Stock tf STOCKS, VERBENAS, , DRUGS,. MEDIOIPS, PERFUMERY, PETUNIAS, &a.t tlie right kind of Medioines for the BLACKBERRY, JAPAN LILIES, People, tho .Climate, and the Diseases -' WALL FLOWERS, ' atbojoantry 7 Prescriptions put.pp jyith care, bj an Iris, Tuberoses, and many a also choice collection of Chinese oihers; cspericotied Druggist. ." lWo doors above' 8t. Georgo ITall. Chrysanthemums. J. E. JOHNSON.' 'rfj ii - 7.:- !:; ie, Whooping Cough, Pain in tno teeth or faee, ana n a Soothing UordLl for infante gtres immediate relief . , .. RANCHING! AVfi n few flowering shrubs, bulbs, and bedding plants for salt, tis.t r R0 D SALT LAKE CITT. FLOWERS! S IH - :: m... .T &--- J ; . i lil: ; 8ASGIOVAN2JI &.Co.; r . tjjj ?i M - ' : . v Utso. " 'C-- "s ?- . ACTyp STt (skOfctiS .i I .ESSENCE , OF LIFE, For Diarrhaa, - Cholera liorbut Obol " ' 2 v St' George Drug Sold at the' ',... : Hi- ,7,, '' yV- Q e ti i ' . D! I--N Back Charges Paid ' Ts ..' . 'rtV I t and Emigrants supplied in PEII ANNCM XX TeamaUrp $3.00 ; : C1UUGE8 RGi!i01IBlE I ' any quantity. : ' Erery-bod- y ibould take St I ! ! G ood st ablins and Kraals. , BEFEBTO iaaublSat- - : Nolof Volume192 will-b-the Timet OSoe STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD. BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY OF at urdav September ' NilEX TAKHN iMl TITIIPXti Of riCR, DEMVE;7.,;i';v;iV Wit, LAxa. should be addressed Correspondence ? ' OMAHA or. St. George, Jan. 15, X 68. Ilf ; A1 .. , m , ' i ;t NEW MEXICO, MONTANA 9 iProta, . : . . Co;;5 : ' tlU .Ti.lU.Piinti . .:udeAw' ai P.IP'CAGTUS V : ; vegetables soiuiisaiEo, DTCn; LEdito. - k ?; jCIlOP FEED, ; spplyobn Ktlis .1 . 'N nought iron fcorgum filers; ;,' itEClBVC and FOBVTAap .. . , , - ' TEBHISUS of .ihe ' B. P. y ' s ' ' from FEED, f H of E:y ERI GOODS ' GRAIN. joJ?SOK. J.T3 - Jf-- . 5 - ..J. I 7ME6EATH;&; ' iiijuacifcnrorScrip' i. 'j?.' :: " ..r- - .. JI J1 V ' -- Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relievo Dyspepsia, bri ck up Billions and other Fevers, step 4 Hesdsohe, drive away Flatuleney rad Loss of Appetite, help a. Bad CilJ..cure the Jaundiee,.a&d hj be 'he best family Pill in exit - - : 7 tepee. .7 : Sold at 6T. GEORGS DRUOBTOREU rn-OT- c -- f .n tiiwwam M |